1. То the instrumental methods for determining burn depth does not apply: A. needle test; B. epilation test; C. alcohol test; D. evaluation of the patient's wounds; E. thermography. ANSWER: E 2. Extent of blood during burn shock: A. does not change initially and then increases; B. initially decreases and then increases; C. increases; D. decreases; E. does not change. ANSWER: D 3. 3.The main symptom of deep chemical burns are: A. congestion; B. exudation; C. large bubble; D. lack of epidermis; E. tissue necrosis ANSWER: E 4. Features burns acids are the following except: A. dehydration of tissues; B. coagulative necrosis; C. necrosis rises above the skin; D. different color crust; E. dependency depth of the lesion on the concentration of the agent. ANSWER: C 5. During burn shock a glomerular filtpathiones of the kidney: A. increases; B. reduced; C. does not change; D. initially increases and then decreases; E. first decreases and then increases. ANSWER: B 6. Area of burns is determined by the following rules, except: A. hand; B. nines; C. Dolinina scheme; D. overlapping cellophane films; E. epilation test. ANSWER: E 7. What% of body surface is the upper limb in adults (when calculating the area of burn lesions): A. 5%; B. 9%; C. 12%; D. 15%; E. 20%. ANSWER: B 8. How many% of the body is the head and neck of an adult (when calculating the area of burn lesions): A. 3% ; B. 9% ; C. 12% ; D. 15% ; E. 20% . ANSWER: B 9. How many% of body surface is the palm of the person (when calculating the area of chemical burns): A. 0,5%; B. 1%; C. 2%; D. 3%; E. 5%. ANSWER: B 10. How many% of body surface is the lower limb in adults to determine the area of burns: A. 9%; B. 10%; C. 14%; D. 18%; E. 20%. ANSWER: D 11. How many% of the body is the body of an adult (when calculating the area of burn lesions): A. 30%; B. 32%; C. 36%; D. 45%; E. 49%. ANSWER: C 12. How many isolated periods of burn disease: A. 1; B. 2; C. 3; D. 4; E. 5. ANSWER: D 13. The amount of the patient's age and general care areas used in the rule: A. hundreds; B. nines; C. Dolinina; D. Frank; E. ITT. ANSWER: A 14. What is the main feature of I degree burns? A. bladder; B. edema; C. pain; D. redness; E. necrosis. ANSWER: D 15. What is the main feature of burns III- IV degrees? A. bladder; B. edema; C. pain; D. redness; E. necrosis. ANSWER: E 16. What is the burn rate in the presence of bubbles containing amber color: A. I ; B. II ; C. III ; D. V ; E. IV . ANSWER: B 17. For any bleeding source localization characteristic ground? A. lungs; B. the upper gastrointestinal tract; C. rectum; D. Kidneys; E. Spleen. ANSWER: B 18. What forms of temporary stop bleeding can be applied in case of damage of large arteries? A. Overlay tow; B. Imposition of hemostatic clamp the wound; C. finger pressing of the artery; D. Temporary bypass vessels; E. All of the above listed methods. ANSWER: E 19. What drugs are used to stop bleeding local? A. hemostatic sponge; B. gelatin sponge; C. Thrombin; D. Fibrynna film; E. All of the drugs. ANSWER: E 20. What is hidden bleeding? A. hematoma formation; B. Bleeding with no clinical signs; C. Bleeding in to the pleural cavity; D. Bleeding in to the abdominal cavity; E. Bleeding in to the joint cavity. ANSWER: B 21. Which of the following types applies only to internal bleeding? A. arterio-venous; B. parenchymal; C. Arterial; D. Venous; E. Capillary. ANSWER: B 22. Anatomical classification of bleeding: A. Arterial, venous bleeding; B. Arterial, venous, capillary bleeding; C. Arterial, venous, arterio-venous bleeding; D. Arterial, venous, parenchymal hemorrhage; E. Arterial, venous, capillary, parenchymal hemorrhage. ANSWER: E 23. Who is easier to tolerate blood loss? A. males B. Women; C. Adolescents; D. Preschool children; E. Infants. ANSWER: