Dr. Trotter,
The publications listed in bold have been scanned and are now available as pdf. files
as of 4/10/2004. Some of these are available on web reserve ( >
“course resources” > “for students” > type in “Ant 599” > “Trotter” > “aa.Ant 599:
Coarse Resources” >”view course resources”), the rest I have given to you on cd.
The publications that have not been converted are pubs I have not been able to find.
Let me know if you have personal copies of what is left here on the list.
A. Books
Ustun, T. Bedirhan, Somnath Chatterji, Jerome E. Bickenbach, Robert T. Trotter, II, Robin Room,
Jurgen Rehm, Shekhar Saxena (Editors). Disability and Culture: Univesalism and Diversity. Seattle:
Hogrefe and Huber Publishers (ICIDH-2 Series).
Schensul, Jean J., Margaret D. LeCompte, Robert T. Trotter, II, Ellen K. Cromley, Merrill Singer.
(1999) Mapping Social Networks, Spacial Data, and Hidden Populations. Ethnographers Toolkit.
Walnut Creek, CA: Altamira Press.
Trotter, Robert T. II and Juan Antonio Chavira (1997) Curanderismo (2 nd Edition): Mexican American
Folk Healing. Athens, Georgia: University of Georgia Press.
Trotter, Robert T. II, (1996) (Ed.) Multicultural AIDS Prevention Programs. New York: The Haworth
Richard H. Needle, Susan L. Coyle, Sander G. Genser, Robert T. Trotter, II (1995) (Ed) Social
Networks, Drug Abuse, and HIV Transmission. NIDA Research Monograph Series, No 151.
Trotter, Robert T. II (1988) (Ed.) Anthropology for Tomorrow: Creating Practitioner Oriented
Anthropology Programs. Washington D.C. American Anthropological Association, Special
Publication no. 24.
Trotter, Robert T. II and Juan Antonio Chavira (1981) Curanderismo: Mexican American Folk
Healing System. Athens: University of Georgia Press.
B. Monographs, Special Editions of Journals, and Workbooks
Trotter, Robert T. Trotter, II, Richard H. Needle. (2000) RARE Community Guide. Department of
Health and Human Services. Office Public Health and Science, Office of HIV/AIDS Policy. 200
Independence Ave. SW, Washington, D.C.
Trotter, Robert T. Trotter, II, Richard H. Needle. (2000) RARE Methods Resource Guide.
Department of Health and Human Services. Office Public Health and Science, Office of HIV/AIDS
Policy. 200 Independence Ave. SW, Washington, D.C.
Trotter, Robert T. Trotter, II, Richard H. Needle, , Eric Goosby, Christopher Bates, Deborah von
Zinkernagel. (2000) RARE Evaluation Protocols Manual. Department of Health and Human Services.
Office Public Health and Science, Office of HIV/AIDS Policy. 200 Independence Ave. SW,
Washington, D.C.
Trotter, Robert T. Trotter, II, Richard H. Needle, Christopher Bates, Merrill Singer. (2000) Crisis
Response Teams Initiative. RARE Field Assessment Methods Training Workbook. Department of
Health and Human Services. Office of HIV/AIDS Policy. 200 Independence Ave. SW, Washington,
Richard H. Needle, , Eric Goosby, Christopher Bates, Deborah von Zinkernagel, Robert T. Trotter, II.
(2000) Chris Response Team Initiative: A Guide for Conducting Community Based Rapid
Assessment, Response, and Evaluation. Department of Health and Human Services. Office Public
Health and Science, Office of HIV/AIDS Policy. 200 Independence Ave. SW, Washington, D.C.
Trotter, Robert T. II, (1996) (Ed.) Multicultural AIDS Prevention Programs. Drugs and Society,
Volume 9, Numbers ½.
Joseph O. Prewitt-Diaz, Robert T. Trotter, II, and Vidal A. Rivera, Jr. (1989) The Effects of Migration
on Children: An Ethnographic study. Harrisburg: Pennsylvania State Department of Education,
Migrant Education Division.
Trotter, Robert T. II, and Juan Antonio Chavira (1977) El Uso de Alcohol: A Resource Book for
Spanish Speaking Communities. Atlanta, Southern Area Alcohol Education and Training Program,
Trotter, Robert T. II and Juan Antonio Chavira (1975) The Gift of Healing. 160-page monograph on
Mexican American folk medicine. Edinburg, Texas: University of Texas, Pan American.
