Contents - East Lyme Public Schools

East Lyme High School 2014/2015
Principal’s Letter....................................................................................................................................................... 2
Vision Statement ....................................................................................................................................................... 2
Expectations for Student Learning ............................................................................................................................ 2
Requirements for Graduation .................................................................................................................................... 3
Advanced Placement Program .................................................................................................................................. 4
Report Cards/Marking System ................................................................................................................................. 4
COLLEGE AND CAREER PATHWAYS Program ................................................................................................ 5
UConn Early College Experience ............................................................................................................................. 5
Preparation for Two or Four-Year Colleges ............................................................................................................. 6
Preparing and Changing Schedules........................................................................................................................... 7
Physical Requirements .............................................................................................................................................. 7
Independent Studies .................................................................................................................................................. 7
Transfer Students ...................................................................................................................................................... 7
Homebound Tutoring ................................................................................................................................................ 8
Home Schooling........................................................................................................................................................ 8
Counseling Services .................................................................................................................................................. 8
Recommended Sequence of Courses
Four-year competitive college preparation ............................................................................................................ 6
Four-year and two-year college preparation .......................................................................................................... 6
Job market in non-business vocation ..................................................................................................................... 7
Business or technical training ................................................................................................................................ 7
Virtual Learning Academy (VLA) ........................................................................................................................ 9
Career Education.................................................................................................................................................... 9
English .............................................................................................................................................. …………9-11
Family and Consumer .................................................................................................................................... 11-13
Fine Arts ........................................................................................................................................................ 13-17
Global Languages ........................................................................................................................................... 17-21
Health/Physical Education .............................................................................................................................. 22-23
Mathematics.................................................................................................................................................... 23-25
Science ............................................................................................................................................................ 25-29
Social Studies ................................................................................................................................................. 29-31
Special Education ................................................................................................................................................ 31
Technology ..................................................................................................................................................... 32-34
East Lyme High School 2014/2015
Principal’s Letter
Dear Students and Parents:
This Program of Studies will provide you with a complete overview of the courses offered at East Lyme High School for the
2014-2015 academic year. It is our hope that you will review it carefully and make good decisions for your academic program
next year.
Making good decisions is a complex process, so we urge you to be thoughtful and to seek additional guidance as much as
necessary. Reviewing the Graduation Requirements (pg. 4) and then looking carefully at the Recommended Sequence of
Courses (pgs. 6 & 7) should provide you with solid guidelines. Talking with your counselor, with your teachers and with your
advisor will also be very useful. Of course, no final decisions should be made until you discuss your plan with your family.
As a baseline, we suggest that you try to build the strongest possible foundation that you can, not only for college or other post
secondary education but also for life itself. High School provides you with the opportunity to try new things, learn valuable
skills, test yourself in new ways, and, generally, prepare yourself for your life. The following are some guidelines you might
consider in making your choices:
Challenge Yourself: Strive to be the best you can be by taking courses that will challenge you in positive and
meaningful ways.
Try Something New: Our graduation requirements provide opportunities for students to take courses in many areas.
Students should think about taking courses simply because “they might be interesting”. You never know!
Strengthen Skills: Students should continually strive to improve in all skill areas but should make a concerted effort to
do so in their own areas of weakness.
Plan Ahead: Students should keep all potential college and career plans in mind at each step along way. Students are
encouraged to talk with their counselors regularly and to visit the school’s “College and Career Center” to educate
themselves to opportunities and requirements that colleges and jobs present. Many courses in Career Education,
Family and Consumer Sciences and Technology Education can be particularly useful in this regard.
Have Some Fun! There are many exciting opportunities for real enjoyment in the courses that the high school offers.
By taking some risks or by pushing oneself, students can find their lives richer and more enjoyable.
By using these guidelines and by getting appropriate input from others, you will be able to create a program that is right for you
as you move through high school and work towards achieving your lifetime goals.
Michael Susi
Michael Susi
ELHS Vision Statement
The East Lyme High School faculty and staff respect the integrity of each student. We acknowledge the uniqueness of individual
needs, capabilities and perspectives. We challenge all students to hold high expectations for their learning, moral values and
physical wellbeing. Equally compelling is our belief that students should make responsible decisions, be proud of their
achievements, and accept the ramifications of their actions.
Providing a safe learning environment that addresses the needs, expands the abilities and encourages the aspirations of all
students is paramount. By presenting diversified and flexible curricula, this school offers multiple opportunities for all students to
obtain a comprehensive education. We are committed to providing the tools and inspiration necessary for our students to become
life-long learners.
It is our conviction that education is a dynamic process. Therefore, our students prepare for the future not merely by acquiring
knowledge but by creating their own learning opportunities, realizing their aptitudes, and attaining their goals. Our culture of
trust fosters self-confidence and responsibility, thus inspiring students to be intrinsically motivated.
East Lyme High School recognizes the value of diversity and the universality of human experience. We ask students to examine
their own beliefs and those of others in order to develop a sense of global awareness and responsibility, thereby promoting an
acceptance of and respect for every member of society. By advocating participation, service, and leadership, we encourage
exemplary citizenship in our students.
The East Lyme High School experience prepares students academically, emotionally and socially to be positive forces in the
world and to live purposeful, healthy and satisfying lives.
Learner Expectations
Students and graduates of East Lyme High School will:
Reading, listening and viewing actively and critically for a variety of purposes
Writing, speaking and presenting effectively
Demonstrating flexibility and creativity in problem solving
Social & Civic
Demonstrate respect for self and others
Contribute positively in a variety of settings
East Lyme High School 2014/2015
Requirements for Graduation
Courses Required For Graduation: All students must pass the following required courses (or the equivalent thereof) plus
sufficient electives to total the credits necessary for graduation:
Social Studies
(1.0 must be in World History;
1.0 must be in U.S. in the 20th Century World;
.5 must be in Civics and .5 American Studies)
Global Languages
Health/Physical Education
Fine Arts
Vocational Education
Technology Competency
Demonstrate Successful Mastery of ELHS Performance Standards
Total Credits Required for Graduation
0.5 (see note 2)
0.5 (see note 2)
Yes (see note 4)
Yes (see note 6)
All students in grades 9, 10 and 11 must carry a minimum of 6.5 class periods of work. Students in grade 12 must carry a
minimum of 6.0 class periods of work. Senior CWE students who are earning work credit must have 7.0 total credits. Study
hall is not included as a class period of work. A course must be satisfactorily completed for credit to be earned.
1. Diplomas are awarded yearly in June. A senior who fails to meet graduation requirements may complete the work through
summer study, and the diploma will be awarded in August.
2. 0.5 Fine Arts includes any course in the Fine Arts department EXCEPT: Theater Appreciation, Speech Communication,
Film or computer which do not satisfy the requirement.
0.5 Vocational Education. includes all courses in technology education, family and consumer sciences, career education.
3. Mathematics Requirement: One course in accounting may be substituted for one of the three required mathematics credits.
4. Graduation Technology Competency: Students will meet the ELHS graduation technology competency by successfully
completing a complement of courses that, combined, offer all goals of the East Lyme Public Schools Student Technology
Competencies as listed in the district technology plan. Goals are identified next to each course title. Standards are divided into
the following six broad categories and goals:
1. Creativity and Innovation
(a) Apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas, products, or processes.
(b) Create original works as a means of personal or group expression.
(c) Use models and simulations to explore complex systems and issues.
(d) Identify trends and forecast possibilities.
2. Communication and Collaboration
(a) Interact, collaborate, and publish with peers, experts, or others employing a variety of digital environments and media.
(b) Communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences using a variety of media and formats.
(c) Develop cultural understanding and global awareness of engaging with learners of other cultures.
(d) Contribute to project teams to produce original works or solve problems.
3. Research and Information Fluency
(a) Plan strategies to guide inquiry.
(b) Locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and ethically use information from a variety of sources and media.
(c) Evaluate and select information sources and digital tools based on the appropriateness of specific tasks.
(d) Process data and report results.
4. Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
(a) Identify and define authentic problems and significant questions for investigation.
(b) Plan and manage activities to develop a solution or complete a project.
(c) Collect and analyze data to identify solutions and/or make informed decisions.
(d) Use multiple processes and diverse perspective to explore alternative solutions.
5. Digital Citizenship
(a) Advocate and practice safe, legal, and responsible use of information and technology.
(b) Exhibit a positive attitude toward using technology that supports collaboration, learning, and productivity.
(c) Demonstrate personal responsibility for lifelong learning.
(d) Exhibit leadership for digital citizenship.
6. Technology Operations and Concepts
(a) Understand and use technology systems.
(b) Select and use applications effectively and productively.
(c) Troubleshoot systems and applications.
East Lyme High School 2014/2015
(d) Transfer current knowledge to learning of new technologies.
5. Physical Education Requirement: A student may be medically excused by a written request from a certified physician.
This exception will only be during the time period specified by the physician and is not applicable for the health portion of the
program. Classes will be made up by arrangement with teachers.
6. Demonstrate Successful Mastery of ELHS Performance Standards: Due to the state of Connecticut’s transition from the
CAPT state assessment to SBAC, new thresholds for performance need to be established by the State. Once those thresholds are
established, the school will articulate the acceptable performance level related to the state’s assessment for students at East Lyme
High School. The school will notify students and parents the specific requirements for meeting the performance standards once
the state reports the performance thresholds.
Availability of Courses: Numbers of registrants may affect availability of courses. Final decisions rest with the East Lyme
Board of Education, which reserves the right to withdraw courses for which there is insufficient registration.
Advanced Placement Program: East Lyme High School is proud to participate in the College Board’s Advanced Placement
(AP) Program, a program that offers students the opportunity to complete college-level studies during high school. The primary
goals of the AP program are to strengthen the secondary experience of students who are ready for college-level work and to
provide administrative support for granting credit or placement to those students in their freshman year of college.
East Lyme High School encourages students to challenge their expectations in all academic areas. Advanced Placement courses
are a tangible way for students to meet their higher educational goals. Advanced Placement courses are student self-selected.
While teachers will recommend students for these courses, the final decision remains with students and their parents provided the
student has passed prerequisites to the course. A non-recommended course requires an override form.
The College Board maintains that the full experience includes the AP exam in each course. To meet that standard East Lyme
High School will award AP credit only to students completing the course and the AP exam. The cost of the exam is the
student’s responsibility. A contract outlining the AP policy and costs, signed by the student and parent, will be sent home in the fall.
Students should expect summer readings prior to the start of an AP course. East Lyme High School believes that the level of
commitment to AP demands a tremendous amount of work from students. In order to keep the best interests of the students’
paramount, it is the usual policy that students should not take more than three AP courses in one academic year, with a max of
four AP courses. For more than four AP courses in one year, principal permission is required.
It should also be noted that the AP program benefits extend far beyond the direct outcomes of the primary goals. In giving
students an opportunity to experience the academic rigors of college, AP inspires confidence, a sense of responsibility and selfreliance, and provides an academic bridge to ease the transition from secondary school to college. During the 2013-2014 school
year, the following Advanced Placement courses were offered:
Lang. & Comp. (English III)
Literature (English IV)
Amer. Government
US History
Environmental Science
Advanced Biology
Adv Music Composition
Computer Science
Adv Chemistry
Studio Art
Calculus AB/BC
Adv World History
Students who drop an AP course after October 1st will receive a WF (withdraw fail) and will not be allowed to take the
AP exam in that subject area. A revised copy of the grade 12 transcript and accompanying letter will be sent to their
prospective colleges.
Report Cards and Marking System: The school year is divided into four quarters for the purpose of issuing grades. Report
cards are prepared shortly after the close of each marking period. Report cards are available on Edline, hard copy report cards are
available from the Registrar by request. The grade for each quarter is determined independently of the preceding quarter, but the
midyear and final averages are cumulative. Additional reports may be issued at any time during a quarter. Grades for Honor Roll
are based on the simple GPA.
Honor Roll
The Honor Roll is computed at the end of each quarter based on quarter grades in all subjects. High honors require a 3.75 average
consisting of A’s and B’s only. Honors require a 3.0 average with no D’s or F’s.
Weighted GPA
Both an unweighted and weighted GPA will be calculated for each student and reported in the second semester of junior year and
after each subsequent semester. The unweighted GPA is a simple average of all courses (see grid). The weighted GPA is based
on grades earned in leveled classes with multipliers of 1.05, 1.1 and 1.15 applied to grades in A-level, Honors and AP/UConn
ECE courses, respectively. A class rank will not be reported.
Not included in
Weighted GPA
East Lyme High School 2014/2015
College and Career Pathways through Three Rivers Community College
East Lyme High School, in partnership with Three Rivers Community-Technical College, offers students the opportunity to earn
college credits. CCP is a nation-wide secondary and post-secondary program designed to begin preparing students for 21st
Century careers. CCP can be submitted to other colleges to be considered as transfer credits if the student chooses not to attend
Three Rivers Community. Students apply for the program in Grade 10. CCP courses are taken in grades 11 and 12.
CCP Required Courses
Speech Communication (083)
Algebra IIH (215) OR Algebra IIA (216) OR Algebra IIB (217)
Physics A (342) OR Applied Physics (343 or 344) (4 credits)
OR Chemistry H (331) OR Mar Bio 3 (317) (3 credits)
4 or
In addition to the core required courses, students must take the courses required for a Pathway:
Accounting / Business
Hospitality Management
General Engineering Technology
Library Science Technology
Early Childhood Education
Fire Technology
ELHS Elective Classes
Accounting I (521) AND Accounting II (522)
Culinary Arts I (715) AND Culinary Arts II (716)
CAD I (826) AND CAD II (827) (3 credits)
OR Pre-Engineering IIA(834) (4 credits)
Digital Resources (861)
Pre-School Lab (712) AND Pre-Kindergarten Lab
Fire Technology Internship (through Fire Dept)
3 or
A student may take AP Physics or AP Chemistry to meet the CCP science requirement, but
college credit would have to be given from AP.
Students in the Early Childhood Education Pathway must receive a passing score on the
Common Core Observation Assignment to earn college credit.
Students must attain a C or better in each required course.
Advantages of the CCP are: 1) Free college credits 2) Students graduate from high school with a high school and college
transcript 3) Accumulation of college credits in high school is impressive on college and scholarship applications. Students must
have and maintain an overall C average to apply for the program. Students must attain a C or better in the CCP courses to earn
credit. Registration is completed through the student’s school counselor.
University of Connecticut Early College Experience
UConn Early College Experience (ECE) provides academically motivated students the opportunity to take university courses
while still in high school. These challenging courses allow students to preview college work, build confidence in their readiness
for college, and earn college credits that provide both an academic and financial head start on a college degree. UConn ECE
instructors are high school teachers, certified as adjunct professors by the University. UConn ECE faculty fosters independent
learning, creativity and critical thinking – all important for success in college. East Lyme High School offers UConn ECE
courses in English, Family & Consumer Sciences and Math. To support rigorous learning, University of Connecticut academics
resources, including library and online classroom access, are available to all UConn ECE students.
UConn ECE students must successfully complete the course with a grade of C or better in order to receive university credit.
University credits are transferable to many colleges and universities. Students are charged a $25.00 per UConn credit plus a
$15.00 processing fee. For additional program information visit:
Preparation for Two- or Four-Year Colleges
For those students who expect to go to a two- or four-year college, it is recommended that the foundation program be followed
closely. However, it is possible to provide for individual strengths and interests in the selection of elective courses, especially in
the junior and senior years. The quality of work in this program is usually the major factor considered by the colleges in
East Lyme High School 2014/2015
determining admission. In addition, the school’s recommendation, college entrance examination scores, and the record of
extracurricular and community activities are always considered.
Many colleges prescribe specific courses, which must be taken in high school. Preference is often given to those students with at
least the following academic background:
• 4 years
• minimum of 3 years, preferably Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II. (Engineering and science
majors should have 4 years of math.)
• minimum of 3 years with at least 1 year (preferably 2 years) being laboratory sciences. (Biology,
Chemistry, Physics, and advanced science courses are laboratory sciences.)
• minimum of 3 years including World History, American Civics, American Studies, and U.S. in
Social Studies
the 20th Century World.
• minimum of 3 years, preferably 3 or 4 years of the same language.
Global Language
The more demanding colleges will want additional credits, so that at least 16 are from offerings in the above departments.
Students are urged to consult with their School Counselor if specific questions arise concerning the appropriate courses needed to
fulfill the entrance requirements of any particular college.
Recommended Sequence of Courses for Four-Year Competitive Colleges
The following recommended sequences are offered as models and may be adjusted with the student’s counselor in order to
develop a program of studies specifically designed to meet the student’s future plans.
Grade 9
Grade 10
Freshman Academy
English IIH or A
English I A
Health/Phys. Ed. II
Health/Phys. Ed. I
Mathematics (select 1)
Mathematics (select 1)
• Algebra II H or A
• Geometry H or A
 Algebra I A
Am. Studies/Civics I A
 Geometry H or A
Global Language A/H
 Algebra II H or A
Biology A/H
World History A
Global Language A/H
Integrated Science H or Integrated Science A
Grade 11
Grade 12
AP English III or English IIIA or Humanities H
AP English IV H or Sr English IV
Chemistry H or A
Global Language A/H
Global Language A/H
Mathematics (select 1 credit)
U.S. in 20th Century A or AP U.S. History or Humanities H
• Trig/Precalculus H or A
Mathematics (select 1)
• Calculus AP
• Algebra II H or A
• Foundations Calculus H
• Trig/Precalculus H or A
• Probability and Statistics A
Phys. Ed.
Phys. Ed.
Recommended Sequence of Courses for Two- or Four-Year Colleges
It is possible to attend a 2-year or four-year less competitive college with a mix of college preparatory and general courses, but it
is recommended that the student take as demanding a course load as he/she is able to carry.
Grade 9
Grade 10
Freshman Academy
English II
English I
Health/Phys. Ed. II
Health/Phys. Ed. I
Mathematics (select 1)
Mathematics (select 1)
• Algebra II
• Algebra I
• Geometry
• Geometry
American Studies/Civics I
World History
Global Language
Global Language
Integrated Science H or Integrated Science
Grade 11
Grade 12
English III
English IV
Global Language
Global Language
Mathematics (select 1 credit)
U.S. in 20th Century
• Trig/Precalculus
Mathematics (select 1)
• Foundations of Calculus
• Algebra II
• Probability and Statistics
• Trig/Precalculus
• Applied Statistics B
Phys. Ed.
• Math topics
Phys. Ed. Elective
East Lyme High School 2014/2015
Training for Business/Technical Training or Entering the Job Market
Grade 9
Grade 10
Freshman Academy
English II
English I
Health/Phys. Ed. II
Health/Physical Ed. I
Mathematics (select 1)
• Mathematics (select 1)
• Pre-Algebra II
• Pre-Algebra I
• Geometry
• Algebra I
• Algebra I
World History
• Accounting I
Art, Music, or Tech Course
American Studies/Civics I
Integrated Science
Art, Music, or Tech Course
Global Language
Global Language
Grade 11
English III
U.S. in 20th Century World
Mathematics (select 1)
 Consumer Math (11 or 12)
 Geometry
 Algebra/Geometry Transitions
 Algebra II
Phys. Ed.
Grade 12
English IV
Phys. Ed
Math Topics
Preparing and Changing Programs/Schedules
Students are given course registration info during second semester and should meet with teachers to determine recommended
courses for the following year. A parent signature is required. Subjects are then scheduled according to the spaces available and
the time the course is offered.
Students will receive their new schedules over the summer. To make schedule changes, an appointment can be made by calling the
Counseling Office at 739-6946 x2580 or by emailing your school counselor. Level changes require the permission of the teacher.
Schedule changes based on instructor or time preference are not permitted. Schedule changes will only be allowed through the add/drop
period, which occurs during the first six schools days of each semester. New classes will not be added after this time.
Withdrawals or level changes requested after the add/drop period will require the completion of a Schedule Change Form which
requires a teacher, parent, and student signature. Students who drop a class after October 1/March 1 for second semester
classes will receive a WF (Withdraw Failing) on their record. Transcripts will be re-sent to colleges whenever a change is
made to a senior’s schedule. All students in grades 9-11 must maintain 6.5 credits and students in grade 12 must maintain 6.0
credits. A class drop will not be allowed if it causes the student to go below the minimum required credits.
A W/F (Withdraw Failing) carries the same consequence as a failing grade for academic GPA and athletic eligibility.
