[215] Pro re nata Meeting Aberdeen, Miss., August 18, 1854 10 o’clock a.m. The Presbytery of Tombeckbee met according to the citation of the moderator, to dissolve the pastoral relation, if the way be clear, between J. Harrison, D.D., and the Aberdeen Church. Was opened with prayer. Members present: Ministers Elders J. Harrison, D.D. M. Peden, and J. M. Morrow T. L. Carothers from Aberdeen Church. After Presbytery was organized, Rev. R. S. Gladney appeared, was excused for tardiness and took his seat. Rev. Dr. Harrison requested the Presbytery to dissolve the pastoral relation between himself and the Aberdeen Church, stating as his reasons and grievances, that the church in their call promised him $1000.00. whereas they now state to him, that they [216] are not able, under existing circumstances, to pay him more than $800.00. which is not sufficient to support his family, and that he has received a call from the 1[st] Presbyterian Church in Burlington, Iowa, where he has the prospect of a better support. The Aberdeen Church, through their representative, gave notice to the Presbytery, that they were willing to acquiesce in the request of Dr. Harrison. Whereupon the Presbytery, on motion, resolved that the request of Rev. Dr. Harrison be granted, and Rev. J. M. Morrow be directed to preach in the Aberdeen Church on Sabbath, and declare the same vacant. Rev. Dr. Harrison then applied for a dismission to the Presbytery of Iowa, which was granted and the Stated Clerk directed to furnish him with the proper credentials. [217] On motion, Presbytery then adjourned to meet at the stated time and place of meeting. Concluded with singing, prayer and apostolic benediction. M. Peden, ModJohn M. Morrow, Stated Clerk 2 [218] Paulding, Jasper County, Miss. Oct. 5, 1854 11 o’clock a.m. The Presbytery of Tombeckbee met according to adjournment, and was opened with a sermon by the Moderator Rev. M. Peden, from Psalm 48: 12, 13. After sermon the Presbytery was constituted with prayer, the roll was called and the following members were present. Present M. Peden T. D. King B. D. Thomas and J. M. Morrow Absent S. R. Frierson R. S. Gladney W. C. Emerson J. N. Carothers W. H. Harris A. M. Mooney R. B. Campbell J. Rosamond and A. T. Graves Elders Present Joseph Adams C. B. Gray from “ Decatur Ch. Montrose Ch. [219] Hugh McFarland W. T. Powe Jas. McRae H. D. McNair from “ “ “ Mt Moriah Ch. Paulding Ch. DeKalb Ch. and Carolina Ch. Chs. Not Represented Columbus Beersheba Unity Aberdeen Friendship Houston Bethany Starkville Macon Center Point Wahalak Smyrna Pleasant Springs New Hope Philadelphia Philadelphus Erin Carthage Quitman Lebanon Pikeville Franklin Hopewell 3 Mayhew Union Poplar Creek Kosciusko. Tallabenela Olney Mt. Zion Bethsalem Good Hope Louisville and Rev. John M. Morrow was chosen moderator. Recess till 2 o’clock p.m. 2 o’clock p.m. Presbytery resumed business. [220] The minutes of the last stated meeting were read. And the minutes of the Pro re nata meeting at Aberdeen, and the standing rules of Presbytery were also read. Elder W. T. Powe of Paulding Ch. was chosen Tem. Clerk, and Rev. M. Peden his assistant. The Moderator then announced the following committees, to wit: On Bills & Overtures, Rev. B. S. Thomas and Elder Joseph Adams. On Judicial Business, Rev. T. D. King and Elder C. B. Gray. On Minutes of General Assembly, Rev. M. Peden and Elder Hugh McFarland. On Assessment of Chs., Rev. B. D. Thomas and Elder James McRae. On Supplies to Vacant Chs., [221] Rev. M. Peden and Elder H. D. McNair. On Devotional Exercises, Rev. T. D. King and Elder W. T. Powe. The Decatur, Montrose, Mt. Moriah and DeKalb Churches gave satisfactory reasons for not being represented at the spring meeting of Presbytery. Philadelphia Church was excused for not being represented. Rev. A. T. Graves gave satisfactory reasons through Rev. M. Peden for non-attendance at the present meeting. A written examination was received from Rev. R. S. Gladney giving reasons why he 4 could not be present, which were sustained as satisfactory. Rev. J. M. Morrow, commissioner to the General Assembly made his report which was received and approved. The Treasurer was ordered to pay up the deficiency due the delegates to the Gen. Assem. out of the commissioner’s fund in hand. [222] The committee ad Interim reported that they had recommended no appropriations since their last report, which was received and approved. The examination of Mr. T. McRae a candidate under our care, was made the order of the day for 9 o’clock to-morrow morning. 