C. Chapters in Books
Trotter, Robert T. Trotter, II (2001) Curanderismo in Fundamentals of Complementary and
Alternative Medicine (2nd ediion). New York: Churchill Livingstone (Harcourt Health Sciences
Company) pp. 411-428.
J. Rehm, R. T. Trotter, II, S. Chatterji, and T. B. Ustun. The Structure and Stability of the
Proposed International Classification (Chapter 20).(2001) In Ustun, T. Bedirhan, Somnath
Chatterji, Jerome E. Bickenbach, Robert T. Trotter, II, Robin Room, Jurgen Rehm, Shekhar
Saxena (Editors). Disability and Culture: Univesalism and Diversity. Seattle: Hogrefe and Huber
Publishers (ICIDH-2 Series). Pp 293-308.
Ustun, T.B., S. Chatterji, J.E. Bickenbach, R. T. Trotter, II, and S. Saxena (2001) Disability and
Cultural Variation: The ICIDH-2 Cross-Cultural Applicability Research Study. (Chapter 1) in Ustun,
T. Bedirhan, Somnath Chatterji, Jerome E. Bickenbach, Robert T. Trotter, II, Robin Room, Jurgen
Rehm, Shekhar Saxena (Editors). Disability and Culture: Univesalism and Diversity. Seattle: Hogrefe
and Huber Publishers (ICIDH-2 Series). Pp 3-20.
S. Chatterji, T. B. Ustun and R. T. Trotter, II (2001) Objectives and Overall Plan for the ICIDH2 Cross-Cultural Applicability Study (Chapter 2). In Ustun, T. Bedirhan, Somnath Chatterji,
Jerome E. Bickenbach, Robert T. Trotter, II, Robin Room, Jurgen Rehm, Shekhar Saxena
(Editors). Disability and Culture: Univesalism and Diversity. Seattle: Hogrefe and Huber
Publishers (ICIDH-2 Series). Pp 21-36.
Trotter, R. T. II, J. Rehm, S. Chatterji, R. Room, and T. B. Ustun. (2001) Cross-Cultural
Applicability Research Methods (Chapter 3) in Ustun, T. Bedirhan, Somnath Chatterji, Jerome
E. Bickenbach, Robert T. Trotter, II, Robin Room, Jurgen Rehm, Shekhar Saxena (Editors).
Disability and Culture: Univesalism and Diversity. Seattle: Hogrefe and Huber Publishers
(ICIDH-2 Series). Pp 37-64.
R. Room, J. Rehm, R. T. Trotter, II, A Paglia, and T.B. Ustun (2001) Cross-Cultural Views on
Stigma, Valuation, Parity, and Societyal Values Towards Disability (Chapter 19). (2001) in
Ustun, T. Bedirhan, Somnath Chatterji, Jerome E. Bickenbach, Robert T. Trotter, II, Robin
Room, Jurgen Rehm, Shekhar Saxena (Editors). Disability and Culture: Univesalism and
Diversity. Seattle: Hogrefe and Huber Publishers (ICIDH-2 Series). Pp 247-292.
T. B. Ustun, S. Chatterji, J. E. Bichenbach, R. T. Trotter, II, R. Room, J. Rehm, and S. Saxena (2001)
in Ustun, T. Bedirhan, Somnath Chatterji, Jerome E. Bickenbach, Robert T. Trotter, II, Robin Room,
Jurgen Rehm, Shekhar Saxena (Editors). Disability and Culture: Univesalism and Diversity. Seattle:
Hogrefe and Huber Publishers (ICIDH-2 Series). Pp. 32309-322.
Trotter, Robert T. , II, Maria Elena Medina Mora (2000) Qualitative Methods. In Guide to
Drug Abuse Epidemiology, Mental Health and Substance Dependence Department,
Noncommunicable Disease and Mental Health Cluster, World Health Organization. Geneva. Pp
Trotter, Rober T. II, Martin C. Donoghoe (2000) Qualitative Methods. In Guide to Drug Abuse
Epidemiology, Mental Health and Substance Dependence Department, Noncommunicable
Disease and Mental Health Cluster, World Health Organization. Geneva. Pp. 353-369.
10. Trotter, Robert T. II (1999) Ethnography and Network Analysis: The Study of Social Context in
Cultures and Societies. In Gary L. Albrecht, Ray Fitzpatrick and Susan C. Scrimshaw (eds) The
Handbook of Social Studies in Health and Medicine. London. Sage Publications. pp210-229.
