An asterisk (*) indicates that Thomas Jaenson is the corresponding author
Terenius O, Björklund N,
Jaenson TGT, Nordlander G. 2014. Premature proposal of the pine weevil as a vector of human pathogens. J. Clin. Microbiol.
DOI: 10.1128/JCM.02167-14.
Jaenson, TGT
. 2014. Nya rön: Färre Borreliafall med färre hjortdjur. http://www.lakartidningen.se/Klinik-och-vetenskap/Nya-ron/2014/07/Farre-fastingaroch-farre-Borreliafall-med-farre-hjortdjur/ Läkartidningen 2014;111:CZMS
Läkartidningen 36/2014. Review of: Kilpatrick et al. 2014. The relationship between deer density, tick abundance, and human cases of Lyme disease in a residential community. Journal of Medical Entomology 51:777-784. doi: 10.1603/ME13232.
Wallménius K, Barboutis C, Fransson T, Jaenson TGT , Lindgren P-E, Nyström F,
Olsen B, Salaneck E, Nilsson K. 2014. Spotted fever Rickettsia species in Hyalomma and Ixodes ticks infesting migratory birds in the European Mediterranean area.
Parasites & Vectors 2014, 7 :318. DOI: 10.1186/1756-3305-7-318.
Published: 10 July 2014.
Jaenson, TGT*.
2014. The TBE virus appears to adapt to the new host animal. [In
Swedish] TBE-virus verkar anpassa sig till det nya värddjuret. http://www.lakartidningen.se/Klinik-och-vetenskap/Nya-ron/2014/05/TBE-virusverkar-anpassa-sig-till-ny-miljo-nar-fastingen-suger/
24/2014 . 2014-
05-26. Review of PhD thesis : Lindblom, P. Epidemiological and ecological studies of tick-borne encephalitis virus [avhandling]. Linköpings universitet, Linköping; 2014.
Jaenson, TGT*.
2014. Seven Borrelia species in Swedish ticks [In Swedish: Sju
Borreliaarter i svenska fästingar]. http://www.lakartidningen.se/Klinik-ochvetenskap/Nya-ron/2014/04/Sju-olika-Borreliaarter-i-svenska-fastingar/
20/2014. 2014-04-17.
Review of PhD thesis: Wilhelmsson P. A sting from a tick: epidemiology, ecology and clinical aspects of Lyme borreliosis
[avhandling]. Linköpings universitet, Linköping; 2014. http://liu.divaportal.org/smash/record.jsf?pid=diva2:707600
Pettersson J H-O, Golovljova I, Vene S & Jaenson TGT*. 2014.
Prevalence of tickborne encephalitis (TBE) virus in Ixodes ricinus ticks in southern Sweden. Parasites
& Vectors 2014, 7:102. http://www.parasitesandvectors.com/content/7/1/102 .
Hagman K, Barboutis C, Ehrenborg C, Fransson T, Jaenson TGT , Lindgren P-E,
Lundkvist Å, Nyström F, Waldenström W, Salaneck E. 2013.
On the potential roles of
ticks and migrating birds in the ecology of West Nile virus.
Infection, Ecology &
Epidemiology 2013, 3:20943 – http://dx.doi.org/10.3402/iee.v310.20943
Wilhelmsson P, Fryland L, Lindblom P, Forsberg P , Jaenson TGT & P-E Lindgren.
Ixodes ricinus ticks removed from humans in Northern Europe: seasonal pattern of infestation, attachment sites and duration of feeding
Parasites & Vectors 2013, 6 :362 doi: 10.1186/1756-3305-6-362 http://www.parasitesandvectors.com/content/pdf/1756-3305-6-362.pdf
Medlock J M, Hansford KM, Bormane A, Derdakova M, Estrada-Peña A,George J-
C, Golovljova I, Jaenson TGT , Jensen J-K, Jensen PM, Kazimirova M, Oteo JA,
Papa A, Pfister K, Plantard O,Randolph SE, Rizzoli A, Santos-Silva MM, Sprong H,
Vial L, Hendrickx G, Zeller H & Van Bortel W. 2013. Driving forces for changes in geographical distribution of Ixodes ricinus ticks in Europe. Parasites & Vectors
2013, 6 :1 doi:10.1186/1756-3305-6-1. http://www.parasitesandvectors.com/content/6/1/1 .
Eitrem R, Jaenson TGT. 2012.
