LIST OF SUPERVISORS IN AUSTRIA Medicine University Department Professor Medical University Graz Biophysics Prof. Dr. Helmut Tritthart Medical University Graz ENT University Clinic Prof. Dr. Christoph Faschinger christoph.faschinger@medu Prof. Dr. Helmut Stammberger Medical University Graz University Clinic of Neurosurgery Medical University Graz University Clinic of Dermatology Medical University Graz Medical University Graz University Clinic of Immunology Physiology Topic Analysis and Monitoring of Cardiac near Fields Studies of Defibrillation and Arrhythmogenesis using realistic Computer Models of the whole Heart The behavoir of prearrhythmias during pharmalogical modulation of gap junctions Video-Oculography – Simulation of Strabismus and Adaption Paranasal Sinus Surgery Sinusitis Phoniatrics Neurootology Prof. Dr. Hans Tritthart Interoperative Neuromonitoring (post-doc cannot work directly at the university hans.tritthart@meduniclinic of neurosurgery) Prof. Dr. Helmut Kerl Malignant melanoma: Role of chemoline (Soyer) receptors Merkel cell carcinoma Prof. Dr. Gernot Tilz Clinical Immunology, GBT Prof. Dr. Günther Developmental Neurology and Schwaberger Developmental Physiology (Prof. Christa guenther.schwaberger@me Einspieler) Places 3 doc/pos t doc postdoc 1 postdoc 1 postdoc 2 (3) postdoc 1 postdoc postdoc 3 1 Medical University Graz University of Medicine Innsbruck University of Medicine Innsbruck University of Medicine Innsbruck University of Medicine Innsbruck Institute of Medical Biology and Human Genetics Division of Molecular Pathophysiology Department of Anatomy, Histology, and Embryology Division of Genomics and RNomics Division of Human Genetics Prof. Dr. Klaus Wagner Prof. Dr. Reinhard Kofler Prof. Dr. Lukas Huber Prof. Dr. Alexander Hüttenhofer alexander.huettenhofer@ui Prof. Dr. Gerd Utermann Measurement of glucose tolerance and insulin resistance in hemodialysis Measurement of hepatic function in hemodialysis patients Clinical and molecular human-genetics Isolation of genes Examination of Hereditary Deseases Functional analysis of candidte genes in glucocorticoid-induceed aopotois of acute lymphoblastic leukaemia Proteomics – signal transduction –cell biology 3 postdoc 2 doc 1 doc identification of non-coding RNAs in model organismus 1 doc analysis of human genetic desease 1 doc 2 University of Medicine Innsbruck University of Medicine Innsbruck Institute of Pharmacology Division of Molecular Biology Prof. Dr. Hans Winkler 2 doc 3 doc AProf. Dr. Reiner FischerColbrie Generation and functional characterisation of a secretoneurin knock-out mouse Prof. Mag. Dr. Christoph Schwarzer Investigation on Dynorphin knockout mice, Neurochemistry and Behaviour Prof. Dr. Mag. Günther Sperk Rearrangement of neuronal circuitries in temporal lobe epilepsy Prof. Dr. Francesco Ferraguti Prof. Dr. Peter Loidl Functional neuroanatomy of the amygdala Redl Lusser Haas Marx Molecularbiol biochem research in lipocalins Chromatin-Assembly and Remodeling in higher eucarionts regulation genexpressi in Asparagillus antifungal peptides in fungi Biocompatibility – gene expression profile – 1 applications e.g. prostethic devices 1 Organ quality in transplantation: microarray technology – expression profile HIV – innate immunity in productive infection 2 of dentritic cells Antibody- and Complement-immeduated destruction of HIV Complement-mediated lysis of animal University of Medicine Innsbruck Internal Medicine Division of Molecular Biology Prof. Gert Mayer University of Medicine Innsbruck Department of Hygiene, Microbiology, and Social Medicine Prof. Dr. Manfred Dierich Epigenetic mechanism for regulation (Histon modification in different systems) doc doc 3 University of Medicine Innsbruck University of Medicine Innsbruck University of Medicine Innsbruck Division of Experimental Pathophysiology and Immunology Department of Neurosurgery Department of Medical Statistics, Computer Sciences, and Health Management Prof. Dr. Georg Wick Prof. Dr. Erich Schmutzhard .at Zimmerhackl Simbruner Prof. Dr. Dipl.