11. Page, J. Bryan and Robert T. Trotter, II (1999) Chapter 3: To Theorize or Not To Theorize:
Anthropological Research in Drugs and AIDS. In Patricia Loomis Marshall, Merrill Singer,
Michael C. Clatts (eds.) Integrating Cultural, Observational, andEpidemiological Approaches in
the Pevention of Drug Abuse and HIV/AIDS. USDHHS/National Institute on Drug Abuse, NIH
Publication No. 99-4565. Pp51-73.
12. Singer, Merril, Patricia Loomis Marshall, Robert T. Trotter, II, Jean J. Schensul, Margaret R.
Weeks, Janie E. Simmons, and Kim E Radda. (1999) Chapter 9: Ethics, Ethnography, Drug Use
and AIDS: Dilemmas and Standards in Federally Funded Research. In Patricia Loomis
Marshall, Merrill Singer, Michael C. Clatts (eds.) Integrating Cultural, Observational, and
Epidemiological Approaches in the Pevention of Drug Abuse and HIV/AIDS. USDHHS/National
Institute on Drug Abuse, NIH Publication No. 99-4565. Pp198-222.
13. Trotter, Robert T. II, (1999) Friends, Relatives and Relevant Others: Conducting Ethnographic
Network Studies. (Pp: 1- 50). In Schensul, Jean J., Margaret D. LeCompte, Robert T. Trotter, II,
Ellen K. Cromley, Merrill Singer. Mapping Social Networks, Spacial Data, and Hidden
Populations. Ethnographers Toolkit. Walnut Creek, CA: Altamira Press.
14. Trotter, Robert T. II, Jean J. Schenshul (1998) Methods in Applied Anthropology in Handbook
of Methods in Cultural Anthropology (ed. H. Russell Bernard), Walnut Creek: Altimira Press.
Pp. 691-736.
15. Trotter, Robert T. II, Jon Rolf, Julie A. Baldwin (1997) Cultural Models of Inhalant Abuse Among
Navajo Youth. In, ed. Joseph Trimble. New York: Sociocultural Perspectives on Volatile Solvent Use.
Ed. By Fred Beauvais and Joseph E. Trimble. The Haworth Press. Pp. 39-59.
16. Trotter, Robert T. II. (1996) Computer Applications in Anthropology: The Encyclopedia of
Cultural Anthropology. HRAF and American Reference Publishing company. Lakeville, CT. pp.
17. Trotter, Robert T. II (1996) Curanderismo. In Fundamentals of Complementary Medical Systems
(ed. Mark Miccozzi) London, Churchill Livingston Press. Pp.
18. (On Order from ASU)Trotter, Robert T. II (1996) Communication and Community Participation in
Program Evaluation Processes. In Advanced Methodological Issues in Culturally Competent
Evaluation for Substance Abuse Prevention, Bayer, Ada-Helen, Frances Larry Brisbane, and Amelie
Ramirez (Eds). . CSAP Cultural Competence Series (No. 6). DHHS Publication No. (SMA) 96-3110.
Pp: 241-266.
19. (Anthro Office)Baldwin, Julie A., Anne M. Baldwin, Robert T. Trotter, II (1996) Factors Contributing
to Retention of Not-in-Treatment Drug Users in an HIV/AIDS Outreach Prevention Program. In
Multicultural AIDS Prevention Programs. Robert T. Trotter, II (Ed.) New York: The Haworth Press.
Pp. 19-37.
20. (Anthro Office)Bernard Segal and Robert T. Trotter, II. (1996) AIDS Prevention: Conclusions and
Implications. In Multicultural AIDS Prevention Programs. Robert T. Trotter, II (Ed.) New York: The
Haworth Press. Pp. 213-220.
21. Trotter, Robert T. II, Anne. M. Bowen and James. M. Potter (1995) Network Models for HIV
Outreach and Prevention Programs for Drug Users. NIDA Monograph Series. Washington, D.C.:
National Institute on Drug Abuse.. NIDA Monograph Series No. 151, pp.144-180.
22. Richard H. Needle, Susan L. Coyle, Sander G. Genser, Robert T. Trotter, II (1995) Introduction: The
Social Network Research Paradigm. NIDA Monograph Series. Washington, D.C.: National Institute on
Drug Abuse. NIDA Monograph Series no. 151, pp. 1-2.
23. Mark L. Williams, Zhangqing Zhuo, Harvey A. Siegal, Rafaela R. Robles, and Adelbert Jones,
Robert T. Trotter, II (1995) A Comparison of Drug Use Networks Across Three Cities. NIDA
Monograph Series, Washington D. C.. National Institute on Drug Abuse Monograph 151 pp. 109-130.
