授課教師: 孫立群 電 話: (02) 23630231 轉 2523 傳 真: (02) 23628496 辦 公 室: 農業綜合館 212 室 電子信箱: sunlc@ccms.ntu.edu.tw <sunlc@ccms.ntu.edu.tw> 約談時間: 計 量 與 GAUSS 程 式 設計 學 Econometrics and GAUSS Programming 必、選修 碩士班、博士班 課 課程名稱 授課對象 授課時間 星期二 9:10 - 12:00 AM 課程目的 先修課程 無 分 號 授課地點 3 學 分 半 年 選 修 課 627 M0230 農 經 五 This course is designed specifically for graduate students, and it may be given another titles: "Practicing Econometrics Using Computers" or in a more fashionable way "Econometrics DIY," which means you will be struggling through the entire course in front of a personal computer. The software we use is the personal computer programming language GAUSS. Although no prerequisite knowledge on GAUSS is needed, basic training on econometrics and matrix algebra are required. Working out the assigned exercises is the No. 1 job in this course. There will be no midterm exam for this course. Course grade will be based on homeworks, class participation and maybe a final exam. Matrix algebra and econometric theory will be briefly reviewed in the class. The level will be consistent with the graduate econometrics course. The lecture is mainly to refresh your memory of your previous econometric classes and to place econometric theory in the framework of various economic applications. The basic econometrics will be studied very carefully. This is necessary because when you work on the exercises, you will have to "translate" the algebra and derivation underlying each econometric theory to a GAUSS program. 授 課 One main objective of this course is to force you to study the basic econometrics carefully. Any small error caused by carelessness may ruin your entire computer program and leave you nothing for hours of work. So, please be prepared to get frustrated and to spend hours and hours of your precious time in front of a PC. To a certain point, you may feel that you want to throw your PC out of the window. It's perfectly fine with me, as long as the PC is yours. The following topics will be covered in this course: 大 綱 1.Matrix Algebra; 2.Introduction to GAUSS Programming; 3.OLS, GLS and Seemingly Unrelated Regressions; 4.Panel Data Models; 5.Maximum Likelihood Method in Econometrics; 6.LR, LM and Wald Tests; 7.Limited Dependent and Qualitative Variables Models; 8.Self-Selection Models; 9.Economic Duration Models; 10.Basic Time Series Models. The other objective of this course is to give you an opportunity to work with real data. Only getting your hands dirty with real data can give you the "feeling" about data that cannot be acquired from reading books or papers. Hopefully, you will have chances to encounter all the possible problems in dealing with data and get over with them once and for all. Moreover, going through applied econometric projects (data collection, data transformation, data analysis, econometric model building, estimation, testing, troubleshooting, evaluation, and model revision) as you work out exercises can provide you with some prototypes for your future research. When you just start working with GAUSS, be prepared for the anxiety, frustration, and even anger in learning GAUSS. You should have access to an IBM-compatible personal computer, preferably 386 or higher, with a math-coprocessor. Some knowledge about the DOS operating system for IBM-compatible personal computers is required. If you have not used PC's before, you may experience desperate feeling in the first weeks and you just have to spend more time on PC. 教科書 Greene, William H. Econometric Analysis, 2nd ed., Macmillan Publishing Company. 1. Matrix Algebra 陳超塵 (民國 70 年). 統計學原理, 四版. 第八章: 數陣代數大意. Graybill, Franklin A. (1983). Matrices with Applications in Statistics, Belmont, CA: Wadsworth International Group. Johnston, J. (1984). Econometric Methods, 3rd ed., New York: McGraw-Hill, Inc. Chapter 4: Elements of Matrix Algebra. 2. Introduction to GAUSS Programming 3. OLS, GLS and Seemingly Unrelated Regressions Fomby, Thomas B., Hill , R. Carter and Stanley R. Johnson (1984). Advanced Econometric Methods, New York: Springer-Verlag. Chapter 8: Feasible Generalized Least Squares Estimation. 4. Panel Data Model (Option) Hsiao, Cheng (1986). Analysis of Panel Data, New York: Cambridge University Press. Maddala, G. S. (1971). "The Use of Variance Components Models in Pooling Cross Section and Time Series Data," Econometrica, 39(2):341 - 358. Mundlak, Yair (1978). "On the Pooling of Time Series and Cross Section Data," Econometrica, 46(1): 69 - 85. 5. Maximum Likelihood Method in Econometrics Cramer, J. S. (1986). Econometric Applications of Maximum Likelihood Methods, New York: Cambridge University Press. 6. LR, LM and Wald Tests Godfrey, L. G. (1990). Misspecification Tests in Econometrics, New York: Cambridge University Press. 7. Limited Dependent and Qualitative Variables Models Amemiya, Takeshi (1981). "Qualitative Response Models: A Survey," Journal of 參考文獻 Economic Literature, XIX(December): 1483 - 1536. Maddala, G. S. (1983). Limited-Dependent and Qualitative Variables in Econometrics, New York: Cambridge University Press. Maddala, G. S. (1992). Introduction to Econometrics, 2nd ed., New York: Macmillan Publishing Company. Chapter 8: Dummy Variables and Truncated Variables. 8. Self-Selection Models Bloom, D. E., and M. R. Killingsworth (1985). "Correcting for Truncation Bias Caused by A Latent Truncation Variable," Journal of Econometrics, 27(1): 131 -135. 評分方式 備 註