- MDA Board of Directors Meeting Meeting Venue: Babson Executive Conference Center, One Executive Education Circle, Babson Park, MA 02457 Date: March 4, 2015 Time: 6:00 PM EST Presiding: Emily Stone Recording: Erin Wholey Present: Caitlin Meagher, Emily Stone, Maureen Kelly Gonsalves, Valerie Machinist, Jennifer Heinen, Rachel Reynolds, Cindy Crowninshield, Gisele LeBlanc, Sharon Chan, Diana Lantry, Mara Sansevero, Amy Branham, Alexandra Pitkin, Kelsey Massis, Mary Jane Rogalski, Kerri Hawkins, Abby Usen Berner, Mary Harrity, Cynthia Taft Bayerl, Sarah Conca, Stephanie Snell, Haley Hooks, Peggy Leung-Strle, Andrea Gulezian, Kristen Schreck, Erin Wholey, Emily Lotterhand, Chrissy Carroll, Katrina Stephanides , Andrea Gulezian, Melissa Page, Renee Reynolds, Julie Robarts, Lauren Brennan, Erica Stevens, Jessica Lane-quinquis Strategic Plan: VISION Optimize the health of Massachusetts residents through food and nutrition MISSION Empower MDA members to be Massachusetts food and nutrition experts and leaders VALUES Member-centered Accountability Innovation Social Responsibility Exceed members expectations, foster a sense of community, cohesion and connectedness Ensure organization is fiscally and socially responsible, organizationally aligned and adheres to the highest standard of integrity Embrace change with creativity and strategic thinking Make decisions with consideration for inclusivity as well as environmental, economic and social implications Goal 1: Members and prospective members view MDA as key to professional success Strategy 1: Provide and support a variety of innovative professional development opportunities for career success Strategy 2: Provide a range of leadership and volunteer opportunities to enhance knowledge and skills for success in practice, workplace and communities Strategy 3: Recruit, engage, and maintain a diverse member base Goal 2: The public looks to and chooses registered dietitians as leaders and experts in food and nutrition Strategy 1: Build upon and strengthen organizational identity Strategy 2: Empower members to enhance the visibility of registered dietitians to both the general public and other health professionals Strategy 3: Establish and strengthen strategic partnerships to further MDA and ADA initiatives Goal 3: Empower members to positively impact the health of Massachusetts residents Strategy 1: Impact food and nutrition policies and programs Strategy 2: Provide opportunities for members to participate in the legislative process Strategy 3: Establish and strengthen strategic partnership to further MDA and ADA initiatives Consent Agenda Items: Strategic Goal (1), Strategy (3): Name: Emily Stone Board Position: President Agenda Item: Member Count Background information: o The Member Count report is available on the Academy DMIS system. As of February 15, counts by membership type are as follows: Status Total Active 1700 Associate 1 Honorary 5 International 5 Life 3 Retired 70 Student 470 Total 2254 Strategic Goal (1), Strategy (3): Name: Katy Hartman and Katrina Stephanides Board Position: Membership Committee Co-Chairs Agenda Item: Committee Update Budget progress, as of 02/11/15 Starting Budget: $3,000 $3,000 - $375 (Field to Fork dinner) - $14 (Bar Louie meeting with SFS) - $134 (Committee Meeting at Zuma Tex Mex) - $130 (Trillium Brewery Event) - $55 (Spin and Brunch) - $72.27 (Ice Skating / Tatte Bakery) - $26.54 (Julep Bar) - $90 (Karma Yoga) - $630 (Cambridge School of Culinary Arts) $ 1,473 Current Balance Remaining expenses: Formaggio Kitchen 03/18, ‘Fed Up’ movie viewing on 03/19, Membership Committee May event. $875 left to use with education committee Upcoming events: Karma Yoga – 02/28 Formaggio Kitchen – 03/18 ‘Fed Up’ showing with Education Committee – 03/19 Cambridge School of Culinary Arts – 04/25 May event TBD (last event of the year) Strategic Goal (1), Strategy (1 & 2): Name: Kerri Hawkins Board Position: Director of Education Agenda Item: MDA becoming an Accredited Provider of CPEs from CDR Background information: o In the past MDA has not been an accredited provider for CDR, due mostly to the many “hoops” it has taken to get an even approved and due to the “new” learning plans from AND it was not necessary to have CDR approval for education event to count o MDA now see value in this accredited status and is starting the process to become CDR Accredited Provider for many reason such as: Supporting AND’s criteria for continuing educations, licensure approvals, support our local affiliates etc… o Clarification will need to be made for Licensure and this will be key in our messaging, NOT all CDR approved events will count for licensure. o The program must be, at minimum, an organized learning experience, at least fifty (50) minutes in length, and contribute to the licensee's professional competence in