Week Two - ESA Literature Rocks

Little BIG Books
MONDAY 9/17/2007
Materials Needed: Extra copies of quotes handout; Copies of next section of novel
1. Do Now (8): Vocab. Share out answers after taking attendance. Encourage
students to underline or post-it unfamiliar words as they read & look them up.
Define the following in your own words. If you’re not sure, go back to the text & use context clues
from the text to help you. mortuary(1); ghoulish(2); swamp cooler(2); carnal(3);
primo(3); gaudy(3); vato(4); gavacho(4)
HOUSEKEEPING: Hand back weekly point sheets. Students should keep assignments but I
will keep their sheets in a binder. ****Take attendance – send to room 115B
2. Quote Analysis Review: (25): Review student responses to Analysis Activity
from last Wednesday. Students should be filling in whatever they did not complete
on wed. AND adding to their existing responses. **Point out that this will help
them write their final essays.
3. Integrating Quotes (15): After reviewing all 10 quotes explain to students
that once we’ve analyzed quotes, we can come up with statements about the text, the
characters, the plot, and use those quotes as evidence.
a. Find all the quotes you marked “Eddie’s environment.” Look at your
explanations and share out to the class [record these to the board]. These are
general statements, conclusions that we have drawn about Eddie’s
environment using TEXTUAL EVIDENCE.
Ex: Quote #1: Everyone in E’s neighborhood is depressed
Quote #2: Eddie lives in a poor neighborhood where people don’t have good jobs
Quote #3: Eddie lives in a dangerous neighborhood
b. Now let’s integrate our statements with pieces of those quotes. This is called
“integrating quotes”
c. Introduce the quo-par-punc rule (close quotes, then line # in parentheses,
then closing punctuation)
* The people in E’s neighborhood are so depressed that he decides there must be “a huge
onion buried under the city.” He thinks it is the onion that “makes us cry” (p.2).
* Eddie is surrounded by “poor, ignorant, unemployable people” (p.2).
* His neighborhood is so dangerous he all he does is “eat and sleep, watch out for drivebys and pace [himself] through life” (p. 3).
d. Now you try it using Quote #10. (Students try it independently, then share
out to board.)
HOMEWORK: Read to pg 17
Find three quotes from pg. 5-17 that tell us something about either Eddie or Angel &
explain what each quote shows us. Use a t-chart (model this on the board)
 Last week’s point sheet (T keeps these)
 Today’s point sheet
Any owed HW
Analysis sheet
Little BIG Books
TUESDAY 9/18/2007
Do Now (10): What or who does Eddie count on? Who counts on Eddie, and what do they look
to him for? How much control does he have over his life?
(use evidence from the text to back up your statements)
HOUSEKEEPING : Hand back weekly point sheets
Collect HW
Take attendance – send to room 115B
Activity #1 (30 min): Discuss responses to Do Now
 How does Eddie deal with pressure from others to do things/give them things?
 How does he behave when he's asked to do something he doesn't want to do?
 Does he speak his mind? (bring up how he feels about Lupe, Angel, his aunt…)
Have students turn to the scene on pages 14-17. Ask for student impressions of the scene then
break them up into groups of 3. Allow 10 mins for students to practice the scene, and ask
volunteer groups to present in front of the class.
Find at least one other scene in Chapter One in which Eddie fails to take control of a situation.
REFLECT (in writing):
Using specific textual evidence, write a 1-2 paragraph response to the following
question: What does Chapter 1 tell you about how much power Eddie has over
his own life?
Today's point sheet
Today's Do Now & Wrap up
HW from last night
Little BIG Books
WEDNESDAY 9/19/2007
Materials Needed: Do Now handout
Do Now/Activity 1 (35): Eddie & Angel quote activity
Explain Quote Integration on board… Model 2 examples describing Eddie’s Environment.
HOUSEKEEPING: Hand back weekly point sheets
Check for HW (2 paragraphs on Control)
Take attendance – send to room 115B
Share out Do Now to CHART PAPER (15). Look at sentence formulation & try to clean it up
Name _________________________
Little Big Books
Section _________________
September 19, 2007
Buried Onions – Chapter 1
Quote Integration Activity – Eddie & Angel
Use the quotes you chose from chapter 1, and work with a partner to practice integrating quotes.
