In English students study use and enjoy language and literature

In English, students study, use and enjoy language and literature communicated orally,
visually, or in writing.
How the teaching of English is structured at St Teresa’s School
Whilst we have an integrated approach to planning and teaching at St
Teresa’s, Guided Reading is taught on an individual classroom basis to
teach to the needs of individuals. Wherever possible language resources
will be used that are appropriate to the topic. In the first two years of
school the main focus of writing will be on the process of writing rather
than genre.
Using a set of underpinning processes and strategies students develop
knowledge skills and understandings related to:
 Text purposes and audiences
 Ideas within language contexts
 Language features that enhance texts
 The structure and organisation of texts
At St Teresa’s English will provide students with the opportunities to
engage with and develop the key competencies in diverse contexts.
Listening, Reading and Viewing
Making Meaning of ideas for information
they receive
All learning activities are directed
towards developing active listening skills.
e.g Class news, think, pair share, prayers,
assembly, instructions, speeches,
All learning activities are directed
towards developing independent fluent
e.g guided reading, shared reading,
independent reading, buddy reading,
reciprocal reading, library skills, guided
inquiry processes, reading strategies,
developing comprehension, reading for an
Speaking, Writing and Presenting
Creating meaning for themselves and
All learning activities are directed towards
children becoming articulate confident
e.g. speeches, debates, class news, prayers,
speaking in church, school productions,
speaking in public, articulating ideas in
class, ask questions appropriate to topic,
answer questions.
All learning activities are directed towards
children becoming independent, accurate
and creative writers.
Transactional – recounts, explanations,
instructions, reports, persuasions,letters
Poetic – narrative, poems, character
Expressive – journals, diaries, personal
recounts, class events,
All learning activities are directed
towards developing student’s awareness
and understanding of visual language in a
variety of media.
e.g. Television, newspaper,
advertisements, graphs and tables,
picture books, plays, static images,
cartoon strips, symbols and signs, visiting
performers, using sign language and visual
All learning activities are directed towards
students becoming effective, confident and
accurate presenters in both written and
oral language.
e.g. handwriting, publishing, editing,
grammar, using inquiry learning process to
select relevant information for their
presentation, elements of layout and
design, confidently use ICT as a support
tool for presentations, develop confidence
and skills for oral presentations and public