Special thanks to Julie March for coordinating this project Welcome to 'Our Growing Community', a network dedicated to connecting people, local food, farm resources and more. This publication was funded by Salmo Community Services with the intention of sharing information and supporting economic sustainability and local agriculture in our area. Though the goods and services listed are generally in the southern tip of the West Kootenays (Ymir, Salmo and Fruitvale), we have also included societies, businesses and organizations throughout the West Kootenays to promote a wider network and share information regarding food system initiatives that are happening throughout the region. This is a pilot project and we have compiled current information to the best of our knowledge and look forward to adding profiles that have been inadvertently missed. This information will be available on the Salmo Community website at www.discoversalmo.ca , under the component 'Our Growing Community', creating an opportunity to update information regularly. Publications will be available to local businesses, individuals and can be printed upon request. Also, you are welcome to independently re-print this resource. Copies will be available at Salmo Public Library. In these rapidly changing times food and fuel costs are rising dramatically, the negative impact on human health and the environment created by factory farmed "food" which travel thousands of miles to reach us, is evident, and seeking solutions is both beneficial and necessary. Access and awareness to our community goods and services, including locally-grown and produced food, allows us to vote with every dollar we spend. Supporting the local economy promotes community sustainability and buying food from your local farmers or growing it yourself, is an overall health benefit... AND IT TASTES GOOD TOO!! Food systems are created through a diverse range of goods and services. This directory provides access to local food, labor, products, equipment, resources and education. In addition, farms are increasingly participating in CSA's (Community Supported Agriculture), which provide a variety of ways to support local food growers, including farm-fresh food delivered weekly to your home. Through sharing information with our friends and family, neighbors and community, we promote economic stability and a hopeful future. The directory is set up with an alphabetical goods and services index which corresponds to the profile reference number, creating a user-friendly format to easily locate your requested item. The Province of BC is recognizing the need to incorporate an Agricultural Plan into the planning process, and RDCK is adopting this as well, developing an Agricultural Plan for the Kootenays. In addition, Jon Steinman, host of 'Deconstructing Dinner' for the previous 6 years, is helping to create The West Kootenay Regional Food Council. Currently Malin Christenson is compiling information for a Local Food Guide in the Slocan Valley. CB Green’s website is an ongoing initiative building a directory of profiles which encourage sustainable development and environmental practices. Updating New Profiles will be continuous and are very welcome. It would appear that the Local Food Movement is developing and unfolding on many levels. Awareness both encourages and allows for opportunities and choices that support healthy, sustainable communities. Many thanks to the efforts and encouragement that made this possible; it is greatly appreciated. As Margaret Mead's quote declares: "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." Blessings and Bon Appetit !!! Additional listings/profiles are welcome. Contact: Charlene@scrs.ca or phone Salmo Community Services at 250-357-2277 Slocan Valley Directory Contact: Malin Christensson – email: localfoodguide@gmail.com Goods and Services Index Item Abattoirs Profile Reference