nutritional practice. Professional competence in nutritional practice means that the program must address the science of human nutrition. The program must enhance the licensee's knowledge of human nutrition. o o Programs that address marketing, management or other business or technical skills will not be accepted. It is the licensee's responsibility to maintain documentation that demonstrates that the program meets the Board's continuing education requirements. MDA will need to have 2 education events pre-approved by CDR prior to applying to the Accredited Provider Program- Chrissy Carroll will be heading the application, please let us know if you have any feedback, questions or concerns Strategic Goal (1), Strategy (1 & 2): Name: Kerri Hawkins Board Position: Director of Education Agenda Item: Education Events Coming Up Background information: o MDA has 2 education event planned o MDA/NEMDA co-sponsor a Movie Night with Panel Discussion for Nutrition Month o o o o o What: viewing of Fed Up with 30 minute panel discussion to follow Where: Hollywood Hits (7 Hutchinson Drive, Danvers, MA 01923) When: March 19th, 6:30-8:30 PM? Cost: $10 registration? MNT Night at Framingham State: Wednesday, April 29 from 5:30 – 8:30 PM. Strategic Goal (1), Strategy (1 & 2): Name: Kerri Hawkins Board Position: Director of Education Agenda Item: ANCE Speaker Committee Background information: o ANCE Speaker Committee did an amazing job and selected 7 speakers out of 55 speaker applications o Cost for speaker $7,250.00 o Please see DAG on MDA webpage for the listing of Speakers Strategic Goal (1), Strategy (2 & 3): Name: Sharon Chan, Diana Lantry Board Position: Volunteer Co-coordinators Agenda Item: Volunteer Co-Coordinators Update Background information: o Accomplishments to date: 1. Short messages for social media sent to Amanda Kirpitch 2. MDA Volunteer Coordinator Schedule Template developed 3. Brief social media messages following Volunteer messages schedule 4. BOD contacted for list of volunteers for volunteer database 5. Day on the Hill volunteer opportunities posted 6. Updated Volunteer Coordinator work plan o Goals: 1. Place forms/templates on thumb drive for next volunteer coordinators 2. Compose sample list of short messages to use in biweekly constant contact announcements for “This Week at MDA” 3. Continued work on Volunteer Recruitment Opportunities form Strategic Goal (1&2), Strategy (1&2): Name: Mara Sansevero Board Position: Director of Technology Agenda Item: Committee Update Budget progress, as of 2/15/15: o Budgeted Income $ 0.00 o YTD Income $ 0.00 o Budgeted Expenses $ 6,120.00 o YTD Expenses $ 235.00/month for website fees Work plan progress (since last board meeting): o Sent quarterly email re: website updates o Updated website per board member requests o Currently working on posting elections –to be up by March 1 o Several sub-committee conference calls to discuss progress Implementing WebEx for subcommittee meetings Discussing next steps for updating website and getting a new webmaster - plan to get a committee together to work on this Strategic Goal (1), Strategy (3): Name: Rachel Reynolds and Jennifer Heinen Board Position: Socials for Success Co-chairs Agenda Item: Committee Update Budget progress, as of 3/4/2015: o Budgeted Income $0 o YTD Income $0 o Budgeted Expenses $ 1450.00 o YTD Expenses $ 926.46 Work plan progress (since last board meeting): o Festive Holiday Cookie Decorating Party on 12/11/14 at a member’s home. Members felt this intimate event was conducive to conversation and networking with other members. o Trivia Night at Clarke’s at Faneuil Hall on 1/13/15 o Successful event at Taza Chocolate Factory Tour on 2/8/15 with over 15 attendees. The initial tour filled up quickly, so SFS offered a 2nd tour for all interested parties to attend. Members gathered at Atwood Tavern for appetizers and conversation afterwards. o Upcoming events: Vietnamese Cooking Class at the Cambridge Center for Adult Education on 3/29 Feed the Need 5K run on 4/4 Member networking event in June Strategic Goal (1,2,3), Strategy (All): Name: Kristen Schreck Board Position: Treasurer Agenda Items: Financial Reports ◼ Background information: MDA is is good financial standing with excellent reserves in the investment account and operating money in the Bank of America account. We are still track to meet this year’s budget, however, we are operating at a loss. o See the attached Profit & Loss statement and Current Assets report for details of MDA’s current financial status. o Please remember to submit your Financial Committee Updates for each meeting. It helps us track the work plan and budget to date. Strategic Goal (1,2,3), Strategy (All): Name: Kristen Schreck Board Position: Treasurer Agenda Items: Budget Process The Finance Committee is working on updating the work