Parental Overrides:
If a parent and student choose to appeal the recommendation of a teacher for level placement in a particular course, they must
follow the outlined procedure:
 Turn in an override form with all necessary signatures by the date that all schedule requests are due.
 Override forms received after the assigned date will be considered on an individual basis, after the master schedule is
developed, depending on class sections and size.
 If a student/parent overrides a class, against a faculty recommendation, parents and students understand that a future level
change may not be possible as outlined on the Course Override Contract.
*No student can have more than TWO parent overrides per academic year.*
Physical Examination and Immunization Requirements
Students entering ELHS from out of state, as a new Connecticut student, must have a comprehensive physical exam done within
the past year. Students entering from another Connecticut school must be in compliance with the prior Connecticut school.
Current ELHS students must have a comprehensive physical examination in grade 9 per state mandate. Results of such physicals
must be reported on the Connecticut Department of Education Health Assessment Record. Immunizations must be completed as
per Connecticut requirements for school entry. These must include, but are not limited to: diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, polio,
hepatitis B, varicella, measles, mumps, rubella, and meningococcal. Please see current Connecticut immunization requirements.
For more detailed information, please refer to East Lyme Public Schools Policies and/or contact the school nurse.
Independent Studies, Aides, Classroom Assistants
Students who wish to enroll in an Independent Study or receive credit for any class not listed in the Program of Studies must
complete an Independent Study Request Form signed by the student, his/her parent/guardian, the overseeing teacher, the
department CIL, the student’s counselor. The form must be submitted to the Principal for approval and will not be added to a
student’s schedule until that is completed. Independent Study classes, aides, assistants will be graded P/F unless otherwise
approved by Principal.
Transfer Students
Transfer students from other school systems will receive full credit for required courses only if the completed work is comparable
to the East Lyme High School requirements. Credits for elective courses will be reviewed on an individual basis. No credit will
be given for religion/theology courses.
East Lyme High School 2014/2015
Homebound Tutoring
Students who are absent from school for an extended period of time (in excess of ten school days) may be eligible for homebound
tutoring with appropriate medical documentation. This service is available at no cost to the parents or students provided the
following specific requirements are met: authorized medical note and Student Study Team (SST) and Principal approval. Further
information about this service may be obtained by calling the School Counselor. Long term homebound tutoring is reviewed on
a case by case basis in an SST or PPT meeting.
Home Schooling
Students who have been home schooled and wish to enroll at East Lyme High School must present their previous plan of study
(approved by the local area Superintendent) and portfolios of all student work to receive credit and to be placed. The appropriate
subject area Curriculum Instructional Leader will review portfolios and assessment tests (ELHS Mid-Term and Final Exams) will
be administered when appropriate. Credit will be granted based on work accomplished and mastery demonstrated. Appropriate
placement will be made based on these assessments and other relevant factors such as a student’s age and prior educational
history. Grades will not be assigned for any home schooling experiences.
School Counseling
The ELHS School Counseling program is modeled after the Connecticut Comprehensive School Counseling Program which
provides an updated focus on key student competencies based on the American School Counselor Association (ASCA) national
standards. The purpose of the East Lyme High School Counseling Department is to help meet the ongoing educational, personal
and post high school planning needs of student. Through counseling and related activities, the counseling department will
promote an understanding of self and others while exploring possible educational opportunities in a supportive environment. The
counselors are also available to provide assistance to teachers and parents as needed and requested while two school
psychologists and a social worker are available to provide additional services. School counselors encourage their students to stop
by and make appointments to discuss their academic and personal progress.
The program components are as follows:
The school counseling curriculum is the means by which school counselors promote the healthy development and growth of all
students. The curriculum provides developmental and sequential lessons and activities in classroom and/or group settings,
which address student development in academic, career and personal/social domains.
Individual student planning consists of activities that focus on assisting each student to develop, analyze and evaluate his or her
education, career and personal goals and plans. Individual student planning addresses the same objectives for all students in a
given grade, and results in a portfolio outlining career and educational pathways. Functions of the counselor in this component
include individual advisement, placement and appraisal. The lessons and activities in the school counseling curriculum support
individual student planning by teaching the necessary skills for self awareness, goal setting, decision making and career exploration.
Responsive services consist of strategies and interventions that school counselors use to address student problems that prevent
student success in academic, career and personal/social development. School counselors identify barriers to academic success
and acknowledge the challenges that students face on a daily basis. They work with students to remove these barriers and
challenges through individual and group counseling, consultation, crisis intervention as appropriate and referrals as needed.
Collaboration within and outside the school community focuses on services to students though follow-up studies; school and
community orientation to the comprehensive school counseling program; leadership to school- and district-based committees
on student needs and resources; consulting with teachers, school administrators and parents regarding student needs; and
collaborative and advocacy efforts within the school and community agencies.
Students can make appointments with counselors in A200 before and after school, during lunch, and between classes.
Appointments must be scheduled for study hall or lunch. Students must not miss class to see counselors except in emergency cases.
Counselor Class Presentations
timeline subject to vary accordingly
Grade 9
Transition, Peer Pressure,
Decision Making, Time
Management , Self
Awareness, Strengths and
Blind spots, Relationships,
Study Skills, Naviance,
Goal Setting
Presentations: H/PE 2
Topics are determined each
Grade 10
Grade 11
Career Interests
College Career Pathways
Communication Skills, SelfAwareness
Resume, Communication,
Academic Problem Solving
Interpretation, Personality
College Application Process
Standardized Tests
Grade 12
Application Process
Financial Aid
Interview Skills, Resume,
Occupational Outlook
Decision Making and
Resources to support
East Lyme High School 2013/2014
“Street Law” to study legal and civic issues that impact their everyday
lives. Topics include cyber crime, identity theft, intellectual property
rights, criminal law, capital punishment, and consumer law. This
course focuses on legal principals, rights and responsibilities to
empower students to be effective citizens in our community. Field trip
to court included in semester’s activities.
Visit the VHS website at for the most current
Virtual High School
Length ½ year, Credit ½ • No Level
Virtual High School (VHS) offers a catalog of semester courses in the
Arts, Global Language, Life Skills, Math, and Science, Social Studies,
Technology, IB and AP study to students. Visit the VHS website at for the most current offerings. The VHS experience
prepares students for future online learning either at college or on the
job. While online learning is flexible (24/7), students who take a VHS
course will be provided time in their schedule for their work. If you
are interested, see your counselor for more information.
Personal Finance (540)
Length ½ Year, ½ Credit • No Level
Students will study personal financial issues that they will face as
young adults through retirement. Some of the topics studied will
include banking, income taxes, car loans, credit card debt,
renting/buying an apartment or home and a variety of investment
Students will also explore relevant economic issues
through discussions of current economic events as they occur.
Business Management (531) Length 1 year, Credit 1
Business Management (539) Length ½ year, Credit ½ • No Level
Students will be introduced to concepts of business ownership,
different types of businesses, entrepreneurship, and advertising. How
the free enterprise system works as well as the risks and benefits of
business ownership will be studied. Projects will include product
development and packaging.
The Career Education Department is a consolidation of the
former Business, School to Career, Cooperative Work
Experience, and College and Career departments. The goal of
this consolidation is to provide relevant experience and
knowledge regarding the ever changing world of careers,
college preparation, and knowledge of the business community.
A wide variety of courses and services are offered.
Cooperative Work Experience/Career Internship;CWE (Gr 12) (563)
Length 1 year, (2) Credits 1 class, 1 work placement • No Level
Cooperative Work Experience/CWE or Internship (Gr 12) (559)
Length 1 year, 1 Credit for class • No Level
Skills needed to be successful in the workforce are the focus of CWE.
Job seeking and more importantly job retention skills are the focal point
of this course. All students will prepare a resume and experience
completing job applications. Students who receive credit for their job
(must work a minimum of 15 hours/week 500 hours for the year).
Accounting I (521) College and Career Pathways
Length 1 year, Credit 1 • No Level
Students will learn the principles of accounting and become familiar
with computerized accounting software. Students will study the
accounting cycle for several types of businesses including sole
proprietorships, partnerships and corporations. Students will gain
valuable experience using computerized accounting software, which
simulates the software used in today’s businesses. Students will be
prepared for an entry level Accounting Clerk position and a first year
college accounting course. Students in grades 10, 11 and 12 may take
this course for Mathematics credit with permission.
The required courses in the English Language Arts Department
focus on the development of student ability in the areas of reading,
writing, speaking, listening, viewing, and presenting. Students
must earn four credits in English as part of their graduation
requirement. The College and Career Pathways Program offered in
cooperation with Three Rivers Community/Technical College and
the Advanced Placement courses, with recommendation from the
previous English teacher, are open to juniors and seniors only.
Speech Communication, Theater Appreciation I and II, and Film
101 can be found in the Fine Arts section of this booklet.
Accounting II (522) College and Career Pathways
Length 1 year, Credit 1 • No Level
Students will learn how accounting principles are applied in larger
businesses, financial/accounting analysis, and become more familiar
with computerized accounting software. This course focuses on real
world corporate accounting.
Students will be prepared for a
Bookkeeping position and an Accounting II course at the college level.
Three Rivers Community College credit can be earned upon
completion of this course. Prerequisite: Accounting I
English IA/B (Grade 9) (013/015)
Length 1 year, Credit 1 • Level II and III
This course introduces students to critical reading, writing, presenting
and research skills. Students read poetry, drama, nonfiction, novels and
short stories. Core texts create a common literary experience and
enhance students’ understanding of the human condition. Writing
assignments span a variety of genres with particular emphasis on
formal essays. Vocabulary in the context of literature, Greek and Latin
roots, along with grammar and usage, will be studied. Selection of
materials, pace, level of independence, and manner of presentation
differ according to level.
It’s the Law (541)
Length ½ year, Credit ½ • No Level
This course is a survey of basic principles of law. Students will learn
how our legal system functions. Citizens’ legal rights, privileges and
duties under the U.S. Constitution will be studied. Students will
examine laws that have an impact on their lives as well as their rights
and responsibilities as minors. Students will be provided with an
introduction to fundamental civil and criminal justice procedures. Field
trips to court as well as guest speakers are a component of the class.
It’s the Law II (555)
Length ½ year, Credit ½ • No Level
Prerequisite: It’s the Law I
Emphasis in this course is on the individual as they encounter law in
their personal, family and occupational life. Students will use the text
English IIH (Grade 10) (021)
Length 1 year, Credit 1 • Level I
This course emphasizes the development of critical reading and
analytical writing skills. As students access a variety of American
East Lyme High School 2014-2015
literature, including novels, drama and short stories, they learn how to
make original interpretations and to support them in written literary
analyses. In addition to literary analyses, students compose a major
research paper and a variety of other written pieces and projects that
emphasize sophisticated analysis, grammar and vocabulary. Tests also
include timed analytical essays. The transition to the honors level
involves readiness for increases in the frequency of assignments and
the degree of independence required. Students must complete a
course-specific summer reading assignment.
English Skill Building (Grade 11) (018)
Length 1 year, Credit 1 • Level IV
This course is designed for grade 11 students who are not proficient in
necessary skills in reading and writing. Literature includes a variety of
short stories, plays, and novels. Vocabulary along with grammar and
Students will meet with other English classes on a regular basis for a
cooperative and co-taught writing, reading, or viewing experience.
English IIA/B (Grade 10) (023/025)
Length 1 year, Credit 1 • Level II and III
This course develops a student’s critical reading and writing skills. As
students read a variety of literature, they continue to practice reading
strategies and learn how to make an interpretation and to support it with
textual evidence. Students continue to refine language skills by
composing a major research paper and a variety of other written pieces
and projects that emphasize analysis, response, grammar, and
vocabulary. Selected materials, pace, level of independence, and
manner of presentation differ according to level.
English IV AP (Grade 12) (041)
Length 1 year, Credit 1 • Level 0
This is an intensive writing and critical thinking course where students
are required to use both creative and analytical skills to respond to
literature. The emphasis is on written communication since students are
preparing to take the required Advanced Placement exam, which is
given in May. Frequent essays, critical analyses, and a primary source
research paper are required. Literature representative of the course
includes novels, plays, journals, poetry, and essays. Students are
expected to do considerable independent reading and to complete an
extensive summer assignment. AP test fee paid by student.
English III AP (Grade 11) (031)
Length 1 year, Credit 1 • Level 0
Students discover value systems outside the mainstream that characters
use in an effort to cope with society’s expectations. This course moves
through time and place to examine those individuals who are alienated
or isolated by society or are driven to alternative lifestyles. Students
continue to develop and enhance communication skills, language
usage, the rhetoric of style, and SAT vocabulary. Students review and
respond to a variety of literary prompts and models and practice the
adaptations necessary for a variety of writing assignments. Writing
includes expository, analytical and persuasive pieces. Students have a
summer reading assignment. This course offers materials and
preparation for the required AP Language and Composition Exam. To
receive AP credit, the student must take the AP test and must complete
the term paper requirement during the course. AP test fee paid by
English IV H (Grade 12) (040)
UCONN Cooperative Writing/Honors
Length 1 year, Credit 1 • Level I
This course is an intensive expository writing course in which students
develop their critical reading, thinking and writing skills, most often in
a workshop atmosphere, with heavy emphasis on re-reading, re-writing
and revision. Upon completion of this course students will receive four
credits from the University of Connecticut. Guidelines for acceptance
into the course are set by UCONN: Students must maintain a C
average to receive UConn credit. Class is capped at 20. Application
fee required for UConn credit.
English IV/A (Grade 12) (042)
Length 1 year, Credit I • Level II
This course concentrates on the moral implications of human behaviors
within a variety of genre. Students explore the universal processes of
decision-making and the ramifications of these choices. Traditional
and contemporary works enable students to compare their experiences
to those of literary figures. Writing assignments include literary
analyses, narratives, and comparisons between contemporary issues and
literary characters. Vocabulary along with the correct use of
grammatical conventions will be studied.
English III A/B (Grade 11) (028/029)
Length 1 year, Credit 1 • Levels II and III
Through the examination of fiction and nonfiction, students consider
the diversity of values and their own place in an emerging global
society. Students continue to develop and enhance communication
skills, language usage, the rhetoric of style, and vocabulary. Writing
includes expository, analytical and argument pieces. Selected materials,
pace, level of independence and manner of presentation differ
according to level.
American Humanities Honors (Grade 11 Only) (036)
English IV/B (Grade 12) (064)
Length 1 year, Credit 1 • Level III
This course is designed for students who need further study in the
refinement of language expression and in critical reading skills.
Students will explore the universality of literary themes as they read,
write, present, and respond to literature. Vocabulary along with the
correct use of grammatical conventions will be studied.
Length 1 year, Credit 1 Social Studies and 1 English • Level I
This course is a full-year double-blocked course taught by both a social
studies teacher and an English teacher. Using aspects of history,
literature, high and popular culture, and personal experiences, students
will trace the development of the American identity through the late
nineteenth and twentieth century. Key topics include, but are not
limited to, America’s changing worldview and role in world affairs, the
changing national and personal views of America and Americans, the
expectations and myths surrounding America, and a consideration of
the American Dream. This is a project-driven class. Students enrolled
in this course will receive credit for a full year of junior level American
History and a full year of junior English.
English Skill Building (Grade 12) (019)
Length 1 year, Credit 1 • Level IV
This course is designed for grade 12 students who are not proficient in
necessary skills in reading and writing. Literature includes a variety of
short stories, plays, and novels. Vocabulary, grammar and usage to
improve writing skills will be studied. Students will meet with other
English classes on a regular basis for a cooperative and co-taught
writing, reading, or viewing experience.
East Lyme High School 2014-2015
Creative Writing I (051)
Length ½ year, Credit ½ • No Level
This course is an open workshop in creative writing for those students
who wish to explore writing as an art. The course features daily
writing exercises, student presentation of original work, peer critiques,
small group and class discussions, cooperative games, and small group
workshops. Students design and evaluate their own assignments, and
when possible explore interdepartmental projects. Reflection is a
significant part of the course. Students select projects in which they
will pursue their own interests and will create and foster a writers’
The Family and Consumer Sciences Department offers a variety
of courses designed to prepare students for either further study in
related vocational fields or for personal enrichment and use in
everyday life. Courses are offered in the areas of foods, clothing,
human development, and life experience. Field and laboratory
work are an integral part of the advanced courses. Some of the
department’s courses may be offered one time every two years.
Course offerings include Clothing Construction I, Clothing
Construction II, Fashion World, Culinary Arts I, Culinary Arts II,
Baking & Pastry, Peer Coaching in Family & Consumer Science
Lab, Human Development (Honors), Birth to Three Playgroup,
Senior Academy, CSI, WISE, Pre-Kindergarten Laboratory and
Preschool Laboratory, Designing You and Your Space, and
Catering and Hospitality.
Creative Writing II (072)
Length ½ year, Credit ½ • No Level
This course is an open workshop in creative writing for those students
who, after successfully completing Creative Writing I, wish to continue
their exploration of writing as an art. The course features student
presentation of original work, peer critiques, small group and class
discussion, cooperative games, and small group workshops. Students
will work on a balance of specific assignments and strategies to
improve writing and will explore a variety of writing styles and
techniques. Students will select projects in which they will pursue their
own interests and will explore interschool projects when possible.
Reflection is a vital component of the course. Students will continue to
create and foster a writers’ community at East Lyme High School.
Baking & Pastry Arts (733)
Length ½ year, Credit ½ • No Level
This course provides an introduction to the functions of baking
ingredients including flour, sugar, fat, eggs and liquids. Students will
be introduced to methods and equipment used in a commercial
bakeshop. Units include bakery measuring techniques, preparation of a
variety of yeast breads, cake variations, cake decorating, cookies,
pastry techniques, and plated desserts. Students will be introduced to
methods of mass production and will evaluate the quality of items
which they produce. Prerequisite: Gr. 11 & 12
Clothing Construction I (702)
Length ½ year, Credit ½ • No Level
This course acquaints students with sewing techniques beginning at
their present level. It requires that they complete a minimum of two
sewing projects. Clothing projects include one pattern project and one
patchwork and/or a recycle project. Fashion terminology and selection
and care of clothing are also emphasized. This is largely a lab course
with few homework assignments.
Clothing Construction II (703)
Length ½ year, Credit ½ • No Level
1a, 1b, 4b, 4d, 6b,6d
This course is an experience with clothing construction (sewing) and
using sewing techniques as art forms. Students’ projects will be based
on the individual student’s interests and abilities. Any advanced
sewing techniques will be encouraged but is not necessary to have
success in this course. Students will demonstrate their skills with
projects using the sewing machine and/or using a hands-on and creative
approach to making fabric and textile products.
Fashion World (710)
Length ½ year, Credit ½ • No Level
This course is for the student who has an interest in exploring fashion
design and the related industry. Students will learn the role of fashion
in society, basic fashion illustration, industry careers, marketing and
merchandising, garment types, textiles, and design and color theory.
Students learn about the design field through the creation of original
garment designs, fabric designs, ¼ scale pattern making (through
computer assisted design software), and a final portfolio exhibiting an
original line of clothing or accessories. Additional course components
include field trips, guest speakers, and hands-on fashion labs.
Designing You and Your Space (741)
Length ½ year, Credit ½ • No Level
This hands-on, design course will focus on the elements of design line,
color, space, texture and how the elements relate to one’s personal style
Journalism I and II (052) (Grades 10,11,12)
Length ½ year, Credit ½ • No Level
Journalism II Honors (091) (Grades 10,11,12)
Length ½ year, Credit ½ • Level I
Journalism I and II offer students an opportunity to develop writing
skills as they apply to the various sections of the student newspaper:
News, Features, Sports, Entertainment and Opinion. Students taking
Journalism I and II create the content and work as a team with
Journalism III and IV students to create The Viking Saga. Students
practice and develop interviewing, investigating and reporting skills.
Journalism I is offered first semester. Journalism II is offered second
semester to all students who have successfully completed Journalism I.
Journalism III Honors(079) and IV Honors (080)
Length 1 year, Credit 1 • Level I
Journalism III and IV are full year courses where students comprise the
editorial staff and advanced writers for the print and online student
They determine content for each edition and are
responsible for design, layout, and production of the online and print
student newspaper. Students work as a team in all editorial and staff
decision making for the publication. Students who successfully
complete Journalism I and II must interview with adviser to be eligible
for Journalism III and IV.
Advancing Literacy (1084) Grades 9, 10, 11, 12
Length ½ year; Credit ½ • No level
This course concentrates on research-based reading strategies for
decoding, vocabulary, fluency, comprehension, and written expression.