24. Trotter, Robert T. II.(1995) Drug Use, AIDS, and Ethnography: Advanced Ethnographic
Research Methods Exploring the HIV Epidemic. In Qualitative Methods in Drug Abuse and HIV
Research. NIDA Monograph Series no. 157, Washington, D.C. National Institute on Drug Abuse.
NIH. Pp. 38-64.
25. Trotter, Robert T. II, James M. Potter, Anne M Bowen, Dolores Jiron (Tradduction Arturo Ortiz)
(1993) Enfoques Etnograficos y analsis de las redes sociales, para la creacion de programs de
prevencion del uso de drogas y de VIH, en ursarios activos. In Las Adicciones: Hacia un Enfoque
Multidisciplinario. Consejo Nacional contra las Adicciones. Secrataria de salud, Mexico. Mexico, DF:
pp. 45-54.
26. Trotter, Robert T. II, (1992) "Monster Time and Other Ethnographic Insights at Wupatki
National Monument." in Gary E. Machlis and Donald R. Field (Eds.) On Interpretation:
Sociology for Interpreters of Natural and Cultural History. Revised Ed. Corvalis, OR: Oregon
State University Press.
27. Trotter, Robert T. II (1991) "Ethnographic Research Methods for Applied Medical
Anthropology" In Training Manual in Applied Medical Anthropology. ed by Carole E. Hill,
American Anthropological Association Special Publication no. 27, Washington, D.C.: American
Anthropological Association. Pp. 180-212.
28. Hugo Mejias, Ronald L. Applbaum, Susan J. Applbaum, Robert T. Trotter, II (1991) Oral
Communication Apprehension and Hispanics: An Exploration of Oral Communication
Apprehension Among Mexican American Students in Texas. in Language Anxiety: From Theory
and Research to Classroom Applications, ed. by Elaine K. Horwitz and Dolly J. Young, pp.87-98,
Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.
29. Sylvia Rodriguez-Andrew, Robert T. Trotter, II , M. Jean Gilbert (1988) "Mexican American Cultural
Norms Related to Alcohol Use as Reflected in Drinking Settings and Language Use." In Alcohol
Consumption Among Mexicans and Mexican Americans: A Bi-National Perspective, M. Jean Gilbert,
ed. Los Angeles. Spanish Speaking Mental Health Center. University of California, Los Angeles.
30. Trotter, Robert T. II (1987) "A Case of Lead Poisoning from Folk Remedies in Mexican
American Communities." In Anthropological Praxis, Shirley Fiske and Robert Wulff, eds.
Boulder CO: Westview Press.
31. Trotter, Robert T. II, Michael H. Logan (1986) "Informant Consensus: A New Approach for
Identifying Potentially Effective Medicinal Plants" in Plants Used in Indigenous Medicine:
Biocultural Approaches ed. by Nina Etkin, Redgrave Publications. pp. 91-112.
32. Trotter, Robert T. II (1985) Mexican Americans in South Texas: Differing Life Styles and
Alcohol. In The American Experience With Alcohol: Contrasting Cultural Perspectives, ed. by
Linda A. Bennett and Genevieve M. Ames. New York, Plenum Press.
33. Trotter, Robert T. II (1979) "Comments on: The Folk Performance of Chicano and the Cultural Limits
of Political Ideology" in Proceedings of Conference: The Mexican American Experience in Texas. ed.
by Margarita Melville and Hidal Castillo Pharris. Monograph No. 1, Mexican American Studies
Center, University of Houston.
34. Trotter, Robert T. II, Juan Antonio Chavira (1979) "Discovering New Models for Alcohol Counseling
for Minority Groups" in Modern Medicine and Medical Anthropology in the United States-Mexico
Border Population, ed. by Boris Velimirovic, Pan American Health Organization, Scientific
Publication No. 359.
35. Trotter, Robert T. II (1977) "Cultural Perspectives on Alcoholism" in Proceedings of Women and
Alcohol: Cultural Perspectives and Public Responsibility, ed. by Mary Sheldon and Russell Sparling.
Austin, Texas Committee for the Humanities and Public Policy.
D. Articles
Needle, Richard H., Trotter, Robert T. II, Singer, Merrill, Bates, Christopher, Page, J. Bryan,
Metzger, David, Marcelin, Louis H, (2003) Rapid Assessment of the HIV/AIDS Crisis in Racial
and Ethic Minority Communities: An Approach for Timely Community Interventions.
American Journal of Public Health (June) 93(6):970-979.