Number 14, 17 Alternative Fuel Animals 12, 17, 57, 87 Animal Feed 37, 39, 78 Baked Goods 06, 31, 63, 64 Bedding Plants, Trees and Shrubs 37, 38, 76 Bees and Honey 04, 05, 74, 79 Businesses Selling and/or Supporting Local 29, 31, 37, 38, 39, 47, 64, 77,89 Building Supplies, Materials, Energy Sources 76, 78 Canning and Preserves 14 Chickens and Eggs 01, 03, 04, 18, 88 Coffee 15 Food Contractors and Labourers 16, 18, 19, 21, 27, 28, 32, 35, 43, 81, 82, 85, 88, 90 Community Gardens Community Supported Agriculture (CSAs) 01, 03, 04 Co-ops (food, tools, animals, etc.) 38, 53 Dairy Equine Services 12, 32 Farm Animal Services and Veterinarians 12, 17, 32 Farm Equipment Rentals / Services / Transport 04, 14, 16, 18, 19, 21, 28, 32, 35, 43, 82 Farm and Garden Supplies 37 Farms (current and upcoming) 01, 02, 03, 04, 10 Fibre 10 Firewood 18 Fish 11 Fruit and Veggies 01, 03, 04, 05, 08, 09, 13, 14, 20, 79 Grains Garlic 02, 03, 14 Meat and Poultry 01, 14, 17, 39, 56, 88 Mushrooms 60, 80, 85 Natural Fertilizer (Manure, Compost / Worms) 12, 24, 66 Natural Medicines, Body Products & Wildcrafting 01, 07, 12, 13, 23, 30, 37 Resources, Organizations, Initiatives, Education 07, 08, 11, 22, 25, 33, 34, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 59, 60, 61, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 80, 83, 84, 85, 86 Seeds 36, 50, 58, 62, 65, 89 Food, Local Goods and other Supplies Labour and Services Heavy Equipment Services Construction Services Transport Services Resources (education, organizations & initiatives) Alphabetical Listing Profile # AJ’s Mapping Anderson, Nancy & Ray Ariah’s Edibles Arrow Lakes Grape Growers Society 86 10 64 68 BC Food Systems Network BC Spirit Soaps Big Red Tractor Farm Services 42 23 32 CB Green Website Certified Organic Association of BC (COABC) Community Food Matters Creston Valley Food Action Coalition 73 71 61 54 Dragonfly Café 77 Earth Matters Earthy’s Organic Farms Ellison’s Market and Café Endless Harvest 90 03 37 29 Fattoria Local Foods Food in the Koots (BLOG) Forget, Martin 56 41 27 Gaia Green Products Ltd. Garden-Joaq GLA Excavating – Farm Services Gone Local Farm & Transport Service Growing Through the Seasons 66 81 35 04 08 Harkness, Kris Harvest Rescue Program Hergott, Bev Huckleberry Adventures 34 43 36 22 Interior Health 67 Jamelin Farms Just Bee Naturals & Apiary 20 79 Kaslo Food Security Project Kassells, Linda Kettle Valley Food Co-op Kootenay Agro-Forestry Society Kootenay Food Strategy Society Kootenay Organic Growers Society (KOGS) Kootenay Country Store Cooperative 51 63 53 80 55 52 38 Kootenay Land Trust Society Kootenay Local Agricultural Society (KLAS) Kootenay Natural Pet Foods Kootenay Permaculture Kootenay Planet – Edible School Grounds Network Kootenay Private Forestry 75 45 87 33 40 72 Let Us Farm - Services Lone Pine Equine Services 19 12 McGhie, Cindy Meadowbrook Farms Mobbs Farm Mountain Seed Company Mumm’s Sprouting Seeds Mushroom Hunters 24 01 88 50 62 85 Nelson Food Cupboard Society North Kootenay Lake Bear Smart Program (Bear Aware) 59 70 Passmore Poultry Pluckers Inc. Peak Sustainability 14 25 Raiche, Natalie & Andrews, Isaac Richters Herbs Rossland Real Food Rushforth Removals Ruzycki, Rob 18 89 49 28 21 Sacred Grounds Café Salmo Elementary Learning Garden Salmo Food Bank Salmo Foods Salmo Watershed Streamkeepers Society Simply Paws-itive Skyway Hardware and Garden Centre Sweet Bee Apiary Sustain Urban Farm Stellar Seeds 31 69 46 39 26 57 76 05 13 58 Tarzwell Farm and Abattoir The Goods The Queens Bees Project 17 47 74 Underground Coffee Co. 15 Valu-Mart Bottle Depot and Supplies 78 West Coast Seeds West Kootenay Eco Society West Kootenay Regional Food Council Western Biologicals Ltd. 65 48 44 60 White Trash Cooperative Wild Mountain Berry Farm Wild Mountain Herbs Wildhorse Landscaping Wildhorse Trout Farm WildSanderson Gluten Free Baked Goods Wilson, Maurgo & George