Fractions, Decimals and Percentages make sense Unit 1

Year 6
Statistically speaking!–Fractions, decimals and percentages make sense
Four – Five week -- unit 1
1. Number: Number and Place value 2.Number: Addition, Subtraction, multiplication
and division 3. Number: Fractions (Including decimals and percentages)
4. Statistics
Year 6 age related - Programmes of study
• solve problems involving the calculation of percentages [for example, of measures,
and such as 15% of 360] and the use of percentages for comparison
• solve problems involving unequal sharing and grouping using knowledge of fractions
and multiples.
• perform mental calculations, including with mixed operations and large numbers
• use common factors to simplify fractions; use common multiples to express fractions
in the same denomination
• compare and order fractions, including fractions > 1
• add and subtract fractions with different denominators and mixed numbers, using the
concept of equivalent fractions
• multiply simple pairs of proper fractions, writing the answer in its simplest form
for example,
• divide proper fractions by whole numbers [for example, ÷ 2 = ]
• associate a fraction with division and calculate decimal fraction equivalents [for example, 0.375]
for a simple fraction [for example, ]
• identify the value of each digit in numbers given to 3 decimal places and multiply and divide
numbers by 10, 100 and 1,000 giving answers up to 3 decimal places
• multiply one-digit numbers with up to 2 decimal places by whole numbers
• use written division methods in cases where the answer has up to 2 decimal places
• solve problems which require answers to be rounded to specified degrees of accuracy
• recall and use equivalences between simple fractions, decimals and percentages, including in
different contexts
• interpret and construct pie charts and line graphs and use these to solve problems
• calculate and interpret the mean as an average
Vocabulary for unit: Statistically speaking! Fractions, decimals and percentages make sense.
problem, solution, calculate, calculation, equation, method, explain, reasoning, reason, predict, rule, formula, relationship,
sequence, pattern, classify,property, criterion/criteria, generalise, construct , integer, decimal, fraction, square number, multiple, factor,
factorise, divisor, divisible, divisibility, prime, prime factor, consecutive, operation, inverse, product, quotient, round, estimate,
approximate, place value, digit, numeral, partition, integer, decimal point, decimal place, thousandths, positive, negative, compare,
order, ascending, descending, greater than (>), less than (<), approximately ,add, subtract, multiply, divide, convert, sum, total,
difference, plus, minus, remainder ,data, information, survey, questionnaire, graph, chart, table, scale, interval, division, horizontal axis,
vertical axis, axes, label, title, pictogram, bar chart, bar -line chart, line graph, pie chart, frequency, mean, average, statistics,
decimal fraction, percentage, per cent (%), fraction, proper fraction, improper fraction, mixed number, numerator, denominator,
unit fraction, equivalent
Speaking and listening opportunities:
present a spoken argument, sequencing points logically, defending views with evidence and making use of persuasive language
understand the process of decision making
identify different question types and evaluate impact on audience
plan and manage a group task over time by using different levels of planning
understand different ways to take the lead and support others in a group
listen to a speaker and take notes on the talk
take different roles in groups and use the language appropriate to them, including roles of leader, reporter, scribe, and mentor
discussion with T/P
self - evaluations and opportunities planned for shared evaluation
reasoning/ would you rather…? questions to encourage debates
Cross curricular links:
Year 6
Statistically speaking!–Fractions, decimals and percentages make sense
Four – Five week -- unit 1
The new curriculum aims: Knowledge, reasoning and Problem solving
The ultimate challenge
Click on the following link for the NRICH Guide to problems/games aimed to challenge all pupils under the New 2014
maths National curriculum
Learning P.O.S
solve problems
involving the
calculation of
percentages [for
example, of
measures, and such
as 15% of 360] and
the use of
percentages for
Learning steps/targets
Knowledge Reasoning Problem solving
1.To solve problems involving the
calculation of percentages(In a
range of real life contexts)
2.To solve problems involving the
use of percentages for
comparison(In a range of real life
Learning P.O.S
