membership secretary

Thursday 27 March 2014 @ 7.30pm
1. Welcome and apologies for absence
Jane Lees welcomed members to the meeting and gave apologies for absence from: Chris Twomey,
Richard Smith, Mike Cocks, Maria Born and Laura Collins.
2. Minutes of the last Tennis Section AGM – 24 March 2013
Chan Vithani proposed that the Minutes of the last Tennis AGM are a true record of the meeting. This was
seconded by Sue Jelley.
Matters arising
3.1 Update on the Club (Jane Lees)
- Steve Martin has taken over as President and his charity is the Stroke Association
– We currently have 201 members: 76 bowlers, 44 social and 81 tennis members
– Indoor bowling green has been relayed and painted
- Ladies toilets refurbishment will start on 31 March
– We are looking for a treasurer, will have to outsource
– We have a new accountant and new auditors, accounts will be back in April.
- Bowls section is doing really well winning competitions
- Snooker teams and table tennis also doing well (mid table). We will have three table tennis teams for the
next season, and possibly a fourth team as more people have joined.
- Car park barrier was meant to be used from 23 March 2014. It did go down on Monday but now it's not
working again. Chan suggested having a barrier pass code that changes to make it easier for visiting teams
and deliveries. ACTION: Jane Lees will look into this.
- General club finances: we have £40k in savings and £20k in current account. £20k will be spent on
women’s toilets refurbishment. Jane L explained that this is important as we have a lot of people now hiring
the hall. It’s also important because we need to provide access for people who are disabled.
3.2 Membership and subscription fees for 2014/15 (Jane Lees)
– Membership subscriptions will start from 1 April. People who are renewing will pay slightly less because
we are bringing the start of the year forward by a month (to bring us in line with other clubs): adult £160,
joint adult £320, Family £320, Student/over 60/unemployed £60, juniors (13-18) £40, country £10.
New people will pay the full amount. JL will send an email to members asking people to let her know if any
of their details have changed. Forms will only be sent out to people who do not have an email address.
People will be able to pay by bank transfer or by cheque or cash (leaving it an envelope marked for Jane
behind bar).
- We have 81 Tennis members: 63 adults, 14 juniors and 4 students.
3.3 Tennis Section finances (Jane Lees)
We're breaking even. We gain money from subs and lights. We have payed out for LTA affiliation, balls,
raquets for coaching and a hitting net.
3.4 Wimbledon ticket allocation (Sue Jelley)
Once again we have 10 tickets (5 pairs). We allocate one ticket per member (tickets are not allocated in
pairs) to give as many members as possible the chance to get one. The ballot will take place on 1 May at
9pm – the deadline for entry is 5pm on 1 May. Only people who have paid their subs and have a BTM
number are eligible. SJ thanked Steve Reiners for his help last year inputting our ballot results into the LTA
website against a tight deadline!
3.5 Website – SJ/KW – AL – could there be a link to Facebook? KW to set up training session for more
people to be able to use the site and question from Michael, could we update the hall looks from people's
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parties in the hall as some of them really go to town.
3.6 Courts and lights update (Chan Vithani on behalf of Richard)
We have had lots of problems with water and mud over the winter. Had 2 quotes:
- Chiltern Sports quoted £3,000 plus VAT for a ‘partial’ rejuvenation, £10,000 for a full rejuvenation. (For a
partial rejuvenation they kill moss and algea two weeks in advance then brush out sand etc.) Chiltern
suggested doing it after the main tennis season.
- Tennis 2000 quotes three options: 1. Clean with water pressure jet, 2. Partial rejuvenation. 3 Use
compressed air (that is, a full rejuvenation). The latter costs £14,000 including VAT.
CV has bought 3 rubber ‘squeegies’ as an interim measure (£6.99 each from Amazon). He says they work
really well and the courts are playing really well at the moment. He suggests we pause and reflect before
going any further. Or possibly think about using a water jet (the club will buy a water jet anyway for patio
washing etc.) In the meantime, Jane Lees is getting another quote from a Chester company.
NB The last time the courts were refurbished was Sept 2007, that was probably a partial rejuvenation. CV
and RS have been discussing doing our own water jetting. The lights are fine.
4. Captains’ reports
4.1 Men’s first team (summer): Ian Herriot was not present. On his behalf Chan Vithani reported that
there were problems getting a complete team for each match and IH is considering scrapping the team this
year due to lack of players.
4.2 Men’s second team (summer): Steve Reiners reported that the team was promoted to League 6 –
beating off the next contenders by just 2 points. But since this success a couple of members of the team
have moved out of the area, so it might be tough to maintain this progress in the coming year.
4.3 Ladies’ team (summer): Amelia Lawrence reported that the ladies came second bottom in Division 4 of
the NE Middlesex Slazenger League. Despite this the team hasn’t been demoted.
4.4 Winter veteran’s team: Chan Vithani believes the team will be promoted at it has come at least second
in the league.
4.5 Winter men’s team: Chan Vithani reported on Chris Twomey’s behalf. The team completed all matches
and had a nice time (no detail was available but ‘All is well!’)
