Thematic network CONSIDER (EVK2-CT-2002-20012) Third periodic report (deliverable 44, DoW) ”Climate Change and soil biodiversity” University of Reading, Centre for Agri-Environmental Research, Reading, UK (August 23-26 2005) Introduction CONSIDER deals with the most important anthropogenic activities that pose a threat towards, or are being implemented to mitigate loss in, soil biodiversity. Threats are habitat fragmentation and destruction and global climate change, whereas mitigation activities include land abandonment and environmentally-friendly agriculture. CONSIDER addresses these four topics, initially at each their workshop. To further strengthen the focus of discussions, CONSIDER will perform, during the course of its workshops, assessments or experiments at existing field experiments of relevance to the theme of the workshop. The impact of climate change was the topic of workshop 4 of CONSIDER, hosted by the University of Reading on August 23-26 2005. The global temperature is predicted to increase by 3.5oC over the next century as a consequence of increasing atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases alone (IPCC 1996). On top of the temperature increase precipitation patterns and its seasonality will also change and the frequency of catastrophic events will be higher. Earlier emphasis was on the effects of changing global climate on vegetation distribution and dynamics, with major shifts in the boundaries of ecological systems being predicted (3). However, the close relationship between vegetation change and soil carbon (1) supports the notion that there could be major effects of global climate change on soil biodiversity, with a commensurate impact on ecosystem functioning. At present, our knowledge is fragmentary and often based on correlative studies. We need more comparative data especially between different components of the soil system, to understand global climate effects on soil biodiversity. There is now a growing literature on the local effects of climate change on vegetation composition and dynamics, though far less is known about the direct or indirect (mediated via the vegetation) effects of climate change on other trophic levels. For example, in grasslands, both the abundance and diversity of invertebrates above ground have been shown to change in response to experimental manipulations aimed to mimic the predictions of Global Change Models (2), though little is known about the effects on below ground taxa (6). However, it is almost certain that differences in the availability of organic resources will modify soil microbial community diversity and other constituents of food webs, influenced by bottom up control (5). The aim of this workshop was therefore to pull together existing knowledge and to recognise the potential threats to soil biodiversity of global climate change. In so doing, we will identify key areas where future research activity should be targeted. It is appropriate that the close interaction between vegetation above ground and soil biodiversity is recognised. These interactions recognise engineers (of soil structure, microclimate and hydrological fluxes), providers of nutrient resources, such as the microbial and other components of subterranean food webs, as well as those organisms directly interacting with the plant, such as mutualists and antagonists. We aim to explore the links between species diversity and functional group diversity as exemplified in (4). The topics were arranged into the four themes (i) linkages between diversity in vegetation and diversity in soil (ii) evidence for the relationship between soil organic matter and soil biodiversity, (iii) interactions between heterogeneous inputs and the stability versus variability of populations in time and space, and (iv) multitrophic interactions at the living plant. (i) Linkages between diversity in vegetation and diversity in soil. Most of the presentations at the workshop focussed on experimental studies seeking to quantify the impacts of climate change on soil biodiversity and below-ground processes, and the identity of the drivers behind such changes. It was concluded that changes in plant communities are likely to have a bigger impact than the direct effects of climate change on soil biota. Increases in atmospheric CO2 concentrations result in increased net primary productivity (NPP). Studies have shown that elements of the soil biota can respond either positively or negatively to shifts in NPP resulting from climate change, thus creating difficulties in making generalisations. Groups deriving energy directly from the plant (herbivores, protozoa and nematodes in rhizosphere) expected to respond positively. Decomposers (saprophytic fungi, bacteria, microarthropods) do not respond, as they experience CO2 levels greater than global change scenarios – For this latter group, climate change effects are likely to be mediated primarily through changes in litter quality resulting from the direct effects of climate on the composition of the plant community. The prevailing temperature affects the development rate, fecundity and number of generations per year for most elements of the soil biota. However, the soil environment is buffered from the extremes of temperature experienced above ground, so the impacts of temperature changes resulting from climate change are likely to be less significant than for above ground organisms. The workshop discussed problems surrounding interpretation of experimental studies, in particular the fact that direct effects of changes in temperature are difficult to