plan and budget document and instructions. Please note that all positions will now be asked to complete a work plan, even if they are not requesting funding, to help us keep on task for the year. More details to follow. The updated timeline for work plan submission is as follows: o 3/25/15: Work plans due to secretary o 4/6/15: Secretary deadline for sending compiled work plans to Finance Committee o 4/10/15: Area grant applications due o 4/30/15: Finance Committee meets to discuss work plans and approve budget In order to continue providing services at the current, MDA will need to minimize expenses and bring in more income. Please keep this in mind as you create your work plan and budget. Strategic Goal (1,2,3), Strategy (All): Name: Kristen Schreck Board Position: Treasurer Agenda Items: Reminder about Expenses Please remember that all expenses should be submitted with an itemized receipt (including restaurant and bar bills). Strategic Goal (1), Strategy (3): Name: Valerie Machinist Board Position: Director, Career Pathways and Awards Agenda Item: Committee Update Budget progress, as of [Insert date]: o Budgeted Income $0 o YTD Income $0 o Budgeted Expenses $ 300 o YTD Expenses $ 87.85 Work plan progress (since last board meeting): o The Career Pathways and Awards Committee had a conference call on 2/13/15 to discuss how we are doing mid-year and see what support everyone needed for the remainder of the year. We had productive discussions about mentoring, the awards process, SPRC and the Kids Eat Right campaign and MSDA and their remaining events for the year. o Regarding mentoring, Peggy has done an outstanding job bringing this to the forefront: 1. Mentoring flyer was distributed to MSDA listserv in January 2. Total of 7 Mentor-Mentee matches have been made as of Feb 15th and conversations have started 3. Currently working on creating an evaluation to be sent via survey monkey to all mentors/mentees in June 4. Board members should sign up to be mentors on MDA website - Update Member Profile o Samantha Weiss as the SPRC has been working on the Kids Eat Right campaign, which is a joint effort of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Foundation. If you have any questions, please contact Samantha Weiss at srweiss2@gmail.com. Strategic Goal (2), Strategy (2): Name: Emily Stone Board Position: President Agenda Item: Diet Orders Task Force Update Background information: Task force formed to determine how MDA can support members implementing 2014 CMS ruling enabling diet order writing privileges for hospital RDs. Gisele LeBlanc has done an outstanding job of leading this initiative and is planning a webinar for members. Sarah Conca has been working with the Massachusetts Medical Society (MMS). We have preliminary agreement that MMS will provide a statement of consent or support and we have been invited to their 4/2 meeting. Next step is to obtain similar support from the Massachusetts Hospitals Association (MHA). We are looking for a 'gold standard' hospital, in MA or elsewhere, that has already implemented this rule. If you have a suggestion, please email president@eatrightma.org. Strategic Goal (2), Strategy (2): Name: Emily Stone Board Position: President Agenda Item: MDA usage of RDN terminology Background information: At the last meeting, the BOD discussed if MDA should use RDN instead of RD in official MDA materials. Board members were in support of using both terms together as “RD or RDN”. It was proposed that the board will vote on this at the next meeting. After consideration that MDA’s policies do not include an overall style guide, board members are reminded that the Academy encourages usage of the term ‘RDN’ and encouraged to keep in mind when corresponding with people who aren’t familiar it may be worthwhile to explain the terminology for the next few years. Any questions, please email president@eatrightma.org. Motion to approve the consent agenda was seconded and approved by the majority. Discussion Items: Motion to approve the minutes from December 1, 2014 was seconded and approved by majority Strategic Goal (1), Strategy (2): Name: Amy Branham Board Position: Public Policy Coordinator Time Allotted: 10 minutes Agenda Item: Transition Document Background information: Background information: Most Board positions turn over each year. Transfer of knowledge from the existing person in the role to the new person helps the new person begin their role more efficiently Final version has been created after input from Public Policy Panel and Board Members. See attachment. Request for Guidance: Does the Board agree with the document as written? Request for Action: Vote on accepting the Transition Document for each position on the Board Decision to be made: Approve the Transition Document Vote Needed: Yes This is intended for Board positions