5. Social Secretary’s report 2012-2013: Amelia Lawrence
Amelia reported that since our AGM last April a number of events have been run for the club as a whole
and for the tennis section:
Our first for tennis was the Wimbledon round robin on the 6 July followed by afternoon tea on the patio
and then into the TV lounge to watch Andy Murray win Wimbledon. Probably the only time ever it would
be 72 degrees outside and we are inside watching the TV!
We had our tennis finals on 31 August and another glorious summers day was had. It coincided with the
bowls finals day so there was a good crowd. We opened the day with bacon butties for all then had BBQ
lunch and BBQ after and this was so popular we ran out of food. A good day had by all!
Our third gastro night was held on 23 November and it was Chef Sonya’s best menu yet. Really good turn
out and a great atmosphere on the night.
Look to have another one in the next few months.
We held our first quiz for the new Club president Steve Martin on 6 December, raising over £100 for his
chosen charity, the Stroke Association.
The Grand Christmas Draw and New Year’s Eve party were both massive successes, raising over £1000 for
the club.
Next social event is this Saturday – Motown Magic – again raising money for the Stroke Association.
6. Coaching
Coach Laura Collins sent her apologies and said she would send her annual report after the meeting (*see
appendix below). Jane O’Neill said she hopes that Laura is actively encouraging anyone who attends her
Give it a go sessions (and other coaching sessions) to join the club.
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Amelia Lawrence said that she hopes that Laura will play an active part in the forthcoming Club open day
in May – she has been asked.
Jane Lees reported that we are now considering charging Laura for the use of club facilities, as per a
normal arrangement with club coach – and as agreed in the initial contract.
Election of officers (Sue Jelley)
1 Jane Lees
Proposed by
Seconded by
Proposed by
Seconded by
Sue Jelley
Amelia Lawrence
1 Sue Jelley
Jane Lees
Jane O’Neill
Proposed by
Seconded by
1 Mike Cocks
Nat Pithadia
Sue Jelley
1 Amelia Lawrence
Proposed by
Seconded by
Sue Jelley
Chan Vithani
Proposed by
Seconded by
1 Katie Walsh
Jane O’Neill
Amelia Lawrence
1 Richard Smyth
Proposed by
Nat Pithadia
Seconded by
Jane Lees
Proposed by
1 Nat Pithadia
Amelia Lawrence
Seconded by
Chan Vithani
Team Captains for 2014 are:
Men’s 1ST Team: Ian Herriott
Men’s 2ND Team: Chan Vithani/Chris Twomey
Ladies Team: Amelia Lawrence/Maria Born
Veteran’s mixed Team: Steve Reiners
They will automatically join the Committee.
Any other business
Chan Vithani asked whether the no cycling rule in the grounds could be relaxed so that children can cycle
around the car park. Jane Lees said it is too dangerous to allow this.
Amelia Lawrence handed out a plan for organising the Open Day on May 18 lead up information passed
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*Appendix, Laura’s Notes:
My year at bounds green
My year at bounds green has seen a start of a very regular and high standard junior program but
obviously ideally I really would like to start a regular adult program again. The problem of last
year was what day to agree on, also the standards was difficult as I never knew who was turning
up what weeks, I think either a termly payment would be a good idea on adults? I am more than
happy to do beginners to improvers 6-7 and then advanced level 7-8 What does everyone think
about this? I would need a minimum of 3-4 players for each group session.
With Bounds green being quite far away for me living in Watford I ideally would like it on
thursday evening so that both programs can run on the same night. I understand this is social
tennis night, the other night I have available is Tuesday night for a adult session in the evenings.
I also would like to run a adult session maybe one morning during the week or weekend, maybe
Sunday at 11?? Would this interest any members? If there is a winter season for the ladies would
they like some sort of team practice?
I am going to reprint soon some posters adverting me and also put up some posters where
members or new members can express their interest writing on the posters leaving there details,
so I can get an idea for some cardio tennis and some new groups and really push and see if I can
hopefully get a busy adult program up and running again with the help of members that would
be really good.
I am going to try again with schools and see if there is a way of either getting me to teach them
at bounds green or me going there and using that as a way of integrating the both, and allowing
new people to join.
A lot of my private lessons have joined the club so I hope this has helped the membership side of
things and am always pushing for new people to join, and have maybe 4 people that on the
weekend just passed seemed very keen to get joined up.
Regarding going forward I will be reassessing everything for myself at the end of the year to see
how things are going, but I hope by December to hopefully have 2 adult groups running and
keep the junior side of the club as busy as possible, with hopefully 2 of the junior players starting
tournaments so that’s a real positive on that side of the club I feel.
Thank you to everyone so far for all their help and I also feel that the past open day was a huge
success and have been seeing many new faces at the club and also taking parts in having lessons
with me or joining in my groups.
So going forward as unfortunately I cannot make the committee meeting tonight due to working
until 10pm, if anyone would like to ask me anything regarding coaching sessions please don't
hesitate to email me or ring me!!
Thanks everyone
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