10 o’clock to hear his lecture, and 7 o’clock p.m. to hear his popular sermon. Saturday 11 o’clock a.m. was made the order of the day for preaching the presbyterial sermon, and 2 ½ o’clock p.m. for holding the Presbyterial conference. The Presbytery took recess till after divine worship. After recess Presbytery resumed business. Elder Jas. Cubley from Quitman Ch., appeared, gave satisfactory reasons for tardiness, and took his seat. The Presbytery then adjourned to meet to-morrow morning at ½ past 8 o’clock. Concluded with prayer. [223] Friday, 6th 8 ½ o’clock Presbytery met and was opened with prayer. Members present as on yesterday. The minutes of yesterday were read and corrected. The order of the day for 9 o’clock was taken up and the Presbytery proceeded to examine Mr. McRae on the Hebrew language, church history, and church government, all of which were sustained as parts of trial. Elder W. Willis from Erin Ch. appeared, gave satisfactory reasons for tardiness and took his seat. 11 o’clock. The order of the day was taken up and Mr. McRae delivered a lecture upon the 87th Psalm. Recess till 2 o’clock p.m. 5 2 o’clock p.m. Presbytery resumed business. The committee on assessment made the following report which was received and adopted. [224] Paulding Good Hope Erin Decatur Olney Quitman Montrose Columbus New Hope Lebanon Bethsalem Aberdeen Starkville Beersheba Tallabenela Pikeville Houston Mayhew Mt. Moriah $2.00 2.00 1.50 1.50 2.50 1.50 2.50 10.00 1.50 2.50 4.00 10.00 5.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 3.00 5.00 2.50 Carolina Carthage Kosciusko Louisville Wahalak Bethel Mt. Zion Center Point Macon Unity Friendship Smyrna Philadelphus Union Bethany Pleas. Springs Poplar Creek Franklin DeKalb $2.50 1.50 3.00 3.50 2.00 5.00 2.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 3.00 3.50 2.00 2.00 3.00 1.50 1.50 2.00 1.50 [225] Elder Hugh Buchanan from Good Hope Church appeared, gave satisfactory reasons for tardiness and took his seat. The lecture of Mr. McRae, the roll being called for remarks, was unanimously sustained as a part of trial. Elder E. M. Mills from Kosciusko Ch. appeared, gave satisfactory reasons for tardiness and took his seat. The Rev. W. C. Emerson was nominated as a delegate to the next meeting of the General Assembly, and the Rev. B. D. Thomas his alternate. Rev. R. McInnis of Miss. Presbytery being present was invited to sit as a corresponding member. 6 Carolina Ch. was chosen as the place for the next stated meeting of Presbytery. [226] Rev. J. M. Morrow was substituted in the place of Rev. T. D. King, alternate to preach the presbyterial sermon to-morrow morning at 11 o’clock. “Presbyterian church government” was chosen as the subject, and Rev. T. D. King was appointed to preach the next presbyterial sermon, and Rev. A. M. Mooney his alternate. “The support of the ministry” was chosen as the subject for the next presbyterial conference, and Rev. M. Peden was appointed Essayist. On motion resolved that an opportunity be offered to Rev. R. McInnis Editor of the True Witness, to present the claims of his paper,1 after the 11 o’clock service on to-morrow. The members of the Presbytery present reported compliance, or gave satisfactory reasons for non-compliance with their sev[227] eral appointments as supplies to the vacant churches. Recess till 7 o’clock p.m. 7 o’clock p.m. Presbytery resumed business. The order of the day was taken up, and Mr. McRae delivered a popular sermon from the text previously assigned him, which after the roll being called for remarks, was unanimously sustained as a part of trial. The candidate having gone through all the parts of trial, all of which were sustained as satisfactory, on motion the Presbytery proceeded to license him, Mr. T. McRae, as a