Pachter, Lee M, Weller Susan C., Baer Roberta D., Garcia de Alba Garcia Javier E., Trotter,
Robert T. II, Glazer, Mark, and Klein, Robert. (2002) Variation in Asthma Beliefs and Practices
Among Mainland Puerto Ricans, Mexican Americans, Mexicans, and Guatemalans. Journal of
Asthma, 39(2). 119-134.
Trotter, Robert T. II, Bedirhan Ustun, Somnath Chatterji, Juergen Rehm, Robin Room, and
Jerome Bichenbach. (2001) Cross-Cultural Applicability Research on Disablement: Models and
Methods for the Revision of an International Classification. Human Organization 60(1):13-27.
Trotter, Robert T. II, Needle, Richard H., Eric Goosby, Christopher Bates, and Merrill Singer.
(2001) A Methodological Moedl for Rapid Assessment, Response and Evaluation: the RARE
Program in Public Health. Journal of Field Methods. 13(2): 137-159.
Deren, S., Stark, M., Rhodes, F., Siegal, H. Cottler, L., Wood, M., Kochems, L. Carlson, R.
Falck, R. Rourke, K., Trotter, R., Weir, B., Goldstein, MF. Wrignt-De Aguero, L. (2001) Drug
Using Men Who Have Sex with Men: Sexual Behaviours and Sexual Identities. Culture, Health,
and Sexuality. Culture, Health and Sexuality. Vol. 3(3): 329-338.
Rothenberg RB, Sterk C, Long D, Pach A, Potterat JJ, Muth SQ, Baldwin J, Trotter R. The
Atlanta Urban Networks Project. I. A blueprint for endemic transmission. AIDS 2000;14:21912200.
Rothenberg R, Baldwin B, Trotter R, Muth S. The risk environment for HIV transmission: results
from the Atlanta and Flagstaff network studies. J Urban Health 2001;78:419-432
Needle, Richard H., Robert. T. Trotter, II, Eric Goosby, Christopher Bates, Deborah Von
Zinkernagel. (2000) Methodologically Sound rapid assessment and response: providing timely
data for policy development on drug use interventions. International Journal of Drug Policy.
(11): 19-23.
Trotter, Robert T. II, Susan C. Weller, Roberta D. Baer, Lee M. Pachter, Mark Glazer, Javier E.
Garcia de Alba Garcia, and Robert E. Klein (1999) Consensus Theory Model of AIDS/SIDA
Beliefs in Four Latino Populations. AIDS Education and Prevention. 11(5): 414-426.
10. Deren, s., Stark, M. Rhodes, F., Siegal, H. Cottler, L., Wood, M. Kochems, L. Carlson, R. Falck, R.
Rourke, K. Trotter, R. , Weir, B. Goldstein, M.F., Wright-de Aguero, L. (1991) Drug Using Men who
have sex with men. Culture, Health, and Sexuality. 3(3): 329-338.
11. Rhodes, F., S. Deren, MM Wood, M.g. Shedlin, R.G. Carlson, E.Y. Lambert, L.M. Kochems,
M.J. Stark, R.S. Falck, L. Wright-DeAguero, B. Weir, L. Cottler, K.M. Rourke, and R. T.
Trotter, II. (1999) Understanding HIV risks of chronic drug-using men who have sex with men.
AIDS Care. 6:629-648.
12. Ustun, T. Bedirhan, Jurgen Rehm, Somnath Chatterji, Shekhar Saxena, Robert Trotter, Robin
Room, Jerome Bickenbach, and the WHO/NIH Joint Project CAR Study Group. (1999)
Multiple-informant ranking of the disabling effects of different health condtions in 14 countries.
The Lancet. 354(9173):111-115..
13. Baer, Robert D., C. Weller, Susan C. Weller, Lee Pachter, Robert Trotter, Javier Garcia de Alba
garcia, Mark Glazer, Robert Klein, Tracey Lockaby, Janice Nichols, Roger Parrish, Bruce
Randall, Jeanette Reid, Susan W. Morfit and Van Morfit. (1999). Beliefs about AIDS in Five
Latin and Anglo American populations: the role of the biomedical model. Anthropology and
Medicine 6(1): 13-29.
