Implementation Plan for Council and European Parliament Directive 97/68/EC on the Approximation of the Laws of the Member States Relating to Measures against the Emission of Gaseous and Particulate Pollutants from Internal Combustion Engines to be Installed in Non-road Mobile Machinery IMPLEMENTATION PLAN FOR EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND COUNCIL DIRECTIVE 97/68/EC ON THE APPROXIMATION OF THE LAWS OF THE MEMBER STATES RELATING TO MEASURES AGAINST THE EMISSION OF GASEOUS AND PARTICULATE POLLUTANTS FROM INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES TO BE INSTALLED IN NON-ROAD MOBILE MACHINERY (HEREINAFTER THE DIRECTIVE) I. Responsible Ministry (division of responsibilities) Responsible Ministry: MTC Co-operating Ministry: ME (MIT) Division of responsibilities (pursuant to Act No. 2/1969 Coll., as amended): MIT is the central authority of the state administration for the machine industry (§ 13 par. 1, letter b)), for domestic trade and protection of consumer interests, foreign trade and support for export (§ 13 par. 1, letter c)) and for technical standardization, metrology and state testing (§ 13 par. 1, letter e)) MTC is the central authority of the state administration for transportation (§ 17) ME is the central authority of the state administration for air protection and coordinates the procedure of all ministries and other authorities of the state administration in environmental matters (§ 19 par. 2 and 3). Expert responsible: Mr. Petr Novák, ME, Air Protection Department II. Main objectives of the Directive The Directive aims at approximating the laws of the Member States relating to emission standards and type-approval procedures for engines to be installed in non-road mobile machinery. This will contribute to the smooth functioning of the internal market, while protecting human health and the environment. III. Plan for meeting the requirements of the Directive A. Main requirements of the Directive 1. Requirement 1: The member states are to ensure that applications for engine or engine family type-approval are submitted and processed in accord with the requirements of the Directive (Article 3) 2. Requirement 2: The member states shall grant type-approval to all engine types or engine families which conform to the particulars in the information package included with the application (Article 4). 3. Requirement 3: The member state will insure that the type-approval certificate of the type is filled in and numbered, that the contents of the index to the information package are B5 1 Implementation Plan for Council and European Parliament Directive 97/68/EC on the Approximation of the Laws of the Member States Relating to Measures against the Emission of Gaseous and Particulate Pollutants from Internal Combustion Engines to be Installed in Non-road Mobile Machinery compiled or verified and that the completed certificate is provided to the applicant (Article 4 and Annexes VI and VII) 4. Requirement 4: From a set date, the member states will refuse to grant type-approval and issue a certificate on type compatibility, or will refuse to grant any other type-approval for non-road mobile machinery if a motor is installed that does not correspond to the requirements of the Directive (Article 9 (2) and (3)). 5. Requirement 5: After granting type-approval, the member state must take the necessary measures to ensure that it is informed of any change in the items contained in the information package. An application for a revision or extension of type-approval of the type may be submitted exclusively to the type-approval authority of the member state that issued the original type-approval (Article 5). 6. Requirement 6: The member states shall ensure that applications for revision or extension of type-approval are submitted only to those type-approval authorities that granted the original type-approval (Article 5). 7. Requirement 7: The member states may not refuse registration if this is required, or the introduction of new engines into the market (either separately or installed in machinery), provided that they comply with the requirements of the Directive. With certain exceptions they shall permit registrations or placing on the market only of those new engines that comply with the requirements of the Directive and are type-approved in accord with one of the categories of engines (Articles 8 and 9). 8. Requirement 8: The member states shall ensure that producers affix to every unit the prescribed markings and, where the certificate of type-approval of the type contains limitation of use, that the producer supply detailed information on these limitations (Article 6 and Annex I) 9. Requirement 9: The member states shall ensure that the exemptions for end-of-series engines, that are still in stock, be permitted only under the conditions laid down in the Directive (Article 10). 