[Persistent itching due to tropical trombiculid mite] (In
Swedish) Ihållande klåda orsakades av tropiskt löpkvalster. I Sverige okänt fenomen drabbade Brasilienresenär. Journal of the Swedish Medical Association -
Läkartidningen 109
: 2358-2359. http://www.lakartidningen.se/07engine.php?articleId=19034
Vongsombath, C., Pålsson K., Björk L., Borg-Karlson,
Jaenson TGT*.
Mosquito (Diptera: Culicidae) repellency field tests of essential oils from plants traditionally used in Laos . Journal of Medical Entomology 49:1398-1404. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23270168
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1603/ME12025
Lindeborg, M., Barboutis, C., Ehrenborg, C., Fransson, T., Jaenson, T.G.T.,
Lindgren, P-E., Lundkvist, Å , Karlsson, M., Nyström, F.., Waldenström, J.,
Wahlgren, J. & Olsen, B. 2012.
Migratory birds, ticks and Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus, Europe. Emerging Infectious Diseases 18 (12): 2095-
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3201/eid1812.120718
Jaenson TGT*,
Hjertqvist M, Bergström T, Lundkvist Å. 2012. Why is TBE increasing? A review of the key factors causing the increasing incidence of human
TBE in Sweden. Parasites & Vectors . 5:184. DOI: 10.1186/1756-3305-5-184.
URL: http://www.parasitesandvectors.com/content/5/1/184
Estrada-Peña A, Farkas R, Jaenson TGT , Koenen F, Madder M, Pascucci I, Salman
M, Tarrés-Call J, & Jongejan F.
Association of environmental traits with the geographic ranges of ticks (Acari: Ixodidae) of medical and veterinary importance in the western Palearctic. A digital data set. Experimental & Applied Acarology . DOI:
10.1007/s10493-012-9600-7. http://www.springerlink.com/content/dm62k335p54h4604/fulltext.pdf
Jaenson TGT*,
Hjertqvist M, Lundkvist Å.
År 2011 toppar TBE-incidensen.
Rådjursstammens variation i storlek och vädret är nyckelfaktorer]. L äkartidningen
(Journal of the Swedish Medical Association) ; 109 (7):343-346. http://www.lakartidningen.se/store/articlepdf/1/17801/LKT1207s343_346.pdf
Jaenson TGT*, Jaenson DGE, Eisen L, Petersson E, Lindgren E. 2012.
Changes in the geographical distribution and abundance of the tick Ixodes ricinus during the past
30 years in Sweden. Parasites & Vectors 5 :8. DOI:10.1186/1756-3305-5-8. http://www.parasitesandvectors.com/content/5/1/8
Wallménius, K., Pettersson, J. H-O., Jaenson, T.G.T.
& Nilsson, K. 2012.
Prevalence of Rickettsia spp ., Anaplasma phagocytophilum and Coxiella burnetii in adult Ixodes ricinus ticks from 29 study areas in central and southern Sweden. Ticks & Tick-Borne
Diseases . 3:100-106. doi.10.1016/j.ttbdis.2011.11.003 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22487426
Jaenson, TGT*: 2012 . Yellow fever epidemic threatens refugee camps in western Sudan
(In Swedish: Epidemi av gula febern hotar flyktinglägren i västra Sudan).
(Journal of the Swedish Medical Association): 109 (nr 48): 2231-2232. http://ltarkiv.lakartidningen.se/2012/temp/pda41700.pdf
Jaenson, TGT* 2011.
Antalet fästingar i Sverige ökar. EPI-aktuellt,
Smittskyddsinstitutet : 10: 2-3. http://www.smittskyddsinstitutet.se/presstjanst/smis-nyhetsbrev/epi-aktuellt/epiaktuellt-2011/epi-aktuellt-vol-10-nr-28-14-juli-2011-/
Jaenson, T.G.T. * 2011. Larvae of the moose bot fly ( Cephenemyia ulrichii ) infecting the human eye – an unusual medical problem in Sweden. [In Swedish,
English abstract]. L
äkartidningen (Journal of the Swedish Medical Association)
108: 928-930. Nominated as one of the best articles in Läkartidningen 2011; in the category ”Clinical Science Reviews”. http://www.lakartidningen.se/07engine.php?articleId=16368 http://ww2.lakartidningen.se/store/articlepdf/1/16368/LKT1116s928_930.pdf
Molin, Y., Lindeborg, M., Nyström F., Madder, M., Hjelm, E., Olsen, B., Jaenson, T.G.T.
& Ehrenborg, C. 2011.
Migratory birds, ticks and Bartonella . Infection, Ecology &
Epidemiology 1:5997 (4 pp.) – DOI 10.3402/iee.v10.5997.