-Ing. Karl Pfeiffer retroviruses (Friend leukaemia virus): inm vivo and mouse model research with candida albicans of Asperagillus species Immunology – Artherosclerosis – cell culture Murine SHT-Model – neuronale and glial pathology Cerebral Malaria in mice model – neuronal and glial mechanisms 1 doc 1 doc 1 1 doc 4 University of Medicine Innsbruck University of Medicine Innsbruck Department of Anatomy, Histology, and Embryology Division of Biochemical Pharmacology VR Prof. Dr. Helga Fritsch University of Medicine Innsbruck University of Medicine Innsbruck University of Medicine Innsbruck Division of Human Genetics Prof. Dr. Hartmut Glossmann hartmut.glossmann@uibk.a Prof. Dr. Gerd Utermann Department of Internal Medicine Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Vogel Department of Surgery University of Medicine Innsbruck Department of Pediatrics University of Medicine Innsbruck University of Medicine Innsbruck Department of Pediatrics Prof. Dr. Raimund Margreiter raimund.margreiter@uibk.a Prof. Dr. Lothar Bernd Zimmerhackl .at Ausserlechner Oberexer Meister Prof. Dr. Georg Simbruner Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (OMS) Prof. Dr. Michael Rasse 1 doc Metabolic Pathway Analysis by HTTP Mass Spectrometry in Clinical Pharmacology 1 postdoc clinical genetics Cytogenetics – human genetics 1 postdoc gastroentereology – depending on the needs of the country 1 postdoc 3 3 postdoc postdoc postdoc all abdominal organs hepator-surgery, minimal invasive surgery Nephrology, Oncology, Immunology (may be as a dissertant too) 2 Neonatology: Neuroscience – Respiratory Science 1 postdoc 1 postdoc 5 Medical University of Vienna Medical University of Vienna Department of Pediatrics Prof. Dr. Olaf Bodamer Department of Pediatrics Prof. Dr. Olaf Bodamer Medical University of Vienna Department of Pediatrics Prof. Dr. Martha Feucht martha.feucht@meduniwien Medical University of Vienna Department of Pediatrics Prof. Dr. Kurt Widhalm kurt.widhalm@meduniwien. Medical University of Vienna Department of Medical Chemistry Medical University of Vienna Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (OMS) Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schneider wolfgang.schneider@medu t/medbch/ Prof. Rolf Ewers at The development of a denaturing HPLC method 1 for the effective mutation analysis of disorders of creatine metabolism The use of stable isotopes for analysis of the 1 methionine homocysteine-creatine metabolism in different mouse models Cloning of a gene responsible for a disorder of glycosylation in a large Turkish pedigree Neuropediatrics Nutrition Tissue Engineering in research of osteoblasts and bone regeneration doc postdoc doc and postdoc doc and postdoc doc and postdoc doc and postdoc 6 Medical University of Vienna Department of Gynecology Prof. Dr. Martin Schreiber martin.schreiber@meduniwi Medical University of Vienna Medical University of Vienna Department of Gynecology Medical University of Vienna Department of Internal Medicine Prof. Dr. Robert Zeillinger robert.zeillinger@meduniwi Prof. Dr. Markus Hengstschläger markus.hengstschlaeger@ Prof. Dr. S. BaumgartnerParzer Department of Gynecology Expression profiling of breast cancer with DNA microarrays -Molecular and functional analysis of signaling in mouse models and cellular models of breast cancer Molecular Diagnostics in Gynecologic Oncology 1-2 doc or postdoc 1 postdoc Stem cells in human amniotic fluid The molecular biology of tuberous sclerosis 1 doc Endothelial remodeling by metabolic factors in target tissues of diabetes associated micro- and macrovascular complications: Characterisation of the underlying molecular mechanisms and signaling pathways. Mutational spectrum of Calcium Sensing Receptor (CASR)-defects in the Austrian population Molecular mechanisms of obesityassociated adipose tissue inflammation. Molecular mechanisms of immunomodulation by polyunsaturated fatty acids Roles of cellular energy state and mTORpathway in the physiological and pharmacological modulation of muscle insulin sensitivity Prof. Dr. Th. Stulnig thomas.stulnig@meduniwie Department of Internal Medicine Prof. Dr. C. Fürnsinn clemens.fürnsinn@meduniw Center for Biomedical Engineering and Physics Prof. Helmar Bergmann helmar.bergmann@meduni Medical University of Vienna Department of Internal Medicine Medical University of Vienna Medical University of Vienna doc doc doc doc and postdoc 7 University of Innsbruck Institute of Pharmacy Prof. Dr. Hermann Stuppner t University of Innsbruck Institute of Pharmacy, Department of Pharmaceutical Technology Prof. Dr. Andreas