probationer for the gospel ministry- 1 Presbyterians in Mississippi were tardy publishing their own newspaper, but on March 1, 1854, the first issue of the True Witness and Southwestern Presbyterian was published at Jackson, Mississippi, by the Rev’d Richmond McInnis, D.D., who also served as minister of Jackson’s First Presbyterian Church. In 1857, the True Witness moved to New Orleans where, in 1860, it absorbed the Presbyterian Sentinel, of Memphis. Publication of the True Witness and Sentinel was interrupted, never to be resumed, by the Federal occupation of New Orleans in April 1862. After the Civil War, the Presbyterian Index, published at Mobile, Alabama, was recommended by the presbyters of Tombeckbee to their readers within the state of Mississippi. T. L. Haman, “Richmond McInnis,” Minutes of the Presbyterian Historical Society of the Synod of Mississippi (1907): 2–16; C. W. Grafton, “History of Presbyterianism in Mississippi” (unpublished manuscript, 1927): 267; Frances Allen Cabaniss and James Allen Cabaniss, “Religion in Antebellum Mississippi,” Journal of Mississippi History 6 (1944): 206. 7 License At the town of Paulding, Jasper County, Miss., The Presbytery of Tombeckbee on the 6 th day of Oct. A. D. 1854, having received testimonials in favor of Mr. Thad. McRae of his having gone through a regular course of study of his good moral character: and of his being in the commun[228] ion of the church: proceeded to take the usual parts of trial for his licensure; and he having given satisfaction as to his accomplishments in literature; as to his experimental acquaintance with religion; and as to his proficiency in divinity and other studies; the Presbytery did, and hereby do, express their approbation of all these parts of trial: and having adopted the confession of faith of this church, and satisfactorily answered the questions appointed to be put to the candidates to be licensed: the Presbytery did, and hereby do license him the said Thad. McRae to preach the Gospel of Christ as a probationer for the holy ministry within the bounds of this Presbytery, or wherever else he may be orderly called. On motion The Presbytery adjourned to meet tomorrow morning at 8 ½ o’clock. Concluded with prayer. [229] Friday 7th, 8 ½ o’clock The Presbytery met and was opened with prayer. Members present as on yesterday. The minutes of yesterday were read and corrected. On motion resolved that we most earnestly recommend our vacant churches to raise a fund annually for the support & of the gospel within their congregations. The Treasurer made his report, which was received and approved, and is as follows- 8 Treasurer’s Report 9 [230] 10 [231] The Good Hope Chh. asked leave to employ Rev. T. D. King one-fourth of his time, for one year, promising him 175.00 dollars for his services, which was granted. 11 o’clock. The order of the day was taken up, and Rev. John M. Morrow preached the presbyterial sermon on “the mode of Christian baptism.” After which Rev. R. McInnis was heard on behalf of his paper. Recess till 2 o’clock p.m. 2 o’clock p.m. Presbytery resumed business. On motion resolved that a copy of the presbyterial sermon be requested of Rev. J. M. Morrow for publication in the True Witness. The committee on supplies made their report which was received and adopted and is as follows: R. S. Gladney supply Pikeville one Sabbath at convenience. [232] J. M. Morrow supply Macon and Center Point one Sabbath each at convenience. M. Peden supply DeKalb. W. C. Emerson supply Wahalak. A. Mooney supply Lebanon, Erin and Decatur one Sabbath each at convenience. J. Rosamond supply Carthage. T. McRae supply Erin and Decatur. On motion resolved that the former missionary assignments adopted in the fall of ’50 be revived, to wit: When as there are many scattered and feeble chhs. in our bounds destitute of the preached word and ordinances of the gospel, and, and whereas there are large regions in our bounds wholly without any Presbyterian churches and ordinances, whose desire in many cases, and whose situation in all cases call upon us loudly for help: Therefore, Resolved 1. That the churches that [233] 11 have pastors and supplies be earnestly entreated to give up to their ministers during the ensuing year one month of missionary labors. 