Epub 2011 Feb 11
B. Caputo, F. Santolamazza, JL. Vicente, DC. Nwakanma, K. Palsson, T.G.T. Jaenson , B.
White, E. Mancini, V. Petrarca, DJ. Conway, N. Besansky, J. Pinto, A. della Torre. 2011.
The “Far West” molecular forms of Anopheles gambiae.
PLoS ONE 6(2): e16415. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0016415
Jaenson, TGT
& Lindgren, E: 2011.
The range of Ixodes ricinus and the risk of Lyme borreliosis will increase northwards when the vegetation period becomes longer. Ticks &
Tick-Borne Dis. 2: 44-49. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ttbdis.2010.10.006 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21771536
Severinsson, K., Jaenson, T.G., Pettersson, J., Falk, K., & Nilsson, K. 2010. Detection and prevalence of Anaplasma phagocytophilum and Rickettsia helvetica in Ixodes ricinus ticks in seven study areas in Sweden. Parasites & Vectors, 3 :66 doi:10.1186/1756-3305-3-66.
Jaenson, T.G.T.
& Mehl, R. 2010.
“Fågelloppor” kan ha varit fågelkvalster. [“Bird fleas” may have been bird mites]. In Swedish. Läkartidningen 107: 1791-1792.
DeBoer, H., Vongsombath, C., Pålsson, K., Björk, L. & Jaenson, T.G.T.
Botanical repellents and pesticides traditionally used against hematophagous invertebrates in Lao
People's Democratic Republic – a comparative study of plants used in 66 villages. J. Med.
Entomol. 47: 400-414. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20496588
Estrada-Pena, A., Farkas, R., Jaenson, T.G.T.
et al. 2010. Scientific Opinion on the role of tick vectors in the epidemiology of Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever and
African swine fever in Eurasia. EFSA Panel on Animal and Welfare (AHAW). EFSA
Journal 2010;8(8):1703.[156 pp.] doi:10.2903/j.efsa.2010.1703. Available online: www.efsa.europa.eu/efsajournal.htm
Estrada-Pena, A., Farkas, R., Jaenson, T.G.T.
et al. 2010. Scientific opinion on geographic distribution of tick-borne infections and their vectors in Europe and the other regions of the Mediterranean Basin: EFSA Panel on Animal Health and Welfare
(AHAW). EFSA Journal 2010;8(9):1723. [259 pp.] doi:10.2903/j.efsa.2010.1723.
Available online: ww.efsa.europa.eu/efsajournal.htm.
Kan, B., Åsen, C., Åsbakk, K. & Jaenson, T.G.T
* 2010 .
Misstänkta lusägg i pojkes hår avslöjade farlig parasit [Suspected head-louse eggs revealed dangerous parasite][In Swedish].
Läkartidningen 1 (26-28): 1694-1697.
http://www.lakartidningen.se/07engine.php?articleId=14643 http://ltarkiv.lakartidningen.se/2010/temp/pda38329.pdf
Elmhalli, F., Pålsson, K., Örberg, J. & Jaenson, T.G.T.
Acaricidal effects of
Corymbia citriodora oil containing para-menthane-3, 8-diol against nymphs of Ixodes ricinus
(Acari: Ixodidae). Exp. Appl. Acarol.48: 251-262. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2915.2009.00813 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19169833
Jaenson, T.G.T* . Eisen, L., Comstedt, P., Mejlon, H.A., Lindgren, E., Bergström, S. &
Olsen, B. 2009.
Risk indicators for Ixodes ricinus and Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato in
Sweden. Med. Vet. Entomol. 23: 226-237. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2915.2009.00813.
Pålsson, K.,
Jaenson, T.G.T*
., Baeckström, P. & Borg-Karlsson, A.-K.
2008 . Tick repellent substances in the essential oil of Tanacetum vulgare . J. Med. Entomol. 45: 88-93. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18283947
Oliveira, E., Salgueiro, P., Pålsson, K., Vicente, J.L., Arez, A.P., Jaenson, T.G
T ., Caccone,
A. & Pinto, J. 2008.
High levels of hybridization between molecular forms of Anopheles gambiae from Guinea Bissau. J. Med. Entomol. 45: 1057-1063. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19058629
JaensonTGT* . & Jensen, J-K 2007.
Records of ticks (Acari, Ixodidae) from the Faroe
Islands. Norw. J. Entomol. 54: 11-15.