disentangle from indirect effects mediated through soil moisture. Several presentations at the workshop focussed on studies demonstrating effects of temperature changes on the abundance and community composition of below ground taxa. In general, increases in average temperatures are likely to boost population sizes. However, it is likely that increases in the frequency of extreme events will also be important. The most significant impacts are likely to occur in alpine and polar areas. In these stressed environments, levels of soil biodiversity are low and consequently there is little redundancy in ecosystem service provision by belowground organisms. It is therefore considered that the impacts of climate change will be greatest (7). Soil biota are especially sensitive to changes in soil moisture, although most work on climate change responses has focussed on CO2 and temperature changes. Populations of fungi and bacteria are regulated by moisture, so levels of precipitation and evapotranspiration, with consequent effects on fungivores and bacterivores. Soil fauna depend on humid conditions and are susceptible to desiccation. The movement of many elements of the soil biota is facilitated by water, so changes in moisture influence their distribution and access to resources. The workshop discussed a number of presentations describing the effects of experimental manipulations of soil moisture on soil biodiversity. (ii) Relationship between soil organic matter and soil biodiversity (WP2) Increases in NPP as a result of climate change may increase organic matter inputs to soils. However, changes in soil temperature and precipitation will tend to speed decomposition processes and reduce soil organic matter content. Recent scenario modelling execises highlight that impacts of climate change on soil organic matter and carbon sequestration in the soil cannot be considered in isolation from the impacts of changing land use and developments in agricultural technology (8). The workshop discussed a number of studies on the inter-relationship of plant diversity, litter decomposition and the diversity of elements of the soil biota involved in the decomposition process. In particular, a study of enchytraeids, a keystone component of the soil fauna of soils important in terrestrial carbon storage, was discussed. In this study, species-specific responses to climate change manipulations were found. Changes in the size of enchytraeid communities can impact strongly upon C cycling in these systems through their influence on the release of dissolved organic carbon in the soil solution. Therefore, the response of this group of soil biota to climate change might result in a significant biotic feedback to climate change (9) (iii) Interactions between heterogeneous inputs and stability/variability of populations in time and space Investigation of the impacts of climate change on soil biodiversity and below-ground processes requires explicit consideration of spatial and temporal scale. Climate change is manifest over large spatial and temporal scales, but can lead to phenomena occurring in small patches over much shorter time scales. Generalisations about the impact of climate change on the heterogeneity of resources for soil biota cannot reliably be made. Increases in NPP might be expected to lead to decreased heterogeneity in litter inputs, whilst increases in disturbance of the vegetation caused by extreme events are likely to have the opposite effect. The workshop discussed the issues surrounding the dilemma that experimental studies on the likely impacts of climate change, by their very nature, operate over much shorter time scales and smaller spatial scales than the phenomena of concern. In addition, both small-scale spatial heterogeneity and variations in weather conditions between years reduce the power of field experimental studies to detect responses. Finally, experimental studies typically do not allow differentiation of behavioural responses from population responses. Shifts in the European range of many species are expected as a result of climate change. There is also an increased likelihood of the establishment of alien species. The rates of change in climatic condition are likely to be too great to allow many elements of the soil biota to respond. The problem is likely to be greatest for species with limited capacity for dispersal, and species associated with patchy habitats. The workshop heard presentations on work from two situations likely to experience significant climate change impacts on soil biodiversity. Changes in temperature will affect the soil biodiversity alpine habitats, with altitudinal shifts in species distributions threatening taxa restricted to high altitudes and which have limited capacity for dispersal. The workshop heard evidence for colonisation of polar areas by taxa typical of lower latitudes. Such colonisation events are likely to enhance the soil biodiversity of areas with very species-poor soil biota. However, at a local scale, increases in the frequency of freeze-thaw cycles may result in the loss of some taxa (10). (iv) multitrophic interactions at the living plant Soil food web components are regulated by both bottom-up (resource control) and top-down (predation-control) forces. As outlined above, different components of soil biodiversity have been shown to respond either positively or negatively to shifts in NPP resulting from climate change, thus creating difficulties in developing general principles about the response of soil biota to climate change. Top-down effects can be important in soil