BernkopSchnuerch t the isolation and structural elucidation of secondary metabolites from higher plants with anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor and antimicrobial activity, chemosystematic investigations mainly focusing on the tribe Lactuceae and Apiaceae analysis and quality assessment (DC, HPLC, GC, CE, HPLC-MS, CE-MS, GC-MS) of (medicinal) plants and phytopharmaceuticals the discovery of pharmacologically active natural products (inhibitors of acetylcholinesterase) by means of computer aided models (pharmacophor modelling) and ethnobotanical data doc and postdoc 8 University of Graz University of Graz Graz University of Technology Graz University of Technology Biology University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Department of Pharmacognosy Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Department of Pharmacognosy Institute for Genomics and Bioinformatics Prof. Dr. Rudolf Bauer Institute for Medical Engineering Prof. Paul Wach Institute of Zoology Prof. Thomas Frank Isolation and structural analysis of natural substances with NMR 1 doc 1 doc Diversity and Efficacy of beneficial arthropods relative to landscape complexity 1 doc or postdoc General Topic: Thermodynamic data as basis for reducing greenhouse gas emissions in energy supply and conversion Special Topics: Development of software for the 1 doc and/or postdoc learn and Prof. Dr. Adelheid H. Brantner Prof. Zlatko Trajanoski Genomics and Bioinonformatics Large scale expression profiling of stem cells during differentiation Integrating analytical tools for decision making in bioinformatics Magnetical induction tomography for the human thorax Institute of Prof. Dr. Johann Fischer Chemical and Energy Engineering Microbiological and pharmacological tests of the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant Activity of plant extracts, natural compounds and phytopreparations 9 implementation of the Equation of State BACKONE into process simulation software Using Thermal Solar Energy for Producing Electricity and for Cooling: Measurement of thermodynamic data of working fluids speak Germa n General Topic: Molecular Modelling and Simulation in Chemical Engineering Special Topics: Molecular Simulation of Interfacial Transport (Microfluidics) Molecular Simulation of Adsorption of Biomolecules 10 University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna Department of Applied Plant Sciences and Plant Biotechnology Prof. Dr. Florian Grundler Plant-nematode interactions, plant fungi interactions, pathogen induced gene expression in plants 1-2 doc Division of Analytical Chemistry Prof. Gerhard Stingeder .at Trace analysis and speciation in different matrices by ICP-MS (inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry) 1-2 doc Institute of Water Management, Hydrology and Hydraulic Engineering Prof. Hans-Peter Nachtnebel Subject dependent on qualification and interests of student 1 doc Institute of Forest Growth and Yield Research Prof. Hubert Sterba 1 doc University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna Division of Organic Farming Prof. Bernhard Freyer 2 doc or postdoc patterns of forest growth (analysis of permanent sample plots and experiments to investigate how growth efficiency and productivity of stands and individual trees depends on site quality, and stand density) forest inventories with special consideration of analysis and methods describing speciesand structural diversity of the tree layers) Subjects around Organic Farming – also in the sense of "livelihood" 11 University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna Department of Food Sciences and Technology Prof. Klaus Dieter Kulbe Enzyme technology, process development .at 1 postdoc Department of Integrative Biology, Botany Prof. Karl-Georg Bernhard t ecology of vegetation, biology of populations and similar areas: Genetic diversity in soil seed banks, Dynamics of populations of endangered plant species (small populations) up to 2 doc or postdoc Department of Water-AtmosphereEnvironment, Institute of Waste Management Prof. DI Dr. techn. Peter Lechner biological waste treatment, composting, low cost models in waste management 1 doc or postdoc Department of Landscape, Spatial and Infrastructure Sciences, Institute of Surveying, Remote Sensing and Land Information