litmed syllabus - Public Health and Social Justice

Martin T. Donohoe, MD
The Dr. Patient Relationship
Physician Mistakes/Frustrations/Failures
Pregnancy, Childbirth, Abortion
VII. Adolescence
VIII. Sexuality
The Family
Impaired Physicians/Physician Fraud
XIII. Race/Racism
XIV. Culture & Religion
XV. Occupational & Environmental Medicine
XVI. Mental Illness
XVII. Alcoholism/Tobacco/Substance abuse
XVIII. Humor
XIX. Poverty
XX. Homelessness
XXI. Access to Care/Health Policy
XXII. International Health
XXIII. Child Abuse
XXIV. Domestic Violence/Rape/Prostitution/Sexual Harassment
XXV. Violence/Firearms
XXVII. Nuclear War
Human Subject Experimentation
XXIX. Military Physicians
XXX. Torture/Human Rights Abuses/Refugees
XXXI. Literature & Medicine/Medical Humanities
XXXII. Art & Medicine
History of Medicine
XXXIV. Ethics
Literature, Medicine, and Public Health Readings
I. Suffering/Disease
“Pain.” Polly Harding Craft, MD. The Pharos, Summer 2000, p. 63.
Updike J. From the journal of a leper. Am J Dermatopathol 1982;4(2):137-42.
“The Woman Who Could Not Live With Her Faulty Heart.” Margaret Atwood.
“Dreaming, I Can Dance.” Georgia L. McMurray.
Sanatorium. W. Somerset Maugham.
Oncogene. Floyd Sklott. JAMA 1998;279:488.
“The Mystery of Pain.” Emily Dickinson.
“Peau D’Orange.” Marcia Lynch.
Misery. Anton Chekhov.
The Diving Bell and the Butterfly. JD Bauby.
from The House of God. Samuel Shem.
from Nobel Prize acceptance speech. Mother Teresa.
“Devotions upon Emergent Occasions.” John Donne.
“Emigration” Tony Hoagland, b. 1953.
“Visiting Hours Are Over” Chana Bloch, b, 1940.
Coulehan J. The man with stars inside. Ann Intern Med. 1997;126:799.
Meckler G. Ephebe. JGIM 1997;12L307.
Dyer E. Black Lung. JAMA 1997;277:1420.
Aurelius M. “In Every Pain.” From The Meditations. Ann Int Med 1998;128:276.
Sanchez-Menegay C, Stadler H. Do physicians take into account their patients’ expectations? J Gen Int
Med 1994;9:404-6.
Bernabei R, Gambassi G, Lapane K, et al. Management of pain in elderly patients with cancer. JAMA
Kravitz RRL, Cope DW, Bhrany V. et al. Internal medicine patients’ expectations for care during office
visits. J Gen Int Med 1994;9:75-81.
Campbell ML. Breaking bad news to patients. JAMA/Pulse 1994;271(13):1052.
“I saw myself in a mirror...” Robert, age 17.
“What if...” Helen Keller.
“Disease often tells...” William Trotter.
Weinberg RB. The laying on of hands. Ann Int Med 1992;117(1):83-4.
Lederman MM. AIDS and the conundrum of Job. Am J Med 1992;92:679-70.
Newacheck PW, Halfon N. Prevalence and impact of disabling chronic conditions in childhood. Am J
Publ Hlth 1998;88:610-18.
Bernabei R, Gambassi G, Lapane K, et al. Management of pain in elderly patients with cancer. JAMA
Redelmeier DA, Tan SH, Booth GL. The treatment of unrelated disorders in patients with chronic
medical diseases. N Engl J Med 1998;338:1516-20.
Woloshin S, Schwartz LM, Tosteson ANA, et al. Perceived adequacy of tangible social support and
health outcomes in patients with coronary artery disease. J Gen Intern Med 1997;12:613-18.
Holroyd S. Attitudes of older adults on being told the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease. J Am Geriatrics
Soc 1996; 44(4):400-3.
Martin T. Donohoe, MD
Dillard A. The wreck of time. Harper’s Magazine, January 1998:51-6.
