dictionary of euphemisms and dysphemisms in english erotica

Francisco Sánchez Benedito
University of Málaga
FEMALE GENITALS (1.426 terms)
- abode of love
- Abraham’s bosom
- accordion hole
- acre
- Adam’s own
- Adam’s own altar
- agreeable ruts of life, the
- alcove
- almanach
- alpha and omega, the
- altar of hymen
- altar of love
- antipodes
- aphrodisiacal tennis court
- apple
- apricot
- article, an/the
- artichoke
- Aunt Maria
- avenue
- axe mark
- axe wound
- baby factory
- bag
- baking pot
- baldrick
- bank
- bank accounts
- barge
- basket
- bauble/bawble
- bawdy monosyllable
- bayonet wound
- bazaar
- bazoo
- beard
- bearded clam
- bearded lady
- bearskin
- beauty spot
- Beave, the
- beaver
- beaver pelt
- beaver-trap
- beef
- beef curtains
- bee-hive
- Belgia
- belle chose
- belly
- belly-dale
- belly-dingle
- belly-entrance
- belly-hill
- Berk
- berk/birk/burk(e)
- Berkeley
- Berkeley Hunt
- Berks/berkeleys/burks
- Berkshire Hunt
- better hole
- bile
- bin of lust
- bird
- bird’s nest
- birth canal
- bite
- biter
- black badger
- black hole/black-hole
- black jock
- black joke
- black ring
- blackness
- blind alley
- blind eye
- Bluebeard’s closet
- boat
- bob-and-hit
- bogs
- boodle
- book
- book-binder’s wife
- booty
- bore
- Botany Bay
- bottle
- bottomless pit
- bowels
- bower
- bower of bliss
- box
- box unseen
- brat-getting place
- breach
- bread
- bread-winner
- Broadway, a
- broom
- brown Bess
- brown jock
- brown madam
- brown miss
- bucket
- Buckinger’s boot
- buckler
- bull’s eye
- bumbo
- bum-fiddle
- bum-shop
- bunny
- burning shame
- business
- butcher’s shop
- butcher’s window
- butter-boat
- buttered bun
- buttonhole/button-hole
- cabbage
- cabbage field
- cabbage garden
- cabbage-patch
- cake
- camel toes
- candle-holder
- candlestick
- canister
- canoe
- canyon
- cape horn /Cape Horn
- cape of good hope /Cape of Good Hope
- carack/carrack
- carnal parts
- carnal trap
- Carvel’s ring
- case
- cat
- cat with its throat cut
- cat’s meat
- cat’s-head-cut-open
- catch’em-alive-O
- catherine wheel
- catty-cat
- cauldron
- cauldron of honey
- cauliflower
- cave
- cave of harmony
- cave of love
- cavern/cavern of love/cavern of joy
- cavity
- caze
- cellar
- cellar-door
- central cut
- central furrow
- central office
- centre of attraction
- centre of bliss
- centre of desire
- centre of love
- centre of one’s pleasure
- centre of the senses
- centre spot
- centric/centrique parts
- certificate of birth
- chalice
- chamber
- chamber of Venus
- channel
- charg’d chambers
- Charley/Charlie Hunt
- chaste treasure
- chat
- chatte
- cheese factory
- cherry
- cherry centre
- cherry tart
- cherry-pit
- chimney
- chinchilla
- chink
- chocha
- chopped liver
- chose
- chum
- churn
- circle
- citadel
- city
- civet
- clack-dish
- clam
- cleft
- cleft of flesh
- Cleveland
- clock
- clouds
- cloven spot
- cloven tuft
- cock
- cock-alley
- cockchafer
- cock-hall
- cock-holder
- cock-hugger
- cock-inn/Cock Inn
- cock-lane
- cockles
- cock-loft
- cockpit
- cockshire/Cockshire
- cockshy
- cod’s head
- coffee house
- cogie
- commodity
- concern
- conch
- conduit
- conduit-pipe/pleasure-conduit
- coney
- coney hall
- confessional
- conjuring book
- constable
- contrapunctum
- controlling part