Prof. DI Dr.techn. Werner Schneider at Crop Drought Stress Monitoring by Remote Sensing 1 postdoc 12 University of Innsbruck Institute of Botany Prof. Dr. Sigmar Bortenschlager sigmar.bortenschlager@uib Veterinary Medicine University of Clinic for Veterinary Ruminants, Medicine, Department for Vienna Farm Animals and Herd Management Prof. Dr. Walter Baumgartner University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna University of Veterinary Medicine, Clinic for Avian, Reptile and Fish Medicine Prof. Dr. Michael Hess Institute of Nutrition Prof. Josef Leibetseder Biological water quality monitoring of running waters (diatoms) Thermotolerance of various developmental stages (seeds-germination-seedlings) during establishment of plants in alpine ecosystems Drought tolerance of various developmental stages (seeds-germination-seedlings) during establishment of plants in alpine ecosystems Regeneration potential in plants after frost damage Dynamics of flower and seed develpoment and the developmental plasticity under different climatic conditions doc/pos t-doc 1 Monitoring of the excretion of Mycobacterium avium ssp. paratuberculosis and detection of serological antibodies for 2 to 3 years in a cow herd naturally infected with Johne´s disease. Investigations to study the possible role of Mycobacterium avium ssp. paratuberculosis, the cause of Johne´s disease in cattle, and morbus CROHN in humans. 1 doc and/or postdoc biochemistry or chemistry 1 doc or postdoc doc from 2006 13 Vienna 14 Engineering Information Technology/Mathematics University of Institute of Applied Prof. Dr. Roland Wagner Linz Knowledge Processing University of Institute of Prof. Dr. Ruth Breu Innsbruck Informatics Prof. Dr. Thomas Fahringer t Prof. Dr. Aart Middeldorp University of Graz University of Graz Graz University of Technology Institute for Mathematics and Scientific Computing Institute for Mathematics and Scientific Computing Institute for Signal Processing and Speech Communication Prof. Dr. Otmar Scherzer stephanie.schimkowitsch@ Prof. Dr. Karl Kunisch Prof. Dr. Franz Kappel Information systems (including web engineering, knowledge based systems, any application in these areas) Quality engineering: models at work 2 doc or postdoc doc/pos t-doc 5 doc/pos t-doc Grid computing Parallel processing Networking Computational logic 5 doc/pos t-doc InfMath Imaging 2 doc/pos t-doc Partial differential equations, optimisation, optimal controls, inverse problems doc and postdoc doc and postdoc Prof. Gernot Kubin 1 Mathematical modeling in physiology and medicine Delay equations, abstract evolution equations and semigroup theory nonlinear signal processing mixed signal circuits ultra wide-band communications mobile radio channel modelling machine learning for signal processing 15 Graz University of Technology Graz University of Technology Graz University of Technology University of Mining, Leoben Institute for Automation and Control Institute for Information Systems and Computer Media Institute for Software Technology Department for Applied Mathematics contact via Prof. Dr. Hartmut Kahlert Prof. Hermann Maurer bayesian networks and graphical models speech recognition media mining and multi-focal interfaces Aspects of digital libraries aspects of web-based communities aspects of multimedia encyclopedias aspects of e-learning "Structure of graphs, graph algorithms, products and approximate graph products" or depending on wishes and inclination of student, part or parts thereof: Structure of Graphs and/or Graph Algorithms and/or Products of Graphs and/or Approximate Graph Products. Prof. Franz Wotawa Prof. Dr. Phil. Wilfried Imrich 1 doc 16 Graz University of Technology Graz University of Technology Institute for Engineering Geology and Applied Mineralogy Institute for Engineering and Business Informatics contact via Prof. Dr. Hartmut Kahlert Prof. Siegfried Voessner Graz University of Technology Graz University of Technology Graz University of Technology Technical University of Vienna Institute for Mathematics B (Optimization, Dynamical Systems and Discrete Mathematics) Institute for Mathematics D (Numerics and Partial Differential Equations) Institute for Statistics Institute of Mathematical Methods in Economics Geogene Hazards: Landslips, mass movements, countermeasures; Geological