Building a Science-based Case for Large

Building a Science-based Case for Large-scale Simulation
David Keyes (
text: (~1200 words)
What would you do with one hundred times greater computer power and storage than you
have available today? One thousand? What algorithmic and software technologies
would be needed, in addition?
These questions were posed to more than 300 of the nation’s leading computational
scientists by the Office of Science of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) at a two-day
June workshop in Arlington, Virginia. Their answers, captured by a team of about fifty
contributing authors, are now appearing in a two-volume report, which is expected to
strengthen the commitment of the DOE to large-scale simulation research. Volume 1 of
A Science-based Case for Large-scale Simulation (informally dubbed “SCaLeS”) was
delivered to Raymond L. Orbach, Director of the Office of Science, on July 30, 2003, and
is available for public download. Orbach, who delivered the charge for the report at the
June workshop, has established a reputation as an advocate for the role of large-scale
simulation as an important complement to theory and experiment in the conduct of the
scientific mission of the DOE.
Eight recommendations appear in the SCaLeS report, six of which echo themes familiar
from earlier federal reports on supercomputing dating at least as far back as the so-called
“Lax Report” of 1982. (The inter-agency Lax report is credited with spurring the launch
of the supercomputer centers of National Science Foundation.) The SCaLeS report
Extensive investment in new computational facilities, striking a balance between
capability computing for those “heroic simulations” that cannot be performed any
other way and capacity computing for “production” simulations that contribute to
the steady stream of progress
Sustained collateral investment in software infrastructure, which, together with
the hardware, are the “engines of scientific discovery” across a broad portfolio of
scientific applications
Algorithm research and theoretical development, since improvements in basic
theory and algorithms have contributed as much to increases in computational
simulation capability as improvements in hardware and software over the first six
decades of scientific computing
Proactive recruitment of computational scientists as early as possible in the
educational process, so that the number of trained computational science
professionals is sufficient to meet present and future demands.
Investments in network infrastructure for access and resource sharing as well as in
the software needed to support collaborations among distributed teams of
A federal complement to commercial research and development of innovative,
high-risk computer architectures that are suited to the special requirements
scientific and engineering simulations
To justify these investments, dozens of scientific goals spanning DOE’s mission are tied
in the report to enhanced simulation capability – either as the only means of achieving the
goals, or as a way of reducing the expense and shortening the lead time of research
campaigns in which simulation is combined with theory and experiment. The authors
noted that leadership in computational science is easily lost to other countries, since the
know-how is in the public domain and the cost of simulation is continually dropping.
The remaining two recommendations could not be anticipated as clearly from earlier
reports, and appear to mark the beginning of a new era of computational science. The
scientists argued that a “phase transition” is occurring in which multidisciplinary research
teams are forming to systematically exploit a natural fusion of advances in scientific
models, mathematical algorithms, computer architecture, and scientific software
engineering. Just as research in many branches of experimental physics evolved from
individual investigators or small teams to large groups centered around billion-dollar
facilities, such as accelerators, lasers, telescopes, and tokamaks, engaging not only
physicists, but also statisticians, engineers, support technicians, etc., so computational
science is spawning multidisciplinary teams of scientists and engineers, mathematicians,
computer scientists, and support personnel centered around large computers offering
teraflop/s of processing power, petabytes of storage, visualization facilities, and high
bandwidth networking. The United States, with its enviable collection of multi-program
research laboratories and its tradition of university-laboratory collaboration, is well
positioned to induce such “phase transitions” throughout the sciences and engineering,
from plasma physics to biotechnology.
DOE’s current initiative Scientific Discovery through Advanced Computing (SciDAC)
was viewed by the scientists as paradigmatic of the multidisciplinary future of large-scale
computational science research. A simple factor of a hundred or a thousand in raw
simulation capability, without a concurrent improvement in algorithms, does not go very
far for three-dimensional time-dependent problems. Simply doubling the resolution of a
problem uniformly in each of these four dimensions eats up a factor of sixteen in
computational complexity, and scientists need many such doublings. Therefore, better
models and better adaptive strategies will be required along with bigger computers.
Under SciDAC sponsorship, scientists, mathematicians, and computer scientists are
already joining forces to investigate and demonstrate such gains. Computational
astrophysicist Tony Mezzacappa of Oak Ridge National Laboratory, who is directing a
multidisciplinary group simulating supernovae collapse, has stated that he “would never
go back” to working without mathematicians and computer scientists on his team. While
some groups under SciDAC, like Mezzacappa’s, are developing the next generation of
community codes for users, other groups are building tools for the developers,
themselves, so that the latest algorithmic technology migrates into not just one
application, but is available across a common interface for many applications.
Volume 2 of the SCaLeS report contains 27 technical chapters in various areas of
science, mathematics, and computer science central to the Department of Energy’s
scientific mission. Scientific areas covered include: accelerator design, astrophysics,
biology, chemistry, climate, combustion, environment, materials, nanoscience, plasma
physics, and quantum chromodynamics (elementary particle physics). In each of these
areas, experts from DOE laboratories, universities, industry, and other federal agencies
projected what scientific questions could be addressed when the next two or three orders
of magnitude of computational power and storage become available.
Mathematical methods common to simulation in many or all of these areas of
computational science were also studied for their projected impact, including
multiphysics modeling, multiscale modeling, uncertainty quantification, computational
fluid dynamics, transport and kinetic methods, meshing methods, solvers and “fast”
algorithms, and discrete mathematics and algorithms. Computer science research deemed
critical to progress in computational science at the scale envisioned by the DOE includes:
visual data exploration, data management and analysis, programming models and
component technology, software engineering and management, computer performance
engineering, network access and resource sharing, systems software, and advanced
In addition to the plenary from Orbach, Peter Lax of the Courant Institute gave a plenary
retrospective on the report that his panel had created two decades earlier. John Grosh of
the Department of Defense, who is co-directing the federal High End Computing
Revitalization Task Force (HECRTF), also addressed the SCaLeS workshop and urged
the scientists to concentrate on the implications of high-end computing on science, while
his group (which conducted a workshop the previous week of June and is also scheduled
to report this summer) concentrated more on how to deliver the cycles that scientists and
other users require.
In the aftermath of the success of the Japanese Earth Simulator, which has begun to
attract US scientists as users, the national supercomputing community finds itself in a
state of retrospection. Several panels and workshops met in Spring 2003 to seek to define
the future of various aspects of federally sponsored high performance computing. The
National Academy of Sciences convened a panel on the “Future of Supercomputing” and
the JASONS met during the same week as the SCaLeS workshop to evaluate the use of
supercomputers in the Advanced Simulation and Computing (ASCI) initiative of the
National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) wing of the DOE.
An expanded version of the SCaLeS report, with more room for coverage outside of
DOE’s immediate mission areas and for bibliographic information, will appear as a
SIAM book, the first in a new series on Computational Science & Engineering.
Note: Volume 1 of the 72-page SCaLeS report is available at
Note: David Keyes is Professor of Applied Mathematics at Columbia University and the
Acting Director of the Institute for Scientific Computing Research (ISCR) at Lawrence
Livermore National Laboratory. Together with Phil Colella of Lawrence Berkeley
National Laboratory, Thom Dunning, Jr. of the University of Tennessee and Oak Ridge
National Laboratory, and William Gropp of Argonne National Laboratory, he co-edited
the SCaLeS report.