WWOOF 84 09 07 82 11 06 02 83 Ymir Backhoe Services Ymir Soapworks 16 30 Profiles Meadowbrook Farms Salmo, BC Kevin and Laura Stavast P: 250-357-9941 1026 Airport Rd. – Box 190, V0G 1Z0 E: meadowbrookfarm@telus.net W: www.meadowbrookfarm.ca Sprouts, salad greens, fresh herbs, cucumbers, tomatoes, meat birds, eggs, CSA #01 Maurgo & George Wilson E: wilsongm@telus.net Garlic Salmo, BC #02 Earthy’s Organic Farm John Abenante & Jenine Powell HOBBYFARM@telus.net C: 250-368-1909 / H: 250-367-9955 Certified Organic: #59 K.O.G.S. Garlic, eggs, vegetables, CSA Fruitvale, BC #03 Gone Local Farm & Transport Services Salmo, BC Dave Gooch: Farm Manager, Owner C: 250-551-5906 E: letusfarminthekoots@gmail.com Greenhouse, fruit & veggies, eggs, transport services, CSA Distributing and delivering local food from small farms Within 200 miles (asparagus, honey, dairy, cherries and more) Gate sales Fridays: 12-8pm #04 Sweet Bee Apiary Jason and Chantelle P: 250-357-2496 E: cdgrosjean@hotmail.com Honey and strawberries #05 Salmo, BC WildSanderson Gluten Free Baked Goods Laura Sanderson P: 250-357-9555 E: wildsanderson@hotmail.com Ymir, BC #06 Wild Mountain Herbs Ymir, BC Keith Davis P: 250-357-2563 / E: wildmtn@telus.net Herbal medicine, salves & tinctures, Resource Publication for sale, Wildcrafting Herbwalks and Workshops #07 Growing Through the Seasons Deer Park, BC Frank and Libby P: 250-304-2718 E: libfrank@zworg.com Growing Through the Seasons course/workshop, Edible plant walks (available through Selkirk College upon request) orchard fruit for sale when available #08 Wild Mountain Berry Farm Tammy and Nathan Rushforth E: natadaze@yahoo.ca Strawberries #09 Ymir, BC Nancy and Ray Anderson Salmo, BC P: 250-357-2577 E: canahope@ntelos.net Fiber – angora and mohair, raw and hand-carted rovings, upcoming farm (possible cow co-op in the future) #10 Wildhorse Trout Farm Ymir, BC Brian Henderson P: 250-357-2161 Live trout available, Trout Pond Consultant #11 Lone Pine Equine Services Salmo, BC Gail Rite and Brian Koochin P: 250-357-2058 / C: 250-354-3436 E: lonepineequine@gmail.com Therapeutic Riding Program, English & Western horseback riding lessons (CHA/CTRA certified), general horsemanship lessons, mare care, boarding, transport – manure available by donation (all contributions go to Therapeutic Riding) #12 Sustain Urban Farm Nyree Marsh P: 250-357-9322 E: sustainurbanfarm@gmail.com Urban micro-farm, specializing in herbs #13 Salmo, BC Passmore Poultry Pluckers Inc. Passmore, BC Mobile poultry abattoir Judi Morton & Alex Berland 4038 Woykin Road, V0G 2E0 P: 250-226-7100 E: mortonjudi@hotmail.com Tulaberry Farms Market garden: raspberries (u-pickers accepted), certified organic meat chickens, cold-pressed apple juice, raspberry juice, jams & jellies, garlic #14 Underground Coffee Co. Mark Bennett P: 250-357-2217 E: info@undergroundcoffeecompany.com #15 Ymir, BC Ymir Backhoe Services Ymir, BC Dave Fedderson P: 250-505-9409 Dave Ronald P: 250-354-7698 Fire guarding, excavating, culvert installs, site prep and clean-up, road building, snow removal, gravity feed water systems, dump truck services, retaining wall and foundation repairs #16 Tarzwell Farm and Abattoir Creston, BC Owner/Operator: Tom Tarzwell P: 250-428-4316 Offers custom slaughter services – no custom processing but can provide custom wrapping, sausage making, curing, smoking, etc. Types of animals slaughtered include: cattle, goat, sheep, lamb, bison, swine (can accommodate others) This facility can be used as a docking station. #17 Natalie Raiche & Isaac Andrews Salmo, BC P: 250-357-2860 E: note2nat@hotmail.com Tree removal, fencing, brushing, firewood, organic farm labor/experience, free-range eggs #18 Let Us Farm - Services Ymir, BC Julie March P: 250-357-2536 E: letusfarminthekoots@gmail.com Farm labor, networking, and organizational skills #19 Jamelin Farms Fruitvale, BC James and Linda