food-webs, creating negative feed-backs which may partially counter bottom-up effects (11). Discussion at the workshop focussed primarily on the decomposer food chain, and the effects of changes in the quantity and quality of plant litter. However, a number of recent studies have shown the ways in which changes in temperature and soil moisture can affect multitrophic interactions involving the living plant, for example, between below- and above- ground herbivores. One such study, carried out at an experimental site visited by the delegates on a field trip during the workshop, was discussed. In this, interactions between soil-dwelling beetle larvae and leaf miners showed different responses in different plant species (12). The mechanism of the interaction, whether mediated by changes in plant nutritional quality or induced defences, can explain these contracting results References 1 Jobbágy EG, Jackson RB (2000) The vertical distribution of soil organic carbon and its relation to climate and vegetation. Ecological Applications 10: 423 436. 2 Masters, G.M. & Brown, V.K. (1997). Host plant mediated interactions between spatially separated herbivores: effects on community structure. In: Multitrophic Interactions in Terrestrial Systems. (Eds.) Gange A.C. & Brown V.K. pp. 217-237. Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford. 3 Smith T.M., Shugart H.H., Bonan G.B. and Smith J.B. (1992b) Modelling the potential reponse of vegetation to global climate change. Advances in Ecological Research 22, 93-116. 4 Swift M.J., Andren O., Brussaard L., Briones M., Couteaux M.M., Ekschmitt K., Kjoller A., Loiseau P. and Smith P. (1998). Global change, soil biodiversity, and nitrogen cycling in terrestrial ecosystems: three case studies. Global Change Biology 4, 729-743. 5 Wardle, D. A.; Barker, G. M.; Bonner, K. I., and Nicholson, K. S. (1998) Can comparative approaches based on plant ecophysiological traits predict the nature of biotic interactions and individual plant species effects in ecosystems? Journal of Ecology, 86, 405-420. 6 Wolters V., Silver W.L., Bignell D.E., Coleman D.C., Lavelle P., Van der Putten W.H., De Ruiter P., Rusek J., Wall D.H., Wardle D.A., Brussaard L., Dangerfield J.M., Brown V.K., Giller K.E, Hooper D.U., Sala O., Tiedje J., and Van Veen J.A. (2000) Effects of global changes on above- and belowground biodiversity in terrestrial ecosystems: Implications for ecosystem functioning. Bioscience 50, 1089-1098. 7 Ruess, L., Schmidt, I.K., Michelsen, A. & Jonasson, S. (2001) Manipulations of a microbial based soil food web at two arctic sites - evidence of species redundancy among the nematode fauna? Applied Soil Ecology, 17, 19-30 8 Smith, J., Smith, P., Wattenbach, M., Zaehle, S., Hiederer, R., Jones, R.J.A., Montanarella, L., Rounsevell, M.D.A., Reginster, I. & Ewert, F. (2005) Projected changes in mineral soil carbon of European croplands and grasslands, 1990-2080. Global Change Biology, 11, 2141-2152 9 Cole L., Bardgett R.D., Ineson P., Adamson J.K. (2002) Relationships between enchytraeid worms (Oligochaeta), climate change, and the release of dissolved organic carbon from blanket peat in northern England. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 34, 599-607 10 Coulson, S.J., Leinaas, H.P., Ims, R.A. & Sovik, G. (2000) Experimental manipulation of the winter surface ice layer: the effects on a High Arctic soil microarthropod community. Ecography, 23, 299306 11 Wardle DA, Verhoef HA, Clarholm M (1998) Trophic relationships in the soil microfood-web: predicting the responses to a changing global environment. Global Change Biology, 4, 713-727 12 Staley, J.T, (2006). Effects of climate change on plant:insect trophic interactions. PhD dissertation, University of Reading. Abstracts of talks at workshop 4. Gabor Bakonyi (Szent Istvan University, Department of Zoology and Ecology, 2100 Godollo, Pater K. u.1. Hungary) Are there any effects of global changes on the soil nematode community structure? Nematodes are key factors in important soil processes such as decomposition, mineralization or nutrient cycling. Therefore global change inducing alteration of the nematode community structure can have a considerable influence on ecosystem functioning. However, it is not clear whether small but long-term changes in soil temperature and/or moisture have any significant effect on the nematode community structure. A field experiment has been performed in a mosaic of open sand grassland and Juniper-Poplar woodland (VULCAN Project Soil temperature and moisture have been modified according to global changes expected in the near future. Because of the mosaic nature of the experimental field microsite effect has been found strong and able to mask moderate temperature or soil moisture effect. The experiment has shown that nematode communities on bare soil are more vulnerable to global changes than those under fescue and poplar soil. Multivariate structure of the nematode community seems to be a sensitive measure of minute changes in soil temperature and moisture. Nematode genera having high density are better indicators of the changes than low density ones. Liliane Ruess (Institute of Soil Science, University of Hohenheim, Emil-WolffStraße 27, 70599 Stuttgart, Germany) Effects of simulated climate change on nematodes and microorganisms in subarctic soils Arctic terrestrial ecosystems are strongly dominated by temperature, and global warming is expected to have a particularly strong impact at high latitudes. The Arctic will therefore be an important region for early detection of global change. The performed