10. Requirement 10: Prior to granting type-approval, the member state shall verify whether appropriate measures were carried out ensuring effective control of the conformity of production, in relation to the provisions of the Directive and, as required, in cooperation with the type-approval authorities of other states (Article 11). 11. Requirement 11: From June 30. 1998, a member state may not refuse to grant typeapproval or to issue a certificate on type-approval and may not impose any other typeapproval requirements with regard to the requirements of the Directive, if the engine meets with the requirements of the Directive as regards emissions of gaseous and particulate pollutants (Article 9). 12. Horizontal requirements: Specifying of responsibilities: for the Directive - MTC, preparation of legislation - MTC in cooperation with ME Representation of CR in the Committee: MTC Reporting: MTC B. Plan for implementation of the requirements 1. Preparatory phase of implementation B5 Analysis of the current situation in relation to the requirement 2 Implementation Plan for Council and European Parliament Directive 97/68/EC on the Approximation of the Laws of the Member States Relating to Measures against the Emission of Gaseous and Particulate Pollutants from Internal Combustion Engines to be Installed in Non-road Mobile Machinery Deliberations have been held amongst the participating sectors - ME, MIT and MTC with the following results: MTC will incorporate the basic requirements of the Directive into the draft of the Act on the conditions for the operation of vehicles on roadways. Details following from the other requirements of the Directive will be laid down in a Decree for implementation to this Act, to be prepared by MTC in cooperation with ME. Responsibility: MTC, ME Date: fulfilled 2. Implementation phase Transposition of the Directive will be provided by the new Act on the conditions for the operation of vehicles on roadways and the implementing Decree to this Act. Responsibility: MTC in cooperation with ME Date: legal force Jan. 1, 2001 (the Act) Jan 1, 2002 (the Decree) - Identification of areas subject to the Directive The territory subject to the Directive is the territory of CR From the standpoint of transposition, implementation and enforcement of the requirements of the Directive, the objects of interest of the Directive are the responsible authorities of the state administration (the participating Ministries, i.e. MTC and ME), as well as engine testing laboratories and entities concerned with the production and sale of engines or machinery with engines subject to the Directive. 3. Revision phase The Directive is expected to be supplemented to include establishing of similar conditions for verification and approval for non-road mobile machinery equipped with positive ignition engines (e.g. for mobile energy generators, garden, agricultural and forestry tools and machinery, lift trucks, etc.). This follows from consultations with representatives of the European Commission and also from the study "Emission Testing of Engines to be Installed in Non-Road Mobile Machinery", prepared for the European Commission by the Abgasprüfstelle Berlin-Aldershof GmbH. 4. Enforcement Requirements for establishing and implementing the control and enforcement regime: - After granting type-approval, the member state must verify that adequate arrangements have been made to ensure effective control of the conformity of the production and that every motor bearing a type-approval number (according to the requirements of the B5 3 Implementation Plan for Council and European Parliament Directive 97/68/EC on the Approximation of the Laws of the Member States Relating to Measures against the Emission of Gaseous and Particulate Pollutants from Internal Combustion Engines to be Installed in Non-road Mobile Machinery Directive) continues to correspond to the type-approval for the engine or family of engines (Article 11). - The member state must ensure that producers submit notification of future production plans and, where necessary, detailed information on engines produced in accord with the requirements of the Directive (Article 6). - After granting type-approval, the member state must adopt suitable measures for registration and control of the identification numbers of engines produced in accord with the requirements of the Directive (Article 8). - If it is found that engines do not conform with the type or family approved, the member state shall adopt measures to ensure that the engines in production again conform to the approved type or family of engines (Article 12 (1) and (2)). - cooperation is expected amongst the type-approval authorities in the member states to verify the identity of production and in dealing with disputes in case of lack of conformity (Article 12(3)-(5)). Responsibility: MTC Date: by the date of accession 5. Reporting Reporting to the European