Students will be exposed to a variety of instructional level texts to
support the Common Core State Standards grade-level expectations.
Selection of materials, pace, level of independence and manner of
presentation are adjusted to address student needs and learning styles.
Targeted, differentiated lessons will be provided to address the specific
weaknesses of each student.
East Lyme High School 2014-2015
in relation to body proportion as well as living space. This class will
include room design projects using computer design programs,
wardrobe analysis and choices, and other creative personal projects.
Open to all grades.
Birth to Three Playgroup (720)
Length ½ year, Credit ½ • No Level
The operation of a weekly playgroup for very young children and their
parents will be the focus of this introductory child development course
geared to underclassmen (gr 9 or 10). Characteristics of the very young
child (birth-3 years) and their developmental needs will be studied.
Students will have experiences interacting with children and
developing activities for the playgroup participants.
Preschool Laboratory (712) College and Career Pathways
Length ½ year, Credit ½ • No Level
Through the operation of our student run preschool, students study the
social, emotional, physical and intellectual development of the threeyear-old child. Students develop all lessons, teach in the program and
function as members of cooperative learning teams. Written work
includes observations, journaling, assessments of the children and
peers, and the creation of an electronic portfolio. This hands-on,
laboratory class is strongly recommended for those students interested
in pursuing a career in the fields of Elementary or Secondary
Education, Early Childhood Education, Psychology, or Allied Health
(medical or nursing professions). Prerequisite: Birth-to-Three OR
teacher approval.
Pre-Kindergarten Laboratory (713) College and Career Pathways
Length ½ year, Credit ½ • No Level
For students who have completed the Preschool Laboratory and who
desire further opportunities to explore and to work with children in a
variety of child development/pre-kindergarten community experiences.
Students will visit and interact in local early childhood programs plus
implement a mini pre-kindergarten program in the child development
lab for children ages 3 to 5. Observations, projects relating to child
development, plus electronic portfolio development are part of this
course curriculum. Prerequisite: Birth to Three Playgroup,
Preschool Laboratory or teacher approval. Gr. 10–12 only.
Child Development Laboratory Aide (724)
Length ½ year, Credit ½ • No Level
This course is a continuation of one of the three child development labs
offered and is designed for students who have completed the
requirements of Birth-to-Three or Preschool Lab or Pre-Kindergarten
Lab and who want to continue to work in the preschool. Classroom
clerical assistance is required. Prerequisite: Teacher approval.
Human Development Honors (729)
(University of Connecticut Early College Experience)
Length 1 year, Credit 1• No Level
1a, 1c, 1d, 2a, 2b, 2d, 3a, 3b, 3c, 3d, 4a, 4b, 5a, 5b, 6b
Prerequisite: Grade 11, 12 - FCS teacher recommendation
This course is designed as an introduction to the field of Human
Development and Family Science. This course will provide students
with an understanding of individual and family development over the
life span. Community based internship experiences will be required,
and will include many community and school related facilities and
organizations. Students will have the opportunity to apply for UConn
college credit in the UConn Early College Experience Program.
Students will learn the proper use and care of large and small kitchen
appliances, food safety and sanitation, and food preparation terms and
techniques. Units covered include cookies, eggs, quick breads, yeast
breads, soups, casseroles, pies and pastry, and international cuisine.
Students who complete culinary I will develop the culinary skills
needed to lead an independent, healthy lifestyle. Prerequisite: Gr. 10–12
Culinary Arts II (716) College and Career Pathways
Length ½ year, Credit ½ • No Level
Culinary II is an extension of Culinary I. Students will build on the
foundations from culinary I through units including: fruits and
vegetables, meats and poultry, grains, pastas, sandwiches, herbs and
spices, and salads. In addition, students will review nutrition concepts,
safety and sanitation, and menu planning. Students will work towards
building skills required to work in a professional kitchen.
Prerequisite: Culinary I with a C+ or better
Family & Consumer Science Lab for Special Education (968)
Length ½ year, Credit ½ • No Level
Students will be teamed with peer coaches in either the foods lab or the
textiles lab. One on one coaching is provided in the foods lab for hands
on experience in developing life skills for assisted and independent
living as well as occupational skills prior to pursuing job placement in
the community.
Projects and skills will be determined based on
individual student need.
Peer Coaching in Family & Consumer Science Lab (708)
Length ½ year, Credit ½ • No Level
Students will be teamed with a special needs student in either the
clothing lab or foods lab. One-on-one coaching will enable special
needs students to learn basic life skills and/or have hands on lab
experience prior to pursuing job placement in the community.
Prerequisite: Culinary Arts I. Prior approval by the instructor is
required. Gr 10–12 only
Passion to Profit (727)
Length ½ year, Credit ½ • No Level
1a,2a,2b, 4b, 6b
This course provides students with the resource management skills
needed to turn an idea into a product or service. Taught through
learning activities such as community partnerships, guest speakers,
internship opportunities, and field trips, students will explore themes of
entrepreneurship as they develop skills in problem solving,
communication, organization, and leadership. Students will focus on
the sequential process of creating a small business, from analyzing
consumer demands to managing the product or service.
Advanced Culinary: Catering and Hospitality (728)
Length ½ year, Credit ½ • No Level
This hands-on course is designed for students who have taken at least
one credit in culinary arts and are interested in developing advanced
skills and knowledge in the food service industry. Students will learn
basics of mass food preparation, menu planning, plate presentation and
garnishing, leadership and management, and event planning. Students
will cater school and community events as a component of the course.
Prerequisite: 1 credit in culinary arts or teacher approval
Senior Academy (756)
Length ½ year, Credit ½ • No Level
This seminar class is for seniors transitioning to the next phase of life
whether planning on attending college, enlisting in the military or
entering the world of work. Interpersonal relationship issues, career
planning, personal development, independent living skills, financial
realities, gender issues, decision making, and stress reduction are
(Student transportation required.)
Culinary Arts I (715) College and Career Pathways
Length ½ year, Credit ½ • No Level
This is an introductory course in food preparation and nutrition.
East Lyme High School 2014-2015
examples of topics that will be discussed in class. Guest speakers and
local resources will be used extensively.
Introduction to Art and Design (601)
Length ½ year, Credit ½ • No Level
This course offers basic knowledge of the elements of realistic
conventional drawing, design, and composition. Students will use a
variety of media to solve different design problems. Projects include
drawing in pencil, charcoal, and pastels and working in sculpture,
painting, and collage. This is an introductory course recommended for
students who wish to take more drawing, painting, sculpture,
Community Service Internship (730)
Length ½ year, Credit ½ • No Level
Students will learn about service opportunities that involve the
community or the region. Social concerns such as hunger, the elderly,
poverty, housing, and education will be explored. Student projects will
be integrated with classroom experiences and seminar discussions.
Supplemental readings, research, oral reports, journals, and summary
projects that may involve responsibility and time outside the school day
may be required. Because of transportation responsibilities, this
class is strongly recommended for students in grades 11/12.
Offered every two years on a demand basis.
Drawing I (605)
Length ½ year, Credit ½ • No Level
This course covers media and techniques of drawing and develops
skills that the student needs to create drawing compositions. The
student will explore conventional subject matter of landscape and still
life as well as futuristic, lyrical, and literary subject matter.
WISE (740)
Length ½ year, Credit ½ to 2 • No Level
WISE is an independent research program available exclusively to
juniors and seniors for the purpose of allowing them the opportunity
to apply their knowledge and skills in an area of personal interest under
the guidance of a faculty member or an administrator mentor. WISE
provides a means of extending their thinking beyond the conventional
academic experience while encouraging cooperative research and the
exchange of ideas with an emphasis on utilizing community resources.
Students may explore an academic interest, social service, career
investigation, or a creative project of their own choice. Students may
design a program of from 90 to 360 hours and credit will be awarded
based on the designed program. All research will involve extensive
journal writing and a final presentation. Prerequisite: Gr 11 & 12 Only.
Drawing II (606)
Length ½ year, Credit ½ • No Level
In this advanced course the student will explore the figure in depth as
well as conventional subject matter with an emphasis on imaginative
and creative composition. Prerequisite: Drawing I and consent of
Crafts (611)
Length ½ year, Credit ½ • No Level
In this course students will learn a variety of craft skills such as
calligraphy, bookbinding, printmaking, mask making, stained glass,
basket weaving, batik, and assemblage sculpture. Projects will vary
each semester. The emphasis will be on attention to detail, originality
of design, skill level and high quality of execution. No prerequisites.
This department explores the universal language of the arts
through the visual media, music, speech, drama, and film. Art
students are strongly encouraged to complete their art
requirements by taking Introduction to Art and Design or
Drawing I prior to taking other course offerings. Each
introductory course assumes no previous art knowledge or skill.
Advanced courses target those students who wish to explore art
careers. Each art course requires a weekly sketchbook assignment
as well as a research/analysis writing and presentation
component. Students wishing to take AP Studio Art should take
the following courses as prerequisites: Drawing I and II, Painting
I, one 3-D course (Sculpture, Crafts, Ceramics), Art History
Trends and Techniques. Music students are taught both the
basics of musical understanding and advanced skills in reading,
composing, and performing. The department stresses music
appreciation, various music styles, and the creation of the
student’s own music. Courses offered include participation in
several performing organizations, open to beginners as well as
experienced students, and by audition only. All courses require
an individual term paper. Communication students have the
opportunity to explore theater craft, theater games, and acting in
a workshop style course called Theater Appreciation I and II, or
practice public speaking in an activity-oriented, role-playing,
participation class of Speech Communication, a College and
Career Pathways Course, or view film while analyzing cinematic
effects and creating a terms dictionary, storyboard or short film in
Film 101. To satisfy the .5 arts requirements, students must
take art or .5 music course. Theater Appreciation, Speech
Communication, Film or computer courses do not satisfy the
Painting I (615)
Length ½ year, Credit ½ • No Level
In this course the student will explore the various painting styles while
learning watercolor and acrylic painting techniques. The student will
explore color theory, styles of creating still life, figure, landscape, and
abstraction. Prerequisite: Drawing I or Intro. to Art and Design.
Painting II (616)
Length ½ year, Credit ½ • No Level
This course is for the student who has successfully completed Painting
I. Painting II will explore in depth and analyze painting styles and
techniques in watercolor, acrylic, and mixed media. Prerequisite:
Painting I and consent of instructor.
Ceramics and Pottery I (621) (Grades 10-12)
Length ½ year, Credit ½ • No Level
This course covers hand building techniques of clay construction
including pinch, coil and slab methods, surface design with slips and
glazes. Students will produce functional and decorative ware and clay
sculpture. Drawing is expected in the planning stages and required for
homework. Research project included. Increased levels of technical and
artistic accomplishment are expected for success in this class. No
prerequisites, but Drawing, Art and Design or Crafts strongly
East Lyme High School 2014-2015
Ceramics and Pottery II (622)
Length ½ year, Credit ½ • No Level
This course will explore and analyze ceramics and pottery styles in
depth emphasizing techniques in hand building and wheel throwing.
Prerequisite: Ceramics and Pottery I and consent of instructor.
mm manual camera; however, a limited number of cameras are
available on a loan basis. All students will present a portfolio of prints
at the end of the course accompanied by a written artist’s statement.
Substantial independent and creative development expected.
Prerequisite: Photography I and consent of instructor.
Advanced Ceramics and Pottery III (620) (Grades 11-12)
Length ½ year, Credit ½ • No Level – Spring Semester
This course will explore and analyze more advanced concepts, skills,
technique processes of ceramics and pottery, with an emphasis on
independent research based study and the pursuit of a personal artistic
aesthetic. Prerequisite: Ceramics and Pottery II and consent of
Length 1 year, Credit 1 • Level 0
In this course students who are serious about their art works will build a
portfolio to submit for the AP Studio Art Exam in May. The student
will create the art, and photograph it to submit to the College Board for
consideration for credit on the college level. This work will also be
used for the student’s portfolio for acceptance at an art school or
university. The product requirement for success will vary depending
on the level designation. The AP course consists of all academic work;
in addition, the student will continue to use design terms, prepare
nature/skeletal studies, draw figures and portraits and landscapes,
research artists, photograph art work, and create mixed media and
sculpture projects based on famous artists, all to develop and art
portfolio either for college and/or for the AP College Board. See the
Curriculum Appendix. Summer assignments are expected. AP test fee
paid by student. Prerequisite: Drawing I and II, Painting I, and
Sculpture or Ceramics or Crafts or Art & Design and consent of
instructor. This course is open to juniors and seniors only.
AP Studio Art (635)
Sculpture (623) (Grades 10-12)
Length ½ year, Credit ½ • No Level
This course is aimed at self-exploration through material expression.
Projects are based on personal history, or experience, research, sketch
journal entries, personal interpretation of assignments and problem
solving. Carving, assemblage, modeling, casting, and wire are a few of
the skills used to complete 3-dimensional projects. Individual and
group work is expected. Prerequisite: Drawing I, Art and Design,
Ceramics, Pottery or Crafts.
Studio Art Honors (618)
Art Co-Op (1601)
Length ½ year, Credit ½ • No Level
1a, 1b, 2b, 2c, 2d, 3b, 4b, 5a, 5b, 6b
In this course students with special needs are paired with non-disabled
peers to work together on various individual and group art projects.
This non-leveled course offers students the opportunity to learn the
elements of drawing, design, and composition in a peer mentor setting.
This is an introductory course recommended for those who wish to
pursue a range of art forms in a peer-coaching context. Students will
explore a variety of materials to solve different design problems, and
are expected to support and assist each other in the creative process.
The therapeutic value of various art forms coupled with the cooperative
learning and mentoring opportunity for all students are emphasized.
Projects include painting, printmaking, collage, ceramics, and
Projects may vary each semester.
Permission of Instructor. Grades 10-12 only.
Length 1 year, Credit 1 • Level 0
Studio Art Honors - Semester (1618)
Length ½ year, Credit ½ • Level 0
Students who do not wish to receive college credit may participate in
Honors Studio Art which is a full year course that will continue to
develop an art portfolio. The product requirement for success will vary
depending on the level designation. The honors course consists of all
academic work; in addition, the student will continue to use design
terms, prepare nature/skeletal studies, draw figures and portraits and
landscapes, research artists, photograph art work, and create mixed
media and sculpture projects based on famous artists, all to develop an
art portfolio either for college for the student’s portfolio for acceptance
at an art school or university.
Studio Art Honors – Semester is a course that will allow the student
to focus on similar course work as in Honors, developing an art
portfolio, but for a half semester each. Each semester will be
consistent in research, class work, and homework. Expectations remain
equal to each semester. Some summer work is expected. Prerequisite:
Drawing I and II, and either Painting I or Sculpture or Ceramics
or Crafts or Art & Design and consent of instructor. This course is
open to juniors and seniors only.
Photography I (625)
Length ½ year, Credit ½ • No Level
This course emphasizes developing an understanding of black and
white photography as an art form. Special attention will be given to
equipment processing, and techniques used in the darkroom. Students
will make connections between the manual camera and the SLR digital
camera. Students will present a research project relating to the technical
and artistic aspects of photography. Students should have access to a
35 mm manual camera; however, a limited number of cameras are
available on a loan basis. Success based on technical and artistic
competence. Study hall strongly recommended.
Drawing or Intro. to Art and Design. Grades 10-12 have first
Art History: Trends and Techniques
Ancient (613)/Modern (637)
Length ½ or 1 year, Credit ½ or 1 • No Level
The student will create original and appropriate art projects mirroring
the style in the historical timeline, exploring famous artists’
approaches, visions, and techniques. The student will study the history
of art through text, videos, connections and art’s universal language.
First semester will explore Ancient Art to Baroque Period, while
second semester will investigate the Impressionist movement to
Modern Art. A student may select one semester or both semesters.
AP Studio Art students should consider the full year course.
Music Ensemble Audition Policy
Orchestra: All String players are welcome to sign up for Orchestra.
Woodwinds, Brass, and Percussion players in grades 10, 11, or 12 are
Photography II (626) (Grades 10, 11 and 12)
Length ½ year, Credit ½ • No Level
This course emphasizes the further development of artistic, personal
expression through the photographic process. Success is based on
intelligent, sensitive interpretation and execution of assignments.
Students are expected to have demonstrated technical competence in
shooting, and film and print processing. Written and verbal
communication skills will be further developed through essays,
research papers and critiques. Students should have access to a 35
East Lyme High School 2014-2015
also eligible to play in the Orchestra provided that they audition the
previous year and are accepted.
Chorus: All are welcome to sign up for Mixed Chorus. Students
wishing to take Women’s Chorale, Concert Choir, or Chamber
Singers must take Mixed Chorus first, or have previous high school
experience. They must also audition the previous year and be
is limited to 15 students per semester for grades 9-12 with grades
10-12 having first choice.
Music Tech (692)
Length ½ year, Credit ½ • No Level
Students will utilize an electronic piano keyboard and music software
to sequence music and create basic compositions. This course will
cover the basics of music technology in the midi computer lab.
Creative composition is always encouraged and welcome in class. The
final project will involve combining student assembled compositions
with visual components to create a music video. Students do not have
to know how to read or write music to participate in this course.
Enrollment is limited to 15 students in grades 9-12 with 10-12
students having first choice.
Concert Band (687)
Length 1 year, Credit 1 • No Level
Honors Concert Band (698)
Length 1 year, Credit 1 • Level I
This band is open to all students. The band will meet all year and will
be comprised of students with previous experience on a wind or
percussion instrument. Participation is on an elective basis and carries
with it the responsibility of attendance at rehearsals, two after school
practice, and performances outside of the school day. At least three
formal performances will take place and a variety of concert literature
will be explored. Attention will be paid to the music literacy necessary
for wind and percussion musical performance. Proper instrumental
techniques will be studied so the student will be able to produce the
proper characteristic sound of the instrument. The product
requirement for success will vary depending on the level
designation. The honors course consists of all academic work; in
addition, the student will participate in another instrumental
ensemble, compose/arrange music, and help with the band library
as well as do additional
auditions, performances, and
Orchestra 9-10 (677)
Length 1 year, Credit 1 • No Level
This course is open to any 9th – 10th grade string instrumentalist who
has achieved reasonable proficiency on the violin, viola, cello, or bass.
This ensemble performs with Orchestra 11-12 during evening
rehearsals, concerts, and festivals. Evening rehearsals and concerts are
curricular and required for course credit. Orchestra students perform in
one evening rehearsal a month and at least four scheduled concerts a
Orchestra 11-12 (678)
Length 1 year, Credit 1 • No Level
Orchestra 11-12 Honors (684)
Length 1 year, Credit 1 • Level I
This course is open to any 11-12th grade string instrumentalists who
have achieved reasonable proficiency on the violin, viola, cello, or
bass. This ensemble performs with Orchestra 9-10 during evening
rehearsals, concerts, and festivals. Evening rehearsals and concerts are
curricular and required for course credit. Orchestra students perform in
one evening rehearsal a month and at least four scheduled concerts a
year. Prerequisite: Orchestra 9-10 and or previous experience.
Audition: Any 10-12th grade woodwind, brass, or percussion player
will be admitted by audition only. Auditions are held in the spring
semester for the following school year.
Marching/Symphonic Band (640)
Length 1 year, Credit 1 • No Level
Marching Band Honors (696)
Length 1 year, Credit 1 • Level I
Color Guard (697)
1 Semester, Credit ½ • No Level
This band is open to all students who wish to perform and compete on
an advanced level outside of the school day. The band will meet all
year and will be comprised of students with previous experience on a
wind or percussion instrument. The first semester will be devoted to
marching band with the remaining semester being devoted to indoor
symphonic band. Memorial Day Parade music will be rehearsed during
the spring as well. Participation is on an elective basis and carries with
it the responsibility of attendance at rehearsals and performances
outside of the school day. At least three formal concert performances
will take place as well as band competitions and football games on
weekends. Attention will be paid to the music literacy necessary for
wind and percussion musical performance (both marching and
symphonic). Proper instrumental techniques will be studied so the
student will be able to produce the proper characteristic sound of the
instrument. There is a mandatory Band Camp 1 week prior to the start
of school. The product requirement for success will vary depending
on the level designation. The honors course consists of all academic
work; in addition, the student will participate in another
instrumental ensemble, compose/arrange music, and help with the
band library as well as do additional auditions, performances, and
String Ensemble Honors (609)
Length 1 year, Credit 1 • Level I
1a, 1b, 2b, 2d,5a
This course is open to string students in grades 10-12 by teacher
approval. This course will focus on advanced string ensemble literature
as well as advanced string technique. String Ensemble members will
perform with the ELHS Orchestra during evening rehearsals, concerts,
and festivals. Evening rehearsals and concerts are curricular and
required for course credit. The product requirement for success will
vary depending on the level designation. The honors course
consists of all academic work; in addition, the student will
participate in another instrumental ensemble, compose/ arrange
music, and or prepare concert program notes as well as additional
auditions, performances, and projects. Prerequisite: Orchestra
and or previous experience.
