Click Here to Full CV of Muhamad Nizar

“A freelance Nizar
translator with B.Eng title and working experience as
freelance translator
with B.Eng title and working experience as
environmental consultant”
Phone: +622177826973
Mobile: +628170891531
Address: Pesona Khayangan Blok FM No. 6 Depok 16411, Indonesia
Pesona Khayangan Blok FM No. 6 Depok 16411, Indonesia
 English >> Indonesian (Native speaker)
Typical prices (USD/source word)
 Translation: USD 0.05 / 10 - 15 USD per hour
 Proofreading: USD 0.03 / 5 - 10 USD per hour
Years of experience: 2
Fields of Expertise
Chemistry • Ecology & Environment • Engineering: Chemical • Mining & Minerals / Gems
Additional work areas: Building & Construction • Engineering: (general) • Engineering: Petroleum • Localization
(Software/Websites) • Science (general) • Social Science, Sociology, Ethics, etc.
About me
I hold a Bachelor Degree of Chemical Engineering from Sriwijaya University, Palembang, Indonesia. I
used to work for PT. ERM Indonesia from February 2008 to May 2009 as environmental consultant. I
assisted senior consultants in fulfilling some Environmental Impact Assessment projects. However, I
resigned for a certain reason. After that, I started working as freelance English translator, one of my
expertise. Actually, during my time in ERM, in addition to my consultancy service above, I was trusted
to translate EIA documents (see my attached CV for details).
Now I have been working on many translation projects in various fields both from Indonesia to English
and vice versa. I have been affiliated with Bilingual Business Service and Fiba College, two English
Translation Agencies in Jakarta, Indonesia. I maintain a good relationship with them. I am also a
Platinum member of, an Indonesian Translator Networking. I really
enjoy translating. By joining this, I want to extend my relations not only in Indonesia but also
worldwide as my interest in my attached CV to help people translating any documents from English to
Indonesia or vice versa from all over the world. And I guarantee accuracy in my translation. What I
mean accuracy is free of grammar, spelling and punctuation errors and having equal meaning with
source language.
During my time in ERM, I had translated some documents such as:
 Term of Reference (KA) of Nickel and Cobalt Mining Project of PT Weda Bay Nickel (Eng > Ind )
 Term of Reference (KA), Environmental Management and Monitoring (RKL and RPL) of The
Increase and The Optimization of Nickel Ore Production and Processing of PT INCO Up To 225
Million Pounds Nickel in Matte Per Year (Ind > Eng)
 Environmental Feasibility to Protected Forest Area, Lead and Zinc Mining Project of PT. Dairi
Prima Mineral (Ind > Eng)
 Environmental Impact Analysis (ANDAL) of Martabe Gold Mining Project of PT Agincourt
Resources (Ind > Eng)
Affiliations and Membership
Freelance English Translator for Bilingual Business Service and Fiba College; Premium Member of; Platinum member of
Helping people translating any documents from English to Indonesia or vice versa from all over the
My Softwares
Adobe Acrobat, MetaTexis, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, OmegaT, Powerpoint
My Portfolio
Source text – English
Translation – Indonesian
The determination of the significant impact is based
on criteria of significant impact as described below:
1) Number of Impacted Persons
The total population in the proximity of the Wellpad
SIL within a radius of 4 kilometers is about 780
people. The surrounding community to about a
radius of 500 meters from the center of SIL contains
approximately 70 houses. There are in average 5
persons per house. Then, it is estimated there are
350 people who are the most potentially impacted by
the H2S emission from PLTP operation. For NIL, the
closest villages are approximately 1000 meters from
the NIL wellpads. The population in the villages is
1,560. Compared to total population in study area,
the impacted people is quite low.
Therefore, the impact is categorized as negative
insignificant impact.
2) Impacted Area
The H2S concentrations which exceed odor
standard (0.02 ppm) are predicted at several
distances from PLTP that may reach residential
areas. At SIL, a theoretical H2S concentration
exceeding the 0.02ppm has been calculated at a
distance of 1,250 meters from the plant, with an
occurence frequency rate of about 2% in a year. At
NIL, a theoretical H2S concentration exceeding the
0.02ppm has been calculated at a distance of 2,350
meters from the plant with an occurence frequency
rate of about 14% in a year. Thus, based on
impacted area, the impact of H2S is considered as
negative significant.
3) Intensity of Impacts
The intensity of impact of H2S can be determined
based on its odor and its health effect. Based on the
initial screening calculations, at wind speeds above
3.3 m/s, the estimated H2S concentrations at SIL
are above Indonesian odor standard (Decree of
which is 0.02 ppm. In NIL, the H2S concentration
exceeds the standard at wind speed 1.4 m/s. For
SIL, the percentage of occurence is 2.1%, while in
NIL, the percentage is is 14.4%, based on wind
speed statistical analysis.
However, as noted above, actual H2S quantity may
be lower based on actual reseveroir conditions after
all drilling works are complete, and also based on
more complete modeling that accounts for other
environmental parameters. The predicted H2S
concentrations may not cause negative health effect
to the surrounding communities considering they are
still far below concentration that may cause such
effect (with a threhold limit of 10 ppm for maximum
8-hour exposure) in accordance with Circular Letter
from Minister of Employment No. SE-01/MEN/1997
Penentuan dampak penting berdasarkan kriteria
dampak penting diuraikan sebagai berikut:
1) Jumlah manusia yang akan terkena dampak
Jumlah populasi wilayah yang berdekatan dengan
tapak sumur di SIL dalam radius 4 km adalah 780.