Commission and the individual member states: - Information for the other member states on: all type-approvals that it has granted, refused to grant or withdrawn (1x monthly) (Article 4(4a)) - all withdrawn type-approvals and the reasons for this measure (Article 12(4)) - details and reasons for exemptions granted to producers of engines (Article 10(2), Section 7) - measures adopted and the reasons therefor in case of lack of conformity with the type (Article 12(2) and (4)) - type-approval authorities and technical services (Article 16) Responsibility: MTC Date: by Jan. 31, 2003 Information for the other member states on request therefrom:: The type-approval authority shall send (pursuant to Article 4(4b)): - a copy of the type-approval certificate with or without the information package for every type or engine family which it has approved, or refused to approve or withdrawn - a list of engines produced according to type-approvals granted - a copy of the declaration of the producer on his production plans Responsibility: Date: B5 MTC according to the requirements of the type-approval authority or member state 4 Implementation Plan for Council and European Parliament Directive 97/68/EC on the Approximation of the Laws of the Member States Relating to Measures against the Emission of Gaseous and Particulate Pollutants from Internal Combustion Engines to be Installed in Non-road Mobile Machinery Information for the European Commission on: - type-approved engines (Article 4(5) exemptions granted to producers of engines and reasons for granting (Article 10(2)) disputes between member states related to lack of conformity of products (Article 12(5)) - type-approval authorities and technical services responsible for implementation of the Directive (Article 16) Responsibility: MTC Date: December 31, 2003 - Information on legislative measures providing for transposition of the Directive, including the texts of the provisions of national legislation for the area covered by this Directive (Article 17) Responsibility: MTC Date: December 31, 2002 6. Other horizontal requirements 6.1 Specification of responsibilities Transposition: MTC in cooperation with ME Implementation: MTC Responsibility: MTC, ME Date: fulfilled 6.2 Representation of CR in the Committee Responsibility: MTC Date: by the date of accession to the EU 6.3 Reporting Responsibility: MTC Date: see point III.B.5 IV. Requirements to the date of accession Transposition of the Directive into the national legislation: MTC in cooperation with ME reporting to the Commission: MTC implementation, i.e. introduction of a system of type-approval for engines or machinery: MTC Date: by the date of accession to the EU B5 5 Implementation Plan for Council and European Parliament Directive 97/68/EC on the Approximation of the Laws of the Member States Relating to Measures against the Emission of Gaseous and Particulate Pollutants from Internal Combustion Engines to be Installed in Non-road Mobile Machinery V. Current state The subject matter of this Directive is not yet treated in the legislation or substantive regulations in the Czech Republic. There is only a similar system of testing and approving highway motor vehicles, implemented by MTC. See Part III.B.1. VI. Identification of problem areas, proposed measures Problem area 1: Provision for transposition of the Directive (legislative provision for approval of machinery or engines, not yet carried out in CR; this is similar to the approving of highway motor vehicles) Problem area 2: Designation of the competent type-approval authority, including decisions on whether, and at what level, national approval of individually imported machinery will be carried out. Problem area 3: Provision for the work of the authority responsible for implementation, monitoring and enforcement of the requirements of the Directive, including provision for reports to the European Commission and provision for participation in the Committee for adapting to technical progress - in the framework of MTC it is necessary to provide for an increase in the number of employees for this work. VII. Identification of stakeholders and their involvement in the approximation process 1. Producers (importers) of machinery or engines for machinery 2. Sellers of machinery or engines for machinery Note: Non-road mobile machinery is not approved in CR pursuant to the requirements of the Directive. This will involve the new introduction of an approval process for producers and sellers. 