PENNYRILE SECTION 922 VOL. 15 NO. 8 AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR QUALITY APRIL 2009 NEWSLETTER ** MEETING ** Note from the Chair March Meeting We had a terrific tour of the Continental Mills manufacturing plant and Distribution Center. I’ll bet you didn’t know that you could buy chocolate chips in “supersacks”! Even though they are working on further expansion, we were able to view the whole facility, including the production areas, the HUGE distribution center, and QC labs. There’s something about walking into a QC lab that smells like fresh baked goods that is hard to resist. Continental Mills is also a showplace for automated equipment, from their blending room to the packaging machines, and even the pick lines in their DC. If you missed this one, you missed a great tour! Meeting Announcement Our April meeting will be a tour of the Ebonite plant – always a good tour. With a recent upturn in business, they have called back everyone from layoff, and second shift will be running all departments. Please join us at 5:30 on April 20th at the Ebonite plant – 1813 West Seventh Street. Come to the Training Center (the small building off to the left as you come in the main driveway) for snacks and a brief meeting before the tour. Last Chance for Scholarships The applications need to be turned in soon! Please contact anyone who is planning to apply and have them return their forms soon. 2009 SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION IS AT THE END OF THIS NEWSLETTER Thank you, Doug Howard, Section 922 Chair QUALITY ANSWER for THE MONTH of March: A REALITY CHECK: (Fill in the blank) CONTRARY TO POPULAR BELIEF, _____________ IS PROFITABLE CLUES: This system must: Provide a rapid return on investment and become a profit center, not a cost center, to the organization Proactively prevent the need for a recall by flagging non-complaint product before shipping Pinpoint the cause for recall Be easily operated, regardless of operator skill or language level Continuously monitor internal operations and high-risk supply chain activities for compliance and alert the operator to any exceptions Handle track and trace at the ingredient/carton/case level, across all transformation production or logistics, including commingling, batching, blending, mixing, re-lidding, re-palletizing, and crossdocking Identify which specific supply chain activities or actors affect product quality and profitability Allow marketing to prove brand and pedigree claims Measure and monitor logistics and value chain events such as temperature compliance Create a separate, single, secure data mart, leveraging data from multiple existing systems for quick and easy inspector audits Be quickly deployable, without major impacts to existing operations Interoperate with existing IT systems to create a single, documented, ingredient/product pedigree system of record A big word with a big meaning. ANSWER: Traceability QUALITY Question for THE MONTH of April: _______ and _______ ________ _________ are used during risk assessments to identify dominant potential contributors before an incident occurs. CLUES: Show design and operational errors Begins with a known event, referred to as the top event, and describes possible combinations of events and conditions that can lead to this event. The top event can be the loss event under investigation or a specific event that is involved in the incident. And the Final CLUE: Also known as fault tree analysis CONTACT LIST: Chair Company Phone Position/Chair Doug Howard Ebonite 270-881-1237 Chair E-mail Randell Morris Faxson Cockrell Martinrea Brazeway 270-475.1144 270-889-5225 Chair-Elect Membership Jim Futrell Kim Schippers Douglas AutoTech E.D.C. 270-885-9200 270-885-1499 Secretary Publicity Patrick Kvietkus Continental Mills 270-475-5100 Nominating Patrick Kvietkus Continental Mills 270-475-5100 Audit Chair Doug Howard Ebonite 270-881-1237 Certification David West Ebonite 270-881-1200 Internet Liaison Tammy VanBuren Pop Fasteners 270-498-2021 Education Chuck Lee Lori Soto Dana Altria (U.S. Tobacco) Dana 270-887-1577 270-707-1707 Treasurer Newsletter 270-887-1577 Arrangements Chuck Lee $500 SCHOLARSHIP OFFERED BY PENNYRILE ASQ SECTION 922 AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR QUALITY 1. Applicant must be recommended by a current member of the Section (see list of member names and contact information on back). 2. Applicant must be a high school graduate. 3. Applicant must be pursuing a post-secondary degree or certificate program in any discipline. 4. Scholarships will relate to programs being pursued in the Scholarship Year defined as the period starting July 1st and ending June 30th of the following year. 5. Factors to be considered in awarding scholarships will include: A. Preference will be granted to programs directly related to Total Quality practices. B. Applicant’s previous academic record. C. An essay submitted by the applicant, maximum 300 words, on how quality relates to the applicant’s chosen field of study and/or career field. D. Section availability of funds for scholarships. 6. A Scholarship Committee appointed by the Section Executive Committee will be responsible for reviewing scholarship applications, recommending applicants to be granted scholarships, and recommending the amount of the individual scholarships. The Section Executive Committee will then grant final approval of scholarship awards. 7. A Scholarship Application must be submitted to a member of the Section Scholarship or Executive Committees no later than April 30th of the Scholarship Year. 8. The maximum annual award per applicant for a scholarship year will initially be $500. The Section Scholarship and Executive Committees may adjust this amount. 9. Scholarship will be paid in the form of a check made out to the selected applicant. Scholarships will normally be paid no later than July 1st of the Scholarship Year. $500 SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION - PENNYRILE ASQ SECTION 922 For Scholarship Year: July 1, 2009 through June 30, 2010 Application must be endorsed by a member of the ASQ Section (see below) no later than April 30, 2009. The application should be mailed to P.O. Box 1592, Hopkinsville KY 42241. Contact: Randell Morris Patrick Kvietkus Jimmy Futrell Kim Schippers Doug Howard Chuck Lee Lori Soto Martinrea Continental Mills Douglas Autotech EDC Ebonite Dana Altria (U.S. Tobacco) Applicant Identification: Name: 270-475-1144 270-475-5100 270-885-9200 270-885-1499 270-881-1237 270-887-1577 270-707-1707 Mailing Address: Phone No.: Email Address: Section Member Recommendation: Section Member Name: ASQ Membership Number: I recommend the above applicant for consideration for Sec. 922 Scholarship. Section Member’s Signature: _____________________________________ Date: _________________ Applicant Information: Academic Program Being Pursued – Enter School or Provider, Location, Program (Degree, Major), Anticipated Completion Date: Previous Academic Record – Enter School or Provider; Location; Years Attended; Diploma, Degree, or Certificate Earned; Program or Major; Approximate GPA; Any Academic Honors Received: Essay: Applicant is to submit an essay, maximum 300 words, with this application on how quality relates to the applicant’s chosen field of study and/or career field. Applicant Certification: I certify that all information submitted on and with this application is true and factual. If awarded a scholarship, I will apply the award to costs related to the above academic program. Applicant’s Signature: _____________________________________ Date: ___________________