identify the value
of each digit in
numbers given to
3 decimal places
and multiply and
divide numbers by
10, 100 and 1,000
giving answers up
to 3 decimal
1.To identify the value of each digit in
numbers given to 3 decimal places
2. To multiply numbers given to 3
decimal places by 10 and give the
answers up to 3 decimal places
3. To multiply numbers given to 3
decimal places by 100 and give the
answers up to 3 decimal places
4. To multiply numbers given to 3
decimal places by 1000 and give the
answers up to 3 decimal places
5. To divide numbers given to 3 decimal
places by 10 and give the answers up to
3 decimal places
6. To divide numbers given to 3 decimal
places by 100 and give the answers up to
3 decimal places
7. To divide numbers given to 3 decimal
places by 1000 and give the answers up
to 3 decimal place
multiply one-digit
numbers with up
to 2 decimal
places by whole
1.To multiply 1 digit numbers with 1
decimal place with whole numbers
2.To multiply 1 digit numbers with 2
decimal places with whole numbers
1.To answer reasoning questions
linked to finding percentages
1.To investigate and problem solve
solve problems
involving unequal
sharing and
grouping using
knowledge of
fractions and
1.To solve problems involving
unequal sharing and grouping
Learning steps/targets
Knowledge Reasoning Problem solving
1.To answer reasoning questions linked
to multiplying decimals
1.To investigate and problem solve
use common factors
to simplify fractions;
use common
multiples to express
fractions in the same
denomination use common factors to simplify
fractions use common multiples to
express fractions in the same
1.To use formal written methods for
use written
cases where the answer has up to 2
division methods
in cases where the decimal places
answer has up to 2
decimal places
solve problems
which require
answers to be
rounded to
specified degrees
of accuracy
recall and use
between simple
fractions, decimals
and percentages,
1.To answer reasoning questions
linked to simplifying or finding
common denominators
1.To investigate and problem solve
compare and order
fractions, including
fractions > 1
1. To compare fractions including
fractions > 1
3.To order fractions including
fractions >1
1.To answer reasoning questions
linked to comparing and ordering
1.To investigate and problem solve
add and subtract
fractions with
denominators and
mixed numbers,
1.To add fractions with different
denominators and mixed numbers
2.To subtract fractions with different
denominators and mixed fractions
1.To recall equivalences between simple
fractions, decimals and percentages
2. To use equivalences between simple
fractions, decimals and percentages in
different contexts
Statistically speaking!–Fractions, decimals and percentages make sense
Year 6
Four – Five week -- unit 1
using the concept of
equivalent fractions
1.To answer reasoning questions
linked to the adding and subtraction
of fractions
including in
different contexts
1.To answer reasoning questions linked
to fractions, decimal and percentage
1.To investigate and problem solve
1.To investigate and problem solve
multiply simple pairs
of proper fractions,
writing the answer in
its simplest form for
1.To multiply simple pairs of proper
1.To answer reasoning questions
linked to the multiplication of proper
interpret and
construct pie
charts and line
graphs and use
these to solve
1.To investigate and problem solve
1.To interpret pie charts and line graphs
2.To construct pie charts and line graphs
3.To use line graphs and pie charts to
solve problems
1.To answer reasoning questions linked
to the interpretation and construction of
pie charts and line graphs
1.To investigate and problem solve
1.To divide proper fractions by
whole numbers
divide proper
fractions by whole
numbers [for
1.To answer reasoning questions
linked to the dividing of fractions
calculate and
interpret the mean
as an average
1.To investigate and problem solve
associate a fraction
with division and
calculate decimal
fraction equivalents
[for example, 0.375]
for a simple fraction
1.To calculate the mean (average)
2.To interpret the mean(average)
1.To answer reasoning questions linked
to calculating and interpreting the mean
1.To investigate and problem solve
1.To find decimal fraction
equivalents by associating a
fraction with division
[for example,
Statistically speaking! Fractions, decimals and percentages make senseEnd of unit whole class- real life problem/investigation
Kit-kat investigation (Choc problem) nrich
January sale
(Outdoor) Athletic investigation –racing-finding the mean
Year 6
Statistically speaking!–Fractions, decimals and percentages make sense
Four – Five week -- unit 1