Mixed Chorus (651)
Length 1 year, Credit 1 • No Level
This course is open to any male or female student interested in group
singing. No previous experience necessary. Proper vocal performance
techniques, music reading, and interpretation of various styles of music
will be taught with an emphasis on musical theatre, popular and jazz
compositions. Participation is on an elective basis and carries with it
Digital Piano (693)
Length ½ year, Credit ½ • No Level
This one semester course is designed to teach fundamental piano skills
to students, with little or no experience, in a classroom setting. Course
topics will include music reading, technique, playing with one and than
two hands, and playing songs. Students will use the piano keyboards at
school; they do not need an instrument to take this course. Enrollment
East Lyme High School 2014-2015
the responsibility of preparation for required performances in at least
two evening concerts.
and ear training exercises to build a basic music vocabulary for
Concert Choir (653)
Length 1 year, Credit 1 • No Level
Concert Choir Honors (658)
Length 1 year, Credit 1 • Level I
This course is open to students who have been chosen through vocal
audition. The audition is held during the spring semester for current
high school students. Advanced vocal techniques for group and solo
singing, sight reading, and interpretation of a wide variety of music
styles including native languages will be studied. Evening concerts and
various community related performances at which attendance is
required will be presented during the year. Participation is on an
elective basis and carries with it the responsibility of performance of
and preparation for at least three evening concerts. The product
requirement for success will vary depending on the level
designation. The Honors course consists of all academic work as
well as participation in additional audition/performance festivals,
extracurricular and outside performing groups & additional
projects/responsibilities. Juniors and seniors may take Concert
Choir on an honors level by contract with the instructor.
Prerequisite: Mixed Chorus or previous high school experience.
Music Composition I (663)
Length ½ year, Credit ½ (2nd Semester Only) • No Level
This continuation of Music Theory Fundamentals is open to those
students who have an adequate background in music fundamentals and
the permission of the instructor. Course work will cover the study of
melody, harmony, chords, and arranging music. Listening exercises,
score reading techniques and the psychology of creating music for
specific purposes will be studied. Emphasis will be placed on
developing basic skills to compose music. Students will utilize the
computer lab for composition exercises and use various music software
programs to complete and arrange final compositions. Prerequisite:
Music Theory or permission of instructor.
Advanced Placement Music Theory AP (664)
Length 1 year, Credit 1 • Level 0
This course is an accelerated course in music theory and composition
techniques that is open to students who can read music and have a
general knowledge of basic music language and have the permission of
the instructor. Students will study four-part composition and arranging,
conducting, and ear training. Individual creative composition and
performance of compositions is encouraged. Computer laboratory work
with piano keyboards and appropriate computer software will include
composing, arranging, and sequencing music on computer software.
Techniques for creating printed music scores and recording
compositions will also be included in the course work. This course
follows the Advanced Placement music curriculum in preparation for
the AP exam in May. AP test fee paid by student. Prerequisite:
Music Theory or permission of instructor.
Women’s Chorale (686)
Length 1 year, Credit 1 • No Level
Women’s Chorale Honors (685)
Length 1 year, Credit 1 • Level I
This course is open to students who have been chosen through vocal
audition. Auditions for this group are held in the spring semester each
year for current high school students. Vocal techniques for chamber
ensemble and solo singing will be studied. Evening concerts and
various community related performances at which attendance is
required will be presented during the year. Participation is on an
elective basis and carries with it the responsibility of preparation for
and performance of at least three evening concerts. Juniors and seniors
may take Women’s Chorale on an honors level by contract with the
instructor. The product requirement for success will vary depending
on the level designation. See the Curriculum Appendix. . The
Honors course consists of all academic work as well as
participation in additional audition/performance festivals,
extracurricular and outside performing groups & additional
projects/responsibilities. Prerequisite: Mixed Chorus or previous
high school experience.
Twentieth Century Music (666)
Length ½ year, Credit ½ • No Level
This course is open to any student who is interested in learning about
music of the 20th century. A study of composers and performers who
have influenced the course of musical development in this century will
be emphasized. Twentieth Century Music and its contributors will be
studied as a reflection of social, political, technological, and cultural
movements. Class discussions, student contributions, journals, listening
examples, appropriate videos, and reviewing daily events in the music
industry will play an important role in understanding the diverse music
styles studied. All students will be required to present oral and
written individual and group projects throughout the course and a
final project of their choice pertaining to course work.
Chamber Singers (655)
Length ½ year, Credit ½ • No Level
This course is open to sophomores, juniors, and seniors by teacher
approval. All students must be enrolled in one (1) chorus class to
be eligible for this course. Evening concerts and various community
related performances at which attendance is required will be presented
during the semester. Vocal techniques for small ensemble and solo
singing will be studied. As part of the course work, first semester
students will be required to audition for CT and New England Music
Festivals. Students will also perform with the Concert Choir and/or the
Women’s Chorale during the semester.
Guitar I (649)
Length ½ year, Credit ½ • No Level
This one semester course is designed to teach fundamental guitar skills
to students, with little or no experience, in a classroom setting. Course
topics will include music reading, tablature, chords, strumming
techniques, and melody playing. Enrollment is limited to 16 students
per semester for grades 9-12 with grades 10 - 12 having first choice.
It is suggested that students provide their own guitar for this
course. Any type of six-string guitar can be used; however, a small
amplifier must accompany electric guitars. However, a limited
number of guitars are available for in-school use only.
Music Theory Fundamentals (662)
Length ½ year, Credit ½ • No Level
This course is open to any student desiring to learn the basic language
of music. No previous knowledge of music basics is required. The
study of music fundamentals will include common music symbols,
rhythm, key signatures, intervals, scales, chords, basic score reading,
Guitar II (661)
Length ½ year, Credit ½ • No Level
This one semester course is designed to teach advanced guitar skills to
students in a classroom setting. Course topics will include music
reading, tablature, chords, strumming techniques, finger picking and
East Lyme High School 2014-2015
melody playing. Enrollment is limited to 16 students per semester
for grades 9-12 with grades 10 - 12 having first choice.
Prerequisite: Guitar I and permission of instructor. It is suggested
that students provide their own guitar for this course. Any type of
six-string guitar can be used; however, a small amplifier must
accompany electric guitars. However, a limited number of guitars
are available for in-school use only.
Global Language Learning has for its goal the acquisition by the
student of five basic skills: listening comprehension, speaking,
reading, writing, and cultural sensitivity, so that the student will
be able to communicate in the global language.
Students planning on college frequently ask how much global
language study colleges require for admission. While
requirements vary, many colleges will require a student to have
demonstrated proficiency (usually determined by examination)
of a global language before awarding a degree. This proficiency
is generally acquired through study beginning in elementary
school and continuing on at the college level.
Those seeking minimal proficiency of a global language should
plan at least a three-year high school sequence in one language,
with a four-year sequence expected from competitive colleges.
Course Offerings: French and Spanish are offered through Level
V / AP, with 1st year study in middle school. Latin and German
are both offered for 4 years of study at the high school. Chinese
is offered for 2 years of study.
Students must have permission of the instructor in order to
continue to the next level. Admission to Honors and AP courses
is by the permission of the Instructor, completion of the summer
assignment, and through examination.
Global Language classes will be conducted primarily in the
target language.
Theater Appreciation I (674) (Grades 9-12)
Theater Appreciation II (675) (Grades10, 11 and 12)
Length ½ year, Credit ½ • No Level
This course teaches the major facets of theater, developing a dictionary
of stagecraft terms. The workshop technique will be used to investigate
and perform pantomime, the comic and dramatic monologue, clowning,
stage fighting, impromptu, theater games, and exercises. Workshops,
which will research all aspects of stagecraft, will focus on stage makeup, set design and set models. Performance will be through vocal
techniques, auditioning, preparations of monologues, and acting in oneact plays. A Theater Appreciation II credit can be given if Theater
Appreciation I has been successfully completed or if other stage work,
per approval of the instructor, can be credited. In Theater Appreciation
II, the student will perform one-acts for assembly as a culmination of
advanced acting and directing workshops. Independent study in
dramatics is also available.
Speech Communication (083) College & Career Pathways (Grades
Length ½ year, Credit ½ • No Level
The speech communication course will focus on an interpersonal
communication approach, which will not only emphasize the speaker
and his speech, but will encompass the listener and his feedback,
developing a full communication process. The class is activity oriented
using role-playing projects, PowerPoint presentations nonverbal
strategies, and listening techniques to explore individual student’s skills
for future application in classroom oral presentations, public speaking,
school functions and town meetings, job and college admission
interviews, daily contact with sales personnel, and the media. The
student will be exposed to a dictionary of terms and will learn
appropriate language and behavior for different speech types. The
student will be an active speech participant answering questions,
solving problems, offering personal examples, and discussing issues.
College credit is available for this course (Grades 11 and 12)
through the College and Career Pathways Program of Three
Rivers Community Technical College. Grade 12 has first choice.
French I A (111)
Length 1 year, Credit 1 • Level II
2b, 3c, 3d, 5a, 5b, 5c, 6a, 6b, 6d
This course introduces students to the language and cultures of the
French-speaking world. Equal emphasis is given to learning vocabulary
and common grammatical concepts. Students’ interaction with the
language through listening, reading, writing, and speaking exercises at
a basic level allow them to take the first steps towards building
proficiency. Students broaden their global awareness and cultural
competence, along with fortifying their vocabulary and grammar
learning, through simple written and oral projects, presentations, and
class discussions.
French I B (112)
Length 1 year, Credit 1 • Level III
2b, 3c, 3d, 5a, 5b, 5c, 6a, 6b, 6d
This course introduces students to the language and cultures of the
French-speaking world. Emphasis is given to vocabulary building and
hands-on learning, while exploring common grammatical concepts.
Students learn to interact with the language through listening, reading,
writing, and speaking exercises at a basic level. Students broaden their
global awareness and cultural competence, along with fortifying their
vocabulary and grammar learning, through simple written and oral
projects, presentations, and class discussions.
Film 101 (673) (Grades 11 and 12)
Length ½ year, Credit ½ • No Level
This course is a study of filmmaking in cultural, artistic, and dramatic
terms. Students will explore the content and meaning of films as well as
the cinematic and photographic effects they employ. They will have the
opportunity to research, view, discuss, and write about a variety of
films. Students may have an opportunity to produce short videos.
Grade 12 has first choice.
French II H (113)
Length 1 year, Credit 1 • Level I
2a, 2b, 2c, 2d, 3c, 3d, 5a, 5b, 5c, 6a, 6b, 6d
This course builds upon students’ knowledge and appreciation of the
language and cultures of the French-speaking world acquired from
Level I study. Equal emphasis is given to learning vocabulary and
common grammatical concepts. Further steps are taken to build
proficiency through listening, reading, writing, and speaking exercises.
An increased number of opportunities to interact in and with the target
language, coinciding with a quicker pace to curriculum coverage, allow
students to attempt to move beyond the basic level. Students are
expected to produce simple, yet thoughtful oral and written projects,
reports, and presentations in the target language.
East Lyme High School 2014-2015
French II A (114)
Length 1 year, Credit 1 • Level II
2b, 3c, 3d, 5a, 5b, 5c, 6a, 6b, 6d
This course aims to increase students’ knowledge and appreciation of
the language and cultures of the French-speaking world acquired from
Level I study. Emphasis is given to building a practical vocabulary and
learning more complex grammatical concepts that will allow students
to utilize the target language beyond the basic level. Further steps are
taken to build proficiency through listening, reading, writing, and
speaking exercises. Students are expected to produce simple oral and
written projects, presentations, and reports in the target language.
French IV H (119)
Length 1 year, Credit 1 • Level I
This course builds upon students’ knowledge and appreciation of the
language and cultures of the French-speaking world acquired from
Level III study. Emphasis is given to building a rich vocabulary and to
mastering complex grammatical concepts. Students demonstrate
proficiency through frequent use and application of the target language
in higher level listening, reading, writing, and speaking exercises. A
survey of French literature helps to bolster students’ vocabulary and to
further expose students to the authors of the French-speaking world.
Students are expected to produce original, thorough, thoughtful oral
and written projects, reports, and presentations in the target language.
This course is designed to prepare students for the AP course.
Prerequisite: 70 or above in French III H.
French II B (115)
Length 1 year, Credit 1 • Level III
3c, 3d, 5a, 5b, 5c, 6a, 6b, 6d
This course builds upon students’ knowledge and appreciation of the
language and cultures of the French-speaking world acquired from
Level I study. Emphasis continues to be given to vocabulary building
and hands-on learning, while exploring common grammatical concepts.
Students fortify their ability to interact in and with the language
through listening, reading, writing, and speaking exercises at a basic
level. Students produce simple oral and written projects in the target
French IV A (120)
Length 1 year, Credit 1 • Level II
2b,3a,3b,3c,3d, 5a,5b,5c,6a,6b,6d
This course builds upon students’ knowledge and appreciation of the
language and cultures of the French-speaking world acquired from
Level III study. Emphasis continues to be given to building an
expanded, practical vocabulary and to learning more complex
grammatical concepts. Students are introduced to various forms of
authentic literature. Through higher level listening, reading, writing,
and speaking exercises, students build confidence in the language in an
attempt to reach the proficient level. Students are expected to produce
more thorough, thoughtful oral and written projects, reports, and
presentations in the target language. Prerequisite: 70 or above in
French III A.
French III H (116)
Length 1 year, Credit 1 • Level I
2a, 2b, 2c, 2d, 3a, 3b, 3c, 3d, 5a, 5b, 5c, 6a, 6b, 6d
This course builds upon students’ knowledge and appreciation of the
language and cultures of the French-speaking world acquired from
Level II study. Emphasis is given to building an expanded, practical
vocabulary and to learning more complex grammatical concepts. The
increased pace of the course, combined with higher level listening,
reading, writing, and speaking exercises, allows students to approach
the proficient level. The reading of short stories, poetry, and
newspaper and magazine articles in the target language fortifies
students’ language skills and exposes them to the authors of the Frenchspeaking world. Students are expected to produce thorough and
thoughtful oral and written projects, reports, and presentations in the
target language.
French IV B (121)
Length 1 year, Credit 1 • Level III
This course builds upon students’ knowledge and appreciation of the
language and cultures of the French-speaking world acquired from
Level III study. Emphasis is given to expanding vocabulary and
learning more complex grammatical concepts through hands-on
learning. Students continue to be challenged to reach beyond the basic
level through listening, reading, writing, and speaking exercises.
Students are able to produce more complex oral and written projects,
reports, and presentations in the target language. Prerequisite: 70 or
above in French III B.
French III A (117)
Length 1 year, Credit 1 • Level II
2b, 3a, 3b, 3c, 3d, 5a, 5b, 5c, 6a, 6b, 6d
This course builds upon students’ knowledge and appreciation of the
language and cultures of the French-speaking world acquired from
Level II study. Emphasis is given to building an expanded, practical
vocabulary and to learning more complex grammatical concepts.
Listening, reading, writing, and speaking exercises fortify students’
basic level language skills and help them to move towards the
proficient level. Students produce more complex oral and written
projects, reports, and presentations in the target language.
French V H (123)/French V AP (122)
Length 1 year, Credit 1 • Level I (V H) and Level 0 (V AP)
This course is comparable in content and difficulty to a college-level
conversational and composition course. The class will be conducted
entirely in French and emphasis is given to amplifying students’
vocabulary. Students can expect a typical honors course workload
throughout the year, while AP students must do additional work to
prepare themselves adequately for the May exam. Grammatical
concepts will only be covered as needed. Students interact in and with
the target language through listening, reading, writing, and speaking
exercises at an advanced level. Students further enhance their global
awareness and cultural competence through an exploration of authentic
literature based on the Francophone world. The class is taught based on
the following themes: global challenges, science and technology,
contemporary life, personal and public identities, families and
communities as well as beauty and aesthetics. Students frequently
produce oral and written projects and presentations in the target
language. Students must take the French language AP exam in order to
receive credit for the AP course. Students will read in the target
language after the AP exam to close out the course. Prerequisite:
Completion of Summer Assignment.
French III B (118)
Length 1 year, Credit 1 • Level III
3a, 3b, 3c, 3d, 5a, 5b, 5c, 6a, 6b, 6d
This course builds upon students’ knowledge and appreciation of the
language and cultures of the French-speaking world acquired from
Level II study. Emphasis is given to the completion of basic, everyday
vocabulary and grammar study through hands-on learning. Students
are challenged to reach beyond the basic level through listening,
reading, writing, and speaking exercises. Students attempt to produce
more complex oral and written projects, reports, and presentations in
the target language.
East Lyme High School 2014-2015
Level I study. Emphasis is given to building a practical vocabulary and
learning more complex grammatical concepts that will allow students
to utilize the target language beyond the basic level. Further steps are
taken to build proficiency through listening, reading, writing, and
speaking exercises. Students are expected to produce simple oral and
written projects, presentations, and reports in the target language.
French V A (124)
Length 1 year, Credit 1 • Level II
This course is designed to increase students’ oral proficiency as well as
their awareness of the rich cultures of the French-speaking world.
Students are exposed to French literature, music, art, geography,
history, cuisine, and other cultural aspects through the use of authentic
French magazines, newspapers, the Internet, and other
media are used in order to broaden students’ worldview and to expose
them to the diversity of the French-speaking world. Prerequisite: 70 or
Spanish II B (130)
Length 1 year, Credit 1 • Level III
2b, 3c, 3d, 5a, 5b, 5c, 6a, 6b, 6d
This course builds upon students’ knowledge and appreciation of the
language and cultures of the Spanish-speaking world acquired from
Level I study. Emphasis continues to be given to vocabulary building
and hands-on learning, while exploring common grammatical concepts.
Students fortify their ability to interact in and with the language
through listening, reading, writing, and speaking exercises at a basic
level. Students produce simple oral and written projects in the target
above in French IV A.
Spanish I A (126)
Length 1 year, Credit 1 • Level II
2b, 3c, 3d, 5a, 5b, 5c, 6a, 6b, 6d
This course introduces students to the language and cultures of the
Spanish-speaking world.
Equal emphasis is given to learning
vocabulary and common grammatical concepts. Students’ interaction
with the language through listening, reading, writing, and speaking
exercises at a basic level allow them to take the first steps towards
building proficiency. Students broaden their global awareness and
cultural competence, along with fortifying their vocabulary and
grammar learning, through simple written and oral projects,
presentations, and class discussions.
Spanish II C (140)
Length 1 year, Credit 1 • Level IV
3c, 3d, 5a, 5b, 5c, 6a, 6b, 6d
This course builds upon information learned in Spanish IC. Emphasis
continues to be given to enhancing global awareness and cultural
competence, along with providing for hands-on, project based learning.
Students acquire more everyday Spanish vocabulary and grammatical
concepts at a basic level through simple listening, speaking, reading,
and writing exercises. The practices and perspectives of the people of
the Hispanic World, along with the products of the language's cultures,
continue to be explored through music, video, literature, and cuisine.
Spanish I B (127)
Length 1 year, Credit 1 • Level III
2b, 3c, 3d, 5a, 5b, 5c, 6a, 6b, 6d
This course introduces students to the language and cultures of the
Spanish-speaking world. Emphasis is given to vocabulary building and
hands-on learning, while exploring common grammatical concepts.
Students learn to interact with the language through listening, reading,
writing, and speaking exercises at a basic level. Students broaden their
global awareness and cultural competence, along with fortifying their
vocabulary and grammar learning, through simple written and oral
projects, presentations, and class discussions.