Orentlicher D. Advance medical directives. JAMA 1990;263(17):2365-7.
Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs, AMA. Guidelines for the appropriate use of Do-NotResuscitate Orders. JAMA 1991;265(14):1868-71.
Murphy DJ, Burrows D, Santilli S et al. The influence of the probability of survival on patients’
preferences regarding cardiopulmonary resuscitation. N Engl J Med 1994;330:545-9.
Eisenberg DE. Advising patients who seek alternative medical therapies. Ann Int Med 1997;127:61-9.
Seckler AB, Meier DE, Mulvihill M et al. Substituted judgment: how accurate are proxy predictions?
Ann Int Med 1991;115(2):92-8.
Sehgal A, Galbraith A, Chesney M et al. How strictly do dialysis patients want their advance directives
followed? JAMA 1992;267(1):59-63.
Danis M, Garrett J, Harris R et al. Stability of choices about life-sustaining treatments. Ann Int Med
Suhl J, Simons P, Reedy T et al. Myth of substituted judgment. Arch Int Med 1994;154:90-6.
Wachter RM, Luce JM, Hearst N et al. Decisions about resuscitation: inequities among patients with
different diseases but similar prognoses. Ann Int Med 1989;111:525-32.
Staff. Chiropractors. Consumer Reports 1994 (June):383-90.
Singer PA, Choudhry S, Armstrong J, Meslin EM, Lowy FH. Public opinion regarding end-of-life
decisions: influence of prognosis, practice and process. Soc Sci Med 1995;41:1517-21.
Emanuel LL, Emanuel EJ, Stoeckle JD, Hummel LR, Barry MJ. Advance directives: stability of
patients’ treatment choices. Arch Int Med 1994;154:209-17.
Rhymes J. Hospice care in America. JAMA 1995;264:369-72.
Harrison J, Maguire P, Pitceathly C. Confiding in crisis: gender differences in pattern of confiding
among cancer patients. Soc Sci Med 1995;41:1255-60.
Habeeb GE, Gearhart JG. Common patient symptoms: patterns of self-treatment and prevention.
JMSMA 1993 (June):179-81.
O’Brien LA, Grisso JA, Maislin G, LaPann K, et. al. Nursing home residents’ preferences for lifesustaining treatments. JAMA 1995;274:1775-9.
Phillips RS, Wenger NS, Teno J, et. al. Choices of seriously ill patients about cardiopulmonary
resuscitation: correlates and outcomes. Am J Med 1996;100:128-37.
Hillier TA, et. al. Physicians as patients: choices regarding their own resuscitation. Arch Int Med
Gurley RJ, Lum N, Sande M, Lo B, Katz MH. Persons found in their homes helpless or dead. N Engl J
Med 1996;334:1710-6.
Hakim RB, Teno JM, Harrell FE, et. al. Factors associated with do-not-resuscitate orders: patients’
preferences, prognoses, and physicians’ judgements. Ann Int Med 1996;125:284-93.
Danis M, Patrci DL, Southerland LI, Green ML. Patients’ and families’ preferences for medical
intensive care. JAMA 1988;260:797-802.
Yoshimoto B. Kitchen.
Moyer FS. Pastoral care in the hospital. J Pastoral Care 1989:XLIII(2):171-83.
Gureje O, Von Korff M, Simon GE, Gater R. Persistent Pain and Wll-being: A World Health
Organization Study in Primary Care. JAMA 1998;280(2):147-51.
Jacobson N. The socially constructed breast: breast implants and the medical construction of need. AM
J Publ Hlth 1998;88(8):1254-1261.
Eisenberg DM, Kessler RC, Foster C et al. Unconventional medicine in the United States: prevalence,
costs, and patterns of use. N Engl J Med 1993;328:246-52.
Matthews DA, McCullough ME, Larson DB, Koenig HG, Swyers JP, Milano MG. Religious
commitment and health status: a review of the research and implications for family medicine. Arch
Fam Med 1998;7:118-24.
