PM-Info 07/2011 SelfCookingCenter

PM Info No.:
SelfCookingCenter whitefficiency with HiDensityControl®
World innovation
The new SelfCookingCenter® whitefficiency® with
Dear RATIONAL colleague,
Since our company was established back in 1973, we have stood out from the crowd
because we offer maximum benefits to the people who prepare hot food in large-scale and
commercial kitchens.
Our own observations and lots of opinion surveys over the last few years have shown that,
in addition to the best possible food quality and ease of operation, cost-effectiveness is
increasingly becoming a decisive factor in the decision to buy. As the leading manufacturer
of hot cooking appliances we have therefore once again concentrated on the essentials in
the professional kitchen: and developed the best, most efficient, most multifunctional and
simplest cooking appliance of all time. With the new RATIONAL SelfCooking Center ®
whitefficiency® with HiDensityControl® we are starting a new chapter in terms of efficiency
and culinary delight.
20 % reduced consumption
 30 % greater capacity
 Production time cut by 30 %
 Full range of applications
 Best food quality
 Intuitive, self-teaching
 40 % lower costs for cleaning
and care
 And much, much more .....
A holistic approach to business.
RATIONAL is the chefs’ company. It is therefore entirely natural that we would select white
as the RATIONAL colour. After all, white stands for purity, hygiene, clarity, focus and
For us, efficiency means deriving the maximum benefits from everything we use, whether it
be time, energy, water, space or raw materials. In a word: whitefficiency®.
whitefficiency® is a holistic RATIONAL approach that is anchored deep in every area of our
company. It emphasises the sustainability of the way we act, from development, moving
through production, operation in the kitchen, our unique service concept, all the way to the
recycling of old units.
In particular, whitefficiency is ideal for day-to-day work in the kitchen. That is where
whitefficiency® pays for itself directly for our customers since whitefficiency® also stands for
the most efficient cooking appliance of all time – the SelfCooking Center® whitefficiency®.
With the SelfCooking Center® whitefficiency® with HiDensityControl® + Efficient
LevelControl® + SelfCooking Control® + CareControl we offer the perfect solution to the
ever-increasing demand for efficient products that also need to pay for themselves. This
means that SelfCooking Center® whitefficiency® will become a Must-Have in every
professional kitchen. In the name “whitefficiency®” we are already promising maximum
efficiency, and demonstrate this in operation – every day. The incredibly short pay-back time
means that it is worthwhile removing units from the market that are just a few years old. This
will create an enormous boost for the replacement business of our dealers.
The patented HiDensityControl®
A quantum leap in cooking quality
HiDensityControl® ensures that heat and humidity are
introduced – precisely metered – exactly where they are
needed according to how well cooked the product is. It is
the new, patented dynamic air mixing that is responsible
for this. The fan impeller speeds are precisely regulated,
intelligently modulating the air speed in the cooking
cabinet. HiDensityControl® is supported by the new, highly
effective dehumidification and new powerful steam control
which ensures maximum steam saturation. The unique
cooking output of HiDensityControl® always guarantees
outstanding cooking quality, whatever the load size. This
maximises unit utilisation and reduces consumption of
resources to a minimum. Expressed in figures,
HiDensityControl® means 30 % larger load sizes for our
customers, and thus 30 % time saved in production, plus
20 % reduced power consumption compared to
conventional combi-steamers.
HiDensityControl® - An unmatched variety of applications
HiDensityControl® also maximises the range of applications. The high steam saturation now
allows even fresh pasta (e.g. ravioli or tortellini) to be prepared. And baking is now one of its
particular strengths. It incorporates important functionality for professional baking, such as 5
air speeds, 3 moisturing levels and 5 proving levels, steam baking and professional baking
workflows. This makes our addressable market much bigger; 17,000 baking appliances are
sold every year in Germany alone. It will also replace even more special appliances, which
minimises investment costs in general and expensive space required in particular. It opens
up entirely new options in terms of use and extending the range of food. The SelfCooking
Center® whitefficiency® is the ideal unit for the new trends in eating out (snack and bake
shops, fast food, supermarkets, etc).
The new SelfCooking Control®
- unique and unmatched
The entirely new SelfCooking Control® regulates the cooking
processes for all applications just as they are imagined by the
chef. Even the most complex cooking routines can be called
up at any time by anyone using the incredibly simple controls.
The many new cooking options allow the workflow to be
modified flexibly as wanted. The user always knows what has
just happened as he is kept constantly informed about the
cooking workflow. With SelfCooking Control® time-consuming
routine chores are totally eliminated. Our customers simply
have more time for the essentials. The SelfCooking Center®
whitefficiency® gives every customer the feeling of having
SelfCooking Control® always guarantees tip-top results as all
the technical options are fully utilised. Our customers also
save at least 10% on raw materials and a whole lot of time.
Efficient LevelControl®
revolutionises food service
Efficient LevelControl® revolutionises food production and
services with clever mixed loads. Efficient LevelControl®
knows what can be cooked together and makes appropriate
suggestions. Each rack level is individually controlled.
Efficient Level Control® intelligently corrects the cooking time
according to the amount of food and how often, and for how
long, the door is opened. RATIONAL master chefs have
created default shopping baskets that always guarantee
optimum utilisation with maximum output. In practice this
means unit utilisation increased by 30 %, production time
shortened by 30% and for the same top food quality. A wide
variety of different dishes can be prepared without stress
and chaos. The frying / grilling area, for example, is at least
5 times larger compared to dedicated appliances. The operating display is totally new and is
easy to understand right from the start. It also saves 20 % energy.
Intuitively simple control
Using the new SelfCooking Center® whitefficiency® is
intuitively simple. It constantly learns and automatically
adjusts itself to the habits of the individual user. The user
interface can also be simply tailored to requirements. Any
functions that are not needed are simply removed from the
display. The online help is always available and answers
context-specific operating and application questions. The
number of possible applications increases because the
controls are so easy to use. The SelfCooking Center®
whitefficiency® can even be operated straight away by
temporary and untrained staff without a lot of training. Any
inhibitions about using the unknown vanish since the
whole power and variety can be called up at the push of a
button. Our partners and dealers now have the option of
customising each SelfCooking Center® whitefficiency®
configuration specifically for their new customers. This
gives our business partners yet another important tool to
distinguish them from the competition.
40% lower cleaning costs on average
The cleaning and care required is determined according to
the level of soiling, then the correct cleaning level is
suggested along with the precisely metered amount of
cleaner and care tabs. This prompt also comes at exactly
the right time – at the end of the shift. This time is learned
automatically, and guarantees sparkling hygiene, optimum
care and thus maintains the value of the investment for
longer. Cleaner tabs offer maximum possible health
protection. 40 % lower cleaning costs, no water softener
required and no descaling not only save a vast amount of
money, but protect the environment as well.
With the new SelfCooking Center® whitefficiency® we have created the foundation for our
company’s continued success. The ever-increasing demand for efficient products that also
need to pay for themselves make the SelfCooking Center® whitefficiency® a real Must-Have.
It generates new demand pull in the market and promotes the replacement of old units
thanks to its sheer efficiency. The full variety of applications will allow us to open up new
market segments.
We wish you personally every success with the new and unique RATIONAL SelfCooking
Center® whitefficiency®.
Kind regards
Gerhard Kramer
Project Management - Technology