Garboui, S., Jaenson, T.G.T
., Borg-Karlsson, A.-K. & Pålsson, K. 2007. Repellency of methyl jasmonate to Ixodes ricinus nymphs (Acari: Ixodidae). Exp. Appl. Acarol.42: 209-
215. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17611808
Lindgren, E. & Jaenson, T.G.T
. 2006. Lyme borreliosis in Europe: influences of climate and climate change, epidemiology, ecology and adaptation measures. pp: 157-
188 In: B. Menne & K.L. Ebi (eds.) Climate Change and Adaptation Strategies for
Human Health. Springer, Darmstadt & WHO, Geneva. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/nlmcatalog/101302279
Jaenson, TGT*
, Pålsson, K. & Borg-Karlsson, A.-K.
Evaluation of extracts and oils of mosquito repellent plants from Sweden and Guinea-Bissau. J. Med.
Entomol 43: 113-119. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16506457
Lo, N., Beninati, T., Sassera, D., Bouman, E.A.P., Santagati, S., Gern, L., Sambri, V.,
Masuzawa, T., Gray, J., Jaenson, T.G.T
., Bouattour, A., Kenny, M., Guner, E.S.,
Kharitonenkov, Bitam, I. & I.G., Bandi, C. 2006 . Widespread distribution and high prevalence of an alpha-proteobacterial symbiont in the tick Ixodes ricinus.
Microbiol. 8: 1280-1287.
Lindgren E & Jaenson TGT* 2006.
Tick-, mosquito- and sand fly-borne infectious diseases in a future warmer climate in Sweden. [In Swedish: Fästing- och myggöverförda infektionssjukdomar i ett kommande, varmare klimat i Sverige].
Entomol. Tidskr. 127: 21-30.
Jaenson, T.G.T
*, Garboui, S., & Pålsson. K. 2006.
Repellency of oils of lemon eucalyptus ( Corymbia citriodora ), geranium ( Pelargonium graveolens ) and lavender
( Lavandula angustifolium ), and the mosquito repellent MyggA Natural to the common tick Ixodes ricinus (L.) (Acari: Ixodidae) in the laboratory and field. J. Med. Entomol.
43: 731-736. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16892632
Garboui, S., Jaenson, T.G.T* . & Pålsson, K. 2006. Repellency of MyggA
Natural spray (para-menthane-3, 8-diol) and RB86 (neem oil) against the tick Ixodes ricinus
(L.) (Acari: Ixodidae) in the field in east-central Sweden. Exp. Appl. Acarol.. 40:
271-277. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17103083
Jaenson, T.G.T* . Pålsson, K. & Borg-Karlsson, A.-K. 2005 . Evaluation of extracts and oils of tick repellent plants from Sweden. Med. Vet. Entomol. 19: 345-352. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16336298
Marroquín, R., Monroy, C. &
Jaenson, T.G.T
. 2004 . Triatoma ryckmani
(Heteroptera: Reduviidae) in the epiphyte Tillandsia xerographica (Bromeliaceae) in the semiarid region of Guatemala. J. Med. Entomol. 40: 321-323.
Pålsson, K.,
Jaenson, T.G.T*
, Dias, F., Laugen, A.T. & Björkman, A.
Endophilic Anopheles mosquitoes in Guinea Bissau, West Africa in relation to human housing conditions. J. Med. Entomol. 41: 746-752. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15311470
Monroy, C ., Marroquin, R., Rodas, A., Rosales, R. & Jaenson, T.G.T* . 2004.
Dispersion and colonization of Triatoma ryckmani (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) in artificial environments in a semiarid region of a Chagas disease endemic area in
Guatemala. Acta Tropica 91 :145-151. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15234663
Jaenson, T.G.T
. 1978b. Virus-like rods associated with salivary gland hyperplasia in tsetse, Glossina pallidipes . Trans. R. Soc. Trop. Med. Hyg. 72: 234-238.
Jaenson, T.G.T
. 1978c. Mating behaviour of Glossina pallidipes Austen (Diptera,
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Jaenson, T.G.T
. 1980a. Mating behaviour of females of Glossina pallidipes (Diptera:
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Jaenson, T.G.T
. & Takken, W. 1980b. Rearing of Glossina pallidipes using membrane-feeding technology. Entomol. Exp. Appl. 27: 102-104
Jaenson, T.G.T.
1981g. Ecology and behaviour of Glossina pallidipes (Diptera:
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Jaenson, T.G.T
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Jaenson, T.G.T
. 1982b. Medical entomology - a short history with special reference to Sweden. Entomol.Scand. (Invited review article, accepted).