3. Testing laboratories B5 6 Implementation Plan for Council and European Parliament Directive 97/68/EC on the Approximation of the Laws of the Member States Relating to Measures against the Emission of Gaseous and Particulate Pollutants from Internal Combustion Engines to be Installed in Non-road Mobile Machinery VIII. Institutional, material and personnel needs a) Table of institutional and material needs Requirements Transposition (preparation of the Act and Decrees for implementation) Type-approval Approval (individual cases) Monitoring Reporting and participation in the Committee Institutions involved Necessary changes Current Optimum state state MTC (ME) Designating the authority responsible for transposition Increase by one person in the number of personnel at the appropriate institution responsible for transposition (only for the period of creation of the legislation; afterwards, this employee will be responsible for reporting and for participation in the Committee) MTC Designation of the type-approval (approval) authority at the level of the Ministry (increase by 3 persons) according to Selection of variants for institutional provision (at the selection of regional or district level),. Increase in personnel in the variants institution by 15 or 85 persons, resp. MTC Designation of the institution responsible for control of compliance with the requirements. Increase in personnel by one person MTC Designation of the institution responsible for reports to the European Commission and provision for participation in the Committee. Increase in personnel in the institution by one person (jointly with the requirement on transposition) b) Table of needs for additional personnel in state institutions Activities Institutions State at the beginning of 1999 / optimum state Personnel reinforcement in 1999 and 2000 1999 Transposition Type-approval Monitoring Reporting, partic. in the Committee (personnel jointly with the requirement of transposition*) Approval (individual cases) Variant DA Variant RA B5 2000 Personnel needs in 2001 - 2003 2001 1 2002 MTC (ME)** MTC MTC 0/1 0/3 0/1 MTC (0/1) (1) District Authority Regional Authority 0/15 0/85 15 85 2003 3 1 7 Implementation Plan for Council and European Parliament Directive 97/68/EC on the Approximation of the Laws of the Member States Relating to Measures against the Emission of Gaseous and Particulate Pollutants from Internal Combustion Engines to be Installed in Non-road Mobile Machinery * The optimum variant consists in transfer of the position in 2002, to be strengthened for the purpose of transposition in 2001, to the institution entrusted with reporting and participation in the Committee. Chap. IX is also based on this variant. ** It is necessary to decide whether ME will have to engage another employee for cooperation in preparation of the regulation for implementation. IX. Costs and financial resources a) Table of estimated requirements for additional expenditures of the state budget compared with expenditures in 1999 (expenditures for increased personnel at institutions and other expenditures from the state budget in mil. CZK) 2000 increase total 2001 increase total 2002 increase total 2003 increase total Personnel costs Salaries and overhead costs 0 0 0.5 0.5 9.5 10 0 10 Investment costs 0 0 0.3 0.3 5.7 5.7 0 0 Total 0 0 0.8 0.8 15.2 15.7 0 10 Other demands on the state budget 20.2* Subsidies for extending emission measurements (testing laboratory) Total requirements on the 0 0 0.8 20.8 15.2 15.7 0 10 state budget for expenditures * professional estimate of the expenditures for improved technology of the pertinent testing laboratories of ÚVMV (Institute for Research on Motor Vehicles) - TÜV Prague (about 20 mil. CZK) - according to the documents of MTC According to the Instructions for implementation of EC environmental legislation (in the part related to the Directive), estimated expenditures for equipping the testing laboratory correspond to: for acquisition of engine performance equipment (about 100 thous. EUR) for equipment for analysis of exhaust gases according to the requirements of the Directive (about 300 thous. EUR) Total of about 400 thous. EUR 15 mil. CZK. Funds for subsidies for extension of measurement of emissions will be allocated through the budgetary chapter of MTC. The table corresponds to the variant of the "regional authorities". The other variant would correspond to an increase in additional expenditures from the state budget in 2002 by 56 mil. CZK and in 2003 by 35 mil. CZK. b) Estimated costs for the private sector (million CZK) Applicants for type-approval of machinery or engines or applicants for approval of individual machinery or engines will pay the costs connected with the approval procedure, including the B5 8 Implementation Plan for Council and European Parliament Directive 97/68/EC on the Approximation of the Laws of the Member States Relating to Measures against the Emission of Gaseous and Particulate Pollutants from Internal Combustion Engines to be Installed in Non-road Mobile Machinery administrative fee connected with the application for type-approval and the costs for any tests of the motor. X. Economic impacts None are expected XI. Project identification No projects have been identified and the use of projects is not expected. B5 9