Eisenberg DM, Davis RB, Ettner SL, et al. Trends in alternaive medicine use in the United States,
1990-1997: results of a follow-up national survey.
Handler E. Conscription. From Time on Fire: My Comedy of Terrors. (New York: Henry Holt & Co.,
Ritholz MD, Jacobson AM. Living with hypoglycemia. J Gen intern med 1998;13:799-804.
Linder JF, Meyers FJ. Angela’s visitor. J Gen Intern Med 1998;13:856-7.
Druss BG, Rosenheck RA. Association between use of unconventional therpaies and conventional
medical services. JAMA 1999;282(7):651-656.
Ross SE. “Memes” as infectious agents in psychosomatic illness. Annals of Intern Med
Wolfe T. A Man in Full. New York: Farrar Straus & Giroux; 1998:618-31.
Critser G. Let Them Eat Fat. The heavy truths about American obesity. Essay. Harper’s Magazine,
March 2000, p. 41-47.
“Memes” as Infectious Agents in Psychosomatic Illness. Am College Phys – Soc Int Med, 1999. p.
Astin JA, Harkness E, Ernst E. The Efficacy of “Distant Healing”: A Systematic Review of
Randomized Trials. Ann Intern Med, June 6, 2000;132:903-910.
Young RK. A golden rule: Remember the Gift. JAMA, Aug 8, 2001;28(6):648-50.
Davidson, A. Working stiffs, The necessary parasites of capitalism. Harper’s Magazine, August
II. The Doctor-Patient Relationship
The Practice. William Carlos Williams.
Leech Leech, et Cetera. Lewis Thomas.
Invasions. Perri Klass.
The Use of Force. William Carlos Williams.
Brute. Richard Selzer.
“Turn back now...” Oliver St. John Gogarty.
Cold Reading: How to Convince Strangers that you Know All About Them. The Outer Edge.
Berger J, Mohr J. A Fortunate Man.
Do we still need doctors? J. Lantos.
The Time of the Three Dynasties: Reflections on Imbalance in the Practice of Medicine. L Hergott.
Ann Int Med 1998;128:149-151.
The Skin. Alice Jones. Ann Int Med 1997; 126:982.
Prophets and losses. Stephen Glass. Harper’s, Feb. 1998.
from Of Human Bondage. W. Somerset Maugham.
Grubb BP. Awakening. Ann Intern Med 1997;127:331-32.
Jung C. Modern Man in Search of a Soul. Ann Intern Med 1998;128:175.
LaCombe MA. Caring for Strangers. Ann Intern Med 1997;127:329-30
Annas GJ. A national bill of patients’ rights. N Engl J Med 1998;338:695-699.
Lopez PG. The Letters of Pliny. Ann Int Med 1997;127:158.
Kornrich WJ. An old horse. JAMA 1989;262:2902.
Martin T. Donohoe, MD
Sampliner, RE. Curiosity. Annals of Internal Medicine 1999;130(1):67-69.
Brody H. Gag rules and trade secrets in managed care contracts. Arch Intern Med 1997;157:2037-2043.
Christakis DA, Feudtner C. The ethical consequences of transient social relationships in medical
training. JAMA 1997;278:739-743.
Eisner JD. Blood brothers. JGIM 1997;(Oct.):559-60.
Grassi M. The gift. JAMA 1996;276:854.
from A Fortunate Man. John Berger, as quoted in Ann Int Med 1995;122:253.
Coulehan J. “The old leukemic is in a coma.” Ann Int Med 1995;123:806.
Lacombe MA. An innocent tale. Am J Med 1989;87:669-70.
Peabody FW. The care of the patient. JAMA 1927;88:877-82.
LaCombe MA. Living the patient’s story. Ann Int Med 1990;113:890-1.
from The Precepts. Hippocrates.
Aequanimitas. Sir William Osler.
Anon. It’s over, Debbie. JAMA 1988;259(2):272.
from The Art of Medicine. Sir Robert Hutchinson.
Curry BH. Tribute. Ann Int Med 1993;119:86.
from The Vocation of Medicine. Thomas Sydenham.
Hussain SA. A parting gift. JAMA 1990;263:1254.
