ATMOSPHERE IMPACT ON ACIDITY OF BARK SOME WOODY PLANTS a M. Ruščić, bM. Bralić, cD. Mirić and cI. Veletić a Facutly of Philosophy, University of Split, 21000 Split, Croatia b c Faculty of Chemical Technology, University of Split, 21000 Split, Croatia Students Abstract Fast technological and industrial development in the last two decades has caused accumulation of harmful matters in the air, water and on soil which nowadays have negative impact on climate and consequently on eco systems. In this paper we have presented the results of determination of acidity and buffer capacity in six plant species. Three plants belong to evergreen plants (Nerium oleander, Viburnum tinus, Pyracantha coccinea) and other three to deciduous plants (Celtis australis, Ficus carica, Sophora japonica). Total of 240 samples has been analyzed during 2004 and 2005. Mean pH value of tree bark from each locality varied from 5,13 to 6,32; while mean pH value of analyzed plants from all localities ranged from 4,94 (Nerium oleander) to 5,96 (Sophora japonica). Statistical analysis has shown significant difference among mean pH values (F=2,91; p=0,024). Buffer capacity varied from 4,97 (Pyracantha coccinea) to 7,7 (Celtis australis), with recorded significant difference among plants on all sites (F=7,96; p<0,001). Key words: Environmental quality indicator, woody plants, pH value, buffer capacity a Coresponding author. Tel. ++385 21 386 122 E-mail address: 1 1. Introduction Air pollution has negative impact on accumulation of toxic matter in the plant body and provokes destruction of its protoplasm. Physiological consequences such as decreased transpiration for 1-2 times, inhibition of photosynthesis, accelerated process of getting old and low resistance, what especially in urban areas leads to the shorter plant life (Jablanović and Rožaja 1980). All chemical compounds or elements that are released into atmosphere as main result of human activities and are harmful to living organisms are commonly called air pollutants (Moriarty 1999). Majority of heavy metals, sulfuric oxides and nitrogen are included among pollutants deriving from anthropogenic sources (Whelpdale et al.1998, Pacyna 2001). Air quality can be recorded by measurements of pollutants directly from air by implantation of models that illustrate spreading of pollution or by using bio-monitors (Markert et al. 2003). Direct measurements give objective data about pollution level, while bio-monitors give data about pollutant quantity and their impact on occurrence frequency and the state of bio-monitors. A good indicator of air pollutant accumulation must comply the following conditions (Conti and Cecchetti 2001): i) pollutants from the air must be accumulated in the same way and in the same quantity under different conditions, ii) pollutants must be easily measured; measurements must give data about level of pollutant sedimentation iii) types of used organisms must be common and available for collecting in the same area through a year, iv) in order to establish the state of eco-system in relation to studied pollutant, researchers must be aware of state of the control eco-system (Seaward 1995). Control level is usually taken as “natural” level at which the emissions have the least possible impact (Conti and Cecchetti 2001). However, the control level differs according to plant species. Pollutants may passively accumulate on the bark surface (as a part of water solution, in gaseous state or tighten to particles) or it may be absorbed through process of ion exchange in the outer parts of dead cork tissue (Walkenhorst et al.1993, Schulz et al. 1997). Ion exchange is a quick physiological-chemical process during which cations and anions are bonded to functional organic groups in cell wall (Tyler 1990, Brown and Brûmelis 1996). Sulfur dioxide is accumulated in tree bark causing the changes in bark acidity and buffer 2 capacity. Majority of studies confirm significant correlation between bark pH and SO2 concentration in the atmosphere (Grodzińska 1971, Lötschert and Köhm 1973, Kienzl 1978), showing that higher atmospheric concentration of sulfur dioxide is followed by increased acidity of the bark. There is also established interdependence between pH and cation concentration in the tree bark (Farmer, et al. 1991). If the bark pH is low, than the quantity of exchangeable cations is also very low and vise versa. Besides different pollutants which affect pH of the plants, there are also other important factors, such as type of plant, tree age, health state of the plant, weather conditions, substrata and thickness of taken sample (Staxäng 1969, Grodzińska 1982). Among all indicators taken into consideration, the pH value of tree bark and buffer capacity are very good and reliable indicators of atmospheric pollution. The highest concentrations