Focus Plan Texarkana Independent School District GRADING PERIOD: Teacher: 4th Six Weeks PLAN CODE: Tipton Course/subject: Mathematics Grade(s): 6 Time allotted for instruction: 1 – 1 ½ hours Title: What is the Angle Measure? Lesson TOPIC: Measuring Angles TAKS Objective: Objective 4: The student will demonstrate an understanding of the concepts and uses of measurement. FoCUS TEKS and Student Expectation: (8) Measurement. The student solves application problems involving estimation and measurement of length, area, time, temperature, capacity, weight, and angles. The student is expected to: (C) measure angles (6) Geometry and spatial reasoning. The student uses geometric vocabulary to describe angles, polygons, and circles. The student is expected to: (A) use angle measurements to classify angles as acute, obtuse, or right Supporting TEKS and Student Expectations: Concepts Enduring Understandings/Generalizations/Principles The student will understand that A protractor is a tool used to measure angles. Protractor Angle measurement is finding the number of degrees in an angle. Angle Measurement A vertex is the point where two or more rays meet. Vertex Division of Curriculum and Instruction School Improvement Department Texarkana Independent School District I. Sequence of Activities (Instructional Strategies) A. Focus/connections After students are seated, hold up the following items: a compass a protractor a ruler Have students identify the items. Draw an obtuse angle on the board. Next ask the class: Which of the items you identified could be used to measure the angle on the board? B. Instructional activities (demonstrations, lectures, examples, hands-on experiences, role play, active learning experience, art, music, modeling, discussion, reading, listening, viewing, etc.) After the class has identified that a protractor is used for angle measurement, begin discussing the proper way to utilize a protractor. Show that each unit of measure on a protractor is a degree (°). To measure an angle, place the circle or open hole of the protractor on the vertex of the angle. Place the zero line of the protractor on one side of the angle. Follow the scale from 0 to the point where the other side of the angle meets the scale. This is the measure of the angle. Read the measure where the other side hits the protractor scale. Inform students that the size of the angle is not dependent on the lengths of the sides of the angle. Using an Elmo or overhead, demonstrate how to use a protractor to measure angles. Discuss that angles are classified by their measurement. C. Guided activity or strategy Have each student get out their protractor. If protractors are not available, the Protractor Worksheet may be utilized. Hand each student a blank sheet of paper. Have the students draw four angles on their paper using a straight edge. After students have had time to complete their angles, place students in groups of 3 - 4. Have members of each group exchange angle sheets. Each member of the group will measure the angles on the sheet they receive. Monitor as students are working. Have the groups check the answers obtained by each member of the group. After students have completed their measurements, hand each member of the group a Measuring Angles Practice Worksheet. Let students complete the worksheet and compare their answers. Students will return to their individual seats to complete the Measuring Angles Worksheet. D. Accommodations/modifications Students requiring modifications may work with a peer to complete the guided activity. E. Enrichment Students requiring enrichment may reteach the lesson in a small group setting. II. STUDENT PERFORMANCE A. Description Students will complete the Measuring Angles Worksheet individually. B. Accommodations/modifications C. Enrichment Division of Curriculum and Instruction School Improvement Department Texarkana Independent School District iii. Assessment of Activities A. Description Individual student grades may be taken on the Measuring Angles Worksheet. B. Rubrics/grading criteria Grades may be taken based on the Measuring Angles Worksheet Answer Key and Grading Rubric. IV. C. Accommodations/modifications D. Enrichment E. Sample discussion questions Why is it important to know how to measure angles? What occupations do you think utilize the measurement of angles? TAKS Preparation A. Transition to TAKS context The teacher will lead the students in a discussion of how angle measurement problems may look in test format by placing the TAKS questions below on the board/overhead. B. Sample TAKS questions Division of Curriculum and Instruction School Improvement Department Texarkana Independent School District Division of Curriculum and Instruction School Improvement Department Texarkana Independent School District V. Key Vocabulary Protractor, Angle Measurement, Vertex VI. Resources A. Textbook Math Advantage ~ Middle School I Chapter 8: Geometric Figures Angles, pp. 164-165 B. Supplementary materials Protractor Worksheet Measuring Angles Practice Worksheet Measuring Angles Worksheet Measuring Angles Worksheet Answer Key and Grading Rubric C. Technology Students may be taken to the computer lab to utilize the MS Word Drawing Toolbar to create angles. After a specific number of angles have been created, student can print. Students will then measure the angles they have created. Division of Curriculum and Instruction School Improvement Department Texarkana Independent School District VII. follow up activities (reteaching, cross-curricular support, technology activities, next lesson in sequence, etc.) This lesson should be taught before the Classify the Angles! Lesson Plan. VIII. Teacher Notes If students are taken to the computer lab for the technology component of this lesson, they may also visit a website for reinforcement. Have students go to Students can explore this site and record at least five other things they learned about angles by visiting this site. Division of Curriculum and Instruction School Improvement Department Texarkana Independent School District