2. That with the consent of the churches thus obtained, the ministers of the presbytery be and are hereby earnestly recommended to devote that time strictly to missionary labors, and that they go two and two, preaching the gospel, strengthening and establishing feeble churches, and organizing others wherever God shall enable them. Leave of absence was granted to Rev. B. D. Thomas and Elder E. M. Wells from the remaining sessions of Presbytery. On motion the following resolution of the General Assembly was adopted, to wit: Resolved that the last Thursday of February next be recommended as a day of special prayer for the out-pouring [234] of God’s Spirit on the churches, and of public instruction on Christian education, especially with reference to the necessity of an [enlargement ?] of the ministerial resources of the church. Resolved that this Presbytery have heard with pleasure of he present prosperous condition of the True Witness, and do most cheerfully recommend it to the patronage of all within our bounds. Resolved that the thanks of this Presbytery be tendered to the citizens of Paulding and its vicinity for their kind hospitality to its members during its present sessions, and that this resolution be read from the pulpit on to-morrow. Recess till after worship. After worship Presbytery resumed business. On motion resolved that the Treasurer [235] be authorized to pay the amounts due the present, and the estate of the former Stated Clerks. On motion resolved that the Stated Clerk be authorized to have as many copies of the minutes and the Presbyterial sermon printed as may be necessary to supply the churches, on such times as he may be able, and distribute them among the churches as soon as convenient. The minutes having been read, corrected, and approved, Presbytery adjourned to meet at Carolina Church on Thursday before the full moon in April next, at 11 o’clock a.m. 12 Concluded with singing, prayer, and apostolic benediction. Attest, John M. Morrow, Mod. W. T. Powe, Tem. Clerk. John M. Morrow, Stated Clerk. [236] Approved, Canton, November 25th, 1854 S. R. Frierson, Mod’r, Synod of Miss. [237] Pro re nata Meeting At the instance of several members of the Presbytery of Tombeckbee, the moderator issued this circular calling the Presbytery to meet at Columbus, Miss., on Friday before the 2nd Sabbath of November 1854 at 7 o’clock p.m. for the purpose of receiving into said Presbytery, the Rev. James A. Lyon, of the Presbytery of St. Louis—placing a call in his hands from the Columbus Church, and, if the way be clear, installing him over said church. Columbus, Miss., November 10, 1854 A quorum not being present the moderator issued his circular calling a meeting of Presbytery at Canton, Miss., for the same purposes, on the 22nd of November 1854, at 6 o’clock p.m. [238] Canton, Nov. 22nd, 1854, 6 o’clock p.m. The Presbytery of Tombeckbee met, and was called to order by Rev. M. Peden, the last moderator present, [and] constituted with prayer. Rev. T. D. King was chosen Tem. Clerk. When the following members answered to their names, viz. J. Rosamond, Wm. A. Harris, A. M. Mooney, M. Peden, R. B. Campbell, B. D. Thomas, S. R. Frierson, and T. D. King, and the following Elders were present, N. Cook from Pleasant Springs Church, Wm. Ross from Kosciusko Chh., J. A. Thompson from Bethsalem Chh., John Collins from Olney Chh, and B. F. Smith from Louisville Chh., and W. H. Drennan from Franklin1 Chh. on motion, the Presbytery adjourned to meet at the call of the moderator. Concluded with prayer. 1 Franklin Church, long a part of the Central Mississippi Presbytery, was located south of Lexington, Miss. 13 Nov. 23rd 1854, 8 ½ o’clock. Presbytery [239] met at the call of the moderator, opening with prayer, when Rev. James A. Lyon1 presented a dismissal from the Presbytery of St. Louis to join the Presbytery of Tombeckbee and after being satisfactorily examined as to his views of Theology &c., he was received, and invited to a seat in Presbytery. Presbytery adjourned to meet 7 o’clock p.m. Concluded with prayer. 