Bachelor of Science Degree in Native Environmental

Prepared for ________________________________ (student) by ___________________________ (advisor) on ____________ (date)
Bachelor of Science Degree in Native Environmental Science—Degree Requirements Worksheet—ICO
This program of study is intended to meet the critical need for effective Native American leaders and environmental scientists who are rooted in their
culture. This program will emphasize and explore the interrelatedness of Native ways of knowing, traditional ecological knowledge and Western
science. Prominent aspects of the program include hands-on learning and the involvement of students in community service, research and
internships. The program will prepare graduates to work within tribal communities in support of environmental stewardship, conservation and
revitalization. This program was designed with considerable input from Pacific Northwest Tribal elders, leaders, environmental managers, educators
and students. Students may choose between the Environmental Science Option and the Interdisciplinary Concentration Option. Students must
complete at least 60 credits at the 300-499 level.
Interdisciplinary Concentration Option (ICO): The Interdisciplinary Concentration Option allows students flexibility in designing a program that
meets their own academic, professional, and personal goals within the framework of the Native Environmental Science degree. Students design a
concentration under the guidance of a concentration committee. The Native Environmental Science Program Handbook provides guidelines for
constructing a concentration. This option requires students to take significant responsibility for the concentration's design and development.
FOUR YEAR ALTERNATIVE: This alternative is for students who have not earned an approved Associate in Arts and Sciences or the equivalent.
Freshman & Sophomore Years – ICO – 4 Year
Northwest Indian College Requirements
11 credits
__ CMPS 101, Introduction to Computers, or above
3 credits
__ HMDV 110, Introduction to Successful Learning
4 credits
__ CMST 101 or 210 or 220, Introduction to Oral
4 credits
Comm. or Interpersonal Comm. or Public Speaking
Northwest Indian College Foundational Requirements 35 credits
__ CSOV 101, Introduction to Cultural Sovereignty
5 credits
__ CSOV 102, The Language of Our Ancestors (HT) 5 credits
__ CSOV 120, Reclaiming Our History (SS)
5 credits
__ CSOV 130, Icons of Our Past (HT)
5 credits
__ ECON 250, Subsistence Economies: Restoring
5 credits
Prosperity (SS)
__ EDUC 202, The Tide Has Changed: Educating Our 5 credits
Own (SS)
__ POLS 225, History of Federal Indian Policy (SS)
5 credits
General Education Requirements
10 credits
__ ENGL 101, English Composition I (CS)
5 credits
__ ENGL 202 or 102, Technical Writing or
5 credits
English Composition II (CS)
Humanities Distribution 15 credit requirement – met in
Foundational Requirements
Social Science Distribution 15 credit requirement – met in
Foundational Requirements
Natural Science Distribution 15 credit requirement – met in
Prerequisite Requirements
Prerequisite Requirements for the ICO
20 credits
(Students are expected to complete the prerequisite courses as
preparation for the core and required courses as the foundation for
junior level standing in Native Environmental Science in the ICO.
Students transferring into the BS-NES program may be required to
take CSOV 300.)