14. Susan C. Weller, Roberta D. Baer, Lee M. Pachter, Robert T. Trotter, II, Mark Glazer, Javirr E.
Garcia de Alba Garcia, Robert E, Klein. (1999) Latino Beliefs about Diabetes. Diabetes Care
15. Trotter, Robert T. II (1997) Anthropological Midrange Theories in Mental Health Research:
Selected Theorys, Methods, and Systematic Approaches to At-Risk Populations. Ethos 25(2):
16. Trotter, Robert T. II, Jon Rolf, Julie A. Baldwin (1997) Cultural Models of Inhalant Abuse
Among Navajo Youth. Drugs and “Society Vol 10, no ½, pp39-59.
17.Trotter, Robert T. II, Anne M. Bowen, and Heather Hurlbert. (1996) A Method for Systematic
Reduction of the Number of Questions in a Network Questionnaire. Jnl. Of Quantitative
Anthropology. 6:35-47.
18. Trotter, Robert T., Anne M. Bowen, Julie A. Baldwin, and Laurie J. Price. (1996) The Efficacy
of Network Based HIV/AIDS Risk Reduction Programs in Midsized Towns in the United States.
Journal of Drug Issues. 26(3): 591-606.
19. Baldwin, Julie A., Anne M. Baldwin, Robert T. Trotter, II (1996) Factors Contributing to
Retention of Not-in-Treatment Drug Users in an HIV/AIDS Outreach Prevention Program.
Drugs and Society 9(½): 19-36.
20. Baldwin, Julie A., Jon E. Rolf, Jeanette Johnson, Jeremy Bowers, Christine Benally, Robert T.
Trotter, II. (1996) Developing Culturally Sensitive HIV/AIDS and Substance Abuse Prevention
Curricula for Native American Youth. Journal of School Health. 66(9): 322-327.
21. Bernard Segal and Robert T. Trotter, II. (1996) AIDS Prevention: Conclusions and
Implications. Drugs and Society 9(½): 213-220.
22. Anne M. Bowen, Robert T. Trotter, II (1995) HIV risk in IV Drug Users and Crack Smokers:
Predicting Stage of Change for Condom Use. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology.
23. Trotter, Robert T.II, Richard B. Rothenberg and Susan Coyle (1995) Drug Abuse and HIV Prevention
Research: Expanding Paradigms and Network Contributions to Risk Reduction. Connections 18(1):
24. Trotter, Robert T. II, Julie A. Baldwin and Anne M. Bowen (1995) Network Structure and Proxy
Network Measures of HIV, Drug and Incarceration Risks for Active Drug Users. Connections 18(1):
25. Mark L. Williams, Zhangqing Zhuo, Harvey A. Siegal, Rafaela R. Robles, and Adelbert Jones Robert
T. Trotter, II (1995) An Investigation of the HIV Risk Behaviors of Drug Use Networks. Connections
18(1): 58-72.
26. Trotter, Robert T. II, James M. Potter (1993} Pile Sorts, A Cognitive Anthropological Model of
Drug and AIDS Risks for Navajo Teenagers: Assessment of a New Evaluation Tool. Drugs and
Society. 7(3/4): 23-39.
27. James .M. Potter, George. Gotto, Victoria. Davis, Anthea. Hajhar, Robert T. Trotter, II (1993)
The Flagstaff Multicultural AIDS Prevention Project: Community Knowledge and Ethnographic
Contributions for AIDS Prevention. Practicing Anthropology. 15(4): 5-9.
28. Weller Susan C, Pachter Lee M, Baer Roberta D, and Trotter, Robert T. II (1993) Empacho in
four Latino groups: a study of intra- and inter-cultural variation in beliefs. Medical
Anthropology . 15(2):109-136, 1993.
29. Trotter, Robert T. II, (1991) A Survey of Four Illnesses and their Relationship to Intracultural
Variation in a Mexican American Community. American Anthropologist 93:115-125.
30. Trotter, Robert T. II, (1991) Ethnographic Research Training in a National Park. Practicing
Anthropology 13(3):7-10.
31. Trotter, Robert T. II (1990) The Cultural Parameters of Lead Poisoning: A Medical
Anthropologist's View of Intervention in Environmental Lead Exposure. Environmental Health
Perspectives 89:79-84.
32. Trotter, Robert T. II, (1990) Culture and Interpretation: Potential Points of Conflict. Contact: The
Southwest Region Interpreter's Newsletter. Vol. 7, pp.8-10 (July-September).
33. Trotter, Robert T. II, (1989) Ethnographic field school. CRM Bulletin. 12(6):8.
34. Trotter, Robert T. II (1989) Fallen fontanelle in the American Southwest: Its Origin,
Epidemiology, and Possible Organic Causes. Medical Anthropology. 10(4):201-217.