7 o’clock p.m. Presbytery met and was called to order by the moderator, [and] opened with prayer, when a call from the Columbus Chh. was presented asking for the pastoral services of Rev. J. A. Lyon, which being found in order, was placed in his hands. Mr. Lyon having signified his willingness to accept the call, the Presbytery ordered that the 1st Sabbath in Jan’y. 1855 be the day for his installation and that Rev. R. S. Gladney preach the installation sermon. Rev. J. M. Morrow preside, and [240] deliver the charge to the pastor and Rev. S. R. Frierson deliver the charge to the people, Rev. Mr. Peden be alternate to Bro. Gladney, Rev. W. C. Emerson be alternate to Bro. Morrow, and Rev. B. D. Thomas be alternate to Bro. Frierson. On motion Presbytery adjourned. Concluded with prayer. Attest M. Peden, Mod. T. D. King, Tem. Clerk John M. Morrow, Stated Clerk. [241] 1 James Adair Lyon (1814-1882), having served as pastor in Columbus from 1841 to 1847, had gone to St Louis in 1848, where he served as pastor of Westminster Church in that city (1848-1850) and then as principal of a Female Seminary in the same city (1850-1854). He returned to Columbus in 1855, serving the church there as pastor until 1870, after which he was called to a professorship in the University of Mississippi. A controversial but effective author and presbyter, he was moderator of the General Assembly in 1863. Ministerial Directory, 421; See R. Milton Winter, “James A. Lyon: Southern Presbyterian Apostle of Progress,” Journal of Presbyterian History 60 (Winter 1982): 314-35. 14 Columbus, Miss., March the 29th1855 11 o’clock a.m. The Presbytery of Tombeckbee met according to the direction of Synod, and was opened with a sermon by the moderator, Rev. J. M. Morrow, from Numbers 20:1-12. After sermon the presbytery was constituted with prayer. The roll was called and the following members were present, viz: Ministers Present. Absent M. Peden. J. H. Carothers. J. A. Lyon and, J. M. Morrow. R. S. Gladney. S. R. Frierson. W. C. Emerson A. T. Graves, and A. M. Mooney. Ruling elders, present D. McDougald J. P. Witherspoon W. B. Cavanah from “ “ Union Church. Beersheba Chh. Mt. Zion Chh. [242] W. C. Robinson L. W. Galbraith D. Huff James H. Love A. Y. Hannah and R. Barry from “ “ “ “ “ Friendship Chh. Houston Chh. Bethany Chh. Lebanon Chh. Bethsalem Chh. Columbus Chh. Churches not represented Starkville Mayhew Aberdeen Unity Center Point Macon Tallabenela Pikeville Louisville Bethel Olney and Poplar Creek Rev J. N. Carothers was chosen moderator. Rev. James Weatherby of the Presbytery of Chickasaw being present was invited to sit as a corresponding member. Dr. R. H. Carson from Bethel Chh. appeared, gave satisfactory reasons for tardiness and 15 took his seat. The minutes of the last stated meet[243] ing were read. Presbytery had recess till 3 o’clock. 3 o’clock Presbytery met and resumed business. The standing rules were read. Rev. R. S. Gladney and Elder J, McMillan from Aberdeen Chh. appeared, gave satisfactory reasons for tardiness and took their seats. Rev. R. S. Gladney was chosen Tem. Clerk. Rev. J. N. Carothers gave satisfactory reasons for absence at the last stated sessions of Presbytery. Houston, Bethany, and Bethel Chhs. gave satisfactory reasons for not being represented, and Columbus, Aberdeen, Friendship, Bethsalem, Union, and Mt. Zion Chhs. were excused. Adjourned to meet to-morrow morning at half past 8 o’clock. Concluded with prayer. Friday morning, March 30, 1855. 8 ½ o’clock. Presbytery met and [244] was opened with prayer. The minutes of yesterday were read and corrected. J. W. Ervin from Mayhew Chh. appeared, was excused for tardiness and took his seat. Mayhew Chh. gave satisfactory reasons for not being represented at the last stated sessions of Presbytery. The Moderator then announced the following committees: viz, On Devotional Exercises, Rev. J. A. Lyon and Elder R. Barry. On Bills & Overtures, Rev. M. Peden and Elder D. McDougald. On Judicial [Business], Rev. R. S. Gladney and Elder W. B. Cavanah. 