Practice Based Commissioning Steering Group
Minutes of the Meeting – Wednesday 19th May 2010
Simon Potter (SP)
Dr Karl Graham (KG)
Dr Beth Clewer (BC)
Dr Peter Das (PD)
Dr Alan Myer (AM)
Dr Vivian Ding (VD)
Julie Howgate (JH)
Kim Rowland (KR)
Catherine McLean (CM)
Nina Eastwood
Chris Mulshaw (CMU)
Diana Andrewes (DA)
Brian Stillwell (BS)
PBC Manager
Hedge End Medical Centre
Blackthorn Health Centre
Old Anchor Bishopstoke
Moorgreen Surgery
St Luke’s Surgery
Bursledon Surgery
Practice Manager Bursledon
Practice Nurse Moorgreen
Community Pharmacist
Team Leader HCHC
PPI Forum
1. Apologies for Absence
Simon Goodison
EBC representative
Sue Thomas
2. Minutes of the last meeting
Agreed as correct
3.Chair’s Report
Not present
4. Locality PCB Managers Report
4.1 Jo Murray – Jo has been re-deployed. She sends her apologies and
thanks for everyone for their support.
4.2 APAC – Formation of West GP Commissioning Group whereby localities
have agreed to work together to work on larger schemes. This formation is
still in its early stages and the projects for next year are still being
4.3 Service Specification for Rapid Medical Assessment for elderly
patients – SP handed this document out to the group and asked if it could
be taken back to practices for discussion and feedback (document will also
be emailed to practices). There is also an audit in the specification which
SP asked the group to look at and agree on the questions asked. The aim
of the audit was to enable us to know the number and cost of the current
services when approaching any current providers with a CI. There was
much discussion over the audit questions which were finally agreed by the
group. It was also agreed that the data would be prospective and would run
over three months September, October and November
COPD – There is a new COPD audit which will be emailed to practices and
should be returned by the end of August.
ACGs (Adjusted Clinical Groups) Tool – SG asked SP to discuss this
tool. The tool takes data from primary care and secondary care and
provides at patient level the risk profile of the population both now and over
the following year. The tool also provides at disease level the risk profile for
the population within the locality. The tool is run through the Hampshire
Health Record and practices would have to give consent for the data to be
used. SG thought we should express an interest in the tool. The group
agreed that as we were already feeding the Hampshire Health Record we
should participate
Teledermatology Pilot – SP asked if we were happy for the pilot to be
extended for a further period. Everyone was happy for the pilot to be
Ranking Data – Practices should have all received their ranking data. SP
asked if everyone was happy with the format and instructions attached to
the data. Everyone was happy with the format.
5. Practice Comment
5.1Choose & Book Advice Service – KG was asked at the last meeting to
find out the details and the specialties for the advice and guidance service.
Portsmouth Hospital Trust - Urology
Southampton University Hospital Trust – GI Liver, Ophthalmology,
Gynaecology, Neurology
Basingstoke & North Hampshire Foundation Trust- No services
Frimley Park Hospital – all services available
Winchester & Eastleigh Hospital Trust – Orthopaedics (hands
subspecialty), Colorectal surgery, Gastroenterology, Urology, Obstetrics &
6 PCT Comment
6.1 None
7. Public Involvement Comment
7.1 BS informed the group that it is now much easier to park at Winchester
Hospital since the introduction of the park and ride for hospital staff.
8 Pharmacist Comment
8.1 CIP Data up to end of April – CM presented each practice with ESP
Locality CIP data for discussion within the practice.
9 EBC Comment
Not represented
10 AOB
10.1Sue Thomas (SB) who was not able to attend the meeting asked DA to
voice her concerns over the replacement of Jo Murray the community
matron by Chris Mulshaw who is a physiotherapist. NE said she would reply
to SB directly and asked DA to forward SB’s email.
10.2 SP proposed a change to the focus of future steering group meetings. He
suggested that practices needed more time to discuss practice business for
example the PBC LES in much greater detail. He suggested that members
of the group from the public sector would only be invited to the meetings on
a quarterly basis. All agreed this would be a better way forward
Date of next meeting
Wednesday 18th August 2010