Bloche MG, Clinical Loyalties and the Social Purposes of Medicine. JAMA 1999;281(3):268-274.
Marvel MK, Epstein RM, Flowers K, Beckman HB. Soliciting the Patient’s Agenda. JAMA
Redelmeier DA, Rozin P, Kahneman D. Understanding patients’ decisions: cognitive and emotional
perspectives. JAMA 1993;270:72-6.
Meyer GS. Occupational infection in health care. Arch Intern Med 1993;153:2439-47.
Smith S. The Caregiver-Poet. Ann Int Med 1998;128:788-90.
Opposition to law officers having unfettered access to medical records. JAMA 1998;279:257-260.
Nattinger AB, Hoffmann RG, Howell-Pelz A, Goodwin JS. Effect of Nancy Reagan’s mastectomy on
choice of surgery for breast cancer by US women. JAMA 1998:279:762-766.
Raj R. Crossing over. JAMA 1997;278:1721.
Verrees M. Secondary survey. JAMA 1997;278:1047.
Braddock CH, Fihn SD, Levinson W, et. al. How doctors and patients discuss routine clinical
decisions. J Gen Intern Med 1997;12:339-45.
Ford CA, Millstein SG, Halpern-Felsher BL, et. al. Influence of physician confidentiality assurances on
adolescents’ willingness to disclose information and seek future health care. JAMA
Schneider M, Phillips SP. A qualitative study of sexual harassment of female doctors by patients. Soc
Sci Med 1997;45:669-76.
Culver JD, Gerr F, Frumkin H. Medical information on the internet. J Gen Intern Med 1997;12:466-70.
Rosa L, Rosa E, Sarner L, Barrett S. A close look at therapeutic touch. JAMA 1998;279:1005-10.
Novack DH, Suchman AL, Clark W, et. al. Calibrating the physician. JAMA 1997;278:502-09.
Tereskerz PM, Jagger J. Occupationally Acquired HIV: The vulnerability of health care workers under
workers’ compensation laws. Am J of Public Health 1997;87:1558-62.
Diem SJ. How and when should physicians discuss clinical decisions with patients? J Gen Int Med
Fox ERW. Credo: ten commandments of medical practice. Patient and physician 1984;May:39-40.
Applebaum PS, Jorgenson LM, Sutherland PK. Sexual relationships between physicians and patients.
Arch Int Med 1994;154:2561-5.
Keeney RL. Decisions about life-threatening risks. N Engl J Med 1994;331:193-6.
Spiro H. What is empathy and can it be taught? Ann Int Med 1992;116:843-6.
from Romano J. On those from whom we learn. California Med 1972;117(4)72-5.
Gabbard GO, Nadelson C. Professional boundaries in the physician-patient relationship. JAMA
Crawshaw R, Rogers DE, Pellegrino ED, et. al. Patient-physician covenant. JAMA 1995; 273:1553.
Marzuk PM. When the patient is a physician. N Engl J Med 1987;317:1409-11.
Donohoe MT. Perspectives of physician-authors Lewis Thomas and Samuel Shem on the art of
medicine and the training of doctors. Am Med Writers Assn J 1988;3(4):2-7.
Lehrman S. Bottom line healing. San Francisco Chronicle 1995 (May 21):A-1, A-10.
Stoller EP, Pollow R, Forster LE. Older people’s recommendations for treating symptoms: repertoires
of lay knowledge about disease. Med Care 1994;32:847-62.
Gallagher TH, Lo B, Chesney M et al. How do physicians respond to patients’ request for costly,
unindicated services? J Gen Intern Med 1997;12:663-668.
Jarvis WT. Quackery: a national scandal. Clin Chem 1992;38(8):1574-86.
Eisenberg L. Medicine - molecular, monetary, or more than both? JAMA 1995;274:331-4.
Levinson W, Roter D. Physicians’ psychosocial beliefs correlate with their patient communication
skills. J Gen Int Med 1995;10:375-9.
Shelton DL. Insurers can access medical, court records. American Medical News 1995 (Dec4):14.