16 Narrative, Rev. J. M. Morrow and Elder W. C. Robinson. Supplies to Vacant Chhs., Rev. J. M. Morrow and Elder D. Huff. Sessional records were called for and the following committees appointed. [245] On the Sessional Record of Columbus and Houston, Rev. M. Peden and Elder D. McDougald. Aberdeen and Bethsalem, Rev. R. S. Gladney and Elder W. B. Cavanah. Bethel, Union, and Unity, Rev. J. M. Morrow and Elder W. C. Robinson. Mayhew and Mt. Zion, Rev. J. M. Morrow and Elder D. Huff. Bethsalem, Elders J. McMillen & L. W. Galbraith. Lebanon and Starkville, Elders Dr. Carson and L. W. Galbraith. Bethsalem Chh. asked leave to employ Rev. Peden, as stated supply, one half of his time, promising him three hundred dollars annually, which was granted. Members present appointed to supply vacant churches, reported compliance, or gave satisfactory reasons for non-compliance. [246] Elder J. F. Gardner from Unity Chh. appeared, gave satisfactory reasons for tardiness, and took his seat. A call was presented to presbytery by the Aberdeen Ch., for the pastoral services of Mr. J. Bardwell, a licentiate under our care, which being found in order, was placed in his hands for consideration. Both the principal and alternate to preach the presbyterial sermon now being without our bounds, the subject, “Presbyterial church government,” was continued, and Rev. J. A. Lyon was appointed principal and Rev. M. Peden alternate to preach the sermon at the next stated meeting of Presbytery. The Presbyterial conference was made the order of the day for tomorrow 10 o’clock. A free conversation on the state of religion was made the next order of the day immediately after conference.— [247] 17 Committee ad Interim Report The committee ad Interim reported that they had requested the church extension committee at Philadelphia to appropriate $50.00 to the Poplar Creek Chh. to finish their house of worship, which request had been granted. Committee Appointed The time of the committee having expired, Rev. J. A. Lyon and J. M. Morrow, and Elder R. Barry were appointed a new committee. — Comm. on Historical Sketch of Presby. The committee appointed to draw up a historical sketch of The Tombeckbee Presbytery, reported progress, which report was received, and approved, and the committee discharged. Whereupon the Stated Clerk was appointed to carry out the views of Presbytery and report at some future meeting. — Bethel Church was chosen as the place for the next stated meeting of Presbytery. On motion, Presbytery took recess till 3 o’clock p.m. 3 o’clock p.m. Presbytery resumed business. [248] A. White from Starkville Chh. appeared, gave satisfactory reasons for tardiness, and took his seat. A letter was received from Rev. W. C. Emerson giving reasons for absence from the present sessions of presbytery, which were sustained. — The election of commissioners to the next General Assembly was taken up, & the Presbytery having learned that Rev. W. C. Emerson the principal nominee cannot go, on account of his ill health, Rev. R. S. Gladney was appointed principal, and Elder John McMillan was appointed principal lay commissioner, instead of A. McCallum, now without our bounds. Rev. S. R. Frierson was appointed alternate instead of the nominee, Rev. B. D. Thomas, now without our bounds, and Elder B. F. Smith was appointed alternate lay commissioner. To hear reports on sessional records [249] was made the order of the day for tomorrow 9 o’clock a.m. A report from the committee appointed to install Bro. Carothers over Friendship Chh. 18 was called for. [A]ll the members of the comm. being absent, Bro. Carothers stated, that the installation did not take place, on account of the sickness of some of the comm., that the call is still in his hands, and that he and the church, so far as he knows, are still desirous that the installation should take place. The elder from that ch. also stated that they were still desirous to have the pastoral relation constituted. Whereupon Rev. M. Peden, and Elders W. C. Robinson and L. W. Galbraith were appointed a comm. to make arrangements for said installation, and report to Presbytery. A call was then read from the Starkville and Mayhew chhs. for the pastoral services of Rev. S. R. Frierson, which being found in order, was directed to be