Spanish III H (131)
Length 1 year, Credit 1 • Level I
This course builds upon students’ knowledge and appreciation of the
language and cultures of the Spanish-speaking world acquired from
Level II study. Emphasis is given to building an expanded, practical
vocabulary and to learning more complex grammatical concepts. The
increased pace of the course, combined with higher level listening,
reading, writing, and speaking exercises, allows students to approach
the proficient level. The reading of short stories, poetry, and
newspaper and magazine articles in the target language fortifies
students’ language skills and exposes them to the authors of the
Spanish-speaking world. Students are expected to produce thorough
and thoughtful oral and written projects, reports, and presentations in
the target language.
Spanish I C (139)
Length 1 year, Credit 1 • Level IV
3c, 3d, 5a, 5b, 5c, 6a, 6b, 6d
This course introduces students to the language and cultures of the
Spanish-speaking world. Emphasis is given to enhancing global
awareness and cultural competence, along with providing for hands on,
project-based learning. Students learn everyday vocabulary and
grammatical concepts at a basic level through simple listening,
speaking, reading, and writing exercises. The practices and perspectives
of the people of the Hispanic World, along with the products of the
language’s cultures, are explored through music, video, literature, and
Spanish III A (132)
Length 1 year, Credit 1 • Level II
2a, 2b, 2d, 3a, 3b, 3c, 3d, 5a, 5b, 5c, 6a, 6b, 6d
This course builds upon students’ knowledge and appreciation of the
language and cultures of the Spanish-speaking world acquired from
Level II study. Emphasis is given to building an expanded, practical
vocabulary and to learning more complex grammatical concepts.
Listening, reading, writing, and speaking exercises fortify students’
basic level language skills and help them to move towards the
proficient level. Students produce more complex oral and written
projects, reports, and presentations in the target language.
Spanish II H (128)
Length 1 year, Credit 1 • Level I
2a, 2b, 2c, 2d, 3c, 3d, 5a, 5b, 5c, 6a, 6b, 6d
This course builds upon students’ knowledge and appreciation of the
language and cultures of the Spanish-speaking world acquired from
Level I study. Equal emphasis is given to learning vocabulary and
common grammatical concepts. Further steps are taken to build
proficiency through listening, reading, writing, and speaking exercises.
An increased number of opportunities to interact in and with the target
language, coinciding with a quicker pace to curricular coverage, allow
students to attempt to move beyond the basic level. Students are
expected to produce simple, yet thoughtful oral and written projects,
reports, and presentations in the target language.
Spanish III B (133)
Length 1 year, Credit 1 • Level III
2b, 3c, 3d, 5a, 5b, 5c, 6a, 6b, 6d
This course builds upon students’ knowledge and appreciation of the
language and cultures of the Spanish-speaking world acquired from
Level II study. Emphasis is given to the completion of basic, everyday
vocabulary and grammar study through hands-on learning. Students
are challenged to reach beyond the basic level through listening,
reading, writing, and speaking exercises. Students attempt to produce
Spanish II A (129)
Length 1 year, Credit 1 • Level II
2a, 2b, 2d, 3c, 3d, 5a, 5b, 5c, 6a, 6b, 6d
This course aims to increase students’ knowledge and appreciation of
the language and cultures of the Spanish-speaking world acquired from
East Lyme High School 2014-2015
more complex oral and written projects, reports, and presentations in
the target language.
Spanish V A (141)
Length 1 year, Credit 1 • Level II
2a, 2b, 2d, 3a, 3b, 3c, 3d, 5a, 5b, 5c, 6a, 6b, 6d
This course is designed to increase students’ oral proficiency as well as
their awareness of the rich cultures of the Spanish-speaking world.
Students are exposed to Hispanic literature, music, art, geography,
history, cuisine, and other cultural aspects through the use of authentic
materials and research projects.
Hispanic magazines, newspapers,
films, podcasts, the Internet, and other media are used in order to
broaden students’ worldview and to expose them to the diversity of the
Spanish-speaking world. Prerequisite: 70 or above in Spanish IV A.
Spanish IV H (134)
Length 1 year, Credit 1 • Level I
2a, 2b, 2c, 2d, 3a, 3b, 3c, 3d, 5a, 5b, 5c, 6a, 6b, 6d
This course builds upon students’ knowledge and appreciation of the
language and cultures of the Spanish-speaking world acquired from
Level III study. Emphasis is given to building a rich vocabulary and to
mastering complex grammatical concepts. Students demonstrate
proficiency through frequent use and application of the target language
in higher level listening, reading, writing, and speaking exercises. A
survey of Hispanic literature helps to bolster students’ vocabulary and
to further expose students to the authors of the Spanish-speaking world.
Students are expected to produce original, thorough, thoughtful oral
and written projects, reports, and presentations in the target language.
This course is designed to prepare students for the AP course.
Prerequisite: 70 or above in Spanish III H.
German I A (174)
Length 1 year, Credit 1 • Level II
2b, 3c, 3d, 5a, 5b, 5c, 6a, 6b, 6d
This course introduces students to the language and cultures of the
German-speaking world.
Equal emphasis is given to learning
vocabulary and common grammatical concepts. Students’ interaction
with the language through listening, reading, writing, and speaking
exercises at a basic level allow them to take the first steps towards
building proficiency. Students broaden their global awareness and
cultural competence, along with fortifying their vocabulary and
grammar learning, through simple written and oral projects,
presentations, and class discussions.
Spanish IV A (135)
Length 1 year, Credit 1 • Level II
2a, 2b, 2d, 3a, 3b, 3c, 3d, 5a, 5b, 5c, 6a, 6b, 6d
This course builds upon students’ knowledge and appreciation of the
language and cultures of the Spanish-speaking world acquired from
Level III study. Emphasis continues to be given to building an
expanded, practical vocabulary and to learning more complex
grammatical concepts. Students are introduced to various forms of
authentic literature. Through higher level listening, reading, writing,
and speaking exercises, students build confidence in the language in an
attempt to reach the proficient level. Students are expected to produce
more thorough, thoughtful oral and written projects, reports, and
presentations in the target language. Prerequisite: 70 or above in
Spanish III A.
German II H (175)
Length 1 year, Credit 1 • Level I
2a, 2b, 2c, 2d, 3c, 3d, 5a, 5b, 5c, 6a, 6b, 6d
This course builds upon students’ knowledge and appreciation of the
language and cultures of the German-speaking world acquired from
Level I study. Equal emphasis is given to learning vocabulary and
common grammatical concepts. Further steps are taken to build
proficiency through listening, reading, writing, and speaking exercises.
An increased number of opportunities and experiences to interact in
and with the target language are provided to allow students to attempt
to move beyond the basic level. Students are expected to produce
simple, yet thoughtful oral and written projects, reports, and
presentations in the target language.
Spanish IV B (136)
Length 1 year, Credit 1 • Level III
2b, 3c, 3d, 5a, 5b, 5c, 6a, 6b, 6d
This course builds upon students’ knowledge and appreciation of the
language and cultures of the Spanish-speaking world acquired from
Level III study. Emphasis is given to expanding vocabulary and
learning more complex grammatical concepts through hands-on
learning. Students continue to be challenged to reach beyond the basic
level through listening, reading, writing, and speaking exercises.
Students are able to produce more complex oral and written projects,
reports, and presentations in the target language. Prerequisite: 70 or
above in Spanish III B.
German II A (176)
Length 1 year, Credit 1 • Level II
2a, 2b, 2d, 3c, 3d, 5a, 5b, 5c, 6a, 6b, 6d
This course aims to increase students’ knowledge and appreciation of
the language and cultures of the German-speaking world acquired from
Level I study. Emphasis is given to building a practical vocabulary and
learning more complex grammatical concepts that will allow students
to utilize the target language beyond the basic level. Further steps are
taken to build proficiency through listening, reading, writing, and
speaking exercises. Students are expected to produce simple oral and
written projects, presentations, and reports in the target language.
Spanish V AP (137)
Length 1 year, Credit 1 • Level 0
2a, 2b, 2c, 2d, 3a, 3b, 3c, 3d, 5a, 5b, 5c, 6a, 6b, 6d
The AP Spanish Language and Culture course is designed to provide
students with myriad opportunities to integrate the four required
language skills critical to the successful usage of Spanish: reading,
writing, speaking, and listening. It is conducted almost exclusively in
Spanish with authentic materials from all over the Spanish-speaking
world, and is equivalent to a third year college course in Advanced
Spanish writing and conversation. The course operates on a thematic
rotation cycle, and within each lesson, students will acquire and apply
new vocabulary and grammar structures, perform literary analysis,
debate, discuss and present information on historical and contemporary
issues, further enhance their global awareness and cultural competence,
and complete written and oral assessments, in accordance with the
course syllabus. Students must take the Spanish language AP exam in
May, in order to receive credit for the course. Prerequisite: 70 or
above in Spanish 4H or completion of appropriate coursework as
deemed and approved by the instructor, and completion of the AP
summer assignment.
German III H (177)
Length 1 year, Credit 1 • Level I
2a, 2b, 2c, 2d, 3a, 3b, 3c, 3d, 5a, 5b, 5c, 6a, 6b, 6d
This course builds upon students’ knowledge and appreciation of the
language and cultures of the German-speaking world acquired from
Level II study. Emphasis is given to building an expanded, practical
vocabulary and to learning more complex grammatical concepts. The
increased pace of the course, combined with higher level listening,
reading, writing, and speaking exercises, allows students to approach
the proficient level. The reading of short stories, poetry, and
newspaper and magazine articles in the target language fortifies
students’ language skills and exposes them to the authors of the
German-speaking world. Students are expected to produce thorough
and thoughtful oral and written projects, reports, and presentations in
the target language.
East Lyme High School 2014-2015
culture and influence outside of Rome will be studied through the
Bayeux Tapestry, Roman Britain, and the influence of the Romans in
Judea. Use of outside reading, videos, individual projects, and field
trips to museums will enhance classroom learning.
German III A (168)
Length 1 year, Credit 1 • Level II
2a,2b,2d,3a,3b,3c,3d,5a, 5b,5c,6a,6b,6d
This course builds upon students’ knowledge and appreciation of the
language and culture of the German-speaking world acquired from
Level II study. Emphasis is given to building an expanded, practical
vocabulary and to learning more complex grammatical concepts.
Listening, reading, writing, and speaking exercises fortify students’
basic level language skills and help them to move towards the
proficient level. Students produce more complex oral and written
projects, reports and presentations in the target language.
Latin III H (153)
Length 1 year, Credit 1 • Level I
2a, 2b, 2c, 2d, 3a, 3b, 3c, 3d, 5a, 5b, 5c, 6a, 6b, 6d
Students will continue to study complex Latin grammar with oral and
written translation from various sources. Fluency in reading will be
encouraged through use of the textbook and additional selected
ancillary books. Roman culture and influence outside of Rome will be
studied through Roman Britain and the influence of the Romans in
Judea. Use of outside reading, videos, individual projects, and field
trips to museums will enhance classroom learning.
German IV H (179)
Length 1 year, Credit 1 • Level I
2a, 2b, 2c, 2d, 3a, 3b, 3c, 3d, 5a, 5b, 5c, 6a, 6b, 6d
This course builds upon students’ knowledge and appreciation of the
language and cultures of the German-speaking world acquired from
Level III study. Emphasis is given to building a rich vocabulary and to
mastering complex grammatical concepts. Students demonstrate
proficiency through frequent use and application of the target language
in higher level listening, reading, writing, and speaking exercises. A
survey of German literature helps to bolster students’ vocabulary and to
further expose students to the authors of the German-speaking world.
Students are expected to produce original, thorough, thoughtful oral
and written projects, reports, and presentations in the target language.
Prerequisite: 70 or above in German III H.
Latin IV H (159)
Length 1 year, Credit 1 • Level I
2a, 2b, 2c, 2d, 3a, 3b, 3c, 3d, 5a, 5b, 5c, 6a, 6b, 6d
This is the culminating year of Latin with emphasis on sight reading
from the textbook and other ancillary materials. Roman authors of the
classical period and authors from late antiquity will be presented for
oral and written translations. Cultural topics will be determined by the
students and teacher together. Continued English word derivative
acquisition and professional terminology rooted in Latin are studied.
Prerequisite: 80 or above in Latin III H.
Chinese I (182)
Length 1 year, Credit 1 • Level II
2b, 3c, 3d, 5a, 5b, 5c, 6a, 6b, 6d
This course introduces non-heritage speakers to the language and
culture of China. Students’ interaction with the language will be
through listening and speaking exercises at a basic level. Students will
learn some basic pinyin (characters) in writing, and will begin the
process of learning how to read in Chinese as well. Students will
broaden their global awareness and cultural competences while
learning about geography, history and other aspects of Chinese culture.
Students will work on simple oral projects, presentations and class
Chinese II (186)
Length 1 year, Credit 1 • Level II
2b, 3c, 3d, 5a, 5b, 5c, 6a, 6b, 6d
This course for non-heritage speakers builds upon work in Chinese 1 on
the language and culture of China. Students’ interaction with the
language will be through listening, reading, writing and speaking
exercises at a basic level. Students will learn more basic pinyin
(characters) in writing, and will continue learning how to read in
Chinese as well. Students will broaden their global awareness and
cultural competences while learning about geography, history and other
aspects of Chinese culture. Students will work on oral projects,
presentations and class discussions. Please notes: Chinese native
and/or heritage speakers may also enroll in this course to act as peer
tutors and/or as independent study for the AP Chinese examination.
Latin I A (151)
Length 1 year, Credit 1 • Level II
2b, 3c, 3d, 5a, 5b, 5c, 6a, 6b, 6d
This course introduces students to simple Latin grammar with emphasis
on its relationship to English. The study of prefixes, bases, and
suffixes of Latin words helps students analyze English words. Fluent
sight-reading of Latin translations reinforces grammatical forms of the
language. Students will study Roman history from Rome’s founding
through the first century A.D. The Roman calendar, food, and houses
are studied using videos, individual projects, field trips, and computer
Latin II H (152)
Length 1 year, Credit 1 • Level I
2a, 2b, 2c, 2d, 3c, 3d, 5a, 5b, 5c, 6a, 6b, 6d
This course allows student to continue to study more complex
grammatical forms in the textbook to complement their understanding
and writing in English. Students will work at a faster pace and
continue to read not only in the textbook, but will also be exposed to
simple readings from selected Roman authors. New vocabulary
acquisition is stressed along with the study of word derivatives from
Latin to English. Continued study of Roman culture focuses on the city
of Rome, Romans in Britain, City of Alexandria, and Roman medicine
through the use of outside reading, videos, and museum trips.
Latin II A (157)
Length 1 year, Credit 1 • Level II
2a, 2b, 2d, 3c, 3d, 5a, 5b, 5c, 6a, 6b, 6d
This course allows student to continue to study more complex
grammatical forms in the textbook to complement their understanding
and writing in English. New vocabulary acquisition is stressed along
with the study of word derivatives from Latin to English. Continued
study of Roman culture focuses on the Romans in Britain, the city of
Alexandria, and Roman medicine through the use of outside reading,
videos, computer software, and museum trips.
Latin III A (158)
Length 1 year, Credit 1 • Level II
2a, 2b, 2d, 3a, 3b, 3c, 3d, 5a, 5b, 5c, 6a, 6b, 6d
Students will continue to study complex Latin grammar with oral and
written translation from various sources. Fluency in reading will be
encouraged through use of the textbook and other sources. Roman
Introduction to Chinese Culture (1186)
Length ½ year, Credit ½ • Level 5
2b, 3c, 3d, 5a, 5b, 5c, 6a, 6b, 6d
This course introduces the student who may be interested in learning
the Chinese language to the Chinese culture through music, art, food,
and games. The class will be taught in English. Emphasis is on learning
the history and culture of China to see how its history has shaped the
people as a whole. Students will have hands-on activities in preparing
Chinese food, singing songs, creating art and calligraphy, and playing
Chinese chess. Students will work on oral projects, presentations and
class discussions. Some basic Chinese language will be introduced as
East Lyme High School 2014-2015
Team Sports (923)
Length ½ year, Credit ½ • No Level
This course is designed for students who are interested in participating
in a variety of activities that require teamwork and cooperation. Units
offered consist of: basketball, football, softball, floor hockey, and
water polo.
The Health and Physical Education Department strives to foster
the process of life education. The program is designed to develop
the student’s knowledge and comprehension of health as it affects
them socially, emotionally and physically. Students are educated,
supported, and nurtured to take an active role in making
intelligent choices concerning their well being. Students are
required to pass Freshman Academy, Freshman PE,
Health/Physical Education II and 2 electives: 1 in their junior
year and 1 in their senior year. Each course is one semester long
and 1/2 credit.
Lifeguard Training (924)
Length ½ year, Credit ½ • No Level
Students participating in this course will learn what it takes to be a
professional lifeguard. They will learn about job responsibility, patron
surveillance skills, rescue skills, First Aid/CPR/AED skills, escape
techniques and spine board management. Students who sign up for this
course should have better than average swimming skills, and fifteen
years of age or older. Students will be required to perform a series of
pre-required skills such as a 300 yard swim and retrieving a 10lb brick
from at least 9 feet of water back to the surface. Students’ skills will be
tested through use of written exams, practical skills testing and
quizzes. Students are required to pass all parts of the American Red
Cross Lifeguarding requirements to receive certification. A fee paid to
the American Red Cross is required for pocket mask/certification.
Freshman Academy /Health I (750)
Length ½ year, Credit ½ • No Level
This grade 9 mandatory one-semester course is part of a
comprehensive health and balanced living education program.
Freshman Academy is designed to help transition students from the
middle school and to help motivate them to voluntarily take an active
role in developing positive life-style goals. These goals serve to
promote and enhance lifelong wellness.
Freshman Academy will be implemented through the use of guest
speakers, lectures, tests, research projects, discussions, audio-visuals,
group activities, and oral presentations. Topics will include but are not
limited to AIDS, personal health, substance abuse, sexual harassment,
family life education, mental and emotional health, career planning, test
taking, conflict resolution, and electronic portfolio.
Freshman Physical Education (911)
Length ½ year, Credit ½ • No Level
This grade 9 mandatory one-semester course is part of a
comprehensive health and balanced living education program.
Freshman P.E. will provide the students with the opportunity to
develop skills and knowledge in individual activities and team sports as
well as physical fitness training. This course may include but is not
limited to the following activities: nautilus fitness center, basic water
safety, tennis, softball, volleyball, ultimate Frisbee, flag football,
basketball, hockey, badminton and cooperative games.
Outdoor Pursuits I (925)
Length ½ year, Credit ½ • No Level
This outdoor class is based upon the Project Adventure (ROPES
Course) curriculum, emphasizing team building, trust, cooperation,
individual growth and lifetime fitness. This course may include but is
not limited to the following activities: rope course, letterboxing,
orienteering, hiking, kayaking, ice-skating, camping, bicycling,
horseback riding, rock climbing, and skiing/snowboarding. A fee will
be required for optional field trips. At times students will need to
provide their own transportation to and from the optional field
trips. This course also requires extra time outside of the regular
scheduled block usually during lunch.
Outdoor Pursuits II (928)
Length ½ year, Credit ½ • No Level
This course builds on the Project Adventure (ROPES Course)
curriculum and skills learned in Outdoor Pursuits I, emphasizing team
building, trust, cooperation, individual growth, lifetime fitness and
wilderness survival techniques. This course may include but is not
limited to the following activities: rope course, letterboxing,
orienteering, hiking, kayaking, ice-skating, camping, bicycling,
horseback riding, rock climbing, skiing/snowboarding, fishing, inline
skating, cross country skiing, CPR and first aid. A fee will be required
for optional field trips. At times students will need to provide their
own transportation to and from the optional field trips. This
course also requires extra time outside of the regular scheduled
block usually during lunch. Prerequisite: Outdoors Pursuits I
Health/Physical Education II (912)
Length ½ year, Credit ½ • No Level
This grade 10 mandatory one-semester course is part of a
comprehensive health and balanced living education program. The
goal of this course is to continue to motivate students in taking an
active role in developing positive physical, mental and social goals as
they pertain to a healthy lifestyle.
Health education will be
implemented through guest speakers, lectures, tests, research projects,
discussions, audio-visuals, group activities, and oral presentations.
Topics include but will not be limited to; AIDS, nutrition, accident
prevention and safety, prevention and control of diseases, mental and
emotional health and substance abuse. In physical education, students
will be required to take the statewide physical fitness test. They will
also be provided the opportunity to participate in various activities that
are offered in the junior and senior elective courses. Examples of these
activities include but are not limited to: basketball, hockey,
letterboxing, high ropes course, taebo, yoga, tennis, swimming and
fitness training in the nautilus center.