__ BIOL 101 or 100, 111, 130 or 201
5 credits
Introduction to Biology, Basic Biology, Finding Things Out
in Life Science, Introduction to Marine Biology or Cell
__ CHEM 111 or 121, Inorganic Chemistry or
5 credits
General Chemistry I
__ GEOL 101 or 111, Introduction to Geology or
5 credits
Finding Things Out in Earth Science
__ MATH 102 or 107, College Algebra or
5 credits
Elementary Statistics I
Elective Credits to Total AAS Degree Requirement
14 credits
__ ______________________________
___ credit(s)
__ ______________________________
___ credit(s)
__ ______________________________
___ credit(s)
Total minimum required credits:
Junior & Senior Years - ICO – 4 Year
Native Environmental Science Core Requirements
31 credits
(must be taken at NWIC)
__ NESC 310, Native Science
5 credits
__ NESC 393A, NES Seminar III
1 credit
__ NESC 393B, NES Seminar III
1 credit
__ NESC 393C, NES Seminar III
1 credit
__ NESC 493A, NES Seminar IV
1 credit
__ NESC 493B, NES Seminar IV
1 credit
__ NESC 493C, NES Seminar IV
1 credit
__ NESC 497, Internship in NES
5 credits
__ NESC 499A, NES Capstone Project (taken in jr. yr.) 5 credits
__ NESC 499B, NES Capstone Project (taken in sr. yr.) 5 credits
__ POLS 319, From the Beginning of Time:
5 credits
Native American Fishing Rights
Interdisciplinary Concentration Option Credits
59 credits
Minimum 29 credits must be 300-499
__ NESC 303, NES Interdisciplinary Seminar
(3 credits)
(prerequisite for NESC 305 – may count as elective below)
__ NESC 305, NES Concentration Seminar
5 credits
Selected courses taken within concentration as approved 33 credits
in Interdisciplinary Concentration Option proposal
__ ______________________________
___ credit(s)
__ ______________________________
___ credit(s)
__ ______________________________
___ credit(s)
__ ______________________________
___ credit(s)
__ ______________________________
___ credit(s)
Individualized Studies courses within concentration
21 credits
These must be approved in NESC 305.
At least 5 credits of the concentration coursework must contain
service learning (SL).
__ ______________________________ (with SL) 5 credit(s)
__ ______________________________
___ credit(s)
__ ______________________________
___ credit(s)
__ ______________________________
___ credit(s)
__ ______________________________
___ credit(s)
Total minimum required credits:
(prepared by B. Compton for unofficial use only)
p. 1 of 3
Prepared for ________________________________ (student) by ___________________________ (advisor) on ____________ (date)
Bachelor of Science Degree in Native Environmental Science—Degree Requirements Worksheet—ICO
This program of study is intended to meet the critical need for effective Native American leaders and environmental scientists who are rooted in their
culture. This program will emphasize and explore the interrelatedness of Native ways of knowing, traditional ecological knowledge and Western
science. Prominent aspects of the program include hands-on learning and the involvement of students in community service, research and
internships. The program will prepare graduates to work within tribal communities in support of environmental stewardship, conservation and
revitalization. This program was designed with considerable input from Pacific Northwest Tribal elders, leaders, environmental managers, educators
and students. Students may choose between the Environmental Science Option and the Interdisciplinary Concentration Option. Students must
complete at least 60 credits at the 300-499 level.
Interdisciplinary Concentration Option (ICO): The Interdisciplinary Concentration Option allows students flexibility in designing a program that
meets their own academic, professional, and personal goals within the framework of the Native Environmental Science degree. Students design a
concentration under the guidance of a concentration committee. The Native Environmental Science Program Handbook provides guidelines for
constructing a concentration. This option requires students to take significant responsibility for the concentration's design and development.
TRANSFER ALTERNATIVE: This alternative is for students who have earned an approved Associate in Arts and Sciences or the equivalent.
Students who have completed another type of associate’s degree should consult with an advisor about the transfer alternative. Transfer students may
apply 90 credits from an approved transfer degree toward completion of the requirements for completion of the Bachelor of Science in Native
Environmental Science. The following describes the coursework for the remaining 90 credits required for completion of the Environmental Science
Option of the Bachelor of Science in Native Environmental Science.
Freshman & Sophomore Years – ICO – Transfer
Associate's Degree Completed
90 credits
Total minimum required transfer credits:
Please note that students are expected to complete AAS (DTA)
requirements with the prerequisite requirements (20 credits for the
ICO) as the foundation for junior class standing in the ICO of the
BS-NES program of study.
Prerequisite Requirements for the ICO
20 credits
(Students are expected to complete the prerequisite courses as
preparation for the core and required courses as the foundation for
junior level standing in Native Environmental Science in the ICO.