placed in his hands. [250] Rev. Mr. Newman of the C[umberland] Presbyterian Church being present, was invited to sit as a corresponding member. Bro. Frierson having signified his willing[ness] to accept of the call placed in his hands, the comm. appointed to make arrangements for the installation of Bro. Carothers was, with the addition of Breth. J. W. Ervin and A. White, directed to make arrangements also for the installation of Bro. Frierson, and report to Presbytery. The Beersheba Chh. asked leave to employ Rev. J. M. Morrow as stated supply half his time for the next six months, promising him $120 per. an. which was granted. On motion, the standing rule assessing each church one dollar per. an. for printing the minutes in pamphlet form was rescinded. Adjourned to meet tomorrow morning at ½ past 8 o’clock. Concluded with prayer. [251] Saturday morning, March 31, 1855 8 ½ o’clock Presbytery met, and was opened with prayer, members present as on yesterday. The minutes of yesterday were read and corrected. 9 o’clock The order of the day was taken up, and comms. on Sessional Records reported, which reports were received, severally amended, and ordered to be recorded in the Session Books. Committee to Install Bros. Frierson and Carothers 19 The committee appointed to make arrangements for the installation of Brethren Carothers and Frierson, reported recommending the following: 1st That the installation of Bro. Frierson over the chhs. of Starkville and Mayhew take place on the 3rd Sabbath of April next, at Starkville, that Rev. J. A. Lyon preach the sermon, Rev. J. N. Carothers preside, and charge the people, and Rev. R. S. Gladney charge the pastor. — [252] 2 . That the installation of Bro. Carothers over the Friendship Chh. take place on the 1 st Sabbath in June, That the Rev. J. M. Morrow preach the sermon and preside, that Rev. M. Peden deliver the charge to the pastor, and Rev. S. R. Frierson deliver the charge to the people. 10 o’clock nd The order of the day was taken up, viz, Presbyterial conference on “ministerial support.”1 An essay was read by Rev. M. Peden, after which the other members of Presbytery were called on to give their views, pending which, Presbytery took recess till after worship. After worship Presbytery concluded the conference. — The Treasurer then made his report, which was received, and placed in the hands of an auditing committee, Elder J. McMillen and A. White. — [253] Presbytery took recess till 2 ½ o’clock. 2 ½ o’clock Presbytery resumed business. Supplies to Vacant Churches The comm. on supplies reported, recommending that, Bro. Morrow supply Center Point, and Mt. Zion one Sabbath each at convenience. Bro. Frierson supply Louisville and Union one Sabbath each at convenience. Bro. Peden supply Poplar Creek and Olney one Sabbath each at convenience. Bro. Lyon supply Bethel and Macon one Sabbath each at convenience. Bro. Gladney supply Tallabenela one Sabbath at convenience. 1 The General Assembly of 1854 had adopted and published a lengthy report on the subject of ministerial support. See Baird’s Collection, 199-203. 20 Bro. Carothers supply Bethany one Sabbath at convenience, and Bro. Weatherby be requested to supply Pikeville as often as convenient, which [report] was received and adopted. The Stated Clerk presented a statistical report to the General Assembly, [254] which was accepted and approved, and ordered to be forwarded. — The second order of the day was then taken up, to wit: “A free conversation on the state of religion within our bounds.” After which, it was resolved, that our commissioners be requested to ask the General Assembly, to add the county of Itawamba, and the east half of Pontotoc County, now in the bounds of Chickasaw presbytery, to our bounds. The Unity Chh. asked and obtained permission to employ Brother Morrow as their stated supply, for six months. — The auditing committee reported that they find the Treasurer’s report correct, and recommend its approval, which was agreed to, and is as follows. [255] 21 22 [256] On motion, it was ordered that the commissioner’s fund be handed over to the commissioners. Board of Pub. Whereas it is highly important