- conundrum
- cony
- cony-berry
- cony-hall
- cooch
- coochie
- coochie pie
- cookey
- cookie
- cookies
- cooter/coot
- cooze/ cooz /coozie/ coosie/ couz /couzie
/couzy /cou /cuzz /cuzzy
- corner
- corner cupboard
- country
- country matters
- coupler
- cove
- covered way
- coyote
- crack
- crackling
- cradle
- cranny
- crater
- cream-jug
- crease
- crested one, the
- crevice
- crinkum-crankum
- croft
- crotch
- crotchet
- crown and feathers
- crumpet
- cuckoo’s nest
- cum crumpet
- cunney
- cunnicle
- cunnie
- cunnikin
- cunnus
- cunny
- cunny-burrow
- cunny-hall
- cunny-warren
- cunt
- cuntkin
- cuntlet
- Cupid’s alley
- Cupid’s anvil
- Cupid’s Arms
- Cupid’s cave
- Cupid’s cloister
- Cupid’s corner
- Cupid’s cupboard
- Cupid’s furrow
- Cupid’s hotel
- cush
- cushion
- cushion for pushing
- cut
- cuzzy
- cylinder
- Daily Mail
- daisy
- dale
- Dame Nature
- dark hole
- dead-end street
- deck
- defence
- delicate glutton
- Delores
- demesnes
- den
- dessert
- diadem
- dial
- dickey-dido/dicky-dido
- diddly-pout
- dillypot
- dimple
- dinner
- dirt chute/dirt-chute
- ditch
- divine monosyllable
- divine scar
- dock
- dofunny
- doodle-case
- doodle-sack
- door
- dormouse
- doughnut/donut
- down below
- down there
- downstairs
- downwards
- downy bit
- drain
- dugout
- dumb glutton
- dumb oracle
- dumb-squint
- dyke/ dike
- eager beaver
- ear
- ear between the legs
- eel-skinner
- elephant
- empty tunnel
- ends
- essential part
- et caetera(s)/et cetera
- eternal vale of man’s delight
- Eunice
- Eve
- Eve’s custom-house
- everlasting wound
- exchequer
- eye
- eye that weeps most when best pleased
- face
- factotum
- fadge
- fair parts
- fan
- fancy-bit
- fanny
- fanny-artful
- fanny fair
- fart-daniel
- fault
- feminine gender
- femininity/ feminity
- fiddle
- fie-for-shame
- field
- Fifi
- fig
- fig-fruit
- finger pie
- fire ship/fire-ship
- fireplace
- fires of hell
- fish
- fish bowl
- fish-box
- fish pond
- fish-shop
- fish tank
- fissure
- flange
- flap
- flapdoodle
- flat cock
- flesh
- flesh merchandise
- fleshly chamber
- fleshly parts
- fleshly-idol
- fleshly-part
- flower
- flower of chivalry
- flower-pot
- flue
- fly-cage
- fly-catcher
- fly-trap
- fobus
- fool’s trap
- football field
- forecaster
- forecastle
- forecourt
- foregut
- fore-hatch/forehatch
- fore-room/fore room
- forewoman
- forfended place
- forge
- fornicator’s hall
- fort
- Fort Bushy
- fortress
- fountain
- fountain of life
- fountain of love
- free fishery
- friend
- front attic
- front bottom
- front bum
- front door
- front entrance
- front-fissure
- front garden
- front gate
- front gut/frontgut
- front parlo(u)r
- front room
- front window
- fruitful vine
- fucker
- fuck hole
- fuck-tunnel
- fumbler’s hall
- funnel
- funny bit
- fun-zone
- fur pie
- furburger
- furnace
- furnace-mouth
- furrow
- furry critter
- furry cup
- fuzzburger
- fuzzy cup
- gable
- gallimaufrey/ gallimaufry
- gap
- gape/gaper over the garter
- gaper
- garbage can
- garden
- garden-gate
- garden of Eden
- garden of love
- gash
- gasp and grunt
- gate
- gate in the orchard
- gate of horn
- gate of life
- gate of plenty
- gate(s) of paradise
- gateway to one’s soul
- gateway to the entrance of pleasure
- gateway to the heavens
