How to apply for the MTAG (Mississippi Tuition Assistance Grant)

MTAG (Mississippi Tuition Assistance Grant)
MESG (Mississippi Eminent Scholars Grant)
MTAG is available to all Mississippi high school graduates who have at least
a 15 on the ACT and a 2.5 (80) GPA at graduation. You must attend college
in the state of Mississippi. MTAG is worth $500 a year for your first two
years of college and $1,000 a year for your last two years.
If you make a 29 or above on the ACT and have a 3.5 (90) GPA, then you
qualify for MESG (Mississippi Eminent Scholars Grant) and it is worth
$2,500 a year for all four years of college if you attend in Mississippi.
Applications are on-line ONLY.
Click on the “STATE AID” tab at the top of the screen.
This will take you to the State Financial Aid Application where you can apply
for MTAG and/or MESG.
Fill out all the fields in the application correctly.
When you have completed the application, PRINT the confirmation page for
your records- very important.
 They (IHL) have ACT scores on file at their office. ACT sends them in
to the state financial aid office so they can see who has a 15 or
 A list of all final GPA’s will be submitted at the end of your senior
year so they can determine who has a 2.5 or better.
 You do not need to ask your guidance counselor to send your ACT
score or GPA.
 Questions? See your guidance counselor.
 Deadline is Sept. 1 of your graduation year. However, PLEASE apply
ASAP!! It is a very easy and quick process.