Comparison of Improved Estimators under Pitman Closeness Criterion M.DUBE Department of Statistics M.D.University, Rohtak 124001 INDIA S.CHANDRA Department of Mathematics and Statistics Banasthali University, Rajasthan304022 INDIA Abstract The article analyzes the performance of various improved estimators under balanced loss proposed by Zellner. The quantities involved in the balanced loss function have quadratic loss structure, therefore they may fail to reveal some intrinsic properties of estimators. As an alternative it is recommended to use the criterion like the probability of concentration around the true parametric value and closeness of the estimators is the true parametric value, one such criterion proposed by Pitman (1937) called Pitman closeness criterion. The present article derived the asymptotic approximation for the Pitman closeness probability and compared the least squares and Stein rule estimators utilizing the exact prior information binding the regression coefficient using Pitman closeness criterion under balanced loss function using small sigma disturbance asymptotics and disturbance distribution to be not necessarily normal. INTRODUCTION: In regression analysis we are often interested in using an estimator which is precise and which simultaneously provides a model with good fit. Zellner [11] advocated that both the attributes should be utilized in analyzing the performance of estimators. Accordingly, he recommended the use of (quadratic) balanced loss function which maintains a good balance between the two by measuring the precision of estimators and the goodness of the fitted model simultaneously. Many authors used the balanced loss function as a comparison criterion to compare the performance properties of competitive estimators see [7]. The quantities involved in the balanced loss function have quadratic loss structure, therefore they may fail to reveal some intrinsic properties of estimators as pointed out by Rao [3]. As an alternative it is recommended to use the criterion like the probability of concentration around the true parametric value and closeness of the estimators to the true parametric value. Rao [3] suggested to use one such criterion proposed by Pitman called Pitman closeness criterion. Recently, Pitman closeness criterion received attention of many researchers for a comparison of alternative estimators. For instance Shalabh [6] compared the least squares and Stein-rule estimators using Pitman closeness criterion when the disturbances are not necessarily normal. Van Hoa et al [9] derived the conditions for the dominance of the two stage estimators over the least squares and Stein-rule estimators under generalized Pitman closeness criterion. Until now, the extraneous information about the parameters of interest has not been utilized to study the properties of various competitive estimators. However, in most of the situations some prior information, may or may not be exact, is available in the form of linear constraints on parameters. Therefore, using small sigma asymptotic approximations and assuming the disturbances to be not necessarily normal, the present article derived the asymptotic approximation for the Pitman closeness probability and compared the least squares and Stein rule estimators utilizing the exact prior information binding the regression coefficient using Pitman closeness criterion under balanced loss function. Q XX ' and ~ I y XbR ' y XbR 2k X ' X bR n p2 bR' X 'QXbR (2.6) 2. THE MODEL, ESTIMATORS AND LOSS FUNCTIONS: They have obtained the dominance condition of superiority of Stein – type estimators defined above with that of restricted least squares under general quadratic error loss function. Let us consider the following linear regression model, The balanced loss function for the estimation of by an estimator is specified by y X β+ σu (2.1) where y is an n 1 vector of n observations on the response variable, X is a full column rank matrix of n observations on p explanatory variables, is a p 1 column vector of regression coefficient associated with them, is an n 1 vector of disturbances whose elements are independently and identically distributed assuming finiteness of moments up to order four such that E[ut ] 0, E[ut 2 ] 1, E[ut 3 ] r1 , E[ut 4 ] r2 3 , t=1,2,-------------,n and is an unknown positive scalar. The least squares estimator of is ' b X ' X X ' y (2.2) In the presence of some prior information in the form of restrictions on as (2.3) r Rβ where r is a J 1 vector of known elements and R is a J p known prior information design matrix, the least squares estimator of is given by ' ' . bR b X ' X R ' R X ' X R ' r Rb (2.4) The Stein rule based estimators proposed by Srivastava et al [8] and Mittlehammer et al [9] are given by 2k ˆ bR n p2 y' p X y X ' Xb y 'Qy ' where p x I X X ' X X ' (2.5) ' ' L ˆ , 1 ˆ X ' X ˆ y Xˆ y Xˆ (2.7) where is a non stochastic layer lying between 0 and 1. The first component on the right hand side of (2.7) reflects goodness of fitted model while the second component reflects the precision of estimation. The choice of highly depends on the experimenter and objective of the experiment. Another interesting criterion is the Pitman closeness, following Rao et al [4]., the formal definition of the Pitman closeness criterion is : For any two estimators 1 and 2 of , under the loss function(2.7) , the estimator 1 is said to be Pitman closer to the estimator as compared to 2 if PL 2 , L1, 0 1 2 (2.8) 3. Risk Comparison