Masters Degree in Nursing Curriculum

California State University, Long Beach – Nursing Department
Masters Degree in Nursing Curriculum
NP Specialty:
Women’s Health
RN License
BSN or BS in health-related field
Community Health if BS not in
Upper division statistics
RN License
BSN or BS in health-related field
Upper division statistics
PHN Certificate
Medical Ethics course
Cultural Diversity course
1st Semester
2nd Semester
N 560 Nursing Theories & Roles
N680ATheories of Extended Nursing Practice
N680L Clinical Studies in Nursing
N 660B Theoretical Base for Ad. Pract.
N680B Theories of Extended Nursing Practice
N680L Clinical Studies in Nursing
N680C Theories of Extended Nursing Practice
N 596 Research Methods
N680L Clinical Studies in Nursing
Electives (7-8 units) graduate level
N695 Prof. Lit. Rev. (comp exam)
or N698 Thesis (2 units)
N698 Thesis (2 units)
HSc 500 Epidemiology
HSc 503 Ad. Community Health. Statistics
HSc 528 Ad. Environmental Health
HSC 535 Health Promotion & Risk Reduction
HSc 570 Theoretical Concepts. & Issues
in Health Science.
N 560 Nursing Theories &
3rd Semester
4th Semester
5th Semester
6th Semester
RN License
BSN or BS in health-related field
Upper division statistics
PHN certificate
Information Systems course
Basic Accounting course
Economics course
N 559 Nursing Administration
N 560 Nursing Theories & Roles
HCA 502 Health. Care System
HCA 505 Organization & Syst. of Hlth Care
HCA 510 Human Resource Mgmt. in Hlth Care
HCA 515 Ad. Finan. Mgmt. in Hlth Care
HSc 581Curriculum Dev. in Health Education
N596 or HSc 696 Research Methods
N 660B Theoretical Base for Ad. Pract.
N680A Theories of Extended Nursing Practice
N680L Clinical Studies in Nursing
HCA 524 Ad. Legal Aspects in Hlth Admin.
N680ATheories of Extended Nursing Practice
N680L Clinical Studies in Nursing
N 590 Independent Study
HSc 697 Directed Project (1 unit)
N680B Theories of Extended Nursing Practice
N680L Clinical Studies in Nursing
HSc 624 Sem. In Comm. Ana.
HSc 697 Directed Project (1 unit)
N680C Theories of Extended Nursing Practice
N680L Clinical Studies in Nursing
HSc 625 Ad. Comm. Hlth. Ed.
HSc 697 Directed Project (1 unit)
N680B Theories of Extended Nursing Practice
N680L Clinical Studies in Nursing
HCA 530 Start. Plan. & Mrktg in Hlth Care
N680C Theories of Extended Nursing Practice
N680L Clinical Studies in Nursing
HCA535 Quantit. Methods of Hlth Admin.
N 596 Research Methods
HCA 550 Qual. Assur. In Hlth Care
N 698 Thesis or HCA 698 Project
Postmasters – 30 units (everything but Research and Comprehensive Examination or Thesis)
6 units may be transferred for Masters Degree
5 units may be transferred for Postmasters
Version 1.0
California State University, Long Beach – Nursing Department
NP Specialty: Adult/Geriatric
Prerequisites RN license
Psych/Mental Health
RN license
BSN or BS in health-related field
BSN or BS in health-related field
Upper division statistics
Upper division statistics
Upper division pathophysiology
Upper division pathophysiology
Physical assessment within last five years Physical assessment within last five
Community health if BS not in Nursing years
Growth and development course
Community health if BS not in
RN license
BSN or BS in health-related field
Upper division statistics
Upper division pathophysiology
Physical assessment within last five
Growth and development course;
Community health if BS not in
RN license
BSN or BS in health-related field
Upper division statistics
Upper division pathophysiology
Physical assessment within last
five years
Community health if BS not in
1st Semester
2nd Semester
N510 Adv. Pathophysiology
N520 Adv. Pharmacology
N530 Adv. Physical Assessment
N540 Healthcare Econ. and Policy
N550 Human Diversity
N560 Nursing Theory and Roles
N596 Research
All courses 2 units each except N596 and
N520 (3 units each)
N510 Adv. Pathophysiology
N520 Adv. Pharmacology
N530 Adv. Physical Assessment
N540 Healthcare Econ. and Policy
N550 Human Diversity
N560 Nursing Theory and Roles
N596 Research
All courses 2 units each except N596
and N520 (3 units each)
N510 Adv. Pathophysiology
N520 Adv. Pharmacology
N530 Adv. Physical Assessment
N540 Healthcare Econ. and Policy
N550 Human Diversity
N560 Nursing Theory and Roles
N596 Research
All courses 2 units each except
N596 and N520 (3 units each)
N510 Adv. Pathophysiology
N520 Adv. Pharmacology
N530 Adv. Physical Assessment
N540 Healthcare Econ. And
N550 Human Diversity
N560 Nursing Theory and Roles
N596 Research
All courses 2 units each except
N596 and N520 (3 units each)
3rd Semester
N686 Adult/Geriatric Nursing Theories
(3 units)
N686A Adult/Geriatric Clinical Nursing
(3 units)
N686B Adult/Geriatric Clinical Nursing
(3 units)
N682 Family Nursing Theories
(3 units)
N682A Family Clinical Nursing
(3 units)
N682B Family Clinical Nursing
(3 units)
N684 Pediatric Nursing Theories
(3 units)
N684A Pediatric Clinical Nursing
(3 units)
N684B Pediatric Clinical Nursing
(3 units)
N688 Psych/Mental Health
Nursing Theories (3 units)
N688A Psych/Mental Health
Clinical Nursing (3 units)
N688B Psych/Mental Health
Clinical Nursing (3 units)
4th Semester
N687 Adult/Geriatric Nursing Theories
(3 units)
N687A Adult/Geriatric Clinical Nursing
(3 units)
N687B Adult/Geriatric Clinical Nursing
(3 units)
N683 Family Nursing Theories
(3 units)
N683A Family Clinical Nursing
(3 units)
N683B Family Clinical Nursing
(3 units)
N685 Pediatric Nursing Theories
(3 units)
N685A Pediatric Clinical Nursing
(3 units)
N685B Pediatric Clinical Nursing
(3 units)
N689 Psych/Mental Health
Nursing Theories (3 units)
N689A Psych/Mental Health
Clinical Nursing (3 units)
N689B Psych/Mental Health
Clinical Nursing (3 units)
Version 1.0
California State University, Long Beach – Nursing Department
N695 Professional Literature Review N695 Professional Literature
N695 Professional Literature
5th and future N695 Professional Literature Review
Review (comprehensive exam
N698 Thesis - 4 units (Thesis or comp
OR N698 Thesis - 4 units (Thesis or
exam must be completed within 7 years of comp exam must be completed within
start of program; if N695 has been taken, 7 years of start of program; if N695
exam must be taken within two semesters has been taken, exam must be taken
after class)
within two semesters after class)
- 3 units OR N698 Thesis - 4 units
(Thesis or comp exam must be
completed within 7 years of start of
program; if N695 has been taken,
exam must be taken within two
semesters after class)
class) - 3 units OR N698 Thesis 4 units (Thesis or comp exam
must be completed within 7 years
of start of program; if N695 has
been taken, exam must be taken
within two semesters after class)
6 units can be transferred in for MSN program/5 units for Postmasters NP program
Postmasters NP program – 31 units (all classes except N596 and N695 or N698)
Version 1.0