Green P: 250-367-7889 - (no calls after 7:30pm please!) Veggies, berries, wine grapes KOGS #69 (certified organic) #20 Rob Ruzycki W: www.robruzycksicraftsman.com Craftsman timber frame and fine furniture #21 Ymir, BC Huckleberry Adventures Slocan Valley, BC P: 250-226-6757 E: Shanoonb@gmail.com Nature walk wild food and medicine programs (specializing with children/youth) #22 BC Spirit Soaps Salmo, BC #23 Linda Buffy P: 250-357-2627 E: bcspiritsoap@hotmail.com All-natural soaps, shampoo and body care products, Hand milled aromatic soap, shampoo, body cream, lip balm, love oil, healing salve, misters, aftershave, pulsepoint pots, and bath salts...All natural for you ! Made with LOVE in the Kootenays Cindy McGhie E: clmcghieworks@hotmail.com Manure Ymir, BC #24 Peak Sustainability Ymir, BC Kimberly Klassen E: kim@peaksustainability.com Environmental Consultant for Business Sustainability #25 Salmo Watershed Streamkeepers Society Salmo, BC #26 Gerry Nellestijn: Coordinator P: 250-357-2630 / Box 718, V0G 1Z0 E: gerry@streamkeepers.bc.ca W: www.streamkeepers.bc.ca/ Incorporated in 1998 as a not for profit charitable organization. The SWSS is a multiaward winning stewardship group focused on the Salmo River Watershed but is involved with stewardship activities throughout the Canadian Columbia Basin and beyond. The cornerstone of SWSS is to increase aquatic ecosystem health. SWSS is a skilled and motivated group that excels at partnership and group building as well as the “get wet and dirty” project-based actions of river/lake monitoring, research, and restoration. SWSS manages a multi-faceted awareness campaign called “The River Speaks”. Martin Forget P: 250-357-9625 Finishing carpentry Ymir, BC #27 Rushforth Removals Ymir, BC Nathan Rushworth P: 250-354-2896 E: natdaze@yahoo.ca Residential tree-faller (insured & CSA approved) #28 Arborist Endless Harvest Ymir, BC 7012 First Ave., V0G 2K0 P: 250-357-0088 / Toll-Free BC: 1-866-825-4646 E: feedme@endlessharvest.com W: www.endlessharvest.com F: www.facebook.com/endlessharvest Organic and local food market and home delivery service #29 Ymir Soapworks Michelle E: ymirsoapworks@gmail.com Personal care products #30 Ymir, BC Sacred Grounds Café Salmo, BC 301 Railway Ave. – Hwy. 6 P: 250-357-2848 Serving home-made & locally-grown food #31 Big Red Tractor Farm Services Slocan Valley, BC Chris Bieber C: 250-777-4609 E: natural hoofcare@uniserve.com Snow removal, tractor/loader, Certified Hoof Care Professional (barefoot), livestock and hay hauling, mowing, willing to travel #32 Kootenay Permaculture Gregoire Lamoreux E: spiralfarm@yahoo.com W: www3.telus.net/permaculture/ Course instructor and consultant Winlaw, BC #33 Kris Harkness P: 250-551-1984 Invasive Plant Management Salmo, BC #34 GLA Excavating – Farm Services Fruitvale, BC John Abenante: Owner/Operator / E: Johnabes@telus.net C: 250-368-1909 / H: 250-367-9955 #35 Bev Hergott Nelson, BC P: 250-352-5884 / E: bevhergott@telus.net Home-grown organic vegetable and flowers seeds. Specializing in heirloom tomato varieties. #36 Ellison’s Market and Café Nelson, BC 523 Front St., V1L 4B4 / P: 250-352-3181 W: www.ellisonsmarket.com Locally grown and organic food, garden/feed supplies, pet food, personal care products, locally-made food served in café #37 Kootenay Country Store Cooperative Nelson, BC 295 Baker St., V1L 4H4 / P: 250-354-4077 W: www.kootenay.coop/ The Kootenay Co-op is a large, member-owned Cooperative offering natural, organic foods and products in Nelson, the heart of Kootenay Country. #38 Salmo Foods Salmo, BC 323 Davies Ave., V0G 1Z0 P: 250-357-9922 Organic and locally-grown food retail grocer Meat cutter: Paul Burns Custom meat cutting, sausage making etc. #39 Kootenay Planet – Edible School Grounds Network #40 Contacts: Louise Poole Jennie Barron E: klpoole@shaw.ca or E: jenerik@netidea.com Food in the Koots BLOG Diana Van Eyk E: