HOW TO APPLY . . . MTAG (Mississippi Tuition Assistance Grant) MESG (Mississippi Eminent Scholars Grant) MTAG is available to all Mississippi high school graduates who have at least a 15 on the ACT and a 2.5 (80) GPA at graduation. You must attend college in the state of Mississippi. MTAG is worth $500 a year for your first two years of college and $1,000 a year for your last two years. If you make a 29 or above on the ACT and have a 3.5 (90) GPA, then you qualify for MESG (Mississippi Eminent Scholars Grant) and it is worth $2,500 a year for all four years of college if you attend in Mississippi. Applications are on-line ONLY. WEBSITE: Click on the “STATE AID” tab at the top of the screen. This will take you to the State Financial Aid Application where you can apply for MTAG and/or MESG. Fill out all the fields in the application correctly. When you have completed the application, PRINT the confirmation page for your records- very important. They (IHL) have ACT scores on file at their office. ACT sends them in to the state financial aid office so they can see who has a 15 or better. A list of all final GPA’s will be submitted at the end of your senior year so they can determine who has a 2.5 or better. You do not need to ask your guidance counselor to send your ACT score or GPA. Questions? See your guidance counselor. Deadline is Sept. 1 of your graduation year. However, PLEASE apply ASAP!! It is a very easy and quick process.