and geotechnical investigations and evaluation of active fault zones; Impact of tectonical disturbances Modelling of instationary flight patterns (tailspin etc.) for flight simulation simulation models for jet engines safety critical software for mechanical engineering applications analytical supply chain supply management operation strategies for business informatics infrastructures (joint project with industry) Prof. Rainer Ernst Burkard Prof. Olaf Steinbach Topics in numerical analysis of partial differential equations e.g.: Finite Element Methods, Boundary integral equations, Boundary element methods, fast boundary element methods, area dismantling methods, parallelisation. Prof. Ernst Stadlober Applied statistics: model and building experimental design Prof. Gustav Feichtinger Control Theory gustav.feichtinger+e105@tu Differential Games Non-linear dynamic systems Bio-Mathematics Demography doc 17 Technical University of Vienna Technical University of Vienna Technical University of Vienna Institute for Geoinformation and Cartography Institute of Computer Graphics and Algorithms Institute of Software Technology and Interactive Systems Prof. Andrew U. Frank andreas.frank+e127@tuwie Prof. Werner Purgathofer werner.purgathofer+e186@t Prof. Silvia Miksch silvia.miksch+e188@tuwien Mathematic Economy Geoinformation doc Scientific Visualization, especially Medicine Visualization doc doc Information Visualization Explorative Data Analysis Information Extraction and Integration Plan Management Process Engineering 18 Technical University of Vienna Institute of Computer Technology Prof. Dietmar Dietrich dietmar.dietrich+e384@tuwi Technical University of Vienna Institute of Communications and RadioFrequency Engineering Prof. Walter Leeb walter.leeb+e389@tuwien.a Security in wireless sensor networks VHDL to SystemVerilog HDL Translator Develop a platform indenpendent tool to convert existing VHDL designs to SystemVerilog VHDL/SystemVerilog LINT Tool - Develop a platform indenpendent coding style checker for the HDLs VHDL and SystemVerilog with configurable sets of rules Hierarchical HDL Design Management Develop a platform independent tool to manage complex mixed HDL designs Comparing & Evaluation of Routing Algorythms in High Performance Networks Implementation of Protocollstacks for Embedded Fieldbus nodes (Fieldbus Systems) Modelling awareness and recognition building automation- Handling of huge amounts of redundant diverse sensory information Smart Cards in Control Networks Self-adaption of distributed Systems in automation Management systems for control networks Bionic systems concerning intelligence Statistical Signal Modeling and Parameter Estimation for Optical Computer Tomography (good knowledge of Statistical Signal Processing) Robust Nonstationary Statistical Signal Processing (good knowledge of Statistical doc doc 19 Signal Processing) Time-Frequency Models for Non-WSSUS Mobile Radio Channels (good knowledge of Statistical Signal Processing) Information-theoretic performance limits of OFDM based multiple-access schemes for time-frequency selective environments (knowledge on some of the following topics is desired: Information theory Signal processing for communications Communications theory Mobile radio channels (timevarying delay spread channels with multiple antennas - MIMO)) Matrix Polynomials and Their Application to MIMO Communications Systems (statistical signal processing, wireless communications, linear algebra) Efficient Precoding Techniques for Mulituser MIMO Systems (statistical signal processing, wireless communications, linear algebra) Efficient Detection Techniques for Multiuser MIMO Systems (statistical signal processing, wireless communications, linear algebra) Information Theoretic Analysis of Wideband MIMO Multiple Access and Broadcast Channels (good knowledge of Information Theory) Performance Limits and Design Aspects in 20 Engineering Mechanical Engineering University of Department of Mining, Leoben Geomechanics, Tunneling and Heavy Constructions Engineering University of Department of Mining, Leoben Metallurgy University of Mining, Leoben University of Mining, Leoben Department of Mining Engineering Department of Structural and Functional Distributed MIMO Systems (good knowledge of Information Theory and Wireless Communications) MIMO