February 27, 2006 Dear BlueChoice HMO/PPO Physician: Blue Cross Blue Shield of Georgia (BCBSGa) appreciates your participation in the BlueChoice PPO and BlueChoice HMO/POS networks. It has been brought to our attention that there has been some confusion regarding BlueChoice PPO and/or BlueChoice HMO/POS contracted laboratory providers. Specifically, a number of inquiries have been received from physicians asking if lab services for BlueChoice PPO/HMO/POS members may be sent to Quest Diagnostics or Spectrum Lab Network. Quest Diagnostics is no longer a contracted laboratory provider for either the BlueChoice PPO or the BlueChoice HMO/POS network. Additionally, Spectrum Lab Network is not contracted with BCBSGa for any product. Submitting lab services for BlueChoice PPO/HMO/POS members to either of these laboratory providers creates a hardship for your patients, who may be balance billed by Quest Diagnostics or Spectrum Lab Network for these out of network services, or may be subject to additional out of network deductibles and coinsurance amounts. Please be reminded that the following clinical reference laboratories are participating in BCBSGa networks: PPO Augusta Laboratory CK Laboratories Dianon Systems, Inc. Doctors Laboratory Emory Dermopathology Genecare Medical Genetics Genzyme Genetics Horizon Molecular Laboratory Corporation of America (LabCorp) Laboratory South Mullins Pathology & Cytology NTD Laboratories Reproductive Laboratory of Augusta Southeastern Pathology Southeastern Pathology Associates Statesboro Medical Lab HMO/POS – LabCorp is the exclusive clinical reference laboratory. In addition to LabCorp, BCBSHP offers the services of the following for a limited range of specialty services: Dianon Systems, Inc. Emory Genetics Emory Dermopathology Genecare Medical Genetics Genzyme Genetics Horizon Molecular NTD Laboratories Reproductive Laboratory of Augusta In order to be in compliance with your PPO and HMO Physician Agreements, you are required to utilize an in-network laboratory provider. We appreciate your cooperation with this issue and if you have any questions, please feel free to contact your provider representative. Sincerely, Ronald B. Lawrence Regional Vice President, Network Management 3350 Peachtree Road NE, P. O. Box 4445, Atlanta, GA 30302-4445 An Independent Licensee of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association