Research Employment
Postdoctoral Researcher: Spatial Foodweb Ecology Group, University of Helsinki
Research Associate: Department of Zoology/WildCRU, University of Oxford
 Biodiversity change and ecosystem functioning in modified landscapes.
Postdoctoral Researcher and Earthwatch Program Co-ordinator:
University of Oxford, Wildlife Conservation Research Unit
 Research on the effects of climate change on fragmented woodlands,
including moths, small mammals, leaf litter invertebrates, decomposition,
carbon cycling.
 Managing and co-ordinating the Earthwatch program within WildCRU.
 Leading the training and field learning of Earthwatch volunteers on two-week
field programs to assist with the research.
Varley-Gradwell Travelling Fellow in Insect Ecology: University of Oxford
 The effects of habitat modification and fragmentation on dung beetle
biodiversity and associated ecosystem functioning.
 On-going project with Owen Lewis (Zoology, Oxford), Darren Mann
(OUMNH) and Arthur Chung (FRC, Sabah). Working in the Stability of
Altered Forest Ecosystems (SAFE) Project in Sabah, Borneo.
April 2007-Jan 2008 Research Assistant: IUCN Red List Index for butterflies, Oxford.
July 2002-Aug 2003 Field Researcher: Philippine Endemic Species Conservation Project, Panay,
July 2000-July 2001 Terrestrial Project Scientist: Negros Rainforest Conservation Project (NRCP),
Coral Cay Conservation, North Negros Forest Reserve, Philippines.
June–Sept 1999
Assistant Scientific Officer: Coral Cay Conservation, Negros Forest Reserve,
DPhil NERC-CASE funded with Natural History Museum, London
University of Oxford, Green College. Supervisor: Dr. Owen Lewis
Title: The effects of tropical forest management on biodiversity and ecosystem functioning
MSc Ecology, University of Aberdeen, ESF funded
BSc (Hons) Zoology Class I, University of Leeds
Wynne Owen Prize: best final year zoological laboratory research project
Varley-Gradwell Travelling Fellowship in Insect Ecology 2010-2011 (£2500)
British Ecological Society Small Ecological Projects Grant (£2500)
Tutor/lecturer on Biology undergraduate field course in Tropical Forest Ecology, Danum Valley,
Borneo, September 2011 and 2012.
Supervisor/co-supervisor for 8 undergraduate projects, 3 MSc and 1 PTES intern project.
Lecturer MSc Biodiversity, Conservation and Management (OUCE) Experimental Design
Workshops (2009-2010).
Taught small mammal field techniques and examiner for the WildCRU diploma course (20092011).
Demonstrator for MSc Biodiversity, Conservation and Management (OUCE) field practicals in
Wytham (2009).
Demonstrator for 1st and 2nd year Biology undergraduate statistics (2006-2009).
Ran the MSc Integrative Biology statistics and experimental design practical course (20082009).
Tutor 3rd year tutorials in forest ecology, environmental biology (2007-2011).
Demonstrator invertebrate biology practicals (2007).
Assistant Darwin Initiative field course in beetle taxonomy and field techniques, Fiji, July 2007.
Assertiveness Training Workshop, Oxford, August 2010.
UK moth identification workshop, Oxford, July 2010.
Programming in R 3-day workshop, Oxford, February 2010.
Fieldskills training in Expedition Planning and Leadership and Risk Assessments, Dec 2009.
MARK mark-release-recapture workshop, Oxford, November 2009.
Woodlice, millipedes & centipedes identification course, May 2009.
Landrover 4-wheel drive off-road driving skills course, March 2009.
St Johns Ambulance – First Aid course and defibrillator training, February 2009 (valid 3 years).
Animal Management and Welfare Course – Licensed to work with small mammals, April 2008.
Tropical Plant Identification, Kew Botanical Gardens, May 2007.
Advances in Ecology course, Silwood Park, Imperial College London. November 2006.
Environment GRADSchool skills development course, University of London. June 2006.
Generalised Linear Modelling using R, Silwood Park, Imperial College London. February 2005.
Basic Canopy Access Training Course, Oxford. May 2004.
Conservation Biology, Biotropica, Journal of Tropical Ecology, Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, Oikos,
Biological Conservation, Journal of Applied Ecology, Ecological Entomology, PLoSONE
Conference Presentations
25th International Congress for Conservation Biology, Auckland, NZ. December 2011.
Adapting Conservation for a Changing Climate, British Ecological Society/Natural England
Meeting, London. January 2011.
British Ecological Society Annual Meeting, University of Leeds. Sept 2010.
Earthwatch/HSBC Climate Partnership Conference, Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute,
Panama, March 2010.
Moth Recorders Conference, Birmingham, January 2010. Invited speaker.
UTB Butterfly Conservation Annual General Meeting, Reading, October 2009. Invited speaker.
Dung Beetle Ecology Conference, University of Lancaster, April 2009.
Wytham Environmental Seminars, Oxford, November 2008 & 2009.
Royal Entomological Society Postgraduate Forum, February 2008. Award for best
ScarabNet Annual Meeting, Arizona October 2007 and New York 2008. Grant awarded to
British Ecological Society Tropical Ecology Specialist Group Meeting, Leeds. March 2007.
British Ecological Society Annual Meeting, University of Oxford. July 2006. Award for
Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation Annual Meeting, China. July 2006. Co-chair
of Tropical Ecosystems Symposium.
Wildlife Conservation Society of the Philippines Annual Symposiums. April 2001 & 2003.