Conditioning I (939)
Length ½ year, Credit ½ • No Level
This course will help the student understand the importance of daily
physical activity. The student will learn specific training principles
using the nautilus and free weights. In addition, the student will
develop a personalized training routine pertaining to personal goals or
specific sport activities.
Conditioning II (940)
Length ½ year, Credit ½ • No Level
This more advanced course will be offered for students who have had
Conditioning I. The student will learn and understand the involvement
of anatomy, physiology, and kinesiology pertaining to their
personalized training routines. The student will be able to properly
evaluate their training programs and make the necessary changes to
reach personal goals. Prerequisite: Conditioning I.
Each student must take one elective in their junior year and one
elective in their senior year. Students may not take the same elective
both years except for Team Sports.
East Lyme High School 2014-2015
Lifetime Fitness I (938)
Length ½ year, Credit ½ • No Level
This class will be geared towards lifetime physical activities that
promote physical and mental wellness. This course may include but is
not limited to the following activities: ZUMBA, tennis, water aerobics,
yoga, pilates, bowling, body sculpting, step aerobics, dance, badminton,
hiking, self-defense, golf, circuit training, nautilus and weight room
training. A fee may be necessary for optional field trips.
The mathematics curriculum meets the needs of students at a
variety of learning levels. Algebra, geometry, and problem
solving are discussed throughout all four levels. The curriculum
mathematically, learning to reason mathematically, valuing
mathematics, and becoming confident in one's ability to do
mathematics. Course Offerings and suggested course sequences
include the following: 1. Geometry, Algebra II, Trig/Precalculus,
and AP Calculus; 2. Geometry, Algebra II, Trig/Precalculus, and
AP Statistics; 3. Geometry, Algebra II, Trig/Precalculus, and
Foundations of Calculus and Intro to Probability and Statistics; 4.
Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, and Trigonometry and
Precalculus; 5. Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, and
Trigonometry and Probability and Statistics; 6. Algebra1,
Geometry, AlgebraII, and Trigonomety and Topics in
Contempory Mathematics
7. Algebra IB, Geometry B,
AlgebraIIB ,Applied Statistics and Math Modeling; 8.
Algebra1B, Geometry B, AlgebraIIB, Applied Statistics and
Topics in Contemporary Mathematics; 9.Algebra1, Geometry,
Algebra/GeometryTransitions, Algebra2; 10. Introduction to
Algebra, Algebra IB, Geometry B, and Algebra IIB; 11.
Introduction to Algebra, Introduction to Geometry, Consumer
Math, and Algebra IB; 10. Essentials of Math I, Essentials of
Math II, Essentials of Math III, and Consumer Math.
Lifetime Fitness II (936)
Length ½ year, Credit ½ • No Level
Students are provided the opportunity to continue to develop skills and
knowledge in individual and small group activities that can be
performed throughout a lifetime. This course may include but is not
limited to the following activities: climbing elements, nutrition, body
image, mental health, ZUMBA, tennis, water aerobics, yoga, pilates,
bowling, body sculpting, step aerobics, dance, badminton, hiking selfdefense, golf, circuit training, nautilus and weight room training. A fee
may be necessary for optional field trips. Prerequisite: Lifetime
Fitness I
Early Bird Physical Education (927)
Length ½ year, Credit ½ • No Level
This course meets before school from 6:30 to 7:15 on Monday thru
Thursday. Students will learn the specific training principles using the
nautilus and free weights. In addition, the student will develop a
personalized training routine pertaining to personal goals or specific
sport activities. This course is designed to provide the student with
more flexibility in their schedule while also fulfilling the PE graduation
Essentials of Math I (200)
Length 1 year, Credit 1 • Level IV
This is an individualized program to develop and improve fundamental
arithmetic skills. Emphasis is on students mastering the basic skills of
recognizing and operating with whole numbers, fractions, decimals,
and percents. Prerequisite: Students may only be placed in this
course as a result of a teacher recommendation or a PPT
Special Needs Aide (922)
Length ½ year, Credit ½ • No Level
This course provides students with the opportunity to work directly
with students who have special needs. Leadership skills, providing
encouragement and support during physical education classes are
emphasized as well as full participation. Health units are included and
full participation is expected. Activities may include ropes courses,
basketball, soccer, handball, swimming and cooperative activities to
name a few. A written component is required. Prerequisite:
Permission of Instructor.
Essentials of Math II (201)
Length 1 year, Credit 1 • Level IV
This course is the second of a three-year sequence. It presents a logical,
sequential development of whole numbers, fractions, decimals, and
percents within the context of practical situations. Each unit presents
selected essential arithmetic skills within an everyday application.
Prerequisite: Essentials of Math I.
Essentials of Math III (202)
Length 1 year, Credit 1 • Level IV
This is an individualized program for students previously enrolled in
the Essentials of Mathematics I and II programs. Students will study
appropriate uses for calculators and computers in everyday life,
measurement, personal finance and consumer awareness.
Prerequisite: Essentials of Math II.
Introduction to Algebra (236)
Length 1 year, Credit 1
This course is a fundamental skills review of fractions, decimals,
percent, whole numbers and integers. Stress is placed on problem
solving and basic algebra skills involving evaluating expressions and
solving basic equations with whole numbers and integers.
Prerequisite: Recommendation of grade 8 teacher and approval of
the high school CIL.
East Lyme High School 2014-2015
Introduction to Geometry (237)
Length 1 year, Credit 1
This course reviews number sense, statistics, probability and algebraic
reasoning. Problem-solving skills are stressed by applying acquired
skills to everyday situations. Geometry topics such as congruence,
similarity, measurement, area, and volume are explored. Prerequisite:
Intro to Algebra.
Geometry B (222)
Length 1 year, Credit 1 • Level III
This course focuses on the key topics that provide a strong foundation
in the essentials of geometry. The course includes the use of content
specific language, study of plane and solid geometric figures,
relationships of triangles, similarity, circles and surface area and
volume. Emphasis is also placed on interpreting and solving real-world
applications. Prerequisite: Algebra I
Algebra I B (214)
Length 1 year, Credit 1 • Level III
In this course, the language of algebra is emphasized. Expressing,
interpreting, and graphing linear functions as well as solving linear
equations and systems of linear equations are major content goals.
Real-life problems are used to investigate and understand concepts.
Prerequisite: Recommendation of grade 8 teacher and/or approval
of the high school CIL or Intro to Algebra.
Geometry A (221)
Length 1 year, Credit 1 • Level II
This course is a study of plane figures integrated with fundamental
properties of geometric figures in three dimensions. An understanding
of the deductive method, the need for precision of language, and
methods of coordinate geometry are discussed. The relationships of
triangles, similar polygons, and circles are developed deductively along
with areas of polygons and circles, and areas and volumes of solids.
Prerequisite: C or better in Algebra I.
Algebra I A (213)
Length 1 year, Credit 1 • Level II
In this course the language of algebra is emphasized. The properties of
the real numbers, algebraic proofs, polynomial functions, and graphical
methods in the xy system are discussed. The use of algebra in problem
solving is integrated throughout the course. Prerequisite:
Recommended for students with a high C average or better in
middle school mathematics and teacher recommendation.
Geometry Honors (220)
Length 1 year, Credit 1 • Level I
This course is a study of plane figures integrated with fundamental
properties of geometric figures in three dimensions. An understanding
of the deductive method, the need for precision of language, methods of
coordinate geometry, and transformations are discussed. The
relationships of triangles, similar polygons, and circles are developed
deductively along with areas of polygons and circles, and areas and
volumes of solids. Emphasis is placed on abstract, deductive methods.
Prerequisite: B or better in Algebra 1 Grade 8 with the
recommendation of the Middle School and the approval of the high
school CIL.
Algebra/Geometry Transitions (247)
Length 1 year, Credit 1, No Level
This is a course for students who have taken Algebra1 and/or Geometry
and need more reinforcement of key topics in algebra1 and/or geometry
prior to taking Algebra2. This course does not replace Algebra1A,
Algebra1B, Geometry A, or Geometry B.
Prerequisite: Algebra1
Trigonometry A (242)
Length ½ year, Credit ½ • Level II
This course investigates algebraic and trigonometric relations and their
graphs. The solutions of triangles, modeling with sinusoidal graphs,
and vectors are other topics of importance. Prerequisite: C or better
in Algebra II A, B+ or better in Algebra II B.
Algebra II B (217) College and Career Pathways
Length 1 year, Credit 1 • Level III
This course is a continuation of Algebra IB. Students represent
situations that involve variable quantities with expressions, equations,
inequalities, and matrices. Matrices are used to solve linear systems.
Quadratic, polynomial, exponential, and logarithmic functions are
included. Prerequisite: Geometry.
Trigonometry Honors (241)
Length ½ year, Credit ½ • Level I
This course is a rigorous study of algebraic and trigonometric relations
and their graphs. The solutions of triangles, trigonometric proofs, and
vectors are other topics of importance. Physical science applications are
stressed. This course requires great skill in algebraic manipulations and
makes extensive daily use of the graphing calculators to explore more
rigorous concepts. Prerequisite: B+ or better in Algebra II H and
teacher recommendation.
Algebra II A (216) College and Career Pathways
Length 1 year, Credit 1 • Level II
This course is a continuation of Algebra I and reviews the properties of
polynomials and rational expressions together with the solution of
linear equations and inequalities in two variables. New concepts
emphasize relations and functions, which include algebraic,
exponential, and logarithmic types. Prerequisite: C or better in
Algebra IA and Geometry A.
Precalculus A (246)
Length ½ year, Credit ½ • Level II
This course investigates linear, quadratic, exponential, and logarithmic
functions along with analysis of polynomial and rational functions.
This course provides a solid foundation for calculus and linear algebra.
Prerequisite: C or better in Trigonometry A.
Algebra II Honors (215) College and Career Pathways
Length 1 year, Credit 1 • Level I
This course is a continuation of Algebra I and reviews the properties of
polynomials and rational expressions together with the solution of
linear equations and inequalities in two variables. New concepts
emphasize relations and functions, which include algebraic,
exponential, and logarithmic types. Advanced topics on polynomial and
quadratic functions are included. Prerequisite: B or better in
Geometry Honors or teacher recommendation.
Precalculus Honors (245)
Length ½ year, Credit ½ • Level I
This course offers a solid foundation in linear, quadratic, exponential,
logarithmic, polynomial
and rational functions. Multiple
representations and proofs are explored throughout. Advanced topics
include networks, vectors and polar coordinates. This course is an
East Lyme High School 2014-2015
excellent preparation for calculus and linear algebra. The course
requires knowledge of algebraic and trigonometric concepts and
manipulation of reasonably complicated equations. Prerequisite: B or
better in Trigonometry H and B+ or better in Algebra II H.
requires a TI-83 or TI-84 graphing calculator. Prerequisite: Algebra
II or teacher recommendation.
Probability and Statistics A (264)
Length ½ year, Credit ½ • Level II
This course is intended for students in grade 12. Students apply their
algebraic skills to statistical methods. Basic ideas of probability,
describing both numerical and categorical data, random variables,
binomial and normal distributions, the central limit theorem, and
inferential statistics are studied. This course requires a TI-83 or TI-84
graphing calculator. Prerequisite: Algebra II A.
Foundations of Calculus Honors (262)
Length ½ year, Credit ½ • Level I
This course is intended for students in grade 12 as a transition to
calculus. The concepts of limits, continuity, and differentiability will be
introduced in this course. Connections between derivatives and rates of
change will be emphasized. The relationship between a function and
the first and second derivative will be studied. Applications will
include related rates, kinematics, and optimization. Prerequisite:
Statistics AP (265)
Length 1 year, Credit 1 • Level 0
This AP course in statistics introduces the major concepts and tools for
collecting, analyzing, and drawing conclusions from data. Four broad
conceptual themes are covered; a) Exploring Data: Describing patterns
and departures from patterns, b) Sampling and Experimentation:
Planning and conducting a study, c) Anticipating Patterns: Exploring
random phenomena using probability and simulation, and d) Statistical
Inference: Estimating population parameters and testing hypotheses.
Students who successfully complete the course and exam may receive
credit, advanced placement, or both for a one-semester introductory
college statistics course. This course requires a TI-83 or TI-84 graphing
calculator. Prerequisite: Algebra II A.
Calculus - AB (AP) (251)
Length 1 year, Credit 1 • Level 0
This course is a college level, first year course in calculus with
emphasis on functions of one variable. The concepts of limits,
differentiation, and integration are introduced. Applications of both the
derivative and the integral will be studies throughout the course. The
connection between the derivative and the definite integral will be
studied as outlined in The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus.
Advanced topics include area under a curve, volume of solids with
known cross sections, differential equations and slope fields This
course requires a TI-89 calculator. This course qualifies for advanced
placement. Prerequisite: B or better in Trigonometry H and
Precalculus H or recommendation of the current math instructor.
Consumer Math (271)
Length 1 year, Credit 1
This course investigates wise consumer decisions. Topics discussed
will include income, banking and credit, transportation, housing, taxes,
insurance, investments, purchasing, and budgeting. Open to juniors and
seniors only. Prerequisite: Two credits earned in high school
mathematics and teacher recommendation.
Calculus - BC (AP/UCONN) (252)
Length 1 year, Credit 1 • Level 0
This course is a full year, college level course in calculus designed for
those students who have successfully completed the Calculus (251)
course and have passed the AB Advanced Placement Exam in
Mathematics. The topics will include a further investigation of those
covered in the AB syllabus as well as the additional topics required for
the BC Advanced Placement Exam in Mathematics. Advanced topics
will include the analysis of planar curves including those given in
parametric, polar and vector form, applications of differential
equations, and advanced techniques of integration. Polynomial
approximations to transcendental functions and the convergence or
divergence of the resulting series (Taylor or Maclaurin) will conclude
the advanced topics. This course qualifies for Advanced Placement.
Calculus is offered in cooperation with the University of Connecticut
for mathematically talented high school students and carries four credit
hours per semester from the University of Connecticut pending
approval from the University. This course requires a TI-89 calculator.
Application fee required for UConn credit. Prerequisite: A grade
of 3 or better on the Advanced Placement exam “Calculus AB.”
The goal of the Science Department is to give students a
comprehensive understanding of the biological, physical and
chemical environments of the planet Earth and beyond. A wide
variety of courses are offered for all level students including
advanced placement courses in biology, chemistry,
environmental science and physics.
An on-site, fully
operational planetarium allows students to study astronomy
concepts. The Project Oceanology Program exposes students to
oceanography and the marine environment in several course
Full year course offerings include: Integrated
Science, Biology, Chemistry, ChemCom, Physics, Applied
Physics, Physical Science, AP Biology, AP Chemistry, AP
Environmental Science and AP Physics. Half year elective
courses include:
Astronomy, Anatomy and Physiology,
Biotechnology, Environmental Science, Forensics, Geology of
Connecticut and Marine Biology. All grade 9 students are
required to take Integrated Science.
Topics in Contemporary Mathematics (255)
Length ½ year, Credit ½, No Level
This is a course for students in Grade 12 which explores various topics
in contemporary mathematics. It is offered second semester. Topics
include methods of voting, fair division, Euler and Hamilton Circuits,
Fibonacci Numbers, the Golden Ratio, and fractals.
Prerequisite: None
Integrated Science Honors (Grade 9) (355)
Length 1 Year, Credit 1 • Level I
1a,1b,1c,2a,2d,3a,3d,4a, 4b,4c,5a,5b,6b
This course is an advanced college preparatory course in Earth Science.
Main topics in geology, meteorology, oceanography and astronomy
will be studied with an emphasis on how human activity effects earth
cycles. The methodology is an investigative approach to problem
solving. This is accomplished through laboratory activities, projects,
research essays and writing assignments. Physical, chemical and
biological concepts will be reinforced.
Course content and
Applied Statistics B (256)
Length ½ year, Credit ½ •No Level
This is a course for students in Grade 12 which explores methods of
descriptive statistics, data collection, and introductory probability as a
foundation to statistical procedures and applications. This course
East Lyme High School 2014-2015
instructional methods will challenge students and promote higher level
thinking skills.
Introductory Biology I B (356)/I C (357)
Length 1 year, Credit 1 • Level III/IV
This course offers a relevant education in the biological sciences with
an emphasis on scientific literacy. The scientific method is used
throughout the course to illustrate how students and scientists can
constantly explore the biological world. Topics covered include cell,
genetics, evolution, and ecology. Laboratories and hands-on activities
are an important part of the course. This course is recommended for
students who need to develop scientific and literacy skills. Students
who take this are recommended to take introduction to Biology II to
further their scientific literacy. Prerequisite: Integrated Science B .
Integrated Science A (Grade 9) (302)
Length 1 year, Credit 1 • Levels II, III, IV
This is a college preparatory course with an interdisciplinary approach
to the study of Earth Science. Main topics in geology, meteorology,
oceanography and astronomy will studied with a emphasis on how
human activity effects Earth cycles. Concepts in physical, chemical
and life science will also be covered. Problem solving techniques, the
process of scientific thinking and the development of laboratory skills
will be accomplished through individual and group activities.
Comprehensive assessment and application of Earth Science concepts
will ensure students will have a better understanding of the world they
live in.
Introductory Biology II B (358)/II C (359)
Length 1 year, Credit 1 • Level III/IV
This course emphasizes exploration of biology within the local
community. The course appeals to students who may not be scienceoriented and to those who wish to continue their study of science.
Topics covered include classification, plant ecology, zoology, human
anatomy and physiology, and environmental science. Laboratories and
hands-on activities are an important part of the course. This course is
recommended for students who need to develop scientific and literacy
skills. Students who take this are recommended to take Physical
Science to further their scientific literacy. Prerequisite: Introductory
Integrated Science B (Grade 9) (303)
Length 1 year, Credit 1 • Level III
This interdisciplinary course is the study of Earth Science concepts.
Main topics are chemistry and energy. Other subjects include geology,
meteorology, oceanography, astronomy and how human activity effects
Earth cycles. Concepts in physical, chemical and life science will also
be reinforced through various activities. Laboratory investigations and
group activities are an integral part of the course. Comprehensive
assessment and application of these concepts will ensure students of a
better understanding of the world we live in. The development of
scientific and literacy skills is emphasized.
Biology I.
Marine Biology I (314)
Length ½ year, Credit ½ • No Level
This course is an introduction to marine communities and lower level
organisms. Plants and animals of the Long Island Sound estuary are
studies through lecture, hands-on laboratory work, and identification of
organisms and habitats. Organisms studied include marsh plants,
seaweeds, sponges, jellies, worms, and mollusks. Prerequisite:
Biology H (321)
Length 1 year, Credit 1 • Level I
This introductory biology course is intended to introduce the student to
the study of living organisms. There is an emphasis on the scientific
process and critical thinking, as well as vocabulary. As an honors level
course, students are expected to become independent learners. This is
accomplished through reading assignments (chapters, journal articles
and online materials), laboratory reports, research reports, online
activities, and hands-on activities. Topics to be covered include
biochemistry, cell biology, genetics, evolution, classification, ecology
and microorganisms. Students completing this course should consider
taking the SAT subject test in the spring and are eligible to take AP
Biology either their junior or senior year. Prerequisite: Integrated
Science H or Integrated Science A with an A- or better
Marine Biology II (315)
Length ½ year, Credit ½ • No Level
This course is a continuation of Marine Biology I. Students will study
organisms such as arthropods, echinoderms, fish, marine mammals,
birds and reptiles. Students will explore the historical aspects of the
fishing, whaling, and sealing industries. Local maritime lore will be
explored, including the influence of pirates and lighthouses on early
New England life. Prerequisite: Marine Biology I with C or better.
Biology A (322)
Length 1 year, Credit 1 • Level II
This is a college preparatory biology course with integrated laboratory
experiences. This course is intended to introduce the student to the
study of living organisms. There is an emphasis on the scientific
process and critical thinking, as well as vocabulary. Topics to be
covered are biochemistry, cell biology, genetics, evolution,
classification, ecology and microorganisms.
Environmental Science (AP) (362)
Length 1 year, Credit 1 • Level 0
This course provides students with the scientific principles, concepts,
and methodologies required to understand the interrelationships of the
natural world, to identify and analyze environmental problems, both
natural and man-made, to evaluate the relative risks associated with
these problems, and to examine alternative solutions for resolving
and/or preventing them. Laboratory and field work is an integral part
of the course. A summer assignment is required. Prerequisite:
Biology and Integrated Science.