Ubel PA, et. al. Elevator talk: observational study of inappropriate comments in a public place. Am J
Med 1995;99:190-4.
Laine C, Davidoff F. Patient-centered medicine: a professional evolution. JAMA 1996;275:152-6.
Lipkin M, Quill TE, Napodano RJ. The medical interview: a core curriculum for residencies in internal
medicine. Ann Int Med 1984;100:277-84.
Woolhandler S, Himmelstein DU. Extreme risk - the new corporate proposition for physicians. N Engl
J Med 1993;333:1706-8.
Bailey JE. Asklepios: ancient hero of medical caring. Ann Int Med 1996;124:257-63.
Gross C, Reisman AB, Schwartz MD. The internist as ambivalent Samaritan: attitudes toward
providing aid in medical emergencies outside the hospital. J Gen Int Med 1996;4(Suppl):115
Hahn SR, Kroenke K, Spitzer RL, et. al. The difficult patient: prevalence, psychopathology, and
functional impairment. J Gen Int Med 1996;11:1-8.
Pilpel D. Hospitalized patients’ satisfaction with caregivers’ conduct and physical surroundings. J Gen
Int Med 1996;11:312-14.
Diekema DJ, Albanese MA, Schuldt SS, Doebbeling BN. Blood and body fluid exposures during
clinical training: relation to knowledge of universal precautions. J Gen Int Med 1996;11:109-11.
Gostin LO, Lazzarini Z, Neslund VS, Osterholm MT. The public health information infrastructure: a
national review of the law on health information privacy. JAMA 1996;275:1921-7.
Chiodo GT, Tolle SW. An analysis of the ethics of health care providers with HIV. Gen Dentistry
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Bowman M, Gross ML. “Overview of research on women in medicine: issues for public policymakers,”
from Rothstein (1995).
Martin T. Donohoe, MD
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the United States,” from Rothstein (1995).
Schwarz RH. The physician and the social contract. Obstet Gynecol 1992;79:1-4.
Kroenke K, Price R. Symptoms in the community. Arch Intern Med. 1993;153:2474-2480.
Martensen RL. Physician advertising. JAMA 1995;272:1623.
Sorum PC. Compensating physicians for telephone calls. JAMA 1994;272:1949-50.
Nathan RG et al. Patient interest in receiving audiotapes of information presented by their physicians: a
survey of patients awaiting treatment in university and private college. Arch Fam Med
“The Consultation.” Richard Selzer.
Donohoe MT. Comparing generalist and specialty care: discrepancies, deficiencies, and excesses. Arch
Int Med 1998;158:1596-1608.
Gross CP, Reisman AB, Schwartz MD. The physician as ambivalent Samaritan: Will internists
resuscitate victims of out-of-hospital emergencies? J Gen intern Med 1998;13:491-494.
Durso SC. The Season’s End. Ann Intern Med 1998;129(8):658-60.
Deftos LJ. The evolving duty to disclose the presence of genetic disease to relatives. Acad Med
Mitka M. Getting religion seen as help in being well. JAMA 1998;280(22):1896-7.
Lyckhom LJ. Should physicians accept gifts from patients? JAMA 1998;280(22):1944-1946.
Connelly JE, Campbell C. Patients Who Refuse Treatment in Medical Offices. Arch Int Med
Clarke WL, Cox DJ, et al. Hypoglycemia and the decision to drive a motort vehicle by persons with
diabetes. JAMA 1999;282(8):750-54.
Feldman MD, Zhang J, Cummings SR. Chinese and U.S. internists adhere to different ethical standards.
JGIM 1999;14:469-73.
Gawande A. Whose body is it, anyway? The New Yorker 1999:84-91.
Annas GJ. The last resort – the use of physical restraints in medical emergencies. N Engl J Med
Yacht AC. Collective bargaining is the right step. N Engl J Med 2000;342(6):429-31.
Cohen JJ. White coats should not have union labels. N Engl J Med 2000;342(6):431-34.