Systems with Partial Channel State Information (good knowledge of Information Theory and Wireless Communications) Multiuser MIMO Systems with Bit Interleaved Coded Modulation (good knowledge of Wireless Communications) Wave Propagation Aspects in Ultra Wideband Communication Networks ( Requirement: Master in electrical engineering or in telecommunications). Prof. Dr. mont. J. Golser Prof. Dr. Peter Schumacher giesskd@notes.unileoben.a Prof. Dr. Horst Wagner Prof. Dr. Robert Danzer 1 doc Thermophysical Measurements with Laser Pulse 1 Calorimetry doc – as of April 2006 doc "Characterization and simulation of mechanical properties of electroceramics especially piezoceramics“ doc 1 21 University of Mining, Leoben University of Mining, Leoben University of Mining, Leoben University of Mining, Leoben Ceramics (ISFK) Department for Automation Department of Metallography Department of Physical Metallurgy and Materials Department for Ceramics Prof. Dr. Paul O’Leary t Prof. Dr. Albert C. Kneissl Prof. Dr. Helmut Clemens Prof. Dr. H. Harmuth „Shape Memory Effects in NiTi and CuAlNi Alloys“ Smart heat.treatments to optimise and control the microstructure in intermetallic titanium aluminides. Melting behaviour of mould powders 3 doc 1 doc 1 doc 1 doc 22 University of Mining, Leoben Drilling Engineering University of Mining, Leoben Institute for Designing Plastics and Composite Materials Prof. Dr.mont. G. Thonhauser Prof. Dr. R. Wörndle 1-2 1 Designing and calculating composites Calculative design and optimisation of short and long fibre reinforced parts under mechanical, dynamical and thermal stress Calculating the increase in stress and stiffness due to anisotropy and/or nonhomogeneity Calculation focused on the nonhomogeneities and/or the anisotropy concerning stress- and deformation behavior of parts made of various materials; determination of the increase in stress and stiffness (mutual hindrance) Development of special calculation methods for the design of fibre reinforced composites Specialising in calculation methods (e.g. Finite-Element-Calculation, transition mould, optimisation, shearing stress and –stiffness, non-homogeneity, anisotropy …) for the design of composites Calculative development of shearing stresses and stiffnesses for thin walled beams made of anisotropical materials Development of a special Finite-ElementCalculation program for the determination of shearing stresses, shearing stiffnesses and profile parameters for thin walled profiles made of isotropical and/or anisotropical (monocline) materials under radial stress doc doc 23 University of Mining, Leoben University of Mining, Leoben Department for Conveying Technology Institute of Mechanical Engineering Institute of Process Technology University of Mining, Leoben Institute for Mechanics University of Mining, Leoben Department of Chemistry of Polymeric Materials Department of General, Analytical and Physical Chemistry University of Mining, Leoben University of Mining, Leoben Prof. Dr. F. Kessler Prof. DI Dr.techn. Wilfried Eichlseder Prof. DI Dr.techn. Werner Kepplinger Prof. Dr. F. D. Fischer Prof. Dr.phil. Klaus Lederer Prof. DI Dr.techn. Werner Sitte and torsion New methods to transport bulk materials over medium to long distances 1 doc Simulation and testing (fatigue) 2 doc or postdoc A variety of subjects are offered based on industrial needs 1-2 Modelling of Martensitic Transformation Massive Transformation in Ti-Al Intermetallics Formulation of multicomponent materials Molecular characterization of polymers Analysis and expert’s reports Physical Chemistry of Materials (electrodes for high temperature fuel cells and electroceramic components). 1 doc and/or postdoc doc 2 doc 24 University of Mining, Leoben Department of Geosciences/Geolo gy and Economic Geology University of Innsbruck Institute of Hydraulic Engineering Graz University of Technology Institute for Urbanism Graz University of Technology Graz University of Technology Graz University of Technology Graz University of Technology Graz University of Technology Graz University of Technology Graz University Prof. Dr. Fritz Ebner Investigations on the origin of Cambrian to fritz.ebner@notes.unileoben Proterozoic Magnesites in different geotectonic environments (China-Russia-Pakistan) Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Walter