Biology B (323)
Length 1 year, Credit 1 • Level III
This course meets college requirements for biology. Laboratory
experiences are an integral part of this course, which addresses all
major topics in biology including cells, genetics, evolution and
ecology. General biological literacy is the emphasis; therefore, it is not
recommended for students who plan to major in science in college.
Environmental Science (316)
Length ½ year, Credit ½ year • No Level
Environmental science is the study of plants and animals and their
relationship to the environment. The course examines how ecosystems
function, how they remain in balance and how human activities
influence these ecosystems. Environmental studies also consider the
topics of population, farming, water, atmosphere problems, and
endangered species. Field trips are a major part of this course and are a
East Lyme High School 2014-2015
significant part of the grade. Lab work, research activities and class
projects are included in this class. The course has a prerequisite of
Earth Science and Biology.
Advanced Placement exam in May. Topics covered include atoms and
molecules, thermodynamics, kinetics, equilibrium, acids and bases,
oxidation and reduction, transition metals, and organic chemistry.
Students are expected to work independently on much of the material.
Students will be graded on tests, quizzes, lab reports, and research
papers. Prerequisite: Chemistry and Trigonometry; Precalculus
completed or taken concurrently.
Chemistry H (331) (College and Career Pathways)
Length 1 year, Credit 1 • Level I
This is a rigorous course in general chemistry for students with
exceptional ability and interest in science. One term is devoted to
organic chemistry. It is assumed that the student is highly motivated,
able to read and process information independently, and has strong
mathematical skills. Topics studied will include: atoms, molecules,
chemical nomenclature, stoichiometry, kinetics, equilibrium, and acids
and bases. Emphasis is placed on developing chemical principles
through laboratory investigations conducted by the student,
demonstrations by the teacher, or results presented in the text. Students
are introduced to the basic investigative methods used by chemists in
the lab and to the correct interpretation of the subsequent data.
Considerable attention is given to problem solving techniques and to
mathematical expression of the concepts studied. The pace and depth
of this course will be rigorous. Prerequisites: grade of B- or better in
Algebra II Honors or A- in Algebra IIA if taken previously or
concurrent enrollment in Algebra II Honors.
Biotechnology A (336)
Length ½ year, Credit ½ • Level II
This laboratory intensive course is designed to extend upon the
student’s knowledge of DNA and proteins. It is intended for students
in their junior and senior year who are interested in pursuing a career in
biology or medicine. Sophomores taking Biology H may also enroll in
the spring semester of their sophomore year. The course will include
lectures, readings, videos, as well as both “wet” and “dry” labs. The
curriculum includes the history of biotechnology, basic laboratory
techniques, manipulation and analysis of DNA and protein,
electrophoresis, transformation of E. Coli and other labs as time
permits. There is also a culminating project on bioethics. Students
should come away with feeling comfortable at the lab bench and should
have a better understanding of how biotechnology impacts society
today. Prerequisite: B in Biology A or Honors Biology.
Chemistry A (330)
Length 1 year, Credit 1 • Level II
This is a traditional chemistry course that will provide a thorough
grounding in the major chemical concepts and laboratory skills. It is
intended for college-bound students who are competent in math.
Teaching methods include lecture, small group work, lab experiments
and demonstrations as well as problem solving techniques. Topics to
be covered include atomic structure, molecular shape and polarity,
chemical bonding, nomenclature, reactions and equations,
stoichiometry, states of matter, chemical equilibrium, solubility and
precipitation, acids and bases and oxidation reduction. Some organic
chemistry is treated as part of the content. The pace is suitable for A
level students. Prerequisites: C or better in Geometry and Algebra
I or Algebra II concurrently.
Forensic Science (338)
Length ½ year, Credit ½ • No Level
This interdisciplinary science course will introduce students to some
basic techniques used in forensic analysis. Critical thinking and
deductive reasoning will be emphasized and practiced during lab
activities such as fingerprint analysis, chromatography of inks and
lipstick, microscopic analysis of evidence, forensic anthropology, DNA
fingerprinting and more. The course will include lecture, readings,
videos, as well as both “wet” and “dry” labs. Guest speakers will be
invited from local law enforcement agencies and state police labs.
Students will learn to collect and analyze evidence from simulated
crime scenes. Prerequisite: Biology.
Geology of Connecticut (339)
Length ½ year, Credit ½ • No Level
Volcanoes in Connecticut? Dinosaurs walking around in what is now
your back yard? Earthquakes rocking New England! All of these
events happened in our state in the past. This course examines the
geologic evidence and analyzes the factors responsible for these
phenomena. Ongoing processes of beach erosion, river dynamics, soil
development, and the connections between geologic activity and global
climate change will also be explored. Laboratory investigations
include: lapidary work (using rock saws…), stream table activities,
rock and mineral identification, map analyses, and the use of geologic
field tools. Field trips are a major feature of this course. This course
is offered every other spring semester; it is available spring 2013.
Prerequisites: juniors and seniors only.
ChemCom A (334)
Length 1 year, Credit 1 • Level II
Chemistry in the Community (ChemCom) is an activity based, issuesoriented chemistry curriculum that encourages participation. It includes
many traditional chemical concepts and laboratory skills, as well as
more bio-industrial and organic chemistry than is normally encountered
in a standard high school chemistry curriculum. The most unique
feature of this course is that chemistry is taught on a “need to know”
basis, with societal and technological issues/problems determining the
depth and breadth of chemical concepts taught. Most of the complex
and perplexing issues and problems facing our nation involve more
than scientific concepts. They also involve individual and social values
and group decision-making processes. Accordingly, this course aims to
prepare students for informed, effective citizenship through stimulating
their higher cognitive abilities as well as values and attitudes. These
students are typically juniors following a college preparatory course of
study. Prerequisites: C or better in Geometry and Algebra I or
Algebra II concurrently.
Geology of Connecticut-Honors (367)
Length ½ year, Credit ½ • Level I
Volcanoes in Connecticut? Dinosaurs walking around in what is now
your back yard? Earthquakes rocking New England! All of these events
happened in our state in the past. This course examines the geologic
evidence and analyzes the factors responsible for these phenomena.
Ongoing processes of beach erosion, river dynamics, soil development,
and the connections between geologic activity and global climate
change will also be explored. Laboratory investigations include:
lapidary work (using rock saws…), stream table activities, rock and
mineral identification, map analyses, and the use of geologic field tools.
Advanced Chemistry (AP) (361)
Length 1 year, Credit 1 • Level 0
This is an Advanced Placement Course in general chemistry for
students wishing to study a second year of chemistry in high school.
The curriculum follows that published by the College Board, which
represents a first year college level course. The students will take the
East Lyme High School 2014-2015
Field trips are a major part of this course. This course is offered every
other spring semester; it is next available spring 2015.
Prerequisites: juniors and seniors only
Human Anatomy & Physiology A (368)
Length ½ year, Credit ½ • Level II
Human Anatomy and Physiology covers the structure and function of
the human body. This course begins with an introduction to the human
body and a review of basic biology and chemistry concepts. Each of
the body’s systems will be covered. Labs involving comparative
studies of cells, tissues and organs as well as dissections will be
included. This course is intended for students considering health or life
science careers. Prerequisites: Must have earned a B in Biology A,
completed Honors Biology or special permission by the course
Applied Physics I (Principles of Technology I) (343) (College and
Career Pathways)
Length 1 year, Credit 1 • No Level
Applied Physics is a hands-on laboratory course designed for students
planning on a technical or engineering career or a career in many of the
nursing and allied health fields. Fundamental physics topics are
explored in the context of mechanical and electrical systems. For
example, concepts such as force, work, rate, resistance, energy, and
power will be studied in both of these systems. Additional areas of
study include waves, optics, and some selected topics in modern
Human Anatomy & Physiology Honors (369)
Length ½ year, Credit ½ • Level I
Human Anatomy and Physiology covers the structure and function of
the human body. This course begins with an introduction to the human
body and a review of key biology and chemistry concepts needed to
understand how the human body functions. Following the introduction,
each of the body’s systems will be covered as time permits. Labs
involving comparative studies of tissues and organs as well as
dissections will be included. This course is vocabulary intensive and
taught at greater depth than the A level course. It is intended for
students considering health or life science careers. Prerequisites: A in
Biology A, B or better in Honors Biology or per special permission
by the course instructor.
Applied Physics II (Principles of Tech II) (344) (College and Career
Length 1 year, Credit 1 • No Level
This course is a continuation of Applied Physics I. It is also a hands-on
course-covering units on momentum, waves and vibrations, energy
converters, transducers, radiation, optical systems, and time constants.
Completion of Applied Physics I and II can earn up to four college
credits through Three Rivers Community Technical College.
Prerequisite: Applied Physics I.
Advanced Placement Physics (300) (College and Career Pathways)
Astronomy Honors (347)
Length ½ year, Credit ½ • Level I
This is a 21st century based course that uses technology components,
including iPads to view stars and constellations and netbooks to view
simulations from NASA and other space agencies. This is a student
driven class that has several independent and group projects. This is an
exciting time to study astronomy; our understanding of the universe is
increasing at a faster rate than ever before. This new information will
be highlighted while we focus on: constellation identification, the tools
of the astronomer, the historical development of astronomy, the solar
system, extra-solar planets, stellar evolution, galaxies, cosmology, and
current space missions. Objectives will be covered while utilizing a
wide variety of resources, completing laboratory activities and student
research, and viewing the stars through telescopes. This is a project
based course. Star gazing sessions (two evenings at school, minimum)
are mandatory. Prerequisites:
Chemistry A (may be taken
Length 1 year, Credit 1 • Level 0
AP Physics 1 is an algebra-based, introductory college-level physics
course that explores topics such as Newtonian mechanics (including
rotational motion); work, energy, and power; mechanical waves and
sound; and introductory, simple circuits. Through inquiry-based
learning, students will develop scientific critical thinking and reasoning
skills. Problem solving and lab work are emphasized. This course is
open to juniors and seniors. All AP Physics students will take the AP
exam in May. Prerequisites: Chemistry and Algebra II
Physics A (342) (College and Career Pathways)
Length 1 year, Credit 1 • Level II
This is a course designed for college-bound juniors and seniors in
which students discuss the laws of nature that pertain to motion, forces,
energy, static and current electricity, magnetism, radioactivity, and
nuclear energy. Problem solving and laboratory work are emphasized.
Prerequisite: C in Algebra and Geometry; Algebra II concurrently
or completed.
Astronomy (348)
Length ½ year, Credit ½ • No level
This is a 21st century based class that uses technology components
including iPads to view constellations and netbooks to view
simulations from NASA and other space agencies. This is a student
driven class that has several independent and group projects. The most
basic qualities of human nature, the need to explore and the need to
understand are satisfied by studying this fast growing science. Course
content includes: constellation identification, the solar system, stellar
evolution, galaxies, the search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence, history
of astronomy, tools of the astronomer, and other current topics. This
descriptive astronomy course will involve discussions, laboratory
activities, star gazing sessions and project based learning.
Advanced Biology (AP) (351)
Length 1 year, Credit 1 • Level 0
This course is designed to be the equivalent of a first year college
biology course. Topics to be covered in depth are biochemistry, cell
biology, genetics, evolution, classification, plants, anatomy, and
ecology. In order to cover the prescribed curriculum, students are
expected to do summer reading assignments prior to taking the course
and extensive reading outside of the classroom during the year. This
course will also include the AP labs, as suggested by The College
Board, and will help prepare students to take the AP biology exam
administered in May. Students are expected to work independently on
much of the material and assessment will be based on tests, quizzes and
lab reports. Prerequisite: Biology and Chemistry. Application fee
for UConn credit.
Physical Science B (329)
Length 1 year, Credit 1 • Level III
Physical Science B is an activity based course, which discusses basic
concepts of Chemistry, Physics and Earth Science. Topics from
East Lyme High School 2014-2015
Chemistry include: matter, chemical reactions, solutions and mixtures.
Topics from Physics include: motion, forces, work and energy,
electricity, magnetism and optics. Topics from Earth Science include:
The Universe, planet Earth and its atmosphere and natural resources.
Prerequisite: Integrated Science B, Biology B.
World History C (414)
Length 1 year, Credit 1 • Level IV
This is a basic Social Studies course which surveys the period from
early man to the Age of Revolutions. The course focuses on both
content and skill development. It follows the same chronological order
as other World History courses, but the pace is gentler with constant
review of basic skills. The primary focus is a “how to” approach,
where students can rediscover material by raising their own skill level.
The curriculum then serves as a vehicle to sharpen these skills.
Science for the 21st Century Citizen (371)
Length ½ year, Credit ½ • No Level
(Intended for B and C Level Students)
This course allows a student to become scientifically literate for
citizenship in our global society. Laboratory experiences are an
integral part of this course, which addresses topics every citizen should
know in order to make informed decisions which involve global
Topics discussed include a brief history of scientific
endeavors; the impact science has on our society, cellular research,
genetic research, the relationship between matter and energy,
alternative energy sources, population dynamics, environmental
interrelationships, the Earth and beyond. General science literacy is the
American Civics A (423)
Length ½ year, Credit ½ • Level II
This State of Connecticut required course will provide contemporary
knowledge of the United States Constitution and how the rule of law
and values of liberty and equality impact individual, local, state and
national decisions. Emphasis will be placed upon the rights and
responsibilities of citizens, how national, state and local political
systems are developed, and how world affairs affect citizen’s lives and
the well being of their community, state and nation. In addition to the
text, independent research and primary source readings and
interpretations will be employed to show the relevance of the historical
periods studied to current events and issues. Mandatory course for
grade 10 students.
Lab Assistant (305)
Length/Credit Consultation with Instructor • No Level
This interdisciplinary program is designed to give students the
opportunity to work with a science teacher as a laboratory assistant.
Students will use science teachers as mentors to develop extended
laboratory skills and techniques. They will learn to work independently
in a lab situation and will also learn to work cooperatively with science
teachers in a variety of disciplines. Students will have the opportunity
to become more familiar with scientific equipment, supplies, storage
areas and facilities in the Science Department. Program is pass/fail.
American Civics B (425)
Length ½ year, Credit ½ • Level III
This State of Connecticut required course will provide contemporary
knowledge of the United States Constitution and how the rule of law
and values of liberty and equality impact individual, local, state and
national decisions. Emphasis will be placed on the rights and
responsibilities of citizens, how national, state and local political
systems are developed, and how world affairs affect citizen’s lives and
the well being of their community, state and nation. Mandatory course
for grade 10 students.
The social studies program focuses on the various aspects of
human behavior. This is accomplished through the study of
history, political science, psychology, sociology, global issues,
and current issues. The program includes, but is not limited to,
the study of human beings and their cultures across time and
space; the analysis of the behavior of the individual and of the
group, and the social setting that influences that behavior.
Course offerings include World History, American Studies,
American Civics, The U. S. in the 20th Century World,
American Humanities, AP U.S. History, Contemporary Issues I
& II, AP Amer. Government, AP World History, AP Psychology,
American Civics C (427)
Length ½ year, Credit ½ • Level IV
This State of Connecticut required course will provide contemporary
knowledge of the United States Constitution and how the rule of law
and values of liberty and equality impact individual, local, state and
national decisions. Emphasis will be placed on the rights and
responsibilities of citizens, how national, state and local political
systems are developed, and how world affairs affect citizen’s lives and
the well being of their community, state and nation. Mandatory course
for grade 10 students.
Anthropology, Economics, Psychology, Sociology and Human
Rights and Wrongs.
World History A (412)
Length 1 year, Credit 1 • Level II
This course is an overview of the political, economic, social, religious,
and artistic developments of the Ancient World to the rise of Modern
Civilizations. The focus is to provide students with an understanding
of historic continuity, change, global interrelationships, and the
importance of point of view when evaluating history and culture.
American Studies A (424)
Length ½ year, Credit ½ • Level II
This second semester sophomore course analyzes the time period in
Americana from Lewis and Clark through the Reconstruction Era. The
students study the historical, political, cultural, economic, and social
development of America, integrating music, art, literature, and history.
Mandatory course for grade 10 students.
World History B (413)
Length 1 year, Credit 1 • Level III
This course covers the same chronological span as World History A.
The examination of the information is appropriately paced for this
level. This course surveys the history of ancient civilizations through
the rise of modern civilizations and prepares students to compare and
contrast past cultures and civilizations and to identify how these
civilizations have contributed to modern life.
American Studies B (426)
Length ½ year, Credit ½ • Level III
This second semester sophomore course analyzes the time period in
Americana from Lewis and Clark through the Reconstruction Era. The
students study the historical, political, cultural, economic, and social
development of America, integrating music, art, literature, and history.
Mandatory course for grade 10 students.
East Lyme High School 2014-2015
Emphasis is placed on independent textbook and primary source
readings, as well as extensive historical writing and research, critical
thinking, class discussion and participation.
organized, the course covers the social, political, economic, and
cultural history of the United States. Students enrolled in this course
must take the AP examination in May. The course completes
graduation requirements for the 1.0 credit in U.S. in the 20th Century
World. Prerequisite: Juniors only with minimum A- final average
in American Civics and teacher recommendation.
American Studies C (428)
Length ½ year, Credit ½ • Level IV
This second semester sophomore course examines the time period in
Americana from Lewis and Clark through the Reconstruction Era. It
follows the same chronological order as other levels but the pace is
slower with constant exposure to the review of basic skills. The
students study the historical, political, cultural, economic and social
development of America, integrating music, art, literature, and history.
Mandatory course for grade 10 students.
Contemporary Issues IH (441)
Length ½ year, Credit ½ • Level I
An elective course for seniors, the course examines the current issues
that face our community, nation, and the world. It is designed to
provide a study of new and recurring problems. Opposing viewpoints
are a basis for class readings and discussions, leading to the
formulation of individual opinions. This course prompts students to
examine their views and their own activism as responsible members of
society. Students are expected to assume an active role in and out of the
classroom. Selection of much of the subject matter involves both the
students and the teacher. Content is altered from year to year according
to the issues of the day and the interests of the students and the teacher.
Experiences include a Model United Nations, Model Congress, election
involvement, attendance at Board and Commission meetings, and guest
speakers. Prerequisite: Successful completion of junior year
American history course.
American Humanities Honors (439) (Grade 11 Only) • Level I
Length 1 year, Credit – 1 Social Studies and 1 English
This course is a full-year double-blocked course taught by both a social
studies teacher and an English teacher. Using aspects of history,
literature, high and popular culture, and personal experiences, students
will trace the development of the American identity through the late
nineteenth and twentieth centuries’. Key topics include, but are not
limited to, America’s changing worldview and role in world affairs, the
changing national and personal views of America and Americans, the
expectations and myths surrounding America, and a consideration of
the American Dream. In short, we will attempt to define “America” and
“Americans,” in terms of a global view, as well as the views of the
individuals who reside in America. Students enrolled in this course
will receive credit for a full year of junior level American History,
and a full year of junior English.
U.S. in the 20th Century World A (432)
Length 1 year, Credit 1 • Level II
The United States in the 20th Century World examines the political,
economic, social, and cultural events of the United States in the 20th
century and the mutual consequences and implications of its interaction
with the Western and Nonwestern world. This course surveys the
above-mentioned areas from the late nineteenth century to the present.
It is intended that, with the understanding and appreciation of the
American past and its interaction with the world, the student will
develop insight into the United States’ influence upon the 20th Century.
Contemporary Issues IIH (467)
Length ½ year, Credit ½ • Level I
Following the format of Issues IH, subject matter is primarily
determined by the students and teacher; however, Semester 1 issues
will not be repeated. Depending upon program availability and student
interest, a Model UN, Model Congress, debate and Mock Trial may be
included. Juniors who successfully complete Contemporary Issues may
take the class again as seniors. Prerequisite: Seniors and instructor
approved juniors.
Sociology A (452)
Length ½ year, Credit ½ • Level II
Sociology is a one-semester course in which the students develop a
broad overview of the basic nature of sociology and investigate the
varied circumstances surrounding several social problems. The course
describes and attempts to explain the behavior of individuals in groups
within the structure of society and culture. It involves the study of such
topics as ethnicity, culture, socialization, and social institutions such as
the family. Students will become more astute observers of their society
and of themselves. They will develop an appreciation of the scientific
nature of sociology and become thoughtful about what they do, see,
how they behave, and what they hope to be. Prerequisite: Seniors and
instructor approved juniors.