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1985a. Attraction to mammals of male mosquitoes with special reference to Aedes diantaeus in Sweden. J. Am. Mosq. Control. Assoc. 1: 195-198.
Jaenson, T.G.T
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Francy, D.B., Jaenson, T.G.T
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Jaenson, T.G.T
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Jaenson, T.G.T
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Jaenson, T.G.T
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Jaenson, T.G.T
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Jaenson, T.G.T., Fish, D., Ginsberg, H.S., Gray, J.S., Mather, T.N. & Piesman, J.
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Jaenson, T.G.T
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Tälleklint, L., Jaenson, T.G.T
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Olsén, B., Jaenson, T.G.T
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Mejlon, H.A. & Jaenson, T.G.T
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Jaenson, T.G.T
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1993. The ecology of Lyme borreliosis in Sweden. Ann.Rheum. Dis. 52: 387-389.
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1994. The ecology of Lyme borreliosis in Sweden. In: Lyme Borreliosis, Axford, J.S.
& Rees, D.H.E. (eds.), pp. 113-115. Plenum Press, New York & London.
Jaenson, T.G.T., Tälleklint, L., Lundqvist, L., Olsén, B., Chirico, J. & Mejlon, H.
1994. Geographical distribution, host associations and vector roles of ticks (Acari:
Ixodidae & Argasidae) in Sweden. J. Med. Entomol. 31: 240-256.
Tälleklint, L. &
Jaenson, T.G.T
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(Acari: Ixodidae), in Sweden. J. Med. Entomol. 31: 880-886.
Jaenson, T.G.T
., Gomes, M.J., Barreto dos Santos, R.C., Petrarca, V., Evora, J. &
Crato, J. 1994. Control of endophagic Anopheles mosquitoes and human malaria in
Guinea Bissau, West Africa by permethrin-treated bednets. Trans. R. Soc.Trop. Med.
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Mejlon, H.A., Jaenson, T.G.T
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Ixodidae). Med. Vet. Entomol. 9: 207-210.
Tälleklint, L. &
Jaenson, T.G.T
. 1995b. Control of Lyme borreliosis by reduction of tick vectors — an impossible task? Int. J. Angiol. 4: 34-37.
Olsen, B., Jaenson, T.G.T
., Bonnedahl, J. & Bergström, S. 1995. Prevalence of
Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato-infected ticks on migrating birds. Appl. Environm.
Microbiol. 61: 3082-3087.
Olsen, B., Duffy, D.C., Jaenson, T.G.T
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1995.Transhemispheric exchange of Lyme disease spirochetes by seabirds. J. Clin.
Microbiol. 33: 3270-3274.
Tälleklint, L. &
Jaenson, T.G.T
. 1995. Is the small mammal ( Clethrionomys glareolus ) or the tick vector ( Ixodes ricinus ) the primary over-wintering reservoir for the Lyme borreliosis spirochete in Sweden? J. Wildl. Dis. 31: 537-540.
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Jaenson, T.G.T. & Onyango, P. 1980d. Some aspects of the feeding behaviour of Glossina pallidipes fed on live hosts and through artificial membranes. IAEA Second Quarterly Report: 1-4, Vienna.
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Jaenson, T.G.T., Taher, M. & Flores, M. 1980h. Performance of G. tachinoides Westw. fed through silicone membranes on lyophilized bovine and porcine blood. IAEA Second Quarterly Report: 15-16,
Jaenson, T.G.T., Taher, M. & Flores, M. 1980i. Performance of Glossina tachinoides females immobilized by chilling. IAEA Fourth Quarterly Report: 6-8, Vienna.
Jaenson, T.G.T., Onyango, P., Taher, M. & Flores, M. 1980j. Investigations on modified silicone membranes for in vitro feeding of Glossina tachinoides . IAEA Fourth Quarterly Report: 9-13, Vienna.
Jaenson, T.G.T., Taher, M. & Flores, M. 1980k. Performance of Glossina tachinoides and G. pallidipes fed in vitro and in vivo. IAEA Fourth QuarterlyReport: 14-16, Vienna.
Jaenson, T.G.T. & Onyango, P. 1981a. Performance of Glossina tachinoides females fed unirradiated or irradiated, lyophilized and reconstituted bovine blood. IAEA First Quarterly Report: 16-17, Vienna.
Jaenson, T.G.T. & Onyango, P. 1981b. Performance of Glossina pallidipes females fed unirradiated or irradiated, lyophilized and reconstituted bovine blood. IAEA First Quarterly Report: 13-15, Vienna.