Prochaska walter.prochaska@unileobe Prof. DI Dr. Peter Rutschmann contact via Prof. Dr. Hartmut Kahlert Institute for Building Prof. Brian Cody and Energy Institute for Prof. Gernot Beer Structural Analysis Institute for Steel contact via Prof. Dr. Structures and Hartmut Kahlert Shell Structures Institute for Soil Prof. Stephan Semprich Mechanics and stephan.semprich@tugraz.a Foundation t Engineering Institute for Rock Prof. Wulf Schubert Mechanics and Tunnelling Institute for Building Prof. Ueli Walder Informatics contact via Institute for General Prof. Erich Bauer 1 doc doc and/or postdoc Energy efficient architecture Engineering of building (steel constructions, compound constructions, bridge constructions, load bearing slabs) Partially saturated soil, Jet methods, slip stabilization, tunnelling in loose rock, numerical geotechnics Rock Mechanics, Tunnelling Computer supported Facility Management Seepage in unsaturated soil; 25 of Technology Mechanics Graz University of Technology Institute for Materials Science, Welding and Forming Institute for Thermal Engineering contact via Prof. Dr. Hartmut Kahlert Graz University of Technology Institute for Hydraulic Fluidmachinery contact via Prof. Dr. Hartmut Kahlert Graz University of Technology Institute for Automotive Security Institute for Tool Technics for NonCutting Production Prof. Hermann Steffan Institute for High Voltage Engineering and Prof. Michael Muhr Graz University of Technology Graz University of Technology Graz University of Technology Prof. Wolfgang Streicher Prof. Ralf Kolleck Constitutive models for soil and its application to geotechnical problems; Modelling and investigation of shear banding in soil; No specific subject given by Institute. Students can choose a suitable subject. Biomass force heat coupling on the basis of biomass gasification Renewable energy sources for fuel cells Heating, cooling and air condition technology (Solar power assisted air conditioning, adsorption engines, CO2 as cooling agent, Heat reservoirs using latent energy media) Thermal solar engineering Thermal simulation of buildings Turbines: numerical modelling and optimization experimental investigations: control behaviour, cavitation, foamingbehaviour in Pelton turbines, pressure surge calculations Simulation and validation of car security measures Cold Forming / Cutting of High Strength Steels; Proceedings in Sheet Hydroforming; Applied Laser applications for Forming, Cutting and Welding 26 Graz University of Technology Technical University of Vienna Technical University of Vienna System Management Institute for Broadband Communication Institute of Materials Science and Technology Institute of Mechanics and Mechatronics Engineering Electronics University of Institute for Mining, Leoben Electrical Engineering Graz University Institute for of Technology Geodesy and Measurement Systems Graz University Institute for of Technology Fundamentals and Theory in Electrical Engineering Prof. Erich Leitgeb Optical communication technologies (fiber optic / optical wireless) Prof. Sabine Seidler sabine.seidler+e308@tuwie Prof. Peter Lugner peter.lugner+e325@tuwien. Materials testing Structual Analysis Improvement of the comfort of automobiles Prof. Dr. Helmut Weiß Prof. Fritz K. Brunner Prof. Oszkar Biro doc doc 1 doc Monitoring of railway tracks using precise kinematic GPS positioning; Structural monitoring: optimal selection and placement of sensors; computational, electromagnetism Engin eering Civil/Architecture Technical Institute for Water University of Quality and Waste Vienna Management Prof. Paul H. Brunner paul.hans.brunner+e226@t Environmental Engineering Water and Waste Water Management Waste Management and Recycling doc 27 Technical University of Vienna Chemistry University of Innsbruck University of Innsbruck Institute of Urban Design and Landscape Architecture Prof. Richard Stiles richard.stiles+e260@tuwien doc Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry Prof. Helmut Schmidhammer helmut.schmidhammer@uib Prof. Dr. B.M. Rode doc and/or postdoc doc/pos t-doc Institute of General, Inorganic and Theoretical Chemistry University of Vienna Resources Management Regional Materials Management University of Graz Institute of Inorganic Chemistry – Bioinorganic, Environmental and Radiochemistry Department of