U.S. in the 20th Century World B (433)
Length 1 year, Credit 1 • Level III
This course is a survey of the political, economic, social, and cultural
history of the United States from the late 19th Century to the present. It
is intended that students will recognize the political, economic, and
social problems of the past in order to define these problems in the
present. American involvement in world affairs during the 20th
Century will be analyzed. Students enrolled in B Level English should
also enroll in this course.
U. S. in the 20th Century World C (434)
Length 1 year, Credit 1 • Level IV
This course is a survey of the political, economic, social, and cultural
history of the United States from the late 19th Century to the present. It
is intended that students will recognize the political, economic, and
social problems of the past in order to define these problems in the
present. American involvement in world affairs during the 20th
Century will be analyzed.
Psychology A (455)
Length ½ year, Credit ½ • Level II
Psychology is a life-oriented subject, which introduces the basic
concept and methods of psychology. This course will be taught as a
scientific discipline in concert with showing how the abstractions and
principles of psychology occur in everyday life. A primary emphasis is
the study of human behavior. The purpose of the course is to increase
the students’ understanding of themselves, which will increase their
ability to understand others. Some topics covered are the growth of
psychology, the biological bases of behavior, learning, consciousness
and memory. Prerequisite: Seniors and instructor approved juniors.
United States History (AP) (435)
Length 1 year, Credit 1 • Level 0
This course, offering an enriched, rigorous curriculum, is designed as
an in-depth study of American history to prepare students to take the
AP Examination in May. The course offers the academically talented
student the experience of learning history at the college level.
East Lyme High School 2014-2015
opinions with factual documentation. Extensive reading
Students enrolled in this academically rigorous course are
take the AP examination in May. This course is
academically responsible seniors, and to juniors
permission of the instructor.
AP American Government (461)
Length 1 year, Credit 1 • Level 0
American Government is a full year course. The first semester
acquaints students with political institutions, processes and ideologies
in democratic and nondemocratic states. Students will learn about the
different electoral systems, forms of the executive, composition of
legislatures, and the role of judicial systems in democratic and
nondemocratic nations. The second semester concentrates on an
analysis of the American federal system in preparation for the AP test
in May. In studying American Government, students will learn the
constitutional structure and working of our federal system, our
nominating and electoral processes and our evolving civil liberties.
Prerequisite: Seniors only; Minimum B average in junior U.S.
history and teacher recommendation.
Economics A (456)
Length ½ year, Credit ½ • Level II
This senior elective includes a study of the major economic systems in
the world today and how fundamental decisions are made in each.
Particular emphasis is placed on the market economy of the US. The
fundamental analytical concepts themselves will be a major study area.
Students will learn and be able to apply economic concepts such as
scarcity and choice; human, natural, and capital resources, and supply
and demand. With these skills, students will be better prepared to make
day to day economic decisions required of virtually all adult
Americans. Prerequisite: U.S. in the 20th Century World. Juniors
may take this course with permission of the instructor.
Anthropology A (457)
Length ½ year, Credit ½ • Level II
This course examines man, both as a creature of nature and as a
creature of culture. It attempts to see man across time and space in an
objective manner, utilizing a scientific approach in its investigation.
Independent study and research are an important part of the course, as
is the six-week off campus field study. Seniors only.
is required.
expected to
offered to
with the
Human Rights and Wrongs (499)
Length ½ Year, credit ½ • No Level
In this project-based global issues course students will explore the
economic, social, political, and geographical conditions that affect the
rights of individuals around the world. The course will focus on human
rights issues of the twentieth and twenty first centuries including, but
not limited to, issues such as genocide, religion, gender issues,
economic inequalities and other world issues. The course will include
debates, projects, simulations, and guest speakers. Prerequisite: The
course is reserved for seniors and instructor approved juniors.
To receive special education services, students must meet the
criteria defined by I.D.E.A. Students are identified under the
following categories: autism, deaf-blind, emotionally disturbed,
hearing impaired, intellectually disabled, multiply disabled,
orthopedically impaired, learning disabled, speech or language
impaired, traumatic brain injured, visually impaired, other health
impaired, and OHI – ADD/ADHD. Students receiving special
education services at the high school are determined eligible for
services until exit criteria has been met or through age 21. A
continuum of services is offered to students who qualify for
special education. Services range from the least restrictive
environment (LRE) to self-contained programs within the
building and more intensive services outside of the East Lyme
school system. The Planning and Placement Team (PPT) process
governs all placement decisions.
Skill Building
Credits by arrangement • No Level
Resource room and behavior management programs are available to
students identified as having special needs. Course content and credit
are determined by the needs of the student. Students may get
information about the program, eligibility, or referral process from their
Advanced World History (AP) (463)
Length 1 year, Credit 1 • Level 0
AP World History is a course designed to offer the academically
talented student the opportunity to study history at the college level.
This course provides students with a means of analyzing human history
from a global perspective; areas of focus include Africa, the Americas,
Asia, and Europe from ca. 8000 BCE to the present. Major themes
include social and gender issues, technological and intellectual
developments, political identity, group interaction, and the concepts of
change/continuity. In class and out of class assignments will include
primary and secondary source readings, writing, analytical and critical
thinking, and class discussions. This academically rigorous curriculum
is also designed to prepare students to take the AP exam in May.
Seniors only. Prerequisite: Successful completion of World
History A.
Advanced Placement Psychology (AP) (465)
Length 1 year, 1 Credit • Level 0
Why do people think and act the way they do? This full year course is
a college level, first year class in psychology that emphasizes the nature
of mental processes and behavior. It explores the enduring issues of
psychology and focuses on such topics as the biological basis of
behavior, motivation and emotion, human development, personality,
memory, and learning. Contemporary controversial issues are explored
within the various topics. Research methods and ethics are examined
and employed as students formulate positions and support those
East Lyme High School 2014-2015
The class will be taught from a hands-on, problem solving approach.
No prerequisite.
The Department of Technology offers four unique
programs with elective concentrations: (1) Technology
Education, (2) Graphics, (3) Digital Film, and (4)
Computer Science. Employment and career opportunities
for students in each program area are excellent.
C.A.D. II (827) (College and Career Pathways)
Length ½ year, Credit ½ • No Level
This semester course is designed for the drafting student who has
shown an interest in mechanical drafting. Emphasis will be placed on
the creation of three-dimensional drawings, manipulation of threedimensional wire frame models, and surface developments. The
connection between CAD and CAM will be explored. During this
course students will explore careers that require CAD. Combination of
CAD I and CAD II offers College Career Pathways* course credit.
Prerequisite: Completion of CAD I with a C or better or
permission of the instructor.
The Department of Technology is committed to
providing the most up-to-date instruction for students with
emphasis on designing, developing, and utilizing
technological systems; open-ended problem-based design
activities; and applying technological knowledge and
processes to real-world experiences utilizing up-to-date
resources. Profitable business models are practiced in
many courses whereby students create and market
products. Partnerships with local industries and colleges
provide students with authentic work experiences.
College credit from Three Rivers Community College may
be obtained upon successful completion of approved
College and Career Pathways courses. AP credit is
offered in Computer Science. Through various courses
students may pursue industry certifications such as
Microsoft Office and Adobe Certified Expert.
Architectural Drafting I (824)
Length ½ year, Credit ½ • No Level
This semester course introduces students to the world of architecture.
Emphasis will be placed on the design and architectural study of
residential structures. Students will create floor plans and elevation
views of an existing structure with an opportunity to modify the design
using an architectural CAD system. The class will be taught from a
hands-on, problem solving approach. Prerequisite: CAD I or
permission from instructor.
Concentrations & Sequences
Architectural Drafting II (825)
Length ½ year; Credit ½ • No Level
This semester course is a continuation of Architectural Drafting I.
Emphasis will be placed on creating three-dimensional models.
Students will produce CAD design models or a small-scale model for
presentation purposes. During the course students will explore
architectural drafting/engineering as a career choice. The class is taught
from a hands-on, problem solving approach. Recommended for all
students considering a future in Architecture, Engineering and related
structural professions. Prerequisite: Successful completion of
Architectural Drafting I.
Technology Education
Engineering: CAD I, CAD II*, Construction, PreEngineering I, Pre-Engineering II A*, Transportation
Construction: CAD I, Architecture I, Architecture II,
Construction, Pre-Engineering I, Pre-Engineering II A*
Wood Technology: Introduction to 3-D Design, Furniture
I, Furniture II, Construction
Architecture: CAD 1, Architecture I, Architecture II,
Construction, Pre-Engineering I, Pre-Engineering II A*
Manufacturing: CAD I, CAD II*, Pre-Engineering I, PreEngineering II A*, Introduction to 3D Design
Design: Introduction to Graphic Design, Photoshop 101,
Digital Photo & Design, Yearbook
Production: Introduction to Graphic Design for
Production, Digital Photo & Design,
Advanced Graphics Production
Introduction to 3-D Design (888)
Length ½ year, Credit ½ • No Level
This course will introduce students to the basic elements and principles
of design. The emphasis being placed on understanding how line,
color, value, shape, form and texture are used to create three
dimensional work. This class encourages design creativity, problem
solving, and development of technical skills using hand tools and
commonly available machinery. Technical drawing will be used to
develop ideas. The safe and proper use of tools and techniques will be
stressed. Students who are considering Drama Club participation
are strongly encouraged to take this offering.
Broadcast Technology
Digital Filmmaking: Digital Filmmaking I, Digital
Filmmaking II
Television Production: Television Broadcast News
Computer Science
Multimedia: Cartoon Animation in Adobe Flash, Web
Design, Programming in Adobe Flash
Programming: Computer Technology, Computer
Programming in Adobe Flash, Web Design, Honors
Computer Science, AP Computer Science
Furniture Making, Woodworking, and Manufacturing (883)
Length ½ year, Credit ½ • No Level
This semester course is designed to introduce students to working with
wood as an artistic and functional medium. Major emphasis is placed
on design and wood layout, proper use of woodworking tools and
machinery, and shop safety. Students will be taught from a laboratory,
hands-on approach. Projects will be chosen to develop a foundation for
furniture construction and manufacturing. Students will be expected to
demonstrate logical thinking and problem solving skills. CAD I or
Introduction to 3-D Design is recommended.
*College and Career Pathways Courses
C.A.D. I (826) (College and Career Pathways sequence with CAD II)
Length ½ year, Credit ½ • No Level
This course is designed to introduce students to drafting. Emphasis will
be placed on blue print interpretations and mechanical drafting
techniques. Students will be exposed to two-dimensional drawings,
orthographic projection, geometric construction, and isometric
projection utilizing traditional drafting techniques and a CAD system.
East Lyme High School 2014-2015
tools such as silkscreen and vinyl as well as the latest computer
technology. Be a part of a real business environment as we imagine
products, design, create and merchandise. Careers directions include
Graphic Design, Production and Business.
Advanced Furniture Making, Woodworking, and Manufact (816)
Length ½ year, Credit ½ • No Level
This course builds upon construction and design techniques developed
in the beginning furniture class, extending independence of design and
projects and further exploring the engineering of furniture making.
Students will be required to produce scale drawings for designs chosen.
Design freedom will be given within limits of the stated problem.
Advanced Graphics Production (852)
Length ½ year, Credit ½ • No Level
1a, 1b, 4b, 5a, 6a, 6b
Take your design and production skills to the next level. Students in
this class apply their skills in a small business atmosphere using
industry standard production practices. Students market, create,
develop, and produce commercial products for customers within and
outside of the school district using advanced skills of graphics,
publications. This is an opportunity to create a portfolio of work while
gaining real business experience.
Pre-Engineering I (836)
Length ½ year, Credit ½ • No Level
In this course students will be introduced to engineering as a potential
career. Students apply math and science concepts while solving
engineering challenges. Engineers are creative problem solvers who
develop ways to use the materials and laws of nature to create products
and services. They work in industries involving aerospace, biomedical,
chemical, textile, electrical, industrial, environmental, nuclear, civil,
and mechanical engineering. In this “hands on” course, students will
learn a problem solving design process and how it is used in industry to
manufacture a product. The Computer Aided Design System (CAD)
will also be used to analyze and evaluate the product design. This
semester course will accommodate students who are interested in
learning about Engineering as a profession. Completion of CAD I is a
prerequisite or permission of the instructor is required.
Digital Photography and Design (843)
Length ½ year, Credit ½ • No Level
Use Adobe PhotoShop and Adobe Illustrator to create graphics for
print, publication and production using Adobe InDesign. This class
explores all aspects of composition, acquisition, production and use o
digital photography in the context of real world, hands on projects.
Photoshop™ 101 (893)
Length ½ year, Credit ½ • No Level
Photoshop™ is the professional standard for digital photo editing,
publishing, graphic design, web design and much more. Learn the tools
for careers in marketing, advertising, publishing and online
communication as well as the fine art of blending images, animating
graphics, preparing art for print or online publication and much more.
This is a must for students interested in a career in graphics as well as a
lifetime full of digital images.
Pre-Engineering II A (834) (College and Career Pathways)
Length 1 year, Credit 1 • Level II
This course will cover basic construction principles and practices.
Emphasis will be placed on design, geometric theories, construction,
and evaluation/testing. Some projects may include robotic arms,
electric cars, scale model bridges, roof trusses, geodesic domes,
residential wall framing, tower building, pneumatic structures, and
concrete work. Pre-engineering software and sketching will be used.
This class will be taught from a hands-on, problem solving approach.
With prior successful completion of CAD I and CAD II, PreEngineering II A offers College Career Pathways* course credit.
Web Design (841)
Length ½ year, Credit ½ • No Level
1a,1b,4b,5a,6a, 6b
The web is everywhere from computer desktops to smart phones.
Beginning with HTML students develop skill in JavaScript™, CSS
and Adobe Dreamweaver™. Adobe Photoshop™ is used to prepare
images, and Adobe Flash™ is taught for presentation graphics and
interactivity. This course will provide a strong foundation for those
interested in a career in online media, web design or production. These
skills are also tremendous to have whether a student is enhancing a
resume with state of the art communications skills or academic projects
and presentations with a professionally produced website.
Construction I (832)
Length ½ year, Credit ½ • No Level
In this course students will learn how buildings are constructed to better
understand the functions of a house. Topics include drywall, electrical,
plumbing, and general house maintenance as a living environment.
Upon completion of the course students will be able to make sound
life-long decisions about home ownership. Students will also gain
confidence as they learn how to make cost effective repairs. Emphasis
will be placed on designing, construction principles and the
manipulation of materials and machines. Simple geometry and a
practical application of mathematics will be used throughout the class.
CAD I or Introduction to 3-D Design is recommended.
Cartoon Animation with Adobe Flash™ (842)
Length ½ year, Credit ½ • No Level
Computer animation is a vital career field in the entertainment, gaming
and marketing industries. This course will begin your career with 2D
cartoon style animation created with Adobe Flash™, the leading tool
for online animation and interactivity. This course also covers the
development of the art and technology of animation so students will
have the background to pursue further study and career options
working on everything from animated films and television to video
games and motion graphics.
Advanced Construction (833)
Length ½ year, Credit ½ • No Level
This course is offered for students who wish to continue their study of
construction. Students will build a small full-scale structure. Students
will learn how plumbing systems work in homes, including, but not
limited to PVC, pipe sweating and fixture changing. Students will also
gain experience in flooring and tiling, roofing, and foundation work.
Computer Programming with Adobe Flash™ (882)
Length ½ year, Credit ½ • Level II
Interactive/Game programming is among the fastest growing career
fields in the entertainment, gaming and marketing industries. This
course will begin your programming career with interactive games
created with Adobe Flash™, the leading tool for online gaming and
interactivity. This course covers basic programming concepts and a
series of interactive games to the design and development of original
Introduction to Graphic Design for Production (840)
Length ½ year, Credit ½ • No Level
1b, 2b, 5a
Imagine, Design, Create! This course is an introduction to visual
communication. Students will create graphics for print advertising,
publishing, and the Internet. Hands on projects will include traditional
East Lyme High School 2014-2015
programs in the fully graphical Flash™ environment with Adobe
Flash™ and the ActionScript™ language.
Digital Resources (861) (College and Career Pathways)
Length ½ year, Credit ½ • No Level
Students will gain experience and practice in the selection,
management, creation and assessment of digital collections, including
online subscriptions, technologies, and web services. Students will also
discuss, analyze, and reflect on the issues of digital collections that
compete with traditional practices, services and budgets. This course
covers the theory and field practice of web sites, Internet searching and
search engines, online reference searches, shared databases, LANs, CD
ROM technology, and library networks.
Digital Resources offers
College Career Pathways* course credit.
Honors Computer Science (889)
Length 1 year, Credit 1 • Level I
1b,1c,3c,4a 4b,4d,6a,6c
Game development, software engineering, and careers in computer
science all begin with a background in computer programming. This
class will provide a strong foundation in computer concepts as well as
the programming skill required for success in AP Computer Science.
The course will explore the components of hardware, various software
programming languages. Projects will emphasize the concepts of
modern program design and allow students to explore career directions
such as game development, software engineering and programming.
Digital Filmmaking I (866)
Length ½ year, Credit ½ • No Level
A semester course offering a comprehensive study of film history,
videography, and single-camera film-style production techniques.
Production topics include storyboarding, script writing, visual
composition, and computer editing. Evaluation is based on online
quizzes and tests, written work, and project portfolio. This course is
required for taking other film and television production courses.
Advanced Placement Computer Science (859)
Length 1 year, Credit 1 • Level 0
1b,1c,3c,4a 4b,4d,6a,6c
AP Computer Science is the equivalent of and will cover the
fundamentals of a first semester computer science college course.
Students will design and implement computer-based solutions in
several application areas. Students will develop, select, and use
appropriate algorithms and data structures to solve problems in creating
games, interactive graphical projects and simulations required by the
College Boards. Students will develop skill in the JAVA™
programming language. This course follows the Advanced Placement
Computer Science curriculum in preparation for the Advanced
Placement Exam™. Students may receive college credit based on
performance on the AP Exam. Prerequisites: Honors Computer
Science or Algebra II or discretion of instructor.
Digital Filmmaking II (867)
Length ½ year, Credit ½ • No Level
1a,1b,1c,1d ,2a,2b,2d,4b,5a,5d,6b,6c
A semester course for advanced study in filmmaking. Advanced
lighting, audio, and editing are just some of the differences from Digital
Filmmaking I. Projects include a 30 second commercial, an abstract
piece, and a 15 minute short film. Editing is done with Final Cut Pro
software. Prerequisite: Digital Filmmaking I
Transportation Technology (850)
Length ½ year, Credit ½ • No Level
Students will explore the realms of land, marine, and air transportation
machines and systems. They will learn the mechanics of simple
machines such as skateboards and bikes and construct small boats,
mousetrap cars, a catapulted glider, and a transportation system. In
addition, basic functions and safety of cars will be taught so that
students will learn when and how to do simple car maintenance such as
check tire pressure and change fluids. This class will be taught from a
hands-on, problem solving approach.
Television Broadcast News (The Morning Show) (868)
Length 1 year, Credit 1 • No Level
This year long course is open to students who successfully complete the
Digital Filmmaking courses or to seniors who interview with the
instructor. Students are responsible for producing The Morning Show
each day. This course will require some after hours work in order to
cover many of the campus events that will be showcased. Evaluation
comes primarily from the project portfolio. Prospective Morning Show
students should have good attendance, be able to complete projects on
time, and have the ability to work in a fast paced production
environment. Prerequisite: Digital Filmmaking II
World of Technology (853)
Length ½ year, Credit ½ • No Level
The World of Technology is an activity-based course that provides
students with experiences in the application of technology and an
understanding of its impact on the individual and society. Students are
actively involved in projects that use computers, tools, materials,
problem solving skills, and the design process in the areas of
manufacturing, construction, communications, and transportation.
Students are introduced to the many interesting college and career
opportunities available through technology education.
*College and Careers Pathways is an opportunity for career
exploration and free Three Rivers Community College credit
awarded for this high school course. College credits awarded are
accepted at other colleges.
Yearbook Publishing (860)
Length ½ year, Credit ½ • No Level
Students will plan, design and produce the East Lyme High School
Yearbook – Valhalla. This course will take students through the entire
process of publishing a hardbound, custom publication from concept,
design, journalism, page production, and distribution. This curriculum
supports students interested in careers in marketing communication, the
publishing industry, graphic design or print media communications. It
is also a tremendous way to demonstrate academic skills and take a
leadership role in the school community.
Prerequisite: Photoshop 101 or Digital Photography and Design.