Goldfield N. Civil Disobedience:A Necessary Tool To Achieve Universal Healthcare and Fulfill the
Universal Declaration of Human Rights? PNHP Newsletter March 2000:17-22.
Benson JA. The burdens of professionalism. Patients’ rights and social justice. The Pharos/Winter
Wynia MK, Cummins DS, VanGeest JB, Wilson IB. Physician Manipulation of Reimbursement Rules
for Patients – Between a Rock and a Hard Place. JAMA, April 12, 2000; 283(14):1858-1865.
Bloche MG. Fidelity and Deceit at the Bedside. JAMA, April 12, 2000; 283(14):1881-1884.
Young RK (Assoc. Editor). Blood Lines (A Piece of My Mind). JAMA, June 21, 2000;283(23):30433044.
Allukian M. The Neglected Epidemic and the Surgeon General’s Report: A Call to Action for Better
Oral Health. Am J Pub Health, June 2000;90(6):843-845.
Pearson SD. Caring and Cost: The Challenge for Physician Advocacy. Ann Int Med, July 18,
Levinson W, Gorawara-Bhat R, Lamb J. A Study of Patient Clues and Physician Responses in Primary
Care and Surgical Settings. JAMA, August 23/30,2000; 284(8):1021-1027.
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Cohen JR. Apology and Organizations: Exploring an Example from Medical Practice. Social Science
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Holmboe ES, Fiellin DA, et al. Perceptions of Benefit and Risk of Patients Undergoing First-time
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Akhmatova A. If All Who Have Begged Help. In: Selected Poems, translated by Thomas DM, New
York, NY:Penguin Books; 1989.
Wynia MK, Coughlin SS, Alpert S, Cummins DS, Emanuel LL. Shared Expectations for Protection of
Identifiable Health Care Information. J Gen Intern Med 2001;16:100-111.
Rischitelli, DG. The confidentiality of medical information in the workplace. JOEM;37(5):583593.
III. Stigmatization/Disabilities
Philoktetes. Sophocles.
The Elephant Man. Bernard Pomerance.
The Metamorphosis. Franz Kafka.
Last EC. For Corrie. Ann Int Med 1996;124:271-2.
Kingsley EP. Welcome to Holland.
McCarthy GM, Koval JJ, MacDonald JK. Factors Associated With Refusal to Treat HIV-Infected
Patients: The Results of a National Survey of Dentists in Canada. April 1999;89(4):541-45.
Lawrence OG, Chai F, Webber DW. Disability Discrimination in America:HIV/AIDS and Other Health
Conditions. JAMA Feb 24,1999;281(8):745-52.
Hintz RL, Attie KM, Baptista J, Roche A. Effect of Growth Hormone Treatment on Adult Height of
Children with Idiopathic Short Stature. N Engl J Med Feb 18,199;340(7):502-507.
Oberfield S. Growth Hormone Use in Normal, Short Children-A Plea for Reason. N Engl J Med Feb.
Willms JL. Alienation and imagination: the literature of exclusion. Ann Int Med 1997;126:923-26.
Hammerman C, Kornbluth E, Lavie O, et al. Decision-making in the critically ill neonate: cultural
background vs individual life experiences. J of Med Ethics 1997;23: 164-9.
Weiss BD, Coyne C. Communicating with patients who cannot read. N Engl J Med 1997;337:272-74.
Penninx BW, Guralnik JM, Ferrucci L, et al. Depressive symptoms and physical decline in communitydwelling older persons. JAMA 1998;279:1720-26.
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willingness to treat HIV-infected patients. J Gen Int Med 1992;7:657-64.
Messinger-Rapport BJ, Rapport D. Primary care for the developmentally disabled adult. J Gen Int Med
Gostin LO, Ward JW, Baker AC. National HIV case reporting for the United States. N Engl J Med
Shelley GA, Howard RJ. A national survey of surgeons’ attitudes about patients with human
immunodeficiency virus infections and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. Arch Surg
Martensen RL, Jones DS. Medicine, mortality and congenital anomalies. JAMA 1997;78:2191-2.
Weiss BD. Coyne C. Communicating with patients who cannot read. N Engl J Med 1997;337:272-73.