dianavaneyk@gmail.com #41 W: www.foodinthekoots.com ___________________________________________________________________________ ___ BC Food Systems Network #42 E: info@fooddemocracy.org W: www.fooddemocracy.org BCFSN builds relationships between communities, organizations and individuals working to create sustainable food systems across the province Harvest Rescue Program Nelson Food Cupboard Society 602 Silica Street, V2L 4N1 P: 250-354-1633 E: foodcupboard@shawbiz.ca Nelson, BC #43 West Kootenay Regional Food Council Advisory Committee Jon Steinman E: jon@steinman.com #44 KLAS Castlegar, BC Kootenay Local Agricultural Society 1911 Irving Road, Tarrys, V1N 4N6 P: 250-399-4809 / E: klasociety@shaw.ca W: www.klasociety.org Kootenay Mountain Grown: www.kootenaymountaingrown.org #45 Salmo Food Bank Salmo Community Services P: 250-357-2277 E: charlene@scrs.ca #46 Salmo, BC The Goods Ymir, BC P: 250-357-2587 General store and café serving locally grown food and supporting local agriculture #47 West Kootenay Eco Society #48 Nelson, BC P: 250-354-1909 W: www.ecosociety.ca Rossland Real Food W: www.rosslandfood.com Initiatives encouraging local food systems Rossland, BC #49 Mountain Seed Company Slocan Valley, BC Kylie Lichty E: mountainseeds@gmail.com W: mountainseedco.com Specializing in rare and heirloom short growing season, open pollinated seed varieties – Slocan Valley Naturally Grown. Seed Saving Workshops available upon request. #50 Kaslo Food Security Project Kaslo, BC Aimee Watson: Coordinator P:250-353-7120 / E: aimeewatson@nklcss.org W: www.nklcss.org Offers a variety of programs: Food cupboard, Bulk Buying Club of West Kootenay Farmers, Tool Library, Community Root Cellar #51 KOGS (Kootenay Organic Growers Society) Winlaw, BC Box 149, V0G 2J0 P: 250-226-7249 E: office@kogs.bc.ca W: www.kogs.bc.ca/ Not for profit Kootenay-based certifying organization for organic agriculture products #52 Kettle Valley Food Co-op Box 207, V0H 1H0 / P: 250-442-8583 E: information@kettlevalleyfoodcoop.org W: www.kettlevalleyfoodcoop.org Grand Forks, BC #53 Creston Valley Food Action Coalition c/o College of the Rockies Box 1978, V0B 1G0 E: cvfoodaction@yahoo.ca W: www.crestonfoodaction.ca/site/ Creston, BC #54 Let’s Grow, Let’s Eat, Let’s Share Kootenay Food Strategy Society Castlegar, BC 1900 8th Avenue P: 250-365-7678 E: smccreight@hotmail.com W: www.kootenayfood.ca “Sowing the seeds for an abundant, equitable, and sustainable food system in the Kootenays” #55 Fattoria Local Foods Castlegar, BC Jennifer Barclay P: 250-505-7765 / E: happyyummylocal@telus.net Local, naturally and humanely raised beef, lamb and chicken from the farm to your door #56 Simply Paws-itive Linda Murray E: lmurray@netidea.com Dog obedience and agility training #57 Stellar Seeds Kaslo, BC P: 250-366-0061 E: info@stellarseeds.com W: www.stellarseeds.com Certified organic seeds, heritage and rare varieties, grown by small farms #58 Nelson Food Cupboard Society 602 Silica Street, V1L 4N1 P: 250-354-1633 E: foodcupboard@shawbiz.ca Nelson, BC #59 Western Biologicals Ltd. (Mushroom Growing Resource) Box 283, V4W 2T8 P/F: 604-856-3339 E: westernb@shaw.ca Aldergrove, BC #60 Community Food Matters Nelson, BC E: communityfoodmatters@riseup.net Community Food Matters (CFM) is a coalition of businesses, organizations, individuals, and institutions who are working on issues related to local/regional food security. #61 Mumm’s Sprouting Seeds Box 80, S0J 2A0 P: 306-747-2935 #62 Parkside, SK Linda Kassells Salmo, BC P: 250-357-2120 / E: kassells@yahoo.ca Locally made organic granola #63 Ariah’s Edibles Nelson, BC #16, 104 Silica Street (across from Ford Autos) P: 250-354-3875 W: www.ariahsedibles.com Healthy fast food fresh from the Kootenays #64 West Coast Seeds Toll-free: 1-888-804-8820 W: www.westcoastseeds.com #65 Gaia Green Products Ltd. Grand Forks, BC 9130 Granby Rd., V0H 1H1 P: 250-442-3745 / Toll-free: 1-800-545-3745 E: info@gaiagreen.ca / W: www.gaiagreen.com #66 Interior Health Juliana Gola / P: 250-505-7200 E: Juliana.gola@interiorhealth.ca #67 Nelson, BC Arrow Lakes Grape Growers Society Contact: Patt Judd - contact info pending Website in development: research and data logging for #68 species viability (grapes and agriculture) Salmo Elementary Learning Garden Salmo, BC Salmo Elementary School Tawny Bartisch P: 250-357-2633 E: tbartisch@gmail.com Students, staff and parents of SES are working to create and sustain a healthy and welcome environment while increasing new opportunities for play and ecological education #69 North Kootenay Lake Bear Smart Program - Kaslo, BC P: 250-353-1137 E: bearawareprogram@bccf.com W: www.bearaware.bc.ca #70 COABC: Certified Organic Association of British Columbia W: www.certifiedorganic.bc.ca #71 Kootenay Private Forestry Select Management Road Location Jim Dorey P: 250-551-0561 E: jdorey20@yahoo.ca #72 CB Green Website #73 (Wildsight and West Kootenay Eco-Society Collaborative for Sustainability) W: www.cbgreen.ca The CB Green web directory is a dynamic list of organizations and businesses in the Columbia Basin that are encouraging sustainable development and environmental practices. The collection of data for this directory is an ongoing process, and will be continuously updated to include new profiles from new regions of the Columbia Basin. The Queens Bees Project Christina Yahn – Executive Director P: 250-354-8440 E: thequeensbeesproject@gmail.com W: thequeensbeesproject.wordpress.com Essential Oil Hydrosols #74 The Queens Bees project now has a blog including bee related events, historical information, and current news/info about the project. Presentations are available upon request. Kootenay Land Trust Society Eric Clough P: 250-226-6988 E: eric@columbiawireless.ca Kootenay Region John Wittmayer P: 778-235-8468 E: john_wittmayer@hotmail.com #75 Vision: British Columbia – a global model of communities living in harmony with their natural and cultural heritage. Mission: The Land Trust Alliance “fosters the land trust community, which protects and stewards British Columbia’s natural and cultural heritage”. Skyway Hardware and Garden Centre 118 4th Avenue P: 250-357-9911 Salmo, BC #76 Dragonfly Café Salmo, BC 413 Railway Avenue / P: 250-357-2867 Integrating local fresh food in delicious snacks and meals Serving ‘Little Miss Gelato’ (made in Nelson) #77 Valu-Mart Bottle Depot and Supplies 4 – 6320 Highway 3 P: 250-357-253 Hardware, feed, and more #78 Salmo, BC Just Bee Naturals & Apiary Salmo, BC #79 Kootenay Agro-Forestry Society Peter McAllister P: 250-353-2575 E: peterunderbelly@hotmail.com Agro-Forestry tours of ecological forest products, culinary & medicinal mushroom harvesting, and mushroom growing workshops Kaslo, BC #80 Garden-Joaq Joaquin Klein P: 250-357-2449 Incredible, edible landscapes and more! Ymir, BC #81 Wildhorse Landscaping Michael Carmody P: 250-257-2977 C: 250-509-2977 Bobcat services and roto-tilling Ymir, BC #82 Stephanie Campbell E: steph@justbee.ca Offering honey and natural products from the hive WWOOF – World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms Box 85, Procter BC – V0G 1V0 E: admin@wwoof.ca #83 We prefer that you email us with your questions, rather than phone. 1-250-999-7131 (Mon-Fri 9:00am - 12:00pm PST) White Trash Cooperative Murray Sadler P: 250-505-2918 Garbage pick up, recycling, and more Ymir, BC #84 Mushroom Hunters Joaquin Klen & Andrew Leus P: 250-357-2449 Specializing in Morels Ymir, BC #85 AJ’s Mapping Ymir, BC #86 P: 250-357-0111 E: mapgraphics@gmail.com Quality, custom mapping. Samples available at: www.mapgraphics.com ___________________________________________________________________________ ___ Kootenay Natural Pet Foods “Your satisfaction is our priority” P: 250-362-7374 / 1-888-RAD.D0GS E: RipleesRanch@telus.net W: www.RipleesRanch.com Buy 11 get 1 free on Riplees pet foods! Free Deliver Wednesdays, all West Kootenay locations Mobbs’ Farm Jennifer Mobbs Salmo, BC Salmo, BC #87 #88 P: 250-357-2313 E: jmobbs@telus.net Eggs, Meat and will cut hay fields upon request. Bull available. __________________________________________________ __ Richters Herbs #89 357 Highway 47 Goodwood, ON - L0C 1A0 Canada P: 1.905.640.6677 Fax. 1.905.640.6641 Herb plants, seeds, books, dried herbs and more – Richters is your best choice for everything herbal ___________________________________________________________________________ ___ Earth Matters #90 Earth Matters Program and Recycling Service Nelson CARES Society 521 Vernon Street Nelson, BC, V1L 4E9 Program – 250-352-6011 (ext. 17) Recycling Service – 250-352-6011 (ext. 15) Earth Matters Eco Centre 563 Ward Street, Nelson, BC, V1L 1T1 Phone: 250-352-2513 Cell: 250-505-7577 Offers innovative “youth driven” programs and services which include weekly recycling pick-up services, composting, delivery, postering and janitorial services. ___________________________________________________________________________ The Purple Trailer The Old Salmo Train Station Summer Only - open 11:30 am daily (closed Wednesdays) Ymir Pizza, etc - Nov - May 250 352 1323 Salmo, BC Fun Fresh Fast Food (integrating local and organic) ORDER AHEAD #91 Farmer’s Markets Castlegar: Castlegar Farmer’s Market Saturdays 9:00am – 1:00pm, July - September City Parking Lot (13th Avenue) Creston: Creston Valley Farmer’s Market Saturdays 8:00am – noon, June – September Millennium Park Grand Forks: Grand Forks Farmer’s Market Gyro Park Tuesdays/Fridays 10:00am – 1:00pm, June – October Kaslo: Kaslo Farmer’s Market Saturdays 10:00am – 2:00pm, June – September Front Street Park Nakusp: Nakusp Farmer’s Market Saturdays 8:00am – 1:00pm, June – October Downtown Nelson: Cottonwood Falls Market Saturdays 9:00am – 3:00pm, May – October Cottonwood Falls Downtown Nelson Farmer’s Market Wednesdays 9:30am – 3:00pm, June – September Baker Street Rossland: Rossland Mountain Farmer’s Market Thursdays 3:00 – 6:30pm, July – October Downtown Salmo: Salmo Valley Farmer’s Market Highway 6 (beside SCRS) Thursdays 4:00 – 7:00pm, June 30 – September 22 Winlaw: Winlaw Farmer’s Market Sundays 10:00am – 2:00pm, June – September Hwy 6 Spicer Center Kootenay Local Super-Foods and Super-Herbs -from David Wolfe, author of SuperFoods Local super-foods: beet root celery cucumber parsley kale Local super-herbs: camomile strawberry leaf primrose sauerkraut sprouts cilantro wild mushrooms dandelion lambs quarter’s stinging nettle Hot, Flat and Crowded - Thomas L. Friedman (excerpt p. 138) I am convinced that climate change is real. But we not only need people to accept that it is real but to accept just how real it could be - that the dice may come up sixty if we don't act now to begin mitigating and adapting. We need, as EcoTech's Rob Watson says, to "use the one faculty that distinguishes us as human beings the ability to imagine. We need to fully grasp the nonlinear, unmanageable climate events that could unfold in our lifetime. Because if we hit the wall, there will be no seat belts or air bags, and we will end up being a bad biological experiment on the planet." “Mother Nature is just chemistry, biology and physics", Watson likes to say. "Everything she does is just the sum of those three things. She's completely amoral. She doesn't care about poetry or art or whether you go to church. You can't negotiate with her, and you can't spin her and can't evade her rules. All you can do is fit in as a species. And when a species doesn't learn to fit it with Mother Nature, it gets kicked out." It's that simple, says Watson, and that's why "every day you look in the mirror now, you're seeing an endangered species." SALM O This Resource Guide has been made possible by BC Gaming, Salmo Community Services