Georgia Tech Experience - Prism Web Pages

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Narayanan M. Komerath
Professor of Aerospace Engineering
B.Tech., Aeronautical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, 1978
M.S., Aerospace Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, 1979.
Ph.D., Aerospace Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, 1982.
Georgia Tech Experience
Graduate Research Assistant, Aerospace Engineering, 1978-1982
Post Doctoral Fellow, Aerospace Engineering, 1982-1983
Research Engineer II, Aerospace Engineering, 1983-1985
Assistant Professor, Aerospace Engineering, 1985-1990
Associate Professor, Aerospace Engineering, 1990-1994
Director, Jon Harper Wind Tunnel, School of Aerospace Engineering, 1990 - present
Professor, Aerospace Engineering, 1994-present
Other Professional Positions and Consulting Experience
Consultant, Lockheed-Georgia Company, Marietta, GA., November 1985 - Dec. 1987.
Technical Advisor, Global Consultants, Inc., Alexandria, VA, Feb. '92 - 95.
Consultant, Southwire, Inc., Carrolton, GA, March '92 - 94.
Consultant, NCR Corp, Duluth, GA, April - July 1992.
Consultant, Law Engineering, Atlanta, GA, July '92.
Consultant, Thompson-Leeds, Inc., New York, 1992. Area: Aerodynamics.
Selected Patents and Invention Disclosures
"Spatial Cross-Correlation Velocimeter". Komerath, N.M., and Fawcett, P.A., U.S. Patent No. 5,249,238, September
"Wind-Driven Dynamic Manipulator". Magill, J.C. and Komerath, N.M.,. U.S. Patent 5,345,818, September 1994.
“Stagnation Point Vortex Controller”. Komerath, N.M., Darden, L.A., Peterson, K.G., Magill, J.C.,. U.S. Patent
5,794,887, August 1998
Selected Publications: 1998-2002
Affes, H., Xioa, Z., Conlisk, A.T., Kim, J.M., Komerath, N.M., "Model for Tip Vortex-Airframe Interaction part 3:
Viscous Flow on Airframe". AIAA Journal, Vol.36, No. 3, March 1998, p. 409-415.
Caradonna, F., Henley, E., Silva, M., Huang, S., Komerath, N.M., Reddy, U., Mahalingam, R., Funk, R., Wong, O.,
Ames, R., Darden, L., Villareal, L., Gregory, J., "Performance Measurements and Wake Characteristics of a Model
Rotor in Axial Flight". AHS Journal, October 1999.
Komerath, N.M., Smith, M.J., Bodo, B., “Learning Across Disciplines: Aerospace Digital Library”. Session 2793,
Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference, St. Louis, MO, June 2000
Komerath, N.M., “Design Centered Introduction: 3-Year Experience With the Gateway to the Aerospace Digital
Library”. Session 2225, Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference, St. Louis, MO, June 2000
Komerath, N.M., Knowledge Management Techniques in Experimental Projects. Session 1426, Proceedings of the
ASEE Annual Conference, Albuquerque, NM, June 2001
Smith, M.J., Komerath, N.M., Aerospace Engineering: Integrator for Cross-Disciplinary Learning”. Session 3202,
Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference, Albuquerque, NM, June 2001.
Komerath, N.M., “ Undergraduate Research Participation in the Experimental Aerodynamics Group”. Session 2526,
Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference, Albuquerque, NM, June 2001
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Ames, R.G., Wong, O., Komerath, N.M., “On the Flowfield and Forces Generated by a Flapping Rectangular Wing at
Low Reynolds Number”. In “Low Reynolds Number Aerodynamics of Fixed and Flapping Wings” AIAA Progress in
the Aerospace Sciences Series, 2001
Selected Presentations and Keynote Addresses: 1998-2002
Matos, C. A., Mahalingam, R., Ottinger, G., Klapper, J., Funk, R. B., and Komerath, N.M., (1998) " Wind Tunnel
Measurements of Parafoil Geometry Aerodynamics", AIAA Paper 98-0606, 36th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting ,
January 1998, Reno, NV.
Wanis, S., Akovenko, J., Cofer,T., Ames, R.G., Komerath, N.M., (1998) “Acoustic Shaping in Microgravity”. AIAA
Paper 98-1065, 36th Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Reno, NV, January 1998.
Komerath, N.M., “Design-Centered Freshman Introduction to Aerospace Engineering”. (1998) Proceedings of the ASEE
Annual Meeting, Session 1202, Seattle, WA, June 1998.
Komerath, N.M., “Experiments on Rotary Wing Flows”. (1999) Invited Paper, International Congress on Industrial and
Applied Mathematics, Edinburgh, Scotland, July 1999.
Ames, R.G., Wong, O., Komerath, N.M., “Flowfield Characteristics of a Rectangular Wing Flapping at High Frequency
and Low Reynolds Number”. (2000) Proceedings of the AHS Aeromechanics Specialists Meeting, Atlanta, GA,
November 2000.
Ames, R.G., “Prophanger Performance Analysis for UAV Missions” (2000) Proceedings of the AHS Aeromechanics
Specialists Meeting, Atlanta, GA, November 2000.
Komerath, N.M., Matos, C.A., Reddy, U.C., “Flowfield Issues Related to Tiltrotors”.(2001) Proceedings of the AHS
Specialists Meeting on Tiltrotor Aircraft Design, Arlington, Texas, March 2001.
Smith, M.J., Komerath, N.M., Pearson, J., Ames, R.G., (2001) “Performance analysis of a wing with multiple winglets”
AIAA Paper 01-2407 Applied Aerodynamics Meeting, Anaheim, CA, June 2001.
Komerath, N.M., Ganesh, A.B., (2001) “Electromagnetic Construction of a 1km-Radius Radiation Shield in Orbit”.
“High Frontier”.. Proceedings of Space Manufacturing 13.. Meeting of The Space Society, Inc., Princeton, NJ, May
Professional Service and Development Activities: 1998-2002
American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics, Associate Fellow.
Sigma Xi, The Research Society, Member, 1980 – present.
American Society for Engineering Education, 1993- present.
Institutional Service and Development Activities: 1998-2002
College of Engg. Committee on Enhancing the Undergraduate Student Experience, 2000-2001
COE Task Force on the Freshman Mentoring Program, Summer 2001
GIT Task Force on the Global Learning Center, Fall 2001 – Winter 2002.
Institute RPT Committee, 2000-2001.
Director, NSF FAST (Financial Aid for Success in Technology) Program at GIT, Oct.2001– present.
Selected Honors and Awards
NSF: Leadership in Laboratory Development Award, 1993
Sigma Xi Research Award - Advisor an Outstanding PhD thesis at Georgia Tech, June 1993.
Georgia Tech Faculty Research Leadership Award- Development of Graduate Research Assistants, June 1993.
Sigma Xi Georgia Tech Faculty Best Paper Award, 1994.
Sigma Xi Research Award - Advisor of an Outstanding PhD thesis at Georgia Tech, June 1994.
Georgia Tech Outstanding PhD Advisor Award for 1992-1997, May 1997.
Sigma Xi Research Award - Advisor of an Outstanding PhD thesis at Georgia Tech, May 1998.