at experiments used two contrasting field sites, a dwarf shrub dominated tree-line heath (450 m a.s.l.) and a high altitude fellfield (1150 m a.s.l.) at Abisko, Swedish Lapland. In a first study the long term effects of simulated climate change on soil micro-organisms and nematode populations were investigated. Soil temperature was enhanced by using passive greenhouses, with or without NPK fertilizer addition. Warming strongly increased nematode population density after 8 growing seasons, in particular in combination with fertilization. Additionally, microbial biomass C and active fungal biomass was greater in the heath soil, which was reflected by an increase in bacterial and fungal feeding nematodes. Elevated soil temperature apparently will lead to higher grazing pressure on microorganisms, contributing to elevated net N and P mineralization rates and plant nutrient availability. Nutrient limitation is a major constrain to plant production and carbon storage in arctic ecosystems. We increased the influx of nutrients and energy in the soil over 4 growing seasons by NPK fertilization and addition of labile carbon (sugar). Additionally, two bactericides (penicillin, streptomycin) and a fungicide (benomyl) were applied to manipulate the bacterial and fungal component of the soil. Generally, antibiotics did not alter nematode population structure, which corresponds to the lack in respond of target organisms (i.e. microbes). Nutrient enhancement by fertilization alone and in combination with carbon led to an increase in the abundance of competitive dominant nematode species, whereas the fungicide benomyl was a strong toxin to most nematodes. Overall, the environmental manipulations (i.e. warming, nutrient enhancement, fungicide application) led to an increase of general opportunists and a decrease of Kstrategists, which was reflected in a reduction in the maturity index. Similarly, species number, richness and diversity declined, most pronounced in treatments with benomyl. In contrast to the distinct changes in species structure, the trophic structure was only moderately affected. Relating these findings to the estimates of functional properties at the sites (e.g. microbial biomass, plant growth) suggests considerable redundancy among the nematode fauna. The impact of the perturbations was most severe at the climatically harsh high altitude fellfield, probably as a result of the lower initial biodiversity (i.e. redundancy) at that site and indicates that the influence of climate change will be more pronounced in systems already stressed by extreme climatic conditions. Claus Beier (Risø National Laboratory, Roskilde, Denmark) Field scale climate change experiments - what about biodiversity? CLIMAITE is a research centre to investigate how climatic changes will affect biological processes and natural ecosystems. Climaite is based on the climate changes predicted for Denmark in 2075. CO2 concentration, temperature and precipitation are manipulated to simulate the climate predicted for Denmark in 70 years time. The treatments started in the autumn 2005. The project will contribute to a more comprehensive understanding of the effects of climatic changes on biological processes and the functioning of natural ecosystems. The research deals with structure (plant distribution) and function (ecophysiology) of the plant cover, as well as with soil biota (micro-organisms and fauna) divided into rhizosphere organisms and decomposers in the bulk soil. The project will provide important information relevant to future political decisions and societal actions that may be taken in response to climate change. Climaite also contributes to the education of new researchers and the dissemination of knowledge about climatic effects on biological processes to the general public. The project involves a consortium of six research groups from Risø National Laboratory, University of Copenhagen, Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University and the National Environmental Research Institute. Field trip to the long-term climate change experimental site at Wytham, near Oxford The workshop participants visited the field site of a long-term climate change experiment established under NERC’s TIGER (Terrestrial Initiative in Global Environmental Research) programme. The experiments, ongoing since the early 1990s, were established to examine the effects of different climate change scenarios on soil, plant and invertebrate biodiversity. Local climate is manipulated to simulate either wetter or drier summers (as predicted by Global Change Models) separately and in factorial combination with an elevated winter soil temperature of 30C. There are five replicates of each of the four experimental treatments and a control (with ambient local climate). Most Significant Results to Date 1. After six years of manipulation, the treatments have significantly altered the grassland community, unlike the unresponsive nature to date of Buxton, our sister site. 2. Warmer winters promoted plant growth early in the year, resulting in an increased demand for limited soil water resources during the spring. This, combined with a naturally low rainfall in late spring, led to a drought, the effects of which were intensified by summer droughting. Deep-rooted herb species (e.g. Pastinaca sativa – Wild Parsnip) persist under such conditions while shallow-rooted species (particularly grasses) have declined or indeed been lost from plots. In contrast, plots subjected to supplemented summer rainfall show an increase in grasses (e.g. Trisetum flavescens – Yellow Oat-grass) at the expense of annual herbs (e.g. Crepis capillaris – Smooth Hawk's-beard). However, in the short-term at least, perennial herbs (e.g. Ranunculus repens – Creeping Buttercup) have persisted alongside the vigorous grasses. Additionally, there have been individual plant developmental responses to the warmer winters. For example, Viola hirta (Hairy Violet) and Hypericum perforatum (Perforate St. John's-wort) had their phenology advanced by the warmer conditions. 