Of Estimators Under Balanced Loss Function: Much of literature is available to study the relative performances of least squares and Stein rule estimators with respect to the risk under quadratic error loss structure using Pitman closeness under the assumption of non normality of disturbances, Employing large sample properties an attempt has been made to study the relative performances of the same in the presence of exact prior information available in the form of linear constraints under balanced loss function. Under the balanced loss function, the risk of b and bR are given by Rb 2 n p 1 p (3.1) RbR Rb 2 J 2 1 (3.2) respectively. Now, for the comparison of the estimators, let us consider the difference of loss functions as (3.3) L LbR , L ˆ , where 1 bR ' X ' X bR (3.4) and 1 ˆ ' X ' X ˆ ' L ˆ , y Xˆ y Xˆ (3.5) bR and are defined in (2.4) and (2.5) respectively. According to the Pitman closeness criterion Stein rule based estimators behaves better-than the restricted least squares if PL 0 exceeds 0.5. For finding an asymptotic approximation of this 1 n probability, let us assume that X ' X to a finite and nonsingular matrix as and consider the following notations ' tends n ' 1 S X 'X n 1 ' ' 2 X QX n W 1 1 n2 (3.6) 1 u 'u 1 1 n n2 b ' X ' X b R L 2 ˆ bR X 'u R ˆ ˆ 'X'X (3.8) utilizing the notations (3.6), (3.8) can be written as L 1 y ' Qu y' p x y 4k 4k y' p x y n p 2 y' Q y n p 2 (3.9) where using (2.1), we can write y ' Px y = P 2 u ' u u ' X ( X ' X 1) X ' u w n or y ' Px y = 2n 1 X 'u n (3.7) Proof : Substitution of (3.4) and (3.5) in (3.3) leads to L bR , y XbR ' y XbR V (3.7) 1 ' ' 1 E[ D] p J 2 X Qe n k n 1 p 2 1 = 1 n n n p2 (3.10) v' sv n 1 1 1 o n n2 (3.11) and and and n D L 4 3R Therefore it can be said that Stein rule based estimator is superior to restricted least squares estimator compared under balanced loss function if E[D>0] Theorem 1: The asymptotic approximation for E[D] to order O(n-1/2 ) is given by 1 1 y ' Qy n 2 1 2 ' X ' Xv o (3.12) 1 2 n n 2 substituting (3.10), (3.11), and (3.12) in (3.9), we get L= 4k 3 n 2 1 1 ' X ' X ' v n v' ( 2 k 2 x' x ' xx) w n 1 ' xx ' v (3.13) E[ D] E[ A] 1 E[ B ] (3.18) n Substitution of values of expectation from (3.16) and (3.17) in (3.18) gives the result (3.7) of theorem 1. From the result (3.7) we observe that ̂ performs better than bR according to the order of our approximation, if Now writing , D= n (3.14) .L 3 4k It is obvious from (3.14) that P[D>0]=P[L>0], Therefore, Stein rule behaves better than restricted least squares in restricted regression if E[D]>0 0 k (1 )[( p J 2) 1 ' X ' Qe] (3.19) for the normal distribution (i.e. 1=0), the condition (3.19) reduces to 0<k<(1-α) (p-J-2) Rewrite D as If no prior information is available regarding the parameter vector (i.e. J=0), the condition reduces to 1 O n n B DA 0<k<(1-α) (p-2) where A= 1 which indicate that the dominance condition for the Stein rule based estimator over least squares estimator shrinks when compared under balanced loss function as compared to that of obtained under quadratic loss structures measuring only the precision of estimation. ' X ' X ' v And B = 1 2 v' 2 XX ' ' X ' X v k 1 n ' X ' Xv.w (3.15) Taking expectation of above as E[A] = 0 E[ B] ; p>2 (3.16) 1 p J 2 1 ' X 'e k (3.17) v 4. GENERAL PITMAN CLOSENESS UNDER THE BALANCED LOSS FUNCTION: Following Rao et al.[4], Stein rule estimator dominates least squares under general Pitman closeness criterion when P[D>0] exceeds 0.5. As it is difficult to derive the exact expressions for probability P[D>0], we consider the approximation when n is large. Theorem 2: The asymptotic expressions for the 1 profability P[D>0] to order O n 2 is given by (4.1) P[D>0] = 0.5 + (1 )( p J 1) 1 m 2 1 k 6 n (4.1) Stein rule estimator performs better restricted least squares when = 6 1 m 1 1 mo 6 n K4 = E[D- E(D)]4 – 3 (E(D)-E(D))2]2 = O(n-1) Employing the above results, the cumulant generating function of D, will be m 0<k< (1 )( p J 1) 1 6 (4.2) K(t) = it j K j j Proof: Suppose g(D) denotes the pdf of D, =i t K1 + therefore P[D>0] = g ( D)dD 0 =(1-α)2 The method of cumulant generating function is adopted to get the probability density function. Before obtaining the cumulants of D, let us first discuss the following results. E[A]=0 E[A2] = (1-α)2 m E[A3] = 1 n 1 p j 2 1 ' X ' Qe k (1 ) p J 4 k 3 1 mo E[A B] = 2 E[A3B] = O (n-1) m= 3 3 t2 ita (it )3 b 2 n 1 ' X ' Qe n a= (1-α) p J 1 r1 1 ' X 'e m mo 1 6 (4.7) t2 ]exp 2 ita (it )3 6 O(n 1 ) n Inverting it to probability density function of D 1 itD (t )dt e 2 along with the results Using above expectations, the cumulants of D 1 1 2 1 itD 2 t dt f ( D) e 2 can be derived upto order O n 2 as K1 = E[D] K2 = E[D-E(D)]2 = (1-α)2 + O(n-1) K3 = E[D- E(D)]3 1 2 1 itD 2 t dt iDf ( D) t.e 2 (4.4) (4.6) The characteristic function of D, upto the order O(n-1/2) can be written as g(D) = 1 ' X ' Qe (I*QXββ’X’Q)e n (4.5) where (t ) exp[ K (t )] =exp[-(1-α)2 E[AB] = O (n-1) where mo = 2 b = (1-α) 1 (4.3) E[B] = it 2 K 2 it 3 K get the It is worth mentioning here that the same conditions of dominance on characterizing scalar is obtained when the estimator defined in (2.6) and bR are compared to the order o n 2 1 2 1 3 itD 2 t dt i 3D D3 f ( D) t .e 2 where f(D) denotes the p.d.f of standard normal variate, we get the following results for g (D) as a b( D3 3) D g(D) = f(D) 1 n 5 o n 2 However, if the terms of (4.8) the difference in dominance conditions may arise. 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