Jaenson, T.G.T., Taher, M. & Flores, M. 1981c. Performance of the Glossina tachinoides and G. pallidipes colonies kept at the Seibersdorf Laboratory. IAEA First Quarterly Report: 10-12, Vienna.
Jaenson, T.G.T., Taher, M. & Flores, M. 1981d. Performance of Glossina tachinoides females immobilized by chilling or by nitrogen-induced anoxia. IAEA First Quarterly Report: 19-21, Vienna.
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Jaenson, T.G.T. 1987a. Ecology of Ockelbo disease. Abstract of paper presented at the February 1987 meeting of the Swedish Society Oikos, Lund. In Swedish.
Jaenson, T.G.T. 1987b. Ecology of Ockelbo disease. Abstract of paper presented at Scand. symposium on arthropod vectors and vector-borne diseases, Copenhagen, 8-9 May 1987.
Jaenson, T.G.T. 1987c. Anopheles and malaria in Sweden. Abstract of paper presented at Scand. symposium on arthropod vectors and vector-borne diseases, Copenhagen, 8-9 May 1987.
Hovmark, A., Jaenson, T.G.T., Åsbrink, E. & Stedingk, L.-V. von. 1988h. First isolations of Borrelia spirochetes from rodents collected in Northern Europe. Abstract. Int. Congress on Zoonoses; 6th Joint
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Forsman, A., Hovmark, A., Jaenson, T.G.T., Mejlon, H. & Åsbrink, E. 1989a. Ecology of tick-borne borreliosis in Sweden. Abstract of poster presented at the February 1989 meeting of the Swedish
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Barreto dos Santos, R.C. & Jaenson, T.G.T. 1989b. Recherches sur les mouches tsé-tsé et la trypanosomiase en 1988 dans le nord-ouest de la Guinée-Bissau. [Tsetse fly and trypanosomiasis
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Jaenson, T.G.T. & Barreto dos Santos, R. 1989f. Tsetse flies and trypanosomiases in north-western
Guinea-Bissau. Abstract. Proc. XIVth Scand. Symp. Parasitol. Information 20: 27, Inst. Parasitol. Åbo
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Bergström, S., Burman, N. Jaenson, T.G.T., Jonsbo, F., Jonsson, M., Mejlon, H. & Olsén, B. 1990a.
Molecular characterization of Borrelia burgdorferi strains isolated from Ixodes ricinus in northern
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Mejlon, H.A., Jaenson, T.G.T., Hovmark, A., Åsbrink, E. & Forsman, A. 1990b. Ecology of Lyme borreliosis in Sweden. Abstract of paper presented at the IVth Int. Conf. on Lyme Borreliosis, June 18-
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Jaenson, T.G.T. 1991i. Control of Anopheles and malaria in Northwestern Guinea-Bissau. Annual
Project Report 1990. Unpubl. report. English and Portuguese versions.
Jaenson, T.G.T. 1991j. Controlo do Anopheles e malária na Zona 1, Guiné-Bissau. Unpubl. research meeting document.
Jaenson, T.G.T. 1992c. Control of Anopheles and malaria in Northwestern Guinea-Bissau. Annual
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Jaenson, T.G.T., Mejlon, H. & Tälleklint, L. 1992f. Ecology of Lyme borreliosis in Sweden. Proc. Vth
Int. Conf. Lyme Borreliosis, Arlington, May-June 1992. Abstract no. 261.
Jaenson, T.G.T., Mejlon, H. & Tälleklint, L. 1992g. Ecology of Lyme borreliosis in Northern Europe - an overview. Proc. XIXth Int. Congr. Entomol., Beijing, June-July 1992. Abstract p. 663.
Olsén, B., Jaenson, T.G.T., Bunikis, J., Noppa, L. & Bergström, S. 1992h. The Lyme borreliosis spirochete found in ticks parasitizing seabirds. Proc. Vth Int. Conf. Lyme Borreliosis, Arlington, May-
June 1992. Abstract no. 289.
Tälleklint, L. & Jaenson, T.G.T. 1993. Hur bakterien Borrelia burgdorferi vidmakthålls i svenska populationer av fästingen Ixodes ricinus . Abstract of paper presented at the February 1993 meeting in
Lund of the Swedish ecological society Oikos.
Jaenson, T.G.T., Tälleklint, L. & Mejlon, H.A. 1993. European Lyme borreliosis distribution. Abstract of oral presentation presented at The First Intern. Congress of Vector Ecology, San Diego, USA,
October 1993.
