A.H.Terms NRTI, Lobesa USEFUL WORDS IN ANIMAL HUSBANDRY. 1. Alveolus: The cavity in which the root of the tooth is embedded. 2. Avian: Pertaining to birds 3. Barn: Is the housing space of sheep and goats. 4. Boar: An uncastrated adult male pig. 5. Bovine: Pertaining to cattle such as bull, bullocks, cow, heifer, etc. 6. Buck: A mature uncastrated male of goat, deer, rabbit and hare species. 7. Doe: Female goat. 8. Bull: Is an uncastrated adult male of bovine species. When used for breeding it is called stud bull or Breeding bull. 9. Bull Holder: Is the appliance used to control the bull by applying it to the septum of nostrils of bull. Bull Puncher: Is an appliance to punch the nasal septum of 10. the bull to put up bull ring, generally done at one year of age. 11. Bull ring: Is the metal ring with a diameter of 11/2 inches, put in nasal septum of the bull. 12. Byre: Is the housing place for cows. 13. Canine: Pertaining to the family of dogs. 14. Capon: Castrated cock. Tshewang Dorji A.H.Terms NRTI, Lobesa 15. Chickens: Young ones of birds, poultry in particular. 16. Claw: The hoof is divided into two parts in cattle and each part is called a claw. 17. Cloaca: Is the common opening for alimentary, urinary and genital system for the birds. 18. Cockerel: Young cock below six months. 19. Colt: Young male horse above 1 year. 20. Comb: A cutaneous, coloured body on the head of fowl, having no feathers on the part. 21. Croup: Is the region of sacrum in horse. 22. Crown: The visible portion of the tooth above the gum. 23 Cryptorchid: A horse of 12 months of age whose one testicle is retained in the abdominal cavity instead of descending into the scrotum. It is also called RIG and when both testicles are retained in the abdominal cavity, it is known as double Rig. 24. Dew Claws: Are rudimentary digits at the back of fetlock joint, in cattle and pigs. 25. Dewlap: Is the fold of skin hanging below in the region of neck. 26. Entire: Is an adult uncastrated horse not kept for breeding purposes. 27. Ewe: Is the adult female sheep. 28. Pertaining to horse family. Equine: Tshewang Dorji A.H.Terms 29. NRTI, Lobesa False Nostrils: A small pouch inside the nostril of horse, absent in cattle. 30. Farrowing: Act of parturition (delivery) in pig. 31. Feline: Pertaining to the family of cats. 32. Foal: A young horse from birth to 1 year. 33. Fore Lock: Tuft of hair growing at poll. 34. Free Martin: A heifer calf born as twin with a bull calf. It is often sterile. 35. Full Mouth: When all permanent teeth, both molars and incisors are fully erupted showing that horse is 41/2 to 5 years. 36. Gag: An apparatus by which the mouth of horse and cattle can be kept open for examination of mouth. 37. Geld/Gelding: A castrated male horse. 38. Gilt: A female pig before first delivery. 39. Groin: The loose skin in front of stifle joint. 40. Ham: Buttock, thigh and gaskin together of a pig meat (pork) 41. Hog or Stag: A castrated male pig. 42. Hump: The fleshy mass seen on withers of cattle. 43. Incisors: Teeth for cutting. They are 6 in centre. 44. Kennel: Housing space for dogs. 45. Kid: Young one of goat. Tshewang Dorji A.H.Terms NRTI, Lobesa 46. Litter: Offspring of a pig born at one time. 47. Mane: Long hair of horse on crest. 48. Mare: A grown up female horse. 49. Mule: An offspring of a father ass and mother mare. It is practically sterile. 50. Muzzle: The part including nostrils, mouth, lips and chin. 51. Paddock: Enclosed area used for exercise or grazing. 52. Pen: Enclosed area with open space and a house, generally for the poultry. 53. Pigling/piglet: Young one of a pig. 54. Pin Bone: The point of the buttock of the horse is called pin bone in cattle. 55. Pullet: Is young hen. 56. Quay/Heifer: Female of bovine species over one year, which has not yet calved. 57. Rump: Croup region in horse is rump in cattle. 58. Snout: Is the rim in the region of the upper lip encircling the nostrils of a pig. 59. Sow: Is an adult female pig, which has delivered (farrowed) at least for once. 60. Stallion: An adult uncastrated horse used for breeding purpose. 61. Sty: Place where pigs are kept. Tshewang Dorji A.H.Terms NRTI, Lobesa 62. Swine: Pertaining to pig species. 63. Thoroughbred: Registered English saddle horse. 64. Trevis: Is the construction of wood wherein the animal is well secured for dressing, etc. to avoid kicking. 65. Udder: Mammary gland in case of cow. 66. Withers: Ridge between horse’s and cattle’s shoulder blades. Tshewang Dorji