Jumlah pemukiman dalam radius 500 meter dari
pusat sumur SIL adalah 70 rumah. Satu rumah ratarata dihuni 5 orang. Dengan demikian diperkirakan
ada 350 orang yang paling berpotensi terkena
dampak emisi H2S dari kegiatan uji produksi. Untuk
NIL, desa-desa terdekat berjarak sekitar 1000 meter
dari tapak sumur. Populasi di desa-desa tersebut
sekitar 1560. Dibandingkan dengan total populasi di
wilayah studi, jumlah orang yang terkena dampak
relatif kecil.
Oleh karena itu, jumlah orang yang terkena dampak
dikategorikan negatif tidak penting.
2) Luas wilayah persebaran dampak
Konsentrasi-konsentrasi H2S yang melebihi baku
mutu kebauan (0.02 ppm) diprediksikan pada
beberapa jarak dari PLTP yang mungkin merupakan
wilayah penduduk. Di SIL, konsentrasi H2S teoritis
yang melebihi 0.02ppm diprediksi pada jarak 1,250
meters dari PLTP, dengan frekuensi kejadian sekitar
2% dalam satu tahun. Di NIL, konsentrasi H2S
teoritis yang melebihi 0.02ppm diprediksi pada jarak
2,350 meters dari PLTP, dengan frekuensi kejadian
sekitar 14% dalam satu tahun. Oleh karena itu,
berdasarkan luas wilayah yang terkena dampak,
dampak H2S dikategorikan negatif penting.
3) Intensitas dampak berlangsung
berdasarkan kebauan dan dampak kesehatannya.
Berdasarkan perhitungan screening mula-mula,
pada saat kecepatan angin di atas 3.3 m/s,
konsentrasi teoritis H2S di SIL melebihi baku mutu
kebauan di Indonesian (Keputusan Menteri
Lingkungan KEP-50/MENLH11/1996) yaitu 0.02
ppm. Di NIL, konsentrasi H2S teoritis melebihi baku
mutu pada kecepatan angin 1.4 m/s. Di SIL,
persentasi kejadian adalah 2.1%, sedangkan di NIL,
persentasenya adalah 14.4%, berdasarkan analisis
statistik kecepatan angin.
Namun, seperti yang dinyatakan sebelumnya,
dispersi H2S mungkin lebih rendah jika berdasarkan
kondisi aktual sumur produksi setelah semua
pemboran selesai dilakukan dan juga berdasarkan
based pemodelan yang lebih lengkap yang
memperhitungkan parameter-parameter lingkungan
lainnya. Konsentrasi H2S yang diprediksi tidak akan
masyarakat di sekitar PLTP karena masih jauh
berada di bawah konsentrasi yang dapat
menyebabkan gangguan kesehatan (yaitu Nilai
which stipulates Threshold Limit Values for Air
Chemical Factor in Working Environment.
Based on the explanation above, the intensity of
impact of H2S is considered as possible significant
for odor but insignificant for human health.
4) Duration of Impacts
The impact will occur during the operation stage
which takes place about 30 years. Based on the
duration of impacts, it is categorized as negative
significant impact.
5) Number of Impacted Environmental Components
It is considered there is no derivative impact as a
result of H2S emission to the ambient air. Therefore,
it is categorized as negative insignificant impact.
6) Cumulative Character of Impacts
The H2S emission will be dispersed in the ambient
air so that it will not be accumulative. Based on the
cumulative characteristics, this impact is categorized
as negative insignificant impact.
7) Reversibility Character of Impacts
The H2S emission will be dispersed in the ambient
air and its concentration will be decreased once the
operation stage is completed. Based on the
categorized as negative insignificant impact.
The impact of project on air quality is categorized as
negative significant impact (-P).
Ambang Batas 10 ppm untuk paparan maksimum 8
jam) sesuai dengan Surat Edaran Menteri Tenaga
Kerja No. SE-01/MEN/1997 tentang Nilai Ambang
Batas Faktor Kimia Udara di Lingkungan Kerja.
Berdasarkan penjelasan di atas, intensitas dampak
H2S dianggap penting dilihat dari sisi kebauan
namun tidak penting dilihat dari sisi kesehatan
4) Lamanya dampak berlangsung
Dampak akan terjadi selama tahap operasi yang
berlangsung selama sekitar 30 tahun. Berdasarkan
atas lamanya dampak, dampak ini dikategorikan
sebagai dampak negatif penting.
5) Banyaknya komponen lingkungan lainnya yang
terkena dampa
Disimpulkan tidak ada dampak turunan dari emisi
H2S ke udara. Oleh karena itu dampak
dikategorikan sebagai dampak negatif tidak penting.
6) Sifat kumulatif dampak
Emisi H2S akan terdispersi ke udara sehingga tidak
terakumulasi. Berdasarkan atas sifat kumulatifnya,
dampak ini dikategorikan sebagai dampak negatif
tidak penting.
7) Berbalik atau tidak berbaliknya dampak
Emisi H2S akan terdispersi di udara dan
konsentrasinya akan turun setelah tahap operasi
berakhir. Berdasarkan atas kemampuan berbaliknya
dampak, dampak ini dianggap negatif tidak penting.
Dampak kegiatan
terhadap kualitas udara
dikategorikan sebagai dampak negatif penting (-P).