are found in surface layers of outer bark, while the lowest concentrations are found in the core of the tree (Schulz et al. 1997). According to Kosmus and Grill (1986) in Graz (Austria) established that microclimate has also important impact on the pollutant quantity and consequently on bark saturation with air pollutants. Since tree bark is present even in the most densely populated areas, it is considered to be a very useful biomonitor in urban zones. Bigger Croatian towns and their surroundings due to medium population density have adequate biomonitors, while European cities in the middle Europe lack such biomonitors. In this paper are shown the results obtained from investigating of atmosphere impact on acidity and buffer capacity of woody plants in wider area of the town Split (Croatia) as continue of the earlier researches ( Bačić and Ruščić, 1994). 2. Materials and methods 2.1. Bark characteristics According to expanded definition of the International Association of tree anatomist bark is extremely complex, heterogeneous material, which includes all plant tissues that are on outer side of cambium. Formation of bark initiates with cell division of cambium, which forms ksilem on wooden (inner) side and floem primary tissue of the bark, on the outer side (Schulz et al. 1999). Since the quality of bark varies depending on wall composition of ritidome and thickness of outer and inner layer of the bark. Usually, dead bark is included in bio-monitoring studies. 3 The bark of studied plants has the following characteristics (Pejčinović et al. 1977): Sophora japonica L. – bark of the young plant is smooth, gray-green color, later becomes brown, comes off in scales; Ficus carica L. – bark is smooth, ash-gray color, older plants peel off in form of bigger plates; Viburnum tinus L. – bark of the young plant is smooth and has reddish-brown thin bark, while older plants have thick gray color bark; Pyracantha coccinea Röm. – bark is gray, with fuzzy cover, older plants have brown-reddish naked bark; Nerium oleander L. – bark is smooth, ash-gray color and has entirety surface, it peels off as very old plant with small lamina; Celtis australis L. – outer bark is yellowish and extremely hard, but porous in the end outer layer. 2.2. Sites characteristics Interpretation of biomonitoring results is much harder to carry out in regional research than in cases when the research is headed in immediate vicinity of pollution sources. Narrower part of Croatian coastal area, especially bigger Dalmatian towns such as Split, is ideal for this type of research due to low height difference and sea vicinity, so the whole area belongs to the Mediterranean zone regarding climate and vegetation. Consequently, plant species adequate for research could be found in urban areas along the coast. According data on air quality from Public Health Institute for Split-Dalmatian County there is a visible correlation between pH values and mean annual concentration of sulfates in total sediment matter what indicates the increase of pH values followed by higher concentration of sulfates (sulfur) in the air (Table 1). Bark samples were taken from the following localities (Fig. 1): streets: Gundulićeva ulica and Poljička cesta – town centre, high traffic intensity, town zone-Meje – town area, lower traffic intensity, green spots, zone- Dujmovača – north part of the town, industrial zone, Kaštel Sućurac – in immediate vicinity of cement factory, Kaštel Kambelovac – in immediate vicinity of plant of plastic products „Adriakem“, Dugi Rat – big traffic and ex-industrial zone, Brač – island were plants are living in unpolluted environment. 2.3. Sampling Bark samples were taken from five trees of every studied plant species on each locality. Total of 240 bark samples were collected. Surface of taken bark samples varied between 25 4 and 35 cm2, with 3 to 5 mm depth, and height from 1.5 to 2.5 m above ground on the tree side that is facing pollution source. Sampling took place in 2004 and 2005. 2.4. Analysis Samples were thoroughly brushed and abraded with knife in order to remove eventual epiphytes and left to dry for 24 hours in desiccators at temperature of 105 °C. Afterwards from each sample we took 12 g of dry bark and pulverized it in mortar with pestle. Obtained powder was mixed with distillated water. Suspension was mixed and left for 48 hours at room temperature in hermetically closed dish (to prevent the contact with CO2 and fungus). pH values were measured with pH-meter and glass electrode, type CyberScan 510, but were previously mixed and homogenized with electromagnetic mixer type MM-530. After measurement pH suspension was divided into two parts. To the first part we added 0.1000 mol/L HCl, while to the other part was added 0,1000 mol/L NaOH. Right after each adding of acid i.e. alkali the suspension was thoroughly mixed with electric mixer and the pH values were read after mixing. 