but can be shared with area associations for their use as well. A motion was raised to approve the new policy with the following caveat: It will be put into action for one year and then evaluated and modified with the Board’s consent moving forward to meet everyone’s needs The motion was seconded and approved by the board. Strategic Goal (1), Strategy (2): Name: Emily Stone Board Position: President Time Allotted: 10 minutes Agenda Item: Comp Registration for event planners Background information: The Membership Co-Chairs have asked for policy to allow those who plan Membership events to receive complimentary registration to those events. They feel that ANCE Committee Members get free registration for ANCE, so Membership Co-Chairs should have same benefit. They propose that the cost to cover co-chairs for events come out of Membership budget, typically an additional $0-40 per event. Such a policy should probably apply to all committees, so a general policy has been drafted: o When a registration fee applies to an MDA event, complimentary registration will be provided for one event planner, as designated by a BOD member or committee chair affiliated with the planning of the event. The BOD member can approve an additional complimentary registration(s) as appropriate. All complimentary registrations are subject to budget availability. Request for Guidance: Do we feel this should be an organization-wide policy? Is there any feedback to the suggested policy? Vote Needed: No Board agrees that a policy is necessary but that the policy above should be modified. The board was not comfortable with the language stating that “complimentary registration will be provided for one event planner,” instead recommending that the Committee Chair should budget for a certain amount of money per year to be used for free event registration for those helping to plan events. This will be separate budget line and can be used at the Committee Chair’s discretion. This budget line will be approved by the Finance Committee, which approves all budgets, and will ensure that free event registrations do not impact our final budget because they’ll already be built in. Suggested language for the end of the policy: . “All complimentary registrations are subject to budget availability and to consent of the Committee Chair/Event Organizer.” Strategic Goal (1), Strategy (1-3): Name: Emily Stone Board Position: President Time Allotted: 10 minutes Agenda Item: Membership Survey Background information: The last MDA member survey was conducted in 2011. Katy Hartman has spearheaded the drafting of a 2015 survey to re-evaluate the needs of our membership and areas for improvement. Request for Guidance: Review draft survey (will be sent in separate email) prior to meeting and come to the meeting ready to provide feedback and suggestions for edits. Vote Needed: No Recommendations from Board: -Make #7 “What are some reasons you do or do not attend MDA events?” two different questions so that we know what they are responding to -For #5 and #6 in the Public Policy section add “check all that apply” -We should give people an idea of how long it will take to complete the survey -We should offer a prize (maybe a $25 gift card) to one randomly selected person that completes the survey -Is there a format where we could enter the email address at the very end in a separate window? -Some wondering whether the reimbursement section should be integrated into the public policy section since they’re related -NEMDA had a survey where they had participants rank sources for information (LinkedIn, Facebook, Email, etc). Will plan to send to Katy. -While we’d like to keep the survey overall confidential to get more honest results, we’ll want to still request personal information for the reimbursement section. Perhaps we could add language to email Amy Rose directly if someone is concerned about having their name linked to their survey responses. Send further feedback to Emily and Katy Hartman by Friday 3/6. Strategic Goal (2), Strategy (1): Name: Emily Stone Board Position: President Time Allotted: 10 minutes Agenda Item: MDA Website Background information: o MDA has had its current website for ~8 years. Our website host and developer has indicated that this almost doubles the average life expectancy of a website and that the website is out of date. o o Web site updates in general are costly and slow. A BOD survey last year revealed multiple unmet needs and opportunities for improvement with the website. We are putting together a committee to work on defining the needs of the organization and to explore approaches for a new website within a year. Request for Guidance: We are seeking feedback on plan to move forward with defining requirements for a new site and budgeting for this. Request for Action: If anyone is particularly