Step 1: Write down the beginning & end of quote, & include pg # (you can also use single
words) Ex: “When he needed money… someone” (p. 9) or “vicious, sneaky” (p. 9)
Step 2: Look at your explanation of what the quote means & make a statement about
Eddie’s or Angel
Step 3: Write a sentence or two, integrating your ideas with words from the quote
***Remember to follow the quo-par-punc rule!***
Quote(s) #1 about EDDIE (include pg#): ___________________________________
Statement: Eddie
is ____________________________________________________
Final sentence(s) describing Eddie: __________________________________________
Quote #2 about EDDIE (include pg#): _____________________________________
Statement: Eddie ______________________________________________________
Final sentence(s) describing Eddie: __________________________________________
Quote(s) #1 about ANGEL (include pg#): __________________________________
Statement: Angel
is ____________________________________________________
Final sentence(s) describing Angel: __________________________________________
Quote(s) #2 about ANGEL (include pg#): __________________________________
Statement: Angel
is ____________________________________________________
Final sentence(s) describing Angel: __________________________________________
EXTRA CREDIT: Quote(s) about LUPE (include pg#): ________________________
Statement: Lupe
is ____________________________________________________
Final sentence(s) describing Lupe: __________________________________________
Little BIG Books
Thursday 9/20/2007
ACTIVITY 1 (10): Guided Reading
Model 1st one on board
Stop at the following points & write a response of at least 4-5 sentences:
(give handouts to students)
Pg. 18 – Paragraph 2 …people from Fresno.
What is Eddie debating in his head? Why?
Pg. 22 – Paragraph 2 …into the garage.
After his conversation with the kid on the tricycle, Eddie thinks of “cops in blue helmets”
and thinks he “better take him seriously.” Why does he think this? Do you think Eddie is
Pg. 23 – Last paragraph …He got it all wrong, Sir.”
What would you have said or done if you were in Eddie’s situation at this point?
Pg. 26 – Paragraph 3 …trip when they see me.
Mr. Stiles has put a great deal of trust in Eddie. Why does he immediately head over to the
playground? Would you have done the same thing? Why or why not?
Pg. 29 – first paragraph …toward my apartment.
Although he is “nervous for taking a time out,” Eddie still stops at his apartment. Do you
think this is a good idea? Why or why not?
HOMEWORK: Finish guided reading
 Today’s point sheet
 Guided Reading sheets (if complete)
 HW from last night
Collect these to be graded
HOUSEKEEPING : Hand back weekly point sheets
Collect HW
Take attendance – send to room 115B
Name _________________________
Little Big Books
Section _________________
September 20, 2007
Guided Reading
Instructions: First go through chapter two and mark the spots indicated by the
STOP SIGNS below. Then start reading. Stop at the indicated points in the story
and write a response of at least 4-5 sentences for each.
Pg. 18 – Paragraph 2 …people from Fresno.
What is Eddie debating in his head? Why?
Pg. 22 – Paragraph 2 …into the garage.
After his conversation with the kid on the tricycle, Eddie thinks of “cops in blue helmets”
and thinks he “better take him seriously.” Why does he think this? Do you think Eddie is
Pg. 23 – Last paragraph …He got it all wrong, Sir.”
What would you have said or done if you were in Eddie’s situation at this point?
Pg. 26 – Paragraph 3 …trip when they see me.
Mr. Stiles has put a great deal of trust in Eddie. Why does he immediately head over to the
playground? Would you have done the same thing? Why or why not?
Pg. 29 – first paragraph …toward my apartment.
Although he is “nervous for taking a time out,” Eddie still stops at his apartment. Do you
think this is a good idea? Why or why not?
Little BIG Books
FRIDAY 9/21/2007
ACTIVITY 1: Review Guided Reading responses
ACTIVITY 2: Read then respond to this quote from pg. 31
“I felt like a deflated inner tube hanging in a garage, black from depression, because I
had done what people and the Bible told me to do: work. But that advice had failed
me… the working life was a scam. I could stencil every curb in Fresno from pagan
Monday to holy Sunday… But no matter how hard I tried to live a straight life. I could still
mess up.”
Can you relate this statement to your own life or that of someone you know? Can you identify
with Eddie? Do you agree or disagree with him? What do you think he should do next?
Complete reading Chapter 2 (pgs 29-34 – 5 pages)
 Point sheet
 Guided Reading packet
 Today’s in-class writing
Name ________________________
LBB Week 2
Week of: _9/17-9/21__
__5___ Days
Possible points this week:
Little BIG Books: Weekly Point Sheet
On Time (5) ___________
Do Now (5)___________
Prepared (5) __________
–Pen(1) –Literature(2)
–Binder open on desk(2)
Behavior (5) ___________
Quote Analysis (5) ____________
On Time (5) ___________
Do Now (10)___________ (based on hw)
Prepared (5) __________
–Pen(2) –Literature(2)
–Binder open on desk(1)
Class Work (10)___________
Behavior (5) ___________
On Time (5) ___________
Prepared (5) __________
–Pen(2) –Literature(2)
–Binder open on desk(1)
Behavior (5) ___________
On Time (5) ___________
Prepared (5) __________
–Pen(2) –Literature(2)
–Binder open on desk(1)
Class Work (10)___________
Behavior (5) ___________
On Time (5) ___________
Prepared (5) __________
–Pen(2) –Literature(2)
–Binder open on desk(1)
Class Work (10)___________
Behavior (5) ___________
Quote Integration (Eddie&Angel) (20) __________
Reading Response: Control (20): _____________
Guided Reading Worksheet (20): __________
Class Discussion (15): ___________
Total for week of ______9/17 – 9/21_____
Comments on other side