35. Marc R. Feldesman, Robert T. Trotter, II (1989) A Consumer's View of the "Meat Market."
Anthropology Newsletter 30(2):1,24,25.
36. Trotter, Robert T. II (1988) Research Methods Training Requirements in Anthropology. Anthropology
Newsletter 29(7):28,26.
37. Trotter, Robert T. II (1988) Migrant Health: A National Challenge. Arizona Health Education Center
System, vol 5(2):16.
38. Trotter, Robert T. II (1988) Caida de Mollera: A Newborn and Early Infancy Health Risk. Migrant
Health Newsline.
39. Trotter, Robert T. II (1986) Statistical Packages for Micro-Computers. Computer Assisted
Anthropology News Vol 2(2):15-17.
40. Trotter, Robert T. II (1986) Folk Medicines and Drug Interactions. Migrant Health Newsline Vol
41. Trotter, Robert T. II, (1986) Folk Medicine in the Southwest: Myths and Medical Facts.
Postgraduate Medicine 78 (8): 167-179.
42. Ronald L. Applbaum and Susan Applbaum, Robert T. Trotter, II (1986) Communication Apprehension
and Hispanics: An Exploration of Communication Apprehension Among Mexican Americans. World
Communication 15 (1): 11-29.
43. Trotter, Robert T. II (1986) What Electronic Bulletin Boards Are All About. Anthropology Newsletter
27 (5): 1 May.
44. Trotter, Robert T. Trotter, II (1985) Statistical Software Smorgasbord: Powerful Number-Crunching
Programs for the Kaypro. Profiles 2(7): 60-67.
45. Trotter, Robert T. II (1985) Author's reply on Training of Medical Anthropologists. Human
Organization. 44(1):81.
46. Trotter, Robert T. II (1985) Greta and Azarcon: A Survey of Episodic Lead Poisoning From A Folk
Remedy. Human Organization. 44(1):64-71.
47. Trotter, Robert T. II (1983) Community Morbidity Patterns and Mexican American Folk Illness:
A Comparative Approach. Medical Anthropology Vol 7(1)33-44.
48. Trotter, Robert T. II. (1983) Greta and Azarcon. Unusual Sources of Lead Poisoning From Mexican
American Folk Medicine. Texas Rural Health Journal. May-June:1-5
49. Trotter, Robert T. II, A. Ackerman, D. Rodman, A. Martinez and F. Sorvillo ( 1983) "Azarcon"
and "Greta:" Ethnomedical Solution to An Epidemiological Mystery. Medical Anthropology
Quarterly Vol. 14(3):3,18.
50. Trotter, Robert T. II (1983) Letter to the Editor: Greta and Azarcon: Two Sources of Lead Poisoning
on the United States-Mexico Border. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. Vol. 8 (1):105-106.
51. Trotter, Robert T. II (1983) "Ethnography and Bioassay: Combined Methods for a Preliminary
Screen of Home Remedies for Potential Pharmacologic Activity." Journal of
Ethnopharmacology. Vol. 8(1):113-119.
52. Trotter, Robert T. II (1983) "Lead Poisoning from Mexican Folk Remedies" MMWR (October 28,
53. Trotter, Robert T. II, (1982) Economic Dislocations in the U.S. Mexico Border Region. Briefings.
Vol II (26):12-18.
54. Trotter, Robert T. II (1982) "Susto: Within the Context of Community Morbidity Patterns."
Ethnology XXI: 215-226.
55. Trotter, Robert T. II (1982) Contrasting Models of the Healer's Role: South Texas Case
Examples." Hispanic Journal of the Behavioral Sciences. Vol. 4(3): 315-327.
56. Trotter, Robert T. II (1982) "Ethnic and Sexual Patterns of Alcohol Use: Anglo and Mexican
American College Students." Adolescence XVII: 305-325.
57. Trotter, Robert T. Trotter, II (1981) "Remedios Caseros: Mexican American Home Remedies
and Community Health Problems." Social Science and Medicine. Vol. 15B: 107-114.
58. Trotter, Robert T. II (1981) "Occupational Roles and the Perception of Alcohol Related Behavior:
Drunks, Cops and Counselors. Borderlands Journal. Vol. 4(1): 107-130.
59. Trotter, Robert T. II (1981) "Folk Remedies as Indicators of Common Illnesses." Journal of
Ethnopharmacology. Vol. 4(2): 207-221.
60. Trotter, Robert T. And Juan A. Chavira (1980) "Curanderismo: An Emic Theoretical
Perspective of Mexican American Folk Medicine." Medical Anthropology. Vol. 4(4), pp.
