HE in FECs Expert programme Staff development materials Title and type of material: Scholarly Activity Contributing institution: West Herts College Date: March 2010 Brief description of materials: Scholarly Activity programme and application form Purpose: To provide staff teaching on HE an opportunity to bid for time to undertake relevant scholarly activity Target audience: HE teaching and front line support staff Other materials that could be used alongside: None How has the material been used? Issued to all HE staff involved in teaching and learning or front-line support. Two applications have been received in the first year of operation, both of which have been approved How was it received? Well received by staff; two applications received and approved Suggestions about how to maximise its effectiveness Be clear about the definition of scholarly activity being used, and ensure any such undertaking is relevant to the applicant’s job role and will advance the college in terms of knowledge and understanding. A system for dissemination is to be developed, possibly through an annual scholarly research conference. Benefit to the College Increased knowledge base; enables teaching and front-line staff to remain current and up to date in subject specific knowledge and understanding; acknowledges the higher level skills and knowledge required to deliver at level 4 and above and values staff operating at this level. Any further comments: This scholarly activity programme is the first step in developing an ethos and culture of scholarly activity at the college. Further research will follow and it is expected that the programme will be broadened to enable all staff to have access and benefit from the programme as this develops. The Scholarly Activity Programme How to apply: Staff teaching or supporting learning on HE programmes can bid for a maximum of 5 days per academic year to undertake ‘scholarly activity’. This time may only be taken outside of teaching hours and should be applied for via a staff development request form- the “Scholarly Activity Proposal form” (attached). On the proposal form members of staff are required to submit a 500 word statement detailing how these days would be used, how it would enhance their role in the college, and how they would disseminate the knowledge and skills gained via such activities after completion. This then forms part of their professional development record. For the purposes of this scheme, ‘teaching on HE’ is defined as a teaching commitment at level 4 and above for all or part of a member of staff’s timetable and may include part-time professional courses, work-based learning and cost recovery programmes as well as HEFCE funded full and part-time HE courses. ‘Supporting learning’ is defined in the widest sense and could include staff from a range of business support areas of work. Staff interested in bidding for days to undertake scholarly activity should contact the Training and Development manager in HR for a ‘Scholarly Activity Proposal’ form (attached). This should be completed and submitted to Human Resources at least 6 weeks before the proposed scholarly activity is to be undertaken. The proposal form must be counter-signed by the applicant’s line manager before submittal to Human Resources. A panel comprising the Director of HR, the Director of HE, and the HR Learning and Development Officer will consider the proposal and inform the applicant of the decision within 2 weeks, i.e. at least 4 weeks before the proposal activity is to take place. Examples of Scholarly activities may include: Further study, either to extend range of knowledge and skills or to achieve a higher level qualification Development of pedagogic skills Undertaking unpaid consultancy work in subject area Secondment to industry to maintain subject currency Research at HE level including writing and presenting papers thereon Other research activities that inform the role of the member of staff within the organisation Routine subject knowledge updating This is not intended to be a definitive list of scholarly activities and all bids will be considered on an individual basis. APPLICATION FOR Scholarly Activity Proposal Form PROCEDURE: This form should be: 1. 2. 3. 4. completed by applicant approved by appropriate line manager sent to Human Resources 6 weeks before expected start date The panel will view the proposal and within 2 weeks of its receipt, inform applicant of their decision Please complete both sides of form TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT First name: Payroll No: Surname: School/Dept. Job title: Campus: IFL number: Ext / Contact number: Proposed scholarly activity title: In less than 500 words please decribe the scholarly activity in full and the reasons you have chosen this. Please include detail on how many days you are applying for and how these days will be used: Please highlight the benefits this would have for you: Please highlight the benefits this would have on the Learners: Please highlight the benefits the activity would have on the College: How would you transfer this knowledge to the rest of the College: Location of activity: Total number of days applied for: Start date: Start time: Finish date: End time: Number of CPD Hours to log: If you consider yourself to have a disability that requires us to make reasonable adjustments in order for you to participate in this training, please call Training & Development on ext 2309. Signed applicant: Date: APPROVAL BY LINE MANAGER *(delete any that do not apply) I approve this application, which meets corporate / local / personal* learning & development objectives Tick to agree time off (if the proposal is accepted by the Panel) Applicant given time off for training (not to be taken in teaching hours) Signed line manager: APPROVAL BY Panel (the Director Print Name: Date: of HR, the Director of HE, and the HR Learning and Development Officer) Signed: Print Name: Date: Entered onto Snowdrop: Delegate informed of outcome yes no yes no