Tälleklint, L. & Jaenson, T.G.T. 1993. Control of Lyme borreliosis in Sweden by reduction of tick vectors - an impossible task? 35th World Congress of the International College of Angiology,
Copenhagen, Denmark, 1993.
Tälleklint, L. & Jaenson, T.G.T. 1994. Why are deer incompetent reservoirs of Borrelia burgdorferi s.l
. in nature? Abstract, VIth Int. Conf. on Lyme Borreliosis, Bologna, Italy, June 19-22, 1994.
Mejlon, H.A. & Jaenson, T.G.T. 1994. Seasonality of Borrelia -infected ticks and high-risk areas for
Lyme borreliosis in Sweden. Abstract, VIth Int. Conf. on Lyme Borreliosis, Bologna, Italy, June 19-22,
Jaenson, T.G.T. & Tälleklint, L. 1994. The ecology of Ixodes ricinus and Borrelia burgdorferi on islands in the Baltic Sea. Abstract, VIth Int. Conf. on Lyme Borreliosis, Bologna, Italy, June 19-22,
Olsen, B., Jaenson, T.G.T., Duffy, D. & Bergström, S. 1994. Lyme disease borreliae in Ixodes uriae from the northern and southern hemispheres. Abstract, VIth Int. Conf. on Lyme Borreliosis, Bologna,
Italy, June 19-22, 1994.
Jaenson, T.G.T. 1994. Control of Anopheles and malaria in Guinea-Bissau. Annual Project Report
1993. 11 pp.
Jaenson, T.G.T. 1995. The impregnated bednet programme for control of malaria in Guinea Bissau.
Annual Project Report to Sida for the year 1994. 6 pp.
Tälleklint, L. & Jaenson, T.G.T. 1995. Transmission of the Lyme borreliosis spirochete at the mammal reservoir - tick vector interface in Sweden. Abstract of paper presented at The Second Intern.
Conference on Tick-Borne Pathogens at the Host Vector Interface, Kruger National Park, South Africa,
August 1995.
Tälleklint, L. & Jaenson, T.G.T. 1995.(publ. 1997). Transmission of the Lyme borreliosis spirochete at the mammal reservoir - tick vector interface in Sweden. In: [L. Coon & M. Rothschild (eds.):
Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Tick-Borne Pathogens at the Host - Vector
Interface: a Global Perspective], pp. 91-103., Kruger National Park, South Africa, August 1995.
Jaenson, T.G.T., Gomes, M. & Dias, F. 1995. Control by insecticide-treated bed nets of Anopheles and malaria, with particular reference to Guinea Bissau. Abstract of invited review. Eur. Conf. Trop.
Medicine, Hamburg, Germany, October 22-26, 1995.
Fonseca, L., Pinto, J. Pålsson, K., Jaenson, T.G.T. & Rosário, V. 1995. Identification of Anopheles gambiae complex members by both cytogenetic and PCR techniques in Guinea-Bissau. Abstract, Eur.
Conf. Trop. Medicine, Hamburg, October 22-26, 1995.
Jaenson, T.G.T. 1995. Controlo de Anopheles e malária atraves de redes mosquiteiras impregnadas com permethrina. Abstract of invited presentation. II Seminário Intern. sobre Malária, Sao Tomé, November
8-14, 1995.
Jaenson, T.G.T. 1996. Control of malaria in Guinea Bissau, with particular emphasis on the large-scale use of chemically treated, anti-mosquito bed nets. Suggestions and recommendations.(To SIDA) 9pp.
Jaenson, T.G.T. 1996. The impregnated bednet programme for control of malaria in Guinea Bissau.
Report to SIDA for the year 1995.
Jaenson, T.G.T. & Tälleklint, L. 1996. Lyme borreliosis maintained by hares on isolated islands.
Abstract. VIIth Intern. Congress on Lyme Borreliosis, San Fransisco, USA, June 1996.
Tälleklint, L. & Jaenson, T.G.T. 1996. The impact of tick density and mammal host composition on the prevalence of infection with Lyme borreliosis spirochetes in Ixodes ricinus . Abstract. VIIth Intern.
Congress on Lyme Borreliosis, San Fransisco, USA, June 1996.
Jaenson, T.G.T., Tälleklint, L., Olsén, B., Mejlon, H.A. & Bergström, S. 1996. Ecology and epidemiology of Lyme borreliosis in Sweden. Abstract. VIIth Intern. Congress on Lyme Borreliosis,
San Fransisco, USA, June 1996.
Jaenson, T.G.T. 1996. Lyme borreliosis - a global perspective: discussion, summary and conclusions.
