Opportunities Abroad

Opportunities Abroad: German
Internships, Fellowships, and Scholarships
Did you know you can get paid to study, work, or do research in Germany or other German-speaking countries? There are many
scholarships to support study abroad, fellowships to support experiential learning, and internships for paid work abroad.
Listed here is a sample of opportunities available to American students. Many programs require prior knowledge of German, but some
don’t. Many are open only to students in a certain age range. Browse the listings—if you have questions, maybe we can help—
contact Dr. Clausen (jxclausen@ualr.edu) or Dr. Wagner (smwagner1@ualr.edu) .
Robert Bosch Foundation Fellowship
20 fellowships annually
9 months, Sept-May High-level work placements in the federal government and the private sector;
three seminars taking place throughout Europe. Stipend of E 2,000/ month,
support for language training if needed; possibility of support for accompanying
spouse and children. Candidates are competitively chosen from the fields of
business administration, economics, law, journalism, political science and public
Congress/Bundestag Youth Exchange for Young Professionals
75 scholarships annually
Full year, July-June One-year work/study scholarship program. Provides a strong understanding of
German everyday life, education, and professional training. Two months
intensive German language training, 4 months classroom instruction, and a 5month internship. Primarily for business, technical, vocational and agricultural
fields but applications encouraged from all fields.
Open to young American
professionals (ages 24-34);
German language skills not
required at time of
Open to US citizens or
permanent residents (ages
18-24 at start of
scholarship); German
language skills not required.
1-3 months fall,
spring or early
3-12 months
2-3 months (see
web site)
3 months, late MayAugust
5 months
March 1- July 31
Émigré Memorial German Internship Program
(number of awards not specified)
Internships at a German state parliament (Landtag). Ideal for students planning
to pursue careers at a regional level of government or with interest in a specific
policy issue. Monthly stipends of E 500, assistance with housing, work
CDS Internship Program in Germany
(number of placements not specified)
Host companies range from small family-owned businesses to medium-sized
companies to multi-national holdings. Open to students in all fields. Most
internships are paid. Some scholarships are available for students who accept
unpaid internships.
CDS Summer Internship in Germany
Open to students in business, engineering, finance, tourism, IT,
media/communications, international relations, German studies, economics.
Most internships are paid. Some scholarships are available for students who
accept unpaid internships.
Schott Summer Internship Program in Germany
Paid summer work opportunities for US students in business/marketing and PR,
engineering, information technology, and physical science at Schott AG in
Germany. All internships at Schott are generously compensated and include free
International Parliamentary Scholarship
(about 120 scholarships per year, to applicants from some 28 countries)
A 15-week work placement with a Member of Parliament. Open to highly
qualified, engaged young women and men who want to help shape democratic
values in their country.
Open to US or Canadian
students ages 18-30.
German language skills at
Open to students 18-30 at
US or Canadian universities;
two years of post-high
school German
Open to students 18-30 at
US or Canadian universities;
two years of post-high
school German
Open to students 18-30 at
US or Canadian universities;
one year of post-high school
US citizen with university
degree, under age 30 at start
of scholarship; very good
German proficiency.
Duration of stay
depends on project
3 months (summer)
Fulbright Program
The Fulbright US Student Program is administered by the Institute of
International Education (IEE). It offers fellowships for US graduating college
seniors, graduate students, young professionals and artists for study and research
International Cooperative Education (ICE)
Students apply through ICE (there is a fee of $250) for a wide range of jobs,
from working at summer camps, hotels, resorts, etc. on up through social service
agencies, industrial placements, and more in Germany and Switzerland.
Summer or
semester or year
DAAD/German Academic Exchange Service
Opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students for study and research in
Goethe Institute
Many opportunities to learn German in Germany.
Actilingua – Learn German in Vienna
Many programs for learning German in Vienna, Austria.
US citizens who hold a BA
degree and have sufficient
language ability for the
Open to students 18-30.
Level of German
proficiency depends on the
job requirements.
No age restriction listed.
Level of German
proficiency depends on
No age restrictions. Classes
available for all proficiency
No age restrictions. Classes
for all proficiency levels.