- generating place
- genital organs
- genital zone
- genital(s)
- genitalia
- genitive case
- gentleman’s pleasure garden
- geography
- giblets
- gig/gigg
- gimcrack
- ginny
- girl street
- Gizelle
- glory
- glory hole
- glue factory
- goat-milker
- golden doughnut
- goldfinch’s nest
- goodies
- goods
- grasp and grunt
- gravy-giver
- gravy-maker
- green meadow
- green-grocery
- grey jock
- griddle
- grindstone
- groan and grunt
- groceries
- groin
- groove
- grotto
- growl
- growl and grunt
- growler
- groyne
- grumble and grunt
- grummet
- grummet-hole
- gulf
- gulley/gulley-hole
- gully/gully-hole
- gusset
- gut-entrance
- gutter
- gym
- gymnasium
- gyvel
- ha’penny
- hairburger
- hair-court
- hair-pie
- hairy axe wound
- hairy checkbook
- hairy fig
- hairy hole
- hairy Mary
- hairy oracle
- hairy oyster
- hairy pie
- hairy ring
- hairy wheel
- Hairyfordshire
- half a crown
- half-moon
- handle for the broom
- Hans Corvel’s ring
- happy cloister
- happy hunting grounds
- happy valley
- harbour/ harbor
- harbour of hope
- hare
- hat
- hatch
- hatchi
- hatchway
- haven
- heaven
- Hebe/hebe
- hell
- Henrietta
- herself
- hey nonny-nonny
- hidden treasure
- hide
- highway
- hive
- hog eye
- hogstye of Venus
- hole
- hole of content/contentment
- hole of holes
- hole to hide it in
- Holiday Inn
- Holy of Holies
- holloway
- home sweet home
- hone
- honey-box
- honey-comb
- honeydew
- honey hole
- honey-pie
- honey pit/honeypit
- honey pot
- honeypot of Venus
- hook
- hoop
- hope of the world
- horse collar
- horse-shoe
- hortus
- hot beef
- hot-box
- hot hole
- hot lips
- hot meat
- hot mutton
- hot roll with cream
- hotel
- house of security
- house under the hill
- housewife
- humpbacked, the
- India
- ineffable
- ingle-nook
- inner channel
- inner sanctum
- instrument
- intercrural trench
- intimate parts
- Irish pasture
- it
- itcher
- itching Jenny
- ivory gate
- Jack Nasty-Face
- Jack Straw’s castle
- Jacob’s ladder
- jam
- jam pot/jam-pot
- Jane
- Janey
- janua vitae
- jaxy
- jazz
- jelly cave
- jelly-bag
- jelly-box
- jelly-roll /jelly roll
- jewel
- jewelry
- jigger
- jiggumbob
- jock
- Joe/Joey Hunt
- John Hunt
- joxy
- joy box
- joy hole
- joy trail
- joy-furrow
- juice box
- jungle
- junioress
- kam
- Kathy’s pink surprise
- kaze
- kazoo
- keep
- keifer
- kennel
- kernel of fruit
- kettle
- keyhole
- keystone of love
- kipper feast
- kitchen
- kitten’s ear
- kitty/kitty cat
- knick-knack
- laboratory of love
- labs
- ladder
- Lady
- Lady Berkeley
- lady flower
- Lady Jane
- lady-star
- lady-ware
- lambie-pie
- lamb-pit
- lamp of love
- lap
- Lapland /lapland
- larder
- lather-maker
- launching tube
- leading article
- leak
- leaky copper
- lea-rigs
- leather
- leather-lane
- leaves
- leaving-shop
- leg
- limbo
- lips
- little baby
- little Debbie
- little kitten
- little Kitty
- little Mary
- little monkey
- little red rose
- little sister
- little woman
- liver
- living fountain
- Lob’s pound
- lobster-pot
- lock
- lock of locks
- locker
- lodge
- lodging
- Lord knows what/where
- Louis
- love barrel
- love glove
- love nest/love-nest
- love’s channel
- love’s fountain
- love’s harbour
- love’s low centre
- love’s paradise
- love’s pavilion
- love’s playground
- love’s tenement