B 24. By the end of methods to stop bleeding include: A. Mechanical; B. Physical; C. Chemical and biological; D. Combination; E. All of the above listed options. ANSWER: E 25. What is the main cause of death in profuse bleeding during the first hours after its occurrence? A. Violation of breath; B. Ischemia of the liver; C. Renal insufficiency; D. myocardial ischemia; E. Acute hemodynamic violations. ANSWER: E 26. Add a mild bleeding in the upper limit of the deficit BCC (globular volume): A. Up to 5%; B. Up to 10% C. Up to 15% D. Up to 20% E. Up to 25%. ANSWER: D 27. Enter the average degree of blood loss in the upper limit of the deficit BCC (globular volume): A. Up to 10% B. Up to 20% C. Up to 30% D. Up to 40% E. to 50%. ANSWER: C 28. A patient has been bleeding from the mucous anal fissure area. What type of bleeding include this pathology? A. External bleeding; B. Internal bleeding; C. Foreign hidden bleeding; D. Internal hidden bleeding; E. Covert bleeding. ANSWER: A 29. Ascertained Grade II hemorrhage (classification AA Shalimov). How much blood loss? A. 500 ml; B. 1000 ml; C. 1500 ml; D. 1700 ml; E. 2000 ml. ANSWER: C 30. The most common cause of bleeding is: A. Bleeding in the erosion of the vessel; B. Bleeding with necrosis of the vessel; C. Bleeding in violation vascular permeability; D. Bleeding as a result of mechanical damage to blood vessels; E. Bleeding from the collapse of the tumor. ANSWER: D 31. Bleeding in the cavity is: A. haemoperitoneum; B. haemopericardium; C. hemothorax; D. hemarthrosis; E. All the answers are correct. ANSWER: E 32. What complications can occur when imposing a tourniquet on the middle third of the arm? A. Hematoma; B. Necrosis of the skin; C. Injury of muscle; D. Injury to the brachial nerve; E. erysipelas. ANSWER: D 33. What is bleeding? A. Accumulation of blood, tissue restricted; B. Accumulation of blood in the wound; C. leakage of blood from damaged blood vessels on the skin; D. Diffuse infiltration of the soft tissues with blood; E. All of the states. ANSWER: D 34. Which way to stop bleeding include blood transfusions? A. Mechanical; B. Physics; C. Biological; D. Chemical; E. Combined. ANSWER: C 35. How is the third stage of blood clotting? A. recalcification; B. The formation of fibrin; C. The synthesis of prothrombin; D. Fibrinolytic; E. The synthesis of thrombin. ANSWER: B 36. How is the I phase of blood clotting? A. The formation of fibrin; B. The synthesis of prothrombin; C. recalcification; D. Formation of Blood and Tissue thromboplastin; E. The synthesis of thrombin ANSWER: D 37. How is the II stage of blood clotting? A. formation of blood clots; B. Formation of tissue thromboplastin; C. Transition prothrombin into thrombin; D. Formation of thrombin; E. The synthesis of prothrombin. ANSWER: C 38. The best indicator of adequate restoration of blood volume after injury are: A. The hematocrit; B. blood gases; C. Urinating; D. Normalization of blood pressure; E. Color figure. ANSWER: C 39. Specify written right blood group 0 (I) on the system agglutinins agglutinogens: A. Aβ; B. 0αβ; C. Vα; D. AB; E. 0,. ANSWER: B 40. Specify written right blood group A (II) in the system agglutinins agglutinogens: A. Aβ; B. 0αβ; C. Vα; D. AB; E. 0,. ANSWER: A 41. Specify written right blood type B (III) in the system agglutinins agglutinogens: A. Aβ; B. 0αβ; C. Vα; D. AB; E. 0,. ANSWER: C 42. Specify truly written AB blood group (IV) on the system agglutinins agglutinogens: A. Aβ; B. 0αβ; C. Vα; D. AB0; E. 0,. ANSWER: D 43. Add the contents of agglutinogens in the erythrocytes of patients with blood group 0 (I) A. Red blood cells contain agglutinogens A; B. Red blood cells contain agglutinogens B; C. Red blood cells contain agglutinogens 0; D. Red blood cells contain