Students transferring into the BS-NES program may be required to
take CSOV 300.)
__ BIOL 101 or 100, 111, 130 or 201
5 credits
Introduction to Biology, Basic Biology, Finding Things Out
in Life Science, Introduction to Marine Biology or Cell
__ CHEM 111 or 121, Inorganic Chemistry or
5 credits
General Chemistry I
__ GEOL 101 or 111, Introduction to Geology or
5 credits
Finding Things Out in Earth Science
__ MATH 102 or 107, College Algebra or
5 credits
Elementary Statistics I
Junior & Senior Years – ICO – Transfer
Native Environmental Science Core Requirements
36 credits
(These must be taken at NWIC and include CSOV 300 which is
not required in the four-year alternative.)
__ CSOV 300, Cultural Sovereignty Transfer Seminar 5 credits
__ NESC 310, Native Science
5 credits
__ NESC 393A, NES Seminar III
1 credit
__ NESC 393B, NES Seminar III
1 credit
__ NESC 393C, NES Seminar III
1 credit
__ NESC 493A, NES Seminar IV
1 credit
__ NESC 493B, NES Seminar IV
1 credit
__ NESC 493C, NES Seminar IV
1 credit
__ NESC 497, Internship in NES
5 credits
__ NESC 499A, NES Capstone Project (taken in jr. yr.) 5 credits
__ NESC 499B, NES Capstone Project (taken in sr. yr.) 5 credits
__ POLS 319, From the Beginning of Time:
5 credits
Native American Fishing Rights
Interdisciplinary Concentration Option Credits
54 credits
(Note that for the transfer alternative this number is reduced
from that in the four-year alternative.)
Minimum 29 credits must be 300-499
__ NESC 303, NES Interdisciplinary Seminar
(3 credits)
(prerequisite for NESC 305 – may count as elective below)
__ NESC 305, NES Concentration Seminar
5 credits
Selected courses taken within concentration as approved 28 credits
in Interdisciplinary Concentration Option proposal
(Note that for the transfer alternative this number is reduced
from that in the four-year alternative, and 26 ICO credits must
be at the 300-499 level.)
__ ______________________________
___ credit(s)
__ ______________________________
___ credit(s)
__ ______________________________
___ credit(s)
__ ______________________________
___ credit(s)
__ ______________________________
___ credit(s)
Individualized Studies courses within concentration
21 credits
These must be approved in NESC 305.
At least 5 credits of the concentration coursework must contain
service learning (SL).
__ ______________________________ (with SL) 5 credit(s)
__ ______________________________
___ credit(s)
__ ______________________________
___ credit(s)
__ ______________________________
___ credit(s)
__ ______________________________
___ credit(s)
Total minimum required credits:
(prepared by B. Compton for unofficial use only)
p. 2 of 3
Prepared for ________________________________ (student) by ___________________________ (advisor) on ____________ (date)
AAS-NES Requirements – ICO Students (If >45, <90 credits)
(satisfies BSNES program prerequisites for ICO)
Northwest Indian College Requirements
10 credits
(NASD and Student Success Courses)
__ CMPS 101, Introduction to Computers
3 credits
__ HMDV 110, Introduction to Successful Learning
4 credits
__ NASD 105A-C, NWIC Seminar
3 credits
(1 credit/quarter for 3 quarters)
Communication Skills Requirements
14 credits
__ ENGL 101, English Composition I
5 credits
__ ENGL 102 or 202, English Composition II or
5 credits
Technical Writing
__ CMST 101 or 210 or 220, Introduction to Oral
4 credits
Comm. or Interpersonal Comm. or Public Speaking
Quantitative Skills Requirement
5 credits
__ MATH 102 or 107, College Algebra or
5 credits
Elementary Statistics I
Humanities Requirements
15 credits
A minimum of 10 credits must be coded HT.