to the cause of Christ that the Books of our Board of Publication be disseminated as widely and as cheaply as possible, therefore, Resolved That, in accordance with a plan proposed by the Agent of the Board, Rev. Mr. Baird, and recommended by the Synods of N. Carolina, S. C. and Georgia, this Presbytery would urge it as a duty upon our Ministers and Elders, first to provide their respective churches with a library of the Board’s publications, for the use of the congregation; and second, To raise funds and purchase books from the Board to be sold or donated to those within their reach, thus performing all the duties of [257] colporteurs within their bounds and to the extent of their means. Comm. ad Interim Authorized to Employ a Missionary Resolved, That the comm. ad Interim be empowered to employ a missionary within our bounds- whose duty it shall be to visit the vacant churches and take up subscriptions for the support of the gospel. Resolved further, That vacant churches within our bounds be directed to address the chairman of the Comm. ad Interim, (Rev. J. A. Lyon, at Columbus Miss.), informing him what amount they can pay respectively for a given proportion of the labours of a missionary, and that the Stated Clerk be directed to send a copy of these resolutions to each of the vacant churches in our bounds. The comm. appointed thereto, reported the following narrative of the state of religion within our bounds, which was accepted and approved. [258] Narrative of the State of Religion As a Presbytery we have abundant reason to be thankful to the bestower of every good and perfect gift for the many temporal blessings we have been permitted to enjoy during the ecclesiastical year now closing; and although so many ministers have fallen, none of our little number have been taken away. Last year this Presbytery had the pleasure of announcing to the General Assembly, that two of our churches, had been visited with a refreshing from the presence of the Lord. This spring, we have no special seasons to report in any of our churches. But we are glad to be able to say, that in the most of our churches, where they have enjoyed the regular means of grace, there are more or less indications for good. The preaching of the gospel, when enjoyed, is usually well- 23 [259] attended, and an increasing interest in several places is felt. — Bible classes in Sunday schools in some of our churches are kept up all the year, and in others during the summer.1 Catechetical instruction is more or less common in all our families, and in some of our Sunday schools. Prayer meetings, for the most part, are not well attended, and the monthly concert is omitted perhaps in all our churches. Although there are but few regular drinking shops within our bounds, and in several of our counties, dram shops are prohibited by law, yet intemperance, in many places, exists, to an alarming extent. — The Sabbath, in many places, is awfully desecrated by the world, and, we fear, too much neglected by the church. Worldly[260] mindedness is greatly on the increase, in the bounds of many of our churches, and in none of them is there that spirit of benevolence which ought to exist. The colored people are more or less cared for, in all our churches, who enjoy the stated means of grace. — Although the more destitute portion of our bounds, has recently been set off to another Presbytery, we have yet many vacant churches, who greatly need the preached word. O! that the Lord of the harvest would be pleased to send more labourers into this quarter of his vineyard. — Conference, Subject of “The best method of sermonizing,” was chosen as the next subject for Presbyterial Conference, and Rev. R. S. Gladney was chosen as essayist. — The Presbytery then adjourned to meet at Bethel Church on Thurs[261] day before the full moon in October next, at 11 o’clock a.m. Concluded with singing, prayer, and the apostolic benediction. — Attest, J. N. Carothers, Mod. R. S. Gladney, Tem. Clerk. J. M. Morrow, Stated Clerk. [262] 1 The discontinuance of Sunday schools in winter had to do with the condition of roads and the lack of means to heat the churches in cold weather. 24