Colfax GN, Bindman AB. Health benefits and risks of reporting HIV-infected individuals by name. Am
J Publ Hlth 1998;88:876-879.
Wormser GP, Joline C. Would you eat cookies prepared by an AIDS patient? Postgrad Med
Martin T. Donohoe, MD
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J Med 1987;317:162-5.
Ginsburg IH, Link BG. Psychosocial consequences of rejection and stigma feelings in psoriasis
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Fairchild AL, Tynan EA. Policies of containment: immigration in the era of AIDS. Am J Publ Hlth
Marks G, Mason HRC, Simoni JM. The prevalence of patient disclosure of HIV infection to doctors
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Mariner WK. AIDS phobia, public health warnings, and lawsuits: deterring harm or rewarding
ignorance? Am J Publ Hlth 1995;85:1562-8.
Levin BW, Krantz DH, Driscoll JM, Fleischman AR. The treatment of non-HIV-related conditions in
newborns at risk for HIV: a survey of neonatologists. Am J Public Health 1995;85:1507-13.
Cook DJ, Griffith LE, Cohen M, Guyatt GH, O’Brien B. Discrimination and abuse experienced by
general internists in Canada. J Gen Int Med1995;10:565-72.
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Cuttler L, Silvers JB, Singh J, et. al. Short stature and growth hormone therapy: a national study of
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Jha AK, Kuperman GJ, Rittenberg E, Bates DW. Gender and Utilization of Ancillary Services. J Gen
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Iezzoni, LI. What Should I Say? Communication around Disability. Ann Intern Med 1998;129:661-5.
Kalb C. Our Quest to be perfect. Newsweek Aug. 1999:52-9.
Osmond DH, Bindman AB, Vranizan K, et al. Name-based surveillance and public health interventions
for persons with HIV infection. Annals of Intern Med 1999;131(10):775-79.
Fergusson DM. Archives of general psychiatry: Is sexual orientation related to mental health problems
and suicidality in young people? – Abstract. JAMA 2000;283(2):183.
Carpenter KM, Hasin DS, et al. Relationships between obestity and DSM-IV major depressive disorder,
suicide ideation, and suicide attempts: result from a general population study. Am J Publ Hlth
Wee CC, McCarthy EP, Davis RB, Phillips RS. Screening for Cervical and Breast Cancer: Is Obesity
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Bray GA, Macdiarmid J. The epidemic of obesity – a chronic disease that governments worldwide
must take seriously. WJM, February 2000;172:78-79.
Osmond DH, Bindman AB, Vranizan K, Lehman JS, Hecht FM, Keane D, Reingold A. Name-Based
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Fergusson DM et al. Is Sexual Orientation Related to Mental Health Problems and Suicidality in
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Zierler S, Cunningham WE, Andersen R, Shapiro MF, bozzette SA, Nakazono T, Morton S, Crystal S,
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Sample of Adult Patients in Primary Care. Am J Public Health, February 2000;90(2):208-215.
Russell M. The Political Economy of Disablement. dollars and sense. September/October 2000:1316,48-49.
Goston LO. A Proposed National Policy on Health Care Workers Living With HIV/AIDS and Other
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Heck KE, Makuc DM. Parental Employment and Health Insurance Coverage Among School-Aged
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Dewa CS, Lin E. Chronic physical illness, psychiatric disorder and disability in the workplace. Social
Science & Medicine 51 (2000):41-50.
Ehrenreich, B. Welcome to cancerland: A mammogram leads to a cult of pink kitsch. Harper’s
Magazine. November 2001:43-53.
IV. Death
The Death of Ivan Ilych. Leo Tolstoy.
To Hell with Dying. Alice Walker.
“Death”. John Stone.
“On Death”. Kahlil Gibran.
“Death”. William Carlos WIlliams.
“Death be not proud.” John Donne.
“After Dark Vapours.” John Keats.
“Autopsy in the form of an elegy.” John Stone.
from “The order for the burial of a child.” Revelation 7.
from The Brothers Karamazov. Fyodor Dostoevsky.
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