2.5. Statistical elaboration of data Results of measurements are statistically elaborated with ANOVA test, Student t-test and Bonferroni post hoc test with significance level 0.05. 3. Results In this paper we have presented the results of determination of acidity and buffer capacity in six plant species taken from eight different study areas in wider Split town area (Croatia). Three plants belong to evergreen plants (Nerium oleander, Viburnum tinus, Pyracantha coccinea) and other three to deciduous plants (Celtis australis, Ficus carica, Sophora japonica). Results of analysis have shown that the bark of almost all studied species on all localities has low level of acidity (Fig. 2). The lowest pH value had Nerium oleander (4.13) species on the island of Brač, while the highest pH value had Sophora japonica (7.22) species in Kaštel Sućurac (Fig.2). Comparing values of single plant species on all localities (Fig. 3) it 5 is evident that the lesser changes of pH values occur for the species Pyracantha coccinea, and the biggest changes occurred for Sophora japonica species. Analyzed samples show that on some localities mean pH values vary from 5.13 to 6.32 (Table 2) while there is no statistically significant difference between pH values of the plant bark (F=1.84, p=0,105). While analyzing media pH values of bark of some plant species on all localities has been established that between studied plants species exists statistically significant difference (F=2.91 p=0.024). The lowest pH value had Nerium oleander (4.94) species, while the highest pH value had Sophora japonica (5.96) species, Table 3. In our research buffer capacities are expressed by changes in pH bark value after crashing with precisely determined concentration and volume of hydrogen chloride acid and sodium hydroxide. While comparing buffer capacity of Sophore japonice (deciduous trees) and Pyracanthe coccineae (evergreen trees) on all localities we have found out that statistically significant higher buffer capacity has Pyracanthe coccinea in comparison to Sophora japonica (4.97 to 6.13); t=3.24; p=0.014 (Table 4). Buffer capacities of all 6 studied plant species on all localities varied from 4.74 (Kaštel Sućurac) to 6.4 (Dujmovača, Dugi Rat). Statistical elaboration did not show significant difference between mean values of buffer capacities of all plants on researched localities (F=1.17, p=0.341) Table 5. 4. Discusion Based on available data from literature, in some European regions in the last 40 years research on changes in pH values of bark pointed out that these changes in plant bark were result of higher concentration of SO2 in the air (Staxang 1969, Grodzinska 1971, Van Dobben and Ter Braak 1998). Majority of studies show an important correlation between pH value of bark and concentration of SO2 in the atmosphere which results with higher bark acidity in relation to samples of the same species and similar age found in the environmentally clean surroundings. This proves that pH value of the bark can be used as very good indicator of air pollution. 6 Ilijanić (1989) did similar research in Croatia, determining pH value of the bark for the plants specific for the continental area. That type of research was performed in coastal area too (Bačić and Ruščić 1994). This paper contains following up of atmosphere impact on bark acidity. The lowest media pH value was found on locality Dugi Rat (5.13), while the highest was found in Kaštel Sućurac (6.32) Table 2. Bačić and Ruščić 1994 found out the lowest pH value on Radničko šetalište street (4,50), while the highest was found in Solin (6.11). We presume that the obtained media pH values are relatively high due to presence of alkali particles from the sea in the atmosphere that bond SO2 and SO3 preventing significant decrease of pH values. The highest pH value found in Kaštel Sućurac can be explained by presence of cement particles in the air. Earlier research performed by Ruščić and Bačić, 1994 pointed out that the bark on all localities was more acidic in relation to control locality, which is Island of Brač. This observation was not established in this paper. Bačić and Ruščić 1994, have recorded the lowest pH value for Ficus carica (4.93), while the highest pH value had Pyracantha coccinea (5.30). Established differences of buffer capacity on each locality point to the fact that bigger buffer capacity appears on more polluted localities what could be explained by plant adaptation to air pollution. Media buffer capacities of single plants on all localities varied between 4.97 (Pyracantha coccinea) and 7.7 (Celtis australis). Bačić and Ruščić (1994) have reported that buffer capacity is highest on the localities that have higher level of air pollution. On the other hand our research from 2005 did not confirm statistically significant difference between mean buffer capacities on each locality. Statistical analysis has showed significant difference between media values of buffer capacities of single plants on all localities (F=7.96; p < 0.001) (Table 6). Comparison of media values of buffer capacities of evergreen plants (Pyracantha coccinea, Viburnum tinus, Nerium oleander) and deciduous plants (Sophora japonica, Ficus carica, Celtis australis) points out to the fact that evergreen plants have higher media values of buffer capacities (5.46) than deciduous plants (6.34), what confirms earlier reports by Rasmussen (1978), Härtel and Grill (1972). 