61. Trotter, Robert T. II (1979) "Evidence of an Ethnomedical Form of Aversion Therapy on the United
States-Mexico Border." Journal of Ethnopharmacology. Vol. 1(3): 279-284.
62. Trotter, Robert T. II (1979) "A Brief Note on Dwindling Research Opportunities for
Anthropologists." Human Organization. Vol. 38(2): 209-212.
63. Trotter, Robert T. II (1974) "The Art of Making Salvage Films and Why It Should Become A Lost
Art." The Media Anthropologist, Vol. 2, No. 4. 1973
64. Trotter, Robert T. II (1973) "The Ethnographic Use of Film." Media Anthropologist, Vol. l, No. 4.
65. Trotter, Robert T. II (1973) "Urban Anthropology and the Media." Urban Anthropology Newsletter,
Vol. 11, No. 1.
66. Trotter, Robert T. II (1973) "Abstracts of Urban Anthropological Papers." Urban Anthropology
Newsletter, Vol. 11, No. 1.
D. Reviews and Miscellaneous
Trotter, Robert T. II (1996) Preface. Multicultural AIDS Prevention Programs. In Multicultural
AIDS Prevention Programs. Robert T. Trotter, II (Ed.) New York: The Haworth Press. Pg. xiii.
Trotter, Robert T. II (1994) Cultural Medicine Curriculum: American Medical Student Association,
Reston, VA.
Trotter, Robert T. II (1993) Curriculum: Communication, Utilization, and Community Participation in
Program Evaluation Processes. CSAP Culturally Competent Curriculum Series. Washington, D.C.:
Center for Substance Abuse Prevention.
J. Rolf, C. Alexander, Trotter, R. T. II, G. A. Quintero, R. Denetsosie, N. Tongue, D. Cha, C. Garcia,
& J. Johnson). (1991) Findings from and innovative AIDS, alcohol, and other drug abuse prevention
curriculum for Native American Youth. Poster presented at the American Public Health Association's
119th Annual Meeting in Atlanta, Georgia.
J. Rolf, J. Baldwin, C. Alexander, R. T. Trotter, II , R. Denetsosie, N. Tongue, G. A. Quintero, C.
Garcia, & D. Cha). (1991) Linking AIDS and AOD abuse prevention for Native American youth.
poster presented at the Research Society on Alcoholism, Marco Island, Florida.
Trotter, Robert T. II (1991) NAPA and Northern Arizona University Workshop In Advanced
Ethnographic Research Methods. Committee of Anthropologists in Environmental Planning News
]Trotter, Robert T. II (1982) Theories of Illness: A World Survey by George Peter Murdock.
Anthropological Quarterly, 56(1):46-49.
Trotter, Robert T. II (1981) Border Healing Woman: The Story of Jewell Babb, as told by Pat Ellis
Taylor. Medical Anthropology Newsletter. Vol. 13(1):14 (Review).
Trotter, Robert T. II (1981) Communication. RiverSedge. Vol. 4(1):54 (Poem)
E. Media and Media Productions
Trotter, Robert T. II (2001) Mexican-American folk herbalist shop. In Introducing Cultural
Anthropology, Roberta Lenkeit, Mayfield Publishing Company. Mountain View, CA.
Trotter, Robert T. II (1982) "Don Pedrito Jaramillo." Slide series/filmstrip. San Antonio, Texas:
Institute of Texas Cultures.
Trotter, Robert T. II (1979) "Las Yerbas de Mi Abuela," (Grandmother's Tea), slide series/filmstrip.
San Antonio, Texas: Institute of Texas Cultures.
Trotter, Robert T. II (1979) "Portrait of a Curandera" B/W Photo, in the Kennedy Corridos by Dan
William Dicky, Austin: The University of Texas Press. (Facing page 37).
Trotter, Robert T. II (1977 - 1978) Viewpoint: A weekly public affairs program, KBFM (FM 104)
Radio, Edinburg, Texas, (Production and M.C./Host).
Trotter, Robert T. II (1975) Los Que Curan, 16mm color film, 43 minutes (research, script, editing,
production coordination), University of Texas, Pan American.
Trotter, Robert T. II (1975) Curanderismo: An Optional Medical System, a seven part slide series with
synchronized sound (research, photography production coordination), University of Texas, Pan
Trotter, Robert T. II, Federico Vidal (1973) A Trip Across Saudi Arabia, 16mm color film, 17 minutes
(editing, sound, script, production coordination).