Organic Chemistry University of Graz Department of Physical Chemistry University of Institute for Computer Simulations of Liquids and Solutions Quantum Chemical Calculations of Complexes Chemical Evolution and Origin of Life Prof. DDr. Bernhard K. Keppler .at Prof. Dr. Walter M.F. Fabian Polysaccharides: functionalization, characterization and molecular modelling (a short project description is available FROM Prof. Fabian) Prof. Dr. Hans Hennig von Monte-Carlo simulations of two-dimensional Gruenberg colloidal systems near melting hennig.vongruenberg@uni Suspensions of DNA , molecules in strong electric fields: numerical solution of the electrokinetic equations Prof. Dr. Ellen Zechner Bacterial gene transfer, biofilms and doc and postdoc 1 1 doc postdoc 1 doc 28 Graz Graz University of Technology Graz University of Technology Graz University of Technology Graz University of Technology Graz University of Technology Graz University of Technology Graz University of Technology Graz University of Technology Graz University molecular Biosciences Institute for Inorganic Chemistry Institute for Physical and Theoretical Chemistry Institute for Chemistry and Technology of Inorganic Materials Institute for Analytical Chemistry and Radiochemistry Institute for Biochemistry Institute for Food Chemistry and Technology Institute for Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering Institute for Fundamentals of Chemical Engineering and Plant Design Institute for Prof. Jürgen Besenhard mechanisms of pathogenity Prof. Frank Uhlig Prof. Günther Grampp Time-resolved Laserspectroscopy; Dynamic Electron-Spin Resonance (ESR)Spectroscopy; Kinetic Electrochemistry; Kinetic of Redox Reaction in Solution Prof. Günter Knapp Prof. Peter Macheroux Prof. Michael Murkovic michael.murkovic@tugraz.a t Prof. Bernd Nidetzky Prof. Gerhard Braunegg contact via Prof. Dr. Hartmut Kahlert Prof. Rolf Marr EU-Projekt EUROFIR (European Food Information Resource); Ethnic Food; Sustainable biotechnological production of biodegradable polyesters from renewable resources Research on equations of state, simulation of chemical plants Thermal engineering, environmental 29 of Technology Chemical Engineering and Environmental Technology Institute for Resource Efficient and Sustainable Systems engineering, procedures with and without chemical reactions Prof. Michael Narodoslawsky Use of renewable resources for cleaner production Physics University of Innsbruck Institute for Ion Physics Prof. Tilmann Märk Graz University of Technology Institute for Solid State Physics Technical University of Vienna Institute of General Physics Technical University of Vienna Institute of Solid State Physics Prof. Robert Schennach adsorption and desorption processes on metals robert.schennach@tugraz.a and alloys t Prof. Hannspeter Winter Atomic and Plasma Physics hannspeter.winter+e134@t Laser Physics and Molecular Dynamics Sensors and Ultrasonics Surface and Plasma Technology Surface Physics Prof. Walter Steiner walter.steiner+e138@tuwie Graz University of Technology Human Arts University of Innsbruck Forschungsinstitut Brenner-Archiv Prof. Dr. Johann Holzner University of Institute of Prof. Chisholm doc and/or postdoc German literature; contemporary and 20th century philosophy Lifelong Learning doc doc doc doc and 30 Innsbruck Educational Sciences Prof. Hug at Nonformal and informal education Comparative education and training, especially with reference to the “Education for All” Initiative Modernisation processes and education/training, with special reference to socio-economic and sociocultural change Young and education Skills development Media education and higher education Media literacy and concepts of media competence Global media generations E-learning and e-teaching postdoc 31 University of Innsbruck University of Innsbruck Institute of Legal History of Austria and Germany Department of Languages and Literary Studies University of Vienna Department of History Graz University of Technology Institute for History of Art and Cultural Studies Prof. Dr. Gerhard Köbler Prof. Dr. Karlheinz Töchterle karlheinz.toechterle@uibk.a Prof. Dr. Friedrich Bilateral Relations Austria - Pakistan Edelmayer friedrich.edelmayer@univie. Prof. Susanne Hauser Space Architecture, Art and Aestethics in Architecture doc or postdoc doc 32