interested in being involved or has suggestions, please email president@eatrightma.org. Vote Needed: No Currently no platforms are being provided by AND. Although, that was discussed several years ago. They’re rolling out a new website now, and thus far haven’t included anything for the affiliates. Expenses reflect web fees and some upgrades over the years. Upgrades cost more right now because we have an old platform. If we were to spend more money up front to develop an updated website on a new platform we’d probably spend less on updates and have the things we wanted already built into the website. Recommendation that we get membership feedback through a survey, rather than just getting feedback from the Board. What would pull them in and entice them to get more active in MDA? Mara did some research on what other state affiliates have done. Cost for starting new website depends on the features you want $5,000-$15,000 based on feedback from 810 other affiliates. We should probably re-evaluate the website every 3-5 years to make sure we stay on top of it since it’s a critical part of so much that we do. Strategic Goal (2), Strategy (1-3): Name: Emily Stone Board Position: President Time Allotted: 10 minutes Agenda Item: Academy name change Background information: On January 1, 2012, ADA changed their name to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. At the Dec 2011 BOD meeting, MDA’s BOD discussed whether to change MDA’s name to be aligned with the Academy’s. The BOD deferred the decision to a later date. Notes from that discussion are below: o We may want to wait and see how the ADA name change rolls out before making the change to MA Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. If we decided to change our name to match it will have a financial impact on MDA. It may be worthwhile to seek financial support from ADA to assist us in the event of a name change. …. We’ll need a style guide from ADA if this does move forward…. Table this until next January 2013 The Academy is not mandating affiliates to change their name to reflect the change. Currently, 38 of the 53 Academy affiliates have changed their name to use the "...Academy of..." language. Request for Guidance: Now that several years have passed, do we feel any differently about the relative costs vs. benefits of the name change? Decision to be made: None Vote Needed: No Suggestion made that if we are an affiliate and representing their views, it would be to our advantage to align our name with theirs. If we do decide to update the website, the timing makes sense. One recommendation that budget should go towards updating the website than the logo to reflect a name change. It may be that we can attach a new logo design to the website re-design. Other states have renamed putting the state name first: Massachusetts Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics (MAND) Should consider that FNCE will be in Boston 2016 and make a change before that time. May need to get a lawyer involved in changing our name and can find out from other affiliates that changed their names what the cost was. We should add something to the member survey to see what they think and/or give them insight that change may be coming. Can discuss further once we have feedback from members. Other Business 1. New Business: Cynthia Bayerl provided an update on the HOD mega-issue of malnutrition 1. Requesting feedback from RD’s that see malnutrition in their area of practice 2. Feedback on AND’s corporate sponsorship is being requested by April 17th. Email Cynthia with feedback/suggestions. Volunteer Committee Update: Please fill out the survey that was emailed a couple weeks ago with volunteers, information and their job on the committee so that a thank you can be posted to MDA’s website. Will plan to resend the survey to the Board. MDA Day on the Hill is on March 16th at the State House. Please plan to arrive by 11:00 for the event. Recipes from the Greater Boston Food Bank and other local food banks will be featured. The theme is healthy, affordable food for all. 2. Other Business: a. Work Plan and Annual Budget Planning: The remainder of this meeting will be dedicated for planning for the 2015-2016 year. Please bring a copy of your current work plan and budget with you or plan to bring a laptop to work on this project. b. Area Association Meetings: Individual Meetings with Area Association representatives and the President, President-Elect, Liaison to COP and Area Associations, and Liaison-Elect to COP and Area Associations will take place after discussion items complete. 3. Next meeting: Date/Time: Thursday, June 4, 2015 (Crossover Meeting – all current and newly elected or appointed BOD members will be invited) / 5:30 p.m. dinner, 6:00 meeting Location: Papa Razzi 16 Washington Street Wellesley, MA 02181