Mike and Judy Stahly Named Hereford Innovators

Contact: Angie Denton, adenton@hereford.org or 785-363-7263
Jan. 28, 2013
Mike and Judy Stahly Named Hereford Innovators
KANSAS CITY, Mo. — Mike and Judy Stahly of Stahly Ranch, Cavour, S.D., were
presented with an American Hereford Association Innovator Award during the National
Western Stock Show Hereford Carload and Pen Show Jan. 18 in Denver. Mike and Judy
were chosen because of their contribution to the Hereford industry by using young
Hereford sires in the National Reference Sire Program (NRSP) on their commercial cow
Mike and Judy manage a Hereford-Angus cross commercial cow operation with
their son and daughter-in-law, Doug and Chris, and their sons, Spencer, Mason and
Nolan. The Stahlys started with the NRSP in 1999 as part of the National Cattlemen’s
Beef Association’s tenderness program.
Through the NRSP, the family has tested two to three new sires each year
resulting in about 80 to 100 calves. Over the years they’ve reported data on 1,187 calves
representing 45 sires.
Stahlys background the steer calves together and then they are all sent to one
feedlot, which allows for excellent data collection throughout all phases of production.
The American Hereford Association, with headquarters in Kansas City, Mo., is one of the
largest U.S. beef breed associations. The not-for-profit organization along with its
subsidiaries, Certified Hereford Beef (CHB) LLC, Hereford Publications Inc. (HPI), and
American Beef Records Association (ABRA), provide programs and services for its
members and their customers, while promoting the Hereford breed and supporting
education, youth and research. For more information about the Association, visit
Mike and Judy Stahly of Stahly Ranch, Cavour, S.D., were honored with a Hereford
Innovator Award from the American Hereford Association (AHA) for the ranch’s
commitment to the Hereford industry and the National Reference Sire Program. Pictured
at the awards presentation on Jan. 18 in Denver are: Cliff Copeland, AHA president; Judy
and Mike Stahly; and Craig Huffhines, AHA executive vice president.