- love’s tunnel
- love-box
- love-cleft
- love-chamber
- love chanel
- love-flesh
- love funnel
- love-hole
- love-lane
- love-opening
- love-pad
- love-tunnel
- low countries/Low Countries
- lower abdomen
- lower belly
- lower lips
- lower mouth
- lower parts
- lower stomach
- lowlands, the
- lucky-bag
- lute
- lyre
- machine
- Madam Brown
- maddikin
- Madge/madge
- Madge Howlett/ madge howlett
- Magdalena
- Maggie’s pie
- magnet
- magpie’s nest
- main avenue
- main spot
- Main Street, a
- male-catcher
- malkin/mawkin
- mama’s box
- mangle
- manhole
- man trap
- Marble Arch
- mare
- mark
- mark of the beast
- Mary
- Mary Jane/mary-jane
- Mary Lane
- masterpiece
- mate
- matrix
- Matthilda
- maw
- Maxine
- meat
- meat-cooker
- meat-grinder
- meat-market
- medlar/medlar tree
- melting-pot
- merchandise
- merkin
- mi
- Mick
- mick/mickey
- Mickey
- Mickey Mouse
- middle cut
- middle-gate
- middle kingdom
- middle region
- Midlands, the
- milker
- milking pail
- milk-jug
- milk-pan
- milt-market
- milt-shop
- mill
- mill and grindstone
- milliner’s shop
- mine
- mine of pleasure
- minge
- mink
- miraculous cairn
- miraculous pitcher that holds water mouth
downwards, the
- mire
- Miss Brown
- Miss Horner
- Miss Laycock
- Miss Muff
- modesty
- modicum
- mole-catcher
- molly’s hole/Molly’s hole
- money
- money-box
- money-maker
- money-pot
- money-slot
- money-spinner
- moniche
- Monique
- monkey
- monosyllable
- Mons Meg/ mons meg
- monument
- moot
- morceau
- mortar
- moss-rose
- mossy cell
- mossy face
- mossy vale
- most precious part
- most tender spot
- mother of masons
- mother of all saints
- mother of all souls
- mother of St Patrick
- motte
- mould
- mound of Venus
- mount of faulcon
- mount of love
- mount of Venus
- mount pleasant
- mouse
- mouse’s hole
- mouse-hole
- mouser
- mouse-trap
- mouth
- mouth of nature
- mouth thankless
- mouth that cannot bite
- mouth that says no words about it
- Ms Mary
- much-travelled highway, a
- muff
- muffin
- muliebria
- mumble-peg
- mushroom
- mustard-pot
- mutton
- my best friend
- my friend
- my little friend
- my special friend
- naggie
- naked pit
- name-it-not
- nameless
- nasty
- National Anthem
- natural member
- natural parts
- natural places
- naturalia
- naturals
- nature
- nature’s privy-seal
- nature’s tufted-treasure
- naughty, the
- naughty bits
- needle-book/needle-case
- nest
- nest in the bush
- nest of honey
- nest of spicery
- nether beard
- nether end
- nether eye/ nether-eye
- nether lips
- nether mouth
- nether parts
- nether regions
- Netherlands, the
- nethers
- never out, the
- new cut
- nick
- nick-in-the-notch
- nick-nack
- niche
- niche-cock
- night’s lodging
- ninepence
- nobler/noblest part(s)
- nock
- nonesuch/nonsuch
- nonny-nonny
- nook
- nooker
- nooky/ nookie/ nookey
- notch
- novelty, the
- number nip
- nunquam satis
- nursery
- nymphae
- oat-bin
- ocean
- old bag
- old-ding
- old hat
- old lady/old woman
- old ling
- old mossyface
- old thing
- old wife
- old woman
- omnibus
- one-ended furrow
- open C
- open wound
- openarse
- opening
- oracle
- orange
- orchard
- organ
- organ grinder
- organs of government
- organs of sex
- orifice
- ornament
- other places
- oven
- oyster
- oyster-catcher
- palace of lotus flowers