agglutinogens A and B; E. Red blood cells do not contain agglutinogens. ANSWER: E 44. Add the contents of agglutinogens in the erythrocytes of patients with blood group A (II): A. Red blood cells contain agglutinogens A; B. Red blood cells contain agglutinogens B; C. Red blood cells contain agglutinogens 0; D. Red blood cells contain agglutinogens A and B; E. Red blood cells contain agglutinogens A and 0. ANSWER: A 45. Add the contents of agglutinogens. Add content agglutinogens in the erythrocytes of patients with blood group A (II): A. Red blood cells contain agglutinogens A; B. Red blood cells contain agglutinogens B; C. Red blood cells contain agglutinogens 0; D. Red blood cells contain agglutinogens A and B; E. Red blood cells contain agglutinogens A and 0. ANSWER: A 46. Add the contents of agglutinogens in the erythrocytes of patients with blood group AB (IV): A. Red blood cells contain agglutinogens A; B. Red blood cells contain agglutinogens B; C. Red blood cells contain agglutinogens 0; D. Red blood cells contain agglutinogens A and B; E. Red blood cells do not contain agglutinogens. ANSWER: D 47. Add the contents of agglutinins in the serum of patients with blood group 0 (I): A. The serum contains agglutinins α; B. The serum contains agglutinins β; C. The serum contains agglutinins O; D. The serum contains agglutinins α and β; E. The serum contains agglutinins. ANSWER: D 48. Add the contents of agglutinins in the serum of patients with blood group A (II): A. The serum contains agglutinins α; B. The serum contains agglutinins β; C. The serum contains agglutinins O; D. The serum contains agglutinins α and β; E. The serum contains agglutinins. ANSWER: B 49. Add the contents of agglutinins in the serum of patients with blood group B (III): A. The serum contains agglutinins α; B. The serum contains agglutinins β; C. The serum contains agglutinins O; D. The serum contains agglutinins α and β; E. The serum contains agglutinins. ANSWER: A 50. Add the contents of agglutinins in the serum of patients with blood group AB (IV): A. The serum contains agglutinins α; B. The serum contains agglutinins β; C. The serum contains agglutinins O; D. The serum contains agglutinins α and β; E. The serum contains agglutinins. ANSWER: E 51. What is necessary to transfuse blood components considering Rh - origin? A. frozen plasma; B. Leukocyte mass; C. red cell mass; D. platelet mass; E. Dry plasma. ANSWER: C 52. How fast rationally administered detoxification solutions? A. 20 drops per minute; B. 30 drops per minute; C. 40-50 drops per minute; D. 55 drops per minute; E. inkjet. ANSWER: C 53. The blood group and Rh compatible blood transfusion checks: A. The attending physician; B. The doctor in charge of the organization of transfusion therapy in the medical department; C. Central Laboratory; D. Physician assistant clinical laboratory hospital; E. The physician office transfusion therapy hospital. ANSWER: A 54.To carry out transport immobilization of the cervical spine? A. bandage Velpeau; B. cruciate-dressing; C. collar Shanca; D. pneumatic splint; E. Cramer splint. ANSWER: C 55.Hemorrhage is: A. Diffuse permeation blood of any tissue; B. The output of the blood vessels in the internal environment; C. The output of the blood vessels outside; D. The accumulation of blood in the cavity; E. Accumulation of blood between tissues. ANSWER: A 56. Which of the following applies anesthesia to a local? A. Intravenous; B. Infiltration; C. conduction; D. Epidural; E. intraosseous. ANSWER: B 57.During the collapse of blood pressure in the victim: A. Absent; B. Reduced; C. High; D. intense; E. Do not rhythmic. ANSWER: B 58.Type of shock: A. traumatic, hemorrhagic, erectile; B. traumatic, hemorrhagic, torpid; C. traumatic, hemorrhagic, anaphylactic; D. Traumatic, specific, anaphylactic; E. Traumatic, necrotic, hemolytic. ANSWER: C 59.Traumatic shock is caused by: A. Stress; B. blood loss; C. pain impulses; D. hypothermia; E. poisoning. ANSWER: C 60.The first stage of traumatic shock: A. Light; B. average; C. Heavy; D. Terminal; E. agonal. ANSWER: A 61. The second level of traumatic shock: A. Light; B. average; C. Heavy; D. Terminal; E. agonal. ANSWER: B 62.Third stage of traumatic shock: A. Light; B. average; C. Heavy; D. Terminal; E. agonal. ANSWER: C 63. The fourth degree of traumatic shock: A. Light; B. average; C. Heavy; D. Terminal; E. agonal. ANSWER: D 64. Hemorrhagic shock is caused by: A. Stress; B. blood loss; C. pain impulses; D. hypothermia; E. poisoning. ANSWER: B 65. The development and severity of hemorrhagic shock depends on: A. constitution of the victim; B. Body temperature; C. amount of blood loss; D. Gender victim; E. a state of nervous system. ANSWER: C 66. Anaphylactic shock - a reaction of organism on: A. Trauma; B. blood loss; C. Allergen; D. Stress; E. Burns. ANSWER: C 67. Anaphylactic shock - an allergic reaction: A. The immediate type; B. slow type; C. Inert type; D. A characteristic type; E. Unknown type. ANSWER: A 68. Insulin is produced by the body in A. liver; B. spleen; C. pancreas; D. lymph glands; E. marrow. ANSWER: C 69. Diabetic coma develops in patients with: A. infarction; B. The stroke; C. cardiac insufficiency; D. Pulmonary insufficiency; E. Diabetes. ANSWER: E 70. The hypoglycemic coma develops in patients with: A. infarction; B. The stroke; C. cardiac insufficiency; D. Pulmonary insufficiency; E. Diabetes. ANSWER: E 71. In seriously ill suddenly 3 minutes ago stopped breathing and heartbeat; Skin pale, cyanotic; pupils are dilated; How is this situation? A. Termnal pause; B. Clinical death; C. Biological death; D. Social death; E. agony. ANSWER: B 72. Prerequisite Conducting ALV "from mouth to mouth": A. Head thrown back; B. Head brought to the sternum; C. Head lowered; D. POSITION of the victim on the abdomen; E. POSITION of the victim on side. ANSWER: A 73. What is not a means of emergency care in case of fainting? A. Provide horizontal POSITION with raised legs; B. Spraying patient's face with cold water; C. Exemption from clothing; D. smelling ammonia on a cotton swab; E. Introduction mezatonum. ANSWER: E 74. What is not a means of emergency care in case of fainting? A. Provide horizontal POSITION with raised legs; B. Spraying patient's face with cold water; C. Exemption from clothing; D. smelling ammonia on a cotton swab; E. open cardiac massage. ANSWER: E 75. What is not a means of emergency care in case of fainting? A. Provide horizontal POSITION with raised legs; B. Spraying patient's face with cold water; C. Exemption from clothing; D. smelling ammonia on a cotton swab; E. artificial respiration. ANSWER: E 76. Initial examination of the victim conducted: A. Before giving first aid; B. After first aid; C. During the first aid; D. After the bleeding stops; E. After stopping breathing. ANSWER: A 77. Initial examination of the victim conducted: A. At the incident location; B. In the ambulance; C. At the first aid stations; D. In the hospital; E. In the intensive care unit. ANSWER: A 78. Initial examination of the victim conducted: A. To restore the airway, breathing, circulation; B. After the restoration of the airway, breathing, circulation; C. During the restoration of the airway, breathing, circulation; D. It is not necessary to carry out; E. All the answers are correct. ANSWER: A 79. Secondary examination of the victim conducted: A. To restore the airway, breathing, circulation; B. After the restoration of the airway, breathing, circulation; C. During the restoration of the