7 Based on comparison of research results (Bačić and Ruščić, 1994) with this paper results the conclusion is that in last 12 years in study area occurred decrease of air pollution due to close down of some big and obsolescent industrial plants (shoe factory, plastic products plant, ironworks, ferroalloy plant in Dugi Rat). Generally speaking, there is very evident correlation between pH of tree bark and pH of sedimentary dust in the air i.e. sulfur concentration, what has been confirmed in the previous research. Undoubtedly, the fact that our area is particularly windy is contributing to lesser air pollution and consequently pollution of tree bark. 5. Conclusion Results of analysis show that pH values and buffer capacities are specific characteristics for every plant species. Mean pH values of plant species bark on all localities are statistically very different. The lowest mean pH value of the bark was found in Nerium oleander species, while Sophora japonica had the highest mean pH value. Mean pH values and buffer capacity of plant species according to localities did not significantly differ. Obtained results for mean buffer capacity values of single plants on all localities varied significantly at evergreen in relation to deciduous trees. Acknowledgements Authors thank to the Institute of Adriatic cultures and land improvement of the karst and the Institute for Public Health in Split for their help given in preparation of this paper. 5. References Bačić T. and Ruščić M. 1994. 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Mean annual pH and sulfate value in total sediment matter during 2003 LOCALITIES pH SEDIMENT DUST Restricted area of town Split 7,23 Dujmovača 7,77 Kaštel Kambelovac 7,42 Kaštel Sućurac 7,85 Dugi Rat 6,85 c (SO42-) [mg/m2/dan] 9,25 11,79 8,04 17,27 11,00 12 Table 2. Mean pH values of bark of all plant species on each locality Locality BRAČ Split-Gundulićeva Split-Poljička Split-Dujmovača Split -Meje Kaštel Sućurac Kaštel Kambelovac Dugi rat Number of measurements 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 x± SD 5,68± 1,02 5,28± 0,86 5,45± 0,36 5,54± 0,65 5,25± 0,35 6,32± 0,64 5,27± 0,83 5,13± 0,48 Minimum Maximum 4,13 4,26 4,97 4,91 4,70 5,33 4,51 4,63 6,68 6,36 5,98 6,35 5,74 7,22 6,55 6,03 Legend: x±SD: arithmetical media value ±standard deviation 13 Table 3. Mean pH value of bark of single plant species on all localities Plant CELTIS NERIUM VIBURNUM FICUS SOPHORA PYRACANTHA Number of measurements 8 8 8 8 8 8 x± SD Minimum Maximum 5,78± 0,62 4,94± 0,61* 5,08± 0,58 5,63± 0,69 5,96± 0,85* 5,55± 0,60 4,85 4,13 4,50 4,51 4,70 4,97 6,68 5,98 6,36 6,65 7,22 6,72 Legend: x±SD: arithmetical media value ±standard deviation, *: p=0,024) 14 Table 4. Mean value of buffer capacities of Sophore japonice and Pyracanthe coccineae on all localities Plant SOPHORA PYRACANTHA Number of measurements 8 8 x± SD 6,13± 0,88 4,97± 0,88 Minimum Maximum 4,09 3,32 6,86 5,88 Legend: x±SD: arithmetical media value ±standard deviation 15 Table 5. Mean value of buffer capacities of all 6 species on each locality Locality BRAČ Split-Gundulićeva Split-Poljička Split-Dujmovača Split -Meje Kaštel Sućurac Kaštel Kambelovac Dugi rat Number of measurements 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 x± SD 6,06± 1,14 5,90± 1,24 6,12± 0,66 5,99± 0,16 5,35± 0,97 4,14± 0,07 4,84± 2,15 6,01± 0,31 Minimum Maximum 5,25 5,02 5,65 5,88 4,66 4,09 3,32 5,79 6,86 6,77 6,58 6,11 6,04 4,19 6,36 6,23 Legend: x±SD: arithmetical media value ±standard deviation 16 Table 6. Mean value of buffer capacities of single plant species on all localities Plant SOPHORA PYRACANTHA VIBURNUM FICUS CELTIS NERIUM Number of measurements 8 8 8 8 8 8 x± SD 6,13± 0,88a 4,97± 0,88b 5,77± 0,93c 5,19± 0,90d 7,70± 1,08a,b,c,d,e, 5,64± 1,16e Minimum Maximum 4,09 3,32 4,08 3,65 6,34 4,26 6,86 5,88 7,06 6,39 9,50 8,08 Legend: x±SD: arithmetical media value ±standard deviation Bonferroni post hoc test: a=0.037, b<0.001, c= 0.004, d=<0.001, e= 0.002 17 16.5 16.8 43.6 8 7 Kaštela Bay ČIOVO 5 2 4 3 Split 6 Brač Channel ŠOLTA 1 BRAČ 0 43.3 10km Figure 1. 18 pH Locality Figure 2. 19 pH Figure 3. 20