- palace of pleasure
- pan
- pancake
- pannier
- panocha
- pantry
- paradise
- parenthesis
- park
- parking place
- parsley bed
- parts
- parts below
- parts of shame
- passage
- passion pit
- passion tunnel
- patch
- peach-fish
- pearl
- peculiar river
- peehole/pee hole/pee-hole
- peepee
- pee-slit
- pee-wee
- pelt
- pen
- pencil sharpener
- Penelope
- penwiper
- percullis
- perfum’d box
- perfumed garden
- periwinkle
- person, (the)
- personal parts
- personal place
- pfotze/pfotz
- Phoenix-nest
- pie
- piece
- piece of ass/ arse
- piece of buttered bun
- piece of crackling
- piece of crumpet
- piece of Eve’s flesh
- piece of flesh/ piece of goods
- piece of mutton
- piece of tail
- pigeon
- pigeon-hole
- pillicock-hill
- pin-case/pin-cushion
- pink
- pink artichoke
- pink bits
- pink clam
- pink flower
- pink hole
- pink mouth
- pink opening
- pintle-case
- pipe-cleaner
- pipkin
- piss flaps
- piss flappers
- pisser
- pit
- pit-hole
- pit-mouth
- pit of darkness
- pitcher
- place
- placket
- placket-box
- playground
- play-pen/playpen
- plaything/play-thing
- pleasure-boat
- pleasure-garden
- pleasure-ground
- pleasure-hall
- pleasure-palace
- pleasure-place
- pleasure pot
- plum
- plum-tree
- pocket
- pocket-book
- point of attraction
- poke/poking-hole
- pole-hole
- polly-mussy
- pond
- poodle
- pool of pleasure
- poon
- poontang
- pork
- port
- portal
- portal of Venus
- portal to the bower of bliss
- portions
- postern
- postern gate to the Elysian fields
- pot
- pouch
- pouter
- pranny/prannie
- premises
- pretty
- pretty little thing
- prick-holder
- prick-pocket/purse
- prick-scourer
- prick-skinner
- prime cut
- princess
- Priscilla
- private parts
- private passage
- private property
- private self
- private/privy place
- privates
- privities
- privy chose
- privy-council
- privy-hole
- privy lodgings
- privy members
- privy-paradise
- privy parts
- promised land, the
- prow
- pubic nest
- puddle
- pudend
- pudenda
- pudendal cleavage
- pudendum
- pulpit
- pulse
- pump
- pumpkin
- punse
- purse
- puss
- pussey
- pussy
- pussy-cat/pussy cat
- pussyhole
- pussy-lips
- quagmire
- quaint/queynte
- quarry
- quaver-case
- quaynte
- queen-of-holes
- queint
- quem
- queme
- quid
- quiff
- quim
- quim-box
- quimmy
- quimsby
- quimsy
- quin
- quint
- quintain
- quiver
- quoniam
- rabbit
- rabbit-warren
- rat-hole
- rattle-ballocks
- rattlesnake canyon
- receipt-of-custom/ receipt of custom
- red ace
- red lane
- red pearl
- red rose
- refuge
- region of delight
- regulator
- rest and be thankful/rest-and-be-thankful
- rhubarb
- ring
- ring dang doo
- ringerangeroo
- rip
- road
- road to a christening
- road to heaven, the
- road to paradise
- roasting jack
- rob-the-ruffian
- rose
- rose-lipt overture
- rough malkin
- rough-and-tumble
- rubyfruit
- rudder
- rude bits
- Rufus/rufus
- saddle
- salmon’s tail
- salt-cellar
- Sally
- sally-port
- salmon canyon
- sampler
- sardine can
- satchel
- Satchmo
- sausage-grinder
- scabbard
- scratch
- screw-hole
- scut
- scuttle
- sear/ sere
- seat of pleasure
- second hole from the back of the neck
- secret parts
- secret place
- secret things
- secret works
- seed-land/seed-plot
- seminary
- sex
- sex-cave
- sex-pot
- sex-trench
- sexual cavity
