Oct 26, 2015 - Village of Fredericton Junction

Village of Fredericton Junction
Council Meeting
October 26, 2015 at 7:30 p.m.
1. Record of Attendance
2. Declaration of Conflict of Interest
3. Approval of Minutes
4. Approval of Agenda
5. Delegations and Petitions
6. Correspondence
7. Unfinished Business
8. Council Statements
9. Committee Reports
Fire Department / Administration…………………….. Deputy Mayor Bigger
Policing / Water & Sewer…………………………….. Councillor Mersereau
Land Use Planning / Solid Waste & Recycling…..….. Mayor Gary Mersereau
Public Works………………………………………….. Councillor Daley
Recreation / Finance………………………………….. Councillor Webb
10. Other Business
11. Payment of Bills
12. Adjournment
Final Reading of By-Law #2015-01
Village of Fredericton Junction
Council Minutes
October 13, 2015
Mayor Gary Mersereau
Councillor John Bigger
Councillor Mark Mersereau
Kirk Mowry
Councillor Lonnie Daley
Councillor James Webb
Cindy Ogden
Roger Nason
“ Moved by Councillor Daley and Seconded by Councillor Webb that the September 28,
2015 Minutes be accepted as distributed.” Motion Carried.
“ Moved by Councillor Daley and Seconded by Councillor Webb that the Agenda be
accepted as distributed.” Motion Carried.
Roger reported that due to the heavy rains on Oct 7th the EMO office was opened. The roads
and ditches were constantly checked for water damage.
Any expenses incurred during the storm and clean-up will be kept track of to submit for
reimbursement under the Disaster Financial Assistances for Municipalities Program.
Roger reported that he spoke to St. Martins regarding the loss of their phone lines during
storms and was told that they too use their fire radios when the lines go down.
There has been no response from the province on this problem.
Kirk reported that he was approached by a resident concerned about the way the sidewalk
curved in towards the former Kingston Road, making the width of the opening of the road
smaller. Council reported that if the time comes that the Kingston Road is reopened, then the
sidewalk portion will be removed in order to correct the width of the road.
Kirk inquired when repairs to Well #1 were scheduled. Under the Gas Tax and Canada Fund
programs, they are scheduled for 2016.
 Municipal Review Statistics Report fr SNB Property Assessment.
 Pictures & description of damaged tire and rim due to cover being off manhole on Wilsey Rd.
 Recreation Canada – Pathways to Wellbeing.
Council Meeting
October 13, 2015
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Fall Flushing notice.
EMO – The Mayor is to contact the Minister of Public Safety to discuss the issue of no 911
service when the phone lines went down in July. Ongoing.
Storm Drain on Wilsey Rd – Ongoing.
Municipal Service Easement – Follow up with NB Southern.
Right-Away to202 Sunbury Dr. – Rich Roach to be contacted to draw up an agreement.
Policing & Dog Control:
Councillor Mersereau: The solar speed sign did make a difference in the reduction in
Councillor Mersereau: There is still a couple shut offs scheduled due to nonpayment on
Councillor Bigger: Met with the designer of the proposed complex and Andy Graham to
discuss options for the maintenance building.
Still waiting for the agreement from Ambulance NB for the new building.
Met with Kirk to discuss upcoming work. All is going well.
Water& Sewer:
Fire Department:
Public Works:
Councillor Daley: Culvert to be installed at 126 Diamond Square. Any road work will be
completed next year.
Maynard Rd and Mersereau St should be chip sealed. Work needs done to the roads before
this can be carried out.
Time to start thinking about new areas for sidewalks.
Councillor Webb: Nothing new.
Councillor Webb: Budget meeting scheduled for Oct. 19th at 7pm.
Quote of $2345 received on two solar radar speed sign, poles and hardware.
Mayor Mersereau: Nothing new to report.
Land Use Planning,
Solid Waste/Recycling:
Council Meeting
October 13, 2015
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Mayor’s Report:
Mayor Mersereau: Attended the Habitat for Humanity World Habitat Day Event. Received
acknowledgement for the property on Horseman Road.
Met with Kirk and went over his work plan which should be recorded in a day to day
Met with Dale Golding re: fire costs and agreement.
Attended the UMNB conference.
Cain Insurance looking to provide the Village with insurance quotes for the 2016/17 season.
First Reading of By-Law 2015-01 – “ Moved by Councillor Webb and Seconded by
Councillor Daley to have the First Reading of By-Law 2015-01, a By-Law of the
Municipality of Fredericton Junction to Repeal By-Laws #13, 23 and 99-2, read by
Title.” Motion Carried.
Second Reading of By-Law 2015-01 – “ Moved by Councillor Webb and Seconded by
Councillor Daley to have the Second Reading of By-Law 2015-01, a By-Law of the
Municipality of Fredericton Junction to Repeal By-Laws #13, 23 and 99-2, read in its
Entirety.” Motion Carried. Second Reading of By-Law 2015-01 was read in its entirety.
Rim and Tire Damage – A request has been received for replacement of a rim and tire
damaged due to a cover being off a manhole on Wilsey Road. As is the policy of the
Village’s, if we are at fault we will pay for the damages. Therefore, the individual is to
purchase a replacement rim and tire and submit the PAID invoice to the office for
“ Moved by Councillor Webb and Seconded by Councillor Daley that the bills be paid
as approved by the appropriate Councillor.” Motion Carried.
“ Moved by Councillor Bigger. Meeting adjourned at 8:50pm.
Prepared by____________________________
Approved by ___________________________