airway, breathing, circulation; D. Not necessarily conduct; E. All the answers are correct. ANSWER: B 80. Initial review of victim includes: A. Overview place of incident; B. Determination of the level of consciousness; C. Determination of airway and breathing; D. Determination of heart rate and blood circulation; E. All the answers are correct. ANSWER: E 81. Initial review of victim includes: A. Determining the level of consciousness; B. Determination of blood pressure; C. Determining the level of venous pressure; D. Determination of blood volume; E. All the answers are correct. ANSWER: A 82. Initial review of victim includes: A. Determination of airway and breathing; B. Determination of blood pressure; C. Determining the level of venous pressure; D. Determination of blood volume; E. All the answers are correct. ANSWER: A 83. Initial review of victim includes: A. Definition of heartbeat and blood circulation; B. Determination of blood pressure; C. Determining the level of venous pressure; D. Determination of blood volume; E. All the answers are correct. ANSWER: A 84. Initial review of victim includes: A. Brief neurological examination; B. Determination of blood pressure; C. Determining the level of venous pressure; D. Determination of blood volume; E. All the answers are correct. ANSWER: A 85. The secondary review of victim includes: A. Overview from head to toe; B. Determination of the level of consciousness; C. Determination of airway and breathing; D. Determination of heart rate and blood circulation; E. All the answers are correct. ANSWER: A 86. What is palpation? A. probing; B. Listening; C. percussion; D. Measurement; E. fixation. ANSWER: A 87. What is percussion? A. probing; B. Listening; C. percussion; D. Measurement; E. fixation. ANSWER: C 88. What is auscultation? A. probing; B. Listening; C. percussion; D. Measurement; E. fixation. ANSWER: B 89. The serious condition of the victim indicates dysfunction: A. Heart; B. Brain; C. lungs; D. spine; E. vital organs. ANSWER: E 90. Bradycardia - a violation? A. Movements; B. Languages; C. Respiration; D. Consciousness; E. Pulse. ANSWER: E 91. Bradycardia - a violation? A. rapid pulse; B. Deceleration of pulse; C. The pulse does not change; D. The weakening of the pulse; E. Absence of pulse. ANSWER: B 92. Tachycardia - a violation? A. rapid pulse; B. Deceleration of pulse; C. The pulse does not change; D. The weakening of the pulse; E. Absence of pulse. ANSWER: A 93. Tachycardia - a violation? A. Movements; B. Languages; C. Respiration; D. Consciousness; E. Pulse. ANSWER: E 94. What is crepitation? A. The heartbeat; B. pulsation vessels; C. Noise breathing; D. Crunch bones; E. Expansion of the pupil. ANSWER: D 95. crepitation characteristic for: A. slaughter; B. dislocation; C. Fracture; D. Rupture of muscles; E. Inflammation. ANSWER: C 96. What is subcutaneous emphysema? A. Accumulation of fluid; B. Accumulation of blood; C. Accumulation of air; D. The accumulation of mucus; E. Accumulation of hemorrhage. ANSWER: C 97. Subcutaneous emphysema is a sign of damage: A. chest; B. Heart; C. of large vessels; D. aorta; E. lungs. ANSWER: E 98. Perforation of the organ - is: A. Slaughter; B. Hemorrhage; C. crushing; D. Breakthrough; E. Separation. ANSWER: D 99. The main signs of venous bleeding are: A. The bright red color of blood; B. Bright red blood and pulsating character bleeding; C. Dark blood; D. Relatively slow nature of the bleeding; E. dark color of blood with relatively slow nature of the bleeding. ANSWER: E 100. When of venous bleeding from the vessels of the extremities should: A. Apply a tourniquet above the wound; B. Provide limbs elevated position; C. Apply compressive bandages; D. Apply the tourniquet below the injury; E. Finger pressing vessels. ANSWER: D