A minimum 5 credits must be coded NASD.
__ ______________________________
___ credit(s)
__ ______________________________
___ credit(s)
__ ______________________________
___ credit(s)
__ ______________________________
___ credit(s)
__ ______________________________
___ credit(s)
Social Sciences Requirements
10 credits
__ ______________________________
___ credit(s)
__ ______________________________
___ credit(s)
__ ______________________________
___ credit(s)
__ ______________________________
___ credit(s)
Natural Science Requirement with NASD
5 credits
__ BIOL 104 or ENVS 201 or ENVS 240, Biology
5 credits
and Natural History of Place or Northwest Plants
or Introduction to Air Quality
AAS-NES Core Requirements
23 credits
__ BIOL 101 or 100, 111, 130 or 201
5 credits
Intro. to Biology, Basic Biology, Finding Things Out in Life
Science, Introduction to Marine Biology or Cell Biology
__ CHEM 111 or 121, Inorganic Chemistry or
5 credits
General Chemistry I
__ GEOL 101 or 111, Introduction to Geology or
5 credits
Finding Things Out in Earth Science
__ NESC 293A-C, NES Seminar II
3 credits
(1 credit/quarter for 3 quarters)
__ POLS 225, History of Federal Indian Policy
5 credits
8 credits
These may be any courses numbered 100-299.
PHIL 140 is recommended as it is a prerequisite for NESC 310 which
is a BS-NES core requirement.
__ PHIL 140, Philosophies of the Natural World
5 credits
__ ______________________________
___ credit(s)
__ ______________________________
___ credit(s)
__ ______________________________
___ credit(s)
__ ______________________________
___ credit(s)
Junior & Senior Years – ICO – Transfer with AAS-NES Credits
Native Environmental Science Core Requirements
36 credits
(These must be taken at NWIC and include CSOV 300 which is
not required in the four-year alternative.)
__ CSOV 300, Cultural Sovereignty Transfer Seminar 5 credits
__ NESC 310, Native Science
5 credits
__ NESC 393A, NES Seminar III
1 credit
__ NESC 393B, NES Seminar III
1 credit
__ NESC 393C, NES Seminar III
1 credit
__ NESC 493A, NES Seminar IV
1 credit
__ NESC 493B, NES Seminar IV
1 credit
__ NESC 493C, NES Seminar IV
1 credit
__ NESC 497, Internship in NES
5 credits
__ NESC 499A, NES Capstone Project (taken in jr. yr.) 5 credits
__ NESC 499B, NES Capstone Project (taken in sr. yr.) 5 credits
__ POLS 319, From the Beginning of Time:
5 credits
Native American Fishing Rights
Interdisciplinary Concentration Option Credits
54 credits
(Note that for the transfer alternative this number is reduced
from that in the four-year alternative.)
Minimum 29 credits must be 300-499
__ NESC 303, NES Interdisciplinary Seminar
(3 credits)
(prerequisite for NESC 305 – may count as elective below)
__ NESC 305, NES Concentration Seminar
5 credits
Selected courses taken within concentration as approved 28 credits
in Interdisciplinary Concentration Option proposal
(Note that for the transfer alternative this number is reduced
from that in the four-year alternative, and 26 ICO credits must
be at the 300-499 level.)
__ ______________________________
___ credit(s)
__ ______________________________
___ credit(s)
__ ______________________________
___ credit(s)
__ ______________________________
___ credit(s)
__ ______________________________
___ credit(s)
Individualized Studies courses within concentration
21 credits
These must be approved in NESC 305.
At least 5 credits of the concentration coursework must contain
service learning (SL).
__ ______________________________ (with SL) 5 credit(s)
__ ______________________________
___ credit(s)
__ ______________________________
___ credit(s)
__ ______________________________
___ credit(s)
__ ______________________________
___ credit(s)
Total minimum required credits:
(prepared by B. Compton for unofficial use only)
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