Multi-Decadal to Centennial Oscillations and Climate Signals Inferred by Periodic Solar Forcing Mao-Chang Liang1,2,3*, et al. 1 Research Center for Environmental Changes, Academia Sinica, Taiwan 2 Graduate Institute of Astronomy, National Central University, Taiwan 3 * Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Academia Sinica, Taiwan To whom correspondence should be addressed: Abstract Climate sensitivity is a measure of the response of the climate system to the changes of external forcings such as anthropogenic greenhouse emissions and solar radiation (ref. IPCC). General circulation models provide a means to quantitatively resolve the interaction (refs). Here we show that the oceanic mixed layer depth plays an important role in modifying the multi-decadal to centennial oscillations of the sea surface temperature, which in turn affect the derived climate sensitivity at various phases of the oscillations. The eleven-year periodic solar forcing is used to measure the sensitivity. The derived amplitude of the response varies from nearly 0 to ~0.1 K per 1 Wm-2 change of solar constant, with the upper limit close to that derived observationally (Tung, Zhou, Camp GRL 2008); the underlying envelop oscillates at ~200-300 years. The oceans are the largest heat reservoir on the planet. The top ~100 meter layer defines the mixed layer where energy/heat is well mixed and the temperature gradient is small. The depth of the layer controls the amount and efficiency of heat going to the ocean; the deeper the mixed layer the less variable the climate system is. 1 more on introduction/motivation and ocean/heat transport The study is conducted using the released version of GISS-HYCOM (GISSEH) atmosphere-ocean coupled climate model (Sun and Bleck Clim. Dyn. 2006). To isolate the response due to solar forcing, anthropogenic (greenhouse gases and aerosols) and volcanic emissions are not considered; the amount of greenhouse gases and atmospheric aerosol loading is kept at pre-industrial level. A pure sinusoidal solar forcing is imposed at a period of eleven years with peak-to-peak amplitude of 0.1% for total insolation and 2% for solar flux at wavelengths less than 295 nm. Ozone concentration varies accordingly with the flux of dissociative UV photons (Shindell et al. GRL 2006); no anthropogenic source is included. The standard model uses the default setup. Sensitivity of the model results to the changes of oceanic mixed layer depth is also presented, as the depth plays a critical role in controlling the heat flux between the atmosphere and the underlying ocean, which in turn modifies the degree of the response to the changes of solar radiation (and anthropogenic forcings). In the present models, solar radiation is the only perturbed parameter. To study the response, defined by = T/S, where T is the change of temperature to the change of solar constant S (Tung, Zhou, Camp GRL 2008). Statistical methods like composite mean difference (CMD) (Camp and Tung 2007) and linear discriminant analysis (LDA) (Schneider and Held, 2001; Tung and Camp, 2008) are used to retrieve solar signals. a few more words on the two methods; the advantage of the methods Applying LDA to the standard model monthly data shows a remarkable correlation between the deduced global temperature response and the solar radiation variability (Figure 1). The correlation coefficient, = xx, is highly statistically significant. A 2 bootstrap Monte-Carlo test with replacement shows that a single optimal filter exists that separates the temperature in solar max from that in solar min and that the large observed separability measure R could not be obtained by chance at over xx% confidence level. The measure gives a value of xxxxx K/Wm-2 at phase lag 0; the error bar defines a 2- standard deviation (95% confidence level). The value is somewhat lower than the observed by a factor 2-3. Slightly larger value of at phase lag 1 year, a value that is close to that determined observational (Tung et al.), suggests that the model is close to being in steady state. Such underestimation could be largely reduced by a less efficient ocean mixing model. reduced ocean mixing model … The spatial pattern associated with the derived time series is shown in Figure 2. more on the results The consecutive values derived for 100-year duration is shown in Figure 3. The heat flux between the atmosphere and the underlying ocean is shown in Figure 4. Implication/discussion References: Acknowledgements This work was supported in part by NSC grant 98-2111-M-001-014-MY3 to Academia Sinica. 3 Figure 1: (a)100 year dT and dS vs. time. (b) variance ratio. (c) kappa value as a function of lag two curves: standard model and reduced ocean mixing model (select high kappa period) 4 5 Figure 2: the corresponding spatial patterns associated with the above kappa values at lag 0 6 Figure 3: kappa value as a function of time; kappa was obtained for every 100 year duration 7 Figure 4: heat flux to the ocean for standard model and reduced ocean mixing model at maximum kappa value. Also 100 years averaged 8