Chairman’s Abstract 23-037. Symposium on Lyme Borreliosis Transmission - A Global Perspective.
XXth Intern. Congress of Entomology, Firenze, Italy, August 1996.
Arez, A.P., Pinto, J., Pålsson, K., Cravo, P., Dinis, J., Jaenson, T.G.T. & do Rosário, V. 1996.
Identification of malaria parasites in mosquitoes, by PCR, from a study area in Guinea-Bissau. Abstract
23-147. XXth Intern. Congress of Entomology, Firenze, Italy, August 1996.
Nilsson, K., Jaenson, T.G.T., Uhnoo, I., Lindquist, O., Pettersson, B., Uhlén, M., Friman, G. &
Påhlson, C. 1996. Karakterisering av en spotted fever Rickettsia från Ixodes ricinus fästingar. Abstract
Riksstämma, 27-29 November 1996.
Pålsson, K., Gomes, M., Dias, F. & Jaenson, T.G.T. 1997. Comparison of natural products and pyrethroid-treated bed nets for protection against mosquitoes in Guinea Bissau, West Africa. In:
Proceedings/Book of Abstracts: pp. 70-71. Second International Congress of Vector Ecology, Orlando,
Florida, Oct. 1997.
Jaenson, T.G.T., Dias, F., Gomes, M., Barreto dos Santos, R.C., Sidibé Só, I., Évora, J. & Pålsson, K.
1997. Control of Anopheles and malaria by anti-mosquito bed nets treated with permethrin. In :
[Proceedings] II Circulo de Conferências sobre a Investigação em Saúde Pública, Nov. 1997. Pp. 11-
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Jaenson, T.G.T., Dias, F. & Gomes, M. 1998. The impregnated bed net programme for control of malaria in Guinea Bissau. Annual Report for 1997 [to Sida/SAREC, SMI (Stockholm) & LNSP,
MINSAP, Bissau. 15 pp.].
Jaenson, T.G.T. & da Silva, Z. J. 2000. Control of Anopheles and malaria in Guinea-Bissau by permethrin-impregnated bed nets. Report for 1997-1999 [to Sida/SAREC, SMI (Stockholm) & LNSP,
MINSAP, Bissau. 15 pp.].
Pålsson, Lindström, A. & Jaenson, T.G.T. 2000. Mosquito repellent plants. Abstract. XXI Intern.
Congress of Entomology.
Pålsson, K., Jaenson, T.G.T., Baeckström, P. & Borg-Karlsson, A.-K. 2003. Tick repellent substances in Tanacetum vulgare.
Joint meeting of 20th ISCE (Int. Soc. Chem. Ecology) and 3rd APACE (Asia-
Pacific Assoc. of Chemical Ecologists). 14-18 July 2003, Gyeongju, Korea.
Jaenson, T.G.T. 1992e. Bloodsuckers and disease carriers in the summer. Stockholms Läns Landstings Tidning no. 5:
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Jaenson, T.G.T., Tälleklint, L. & Mejlon, H. 1994. Disease-transmitting ticks in Sweden. Aromia 1994, nr 3:3-9.[In
Jaenson, T. 1975a. Review of: "Insects and other arthropods of medical importance" by K.G.V. Smith
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Jaenson, T.G.T. 1980c. Review of " Insect behavior " by Matthews, R.W. & Matthews, J.R. Entomol.
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Jaenson, T.G.T. 1981e. Methods for the collection of disease- causing arthropods. Review of
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Jaenson, T.G.T. 1986g. Review of " Integrated mosquito control methodologies. Vol. 2. Biocontrol and other innovative components and future directions " by Laird, M. & Miles, J.W. (eds.). Entomol.
Tidskr. 107: 109-110. In Swedish.
Jaenson, T.G.T. 1987g. Review of: Sauer, J.R. & Hair, J.A. (Editors). 1986. Morphology, physiology, and behavioral biology of ticks.
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Jaenson, T.G.T. 1989c. Review of: Edström, A. “ Djurens gifter. (Animal toxins).
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Jaenson, T.G.T. 1996. Review of Sonenshine, D.E. & Mather, T.N. (eds.). Ecological Dynamics of Tick-Borne
Zoonoses . Oxford University Press, 1994, 447 pp. Reviewed in Parasitol. Today. Vol. 12: 252, June 1996.
Jaenson, T.G.T. 1997. Review of Service, M.W. “ Medical Entomology for
Students ". Chapman & Hall, London, 1996, 288 pp. Reviewed in (requested by) Acta Tropica 68: 129-