EART ART AND STYLE OF LEARNING THE THE ART OF OF LEARNING LEARNING GRADE 9 LESSON 8 Time Required: 45-50 minutes Content Standards: AA.S.1 Students will acquire attitudes, knowledge, and skills that contribute to effective learning in school and across the lifespan. Indicators: Students will develop a variety of strategies to improve learning. A.A.9.1.08 GOAL: Students will analyze their intellectual strengths and personal learning style and develop a plan to improve learning. Activity Statements: Students will take a learning styles self–assessment, discuss learning styles, and develop a personal plan to maximize their learning styles. Materials: Handouts available at the Lambton Kent District School Board http://www.lkdsb.net/program/elementary/intermediate/di/files/stu2.pdf Handout 1 What’s Your Style Handout 2 Learning Skills Survey Handout 3 Learning Styles Questionnaire Handout 4 Learning Styles Reflection Sheet Procedures: 1. 5 minutes - Distribute Handout 1 What’s Your Style and ask each student to complete independently. 2. 10 minutes – Ask students to form small groups based on their learning style. In their groups, students will discuss their learning style and then brainstorm strategies to improve learning for that style. 3. 10 minutes – Have students independently complete Handout 2 Learning Skills Survey and Handout 3 Learning styles Questionnaire. 4. 10 minutes – Whole class discussion (See suggestion in the following section) Updated March 2015 by Patty Blake, Putnam County E ART AND STYLE OF LEARNING THE ART OF LEARNING GRADE 9 LESSON 8 5. 10 minutes – Students will complete Handout 4 Learning Styles Reflection Sheet. Students will be asked to generate a list of strategies that they can use this year to complement their learning style to improve learning. Discussion: Individuals are unique. Our uniqueness extends to our learning style. The art of learning requires us to understand how we best learn and then to choose strategies that will enhance our style. What is your strongest learning style? Did your results surprise you? How? Give an example of something that is easy for you to learn or do. Give an example of something that is difficult for you to learn or do? What could you improve your learning in this area? Name one strategy on your Reflection Sheet that you plan to use this year. Additional Resources: The Learning Styles Inventory is an online 24-question survey. It provides immediate results and is available at http://www.personal.psu.edu/bxb11/LSI/LSI.htm The Felder’s Index is an online 44-question learning styles survey. The site is available at http://www.engr.ncsu.edu/learningstyles/ilsweb.html Extension Activities: On your own, go to one or more of the above websites, complete the assessments; continue to learn about yourself and try new techniques that fit your learning style. ACTIVITY 1. Have the student take the Learning Style Inventory in the Learn About Yourself Section. 2. Have students record their Learn Style Inventory Results in their Portfolio 3. Have students record their thoughts and plans for incorporating their learning style knowledge in their Journal Lesson Evaluation: Students will complete the activities to identify a dominant learning style and an appropriate strategy to enhance that learning style. Updated March 2015 by Patty Blake, Putnam County