- sexual organ
- shady spring
- shaft
- shake-bag
- shame
- shap
- shape
- sharp-and-blunt
- sheath
- shell
- shift
- ship-of-war
- shittle-cock
- shooter’s hill
- shrine of love
- Sir Berkeley
- Sir Berkeley Hunt
- skin
- skin-coat
- skin-the-pizzle
- sky
- slash
- slit
- sloop
- slot
- sluice
- smock
- smock-alley
- smoo
- smooey
- snake pit
- snapper
- snapping turtle
- snatch
- snatch-blatch
- snatch-box
- snippet
- socket
- solution-of-continuity
- something
- soul
- soup tureen
- source
- South Pole
- Spain
- special friend
- spender
- sperm-sucker
- spew-alley
- spitfire
- split beaver
- split-apricot
- split-mutton
- split-tail
- sporting section
- sportsman’s gap/hole
- spot
- spout
- spread
- spread beaver
- spunk bucket
- square push
- squint
- squirrel
- star
- star that shines over the garter
- stench-trench
- stew’d meat
- stink-pot
- stock-in-trade
- strait passage
- strawberry patch
- stream’s town
- sty
- suck-and-swallow
- sugar-basin
- sugar-bowl
- sugarbush
- sugar-doughnut
- sweet closes
- sweet potato pie
- sweetest valley
- sweet-scented hole
- taco
- tail
- tail-box
- tail-gap/ tail-gate/ tail-hole
- tail-trimmer
- target
- teazle
- temple of low men
- temple of Venus
- temple of virginity
- tench
- tender part
- tenement
- tennis-ball
- tenuc
- that
- that there
- thatch
- thatched house under the hill
- thing
- things
- tickle-Thomas
- tickle-toby
- till
- tinder-box
- Tipperary fortune
- tirlie-whirlie/tirly-whirly
- tit-bit/tid-bit
- titmouse
- token
- toll dish
- toll-hole
- tomcat
- tool grinder
- tool-box
- tool-chest
- touchhole/touch-hole
- tower
- town
- toy
- trap
- treasure
- treasure-box
- treasure chest
- treasury
- trench
- trinket
- trough
- trout
- trunk
- tu quoque
- tube
- tufted honours
- tuna/ tuna fish
- tunnel
- tunnel of love
- turtle
- tuzzi-muzzi
- tuzzy-muzzy/ tussie-mussie
- twam/twammy
- twat
- twatchel/twachel/twachylle/twatchil
- twidget
- twim
- twit
- twitcher
- twitchet
- two-leav’d booke
- twot
- tytmose
- undeniable, the
- undercut
- under parts
- unders, the
- under-dimple
- upright grin
- vacuum
- vadge
- vag
- vagina
- vagina dentata
- valley
- valley of decision
- valve
- velvet
- velvety glove
- venerable monosyllable
- vent
- Venus’s cell
- Venus’s fly-trap
- Venus’s glove
- Venus’s highway
- Venus’s honeypot
- Venus’s mark
- Venus’s secret cell
- Venus’s temple
- vertical bacon sandwich
- vertical smile
- vessel
- vicious circle
- viol
- virginal
- Virginia
- virgin-treasure
- vital organs
- vital part
- volcano
- vulva
- ware
- warehouse
- warmest valley
- waste pipe
- water-box
- water-engine
- water-gap
- water-gate
- water-mill
- water-pipe
- water-works/waterworks
- way to heaven, the
- wayside fountain
- weak vessels
- well
- wet tunnel
- whaddayacallit
- whassit
- what you may call it
- whatchamacallit
- what-is-it/what’s-it/what-is-its-name
- whatsis
- wheel
- whelk
- where the monkey sleeps
- where Uncle’s doodle goes
- whetting-corne
- whim
- whisker biscuit
- Whitechapel fortune
- Whitechapel portion
- wizard’s sleeve
- woman’s hole
- womanhood
- women’s matters
- wonderland
- works
- workshop
- wound
- yang pagoda
- yard measure
- yeast-powder biscuit
- ying-yang
- yoni
- you-know-what
- you-know-where
- zatch