3. Invertebrate responses are, predictably, more complex, showing both direct and indirect (host-plant mediated) responses to climate manipulation. Generally, invertebrate groups track the vegetation responses; except under drought where plant nutritional quality becomes important and can lead to population increases (e.g. leafminer populations increase in droughted plots while their host plants decline). Additionally, the timing of insect activity is modified. For example, the spittlebug Philaenus spumarius responded directly to warmer winters, with an earlier egg hatch (by seven days) and consequent earlier development into adults. 4. Warmer winters may lead to spring droughts, which are strengthened by dry summers. Water is the key to the responses of the ecosystem: grasses dominate with increased rainfall, while deep-rooted herb species persist under drought. Invertebrates track these changes, except under drought, where plant nutritional quality is more important and insect populations show an increase instead of the predicted decline. The timing of insect activity is modified, as is the size of their populations – in the extreme, leading to insect outbreaks. Veronika Řezáčová (Institute of Microbiology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, 142 20 Prague, Czech Republic Fax: +420-2-41062384 E-mail: The Effect of Elevated Atmospheric CO2 Concentration on Soil Microfungi The current increase in atmospheric CO2 concentration is widely considered to be one of the most important environmental long term changes. This change is predicted to increase carbon input to the soil via increase of net primary production. I had been testing the hypotheses that elevated CO2 increased the abundance of soil microfungi when nitrogen level also increased; and caused changes in their species composition. We focused on humic substances utilizers. To use these hypothesis, we analysed soil samples from the 10 years running field experiment. The assumed increase in microfungal abundance was indeed proved at elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration under conditions of a synchronous higher input of nitrogen of 560 kg/ha/year. When nitrogen input to the soil was 140 kg/ha/y the elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration decreased abundance of microfungi. Humic substances utilizers were not affected by CO2 at all. Community structure of microfungi, both the species composition and relative abundance of particular species was affected by elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration. Barbara Drigo, Johannes A. van Veen , Etienne Yergeau & George A. Kowalchuk (Netherlands Institute of Ecology (NIOO-KNAW), Heteren) Impact of increased atmospheric Carbon Dioxide on microbial community dynamics associate with rhizosphere carbon flow Within the framework of a national programme on global change and biodiversity, we aim to investigate the impact of elevated atmospheric CO2 levels on the composition and functioning of microbial communities in soil. In particular, the effects on the natural control of below-ground plant pathogens of dune plants by microbial antagonists will be studied. In the first experiment, we grew Carex arenaria (a nonmycorrhizal plant species) and Festuca rubra (a mycorrhizal plant species) in three dune soils under controlled soil temperature and moisture conditions, while subjecting the aboveground compartment to defined atmospheric conditions differing in CO2 concentrations (350 and 700 ppm). Using PCR-DGGE and Q-PCR, we examined the abundance and diversity of both broad microbial groups, such as bacteria, actinomycetes and fungi, as well as the dynamics of specific groups, such as Pseudomonas, Burkholderia and Bacillus, in the Carex rhizosphere. Multi-variate analysis of the DGGE profiles showed a significant influence of the elevated CO2 on the total, bacterial community and fungal community as well as on the specific groups of Burkholderia and Pseudomonas spp. However, no significant effects were found for actinomycetes and bacilli suggesting that the plantdriven impact of elevated CO2 on the short term is towards species, which are known to be successful colonizers of the rhizosphere and strong competitors for root exudates. K. Deiglmayr (1), L. Philippot (2), D. Tscherko (3), E. Kandeler (3) (1) University of Hohenheim, Institute of Crop Production and Grassland Research, Stuttgart, Germany (2) INRA, Laboratory of Soil Microbiology and Geochemistry, Dijon, France (3) University of Hohenheim, Institute of Soil Science, Stuttgart, Germany The Response of Nitrate-Reducing Microorganisms to Climate Change – Two Case Studies Linking the structure of soil microbial communities with its function in soil processes is a big challenge for current research in soil microbiology. In the presented two case studies the dissimilatory nitrate-reducing community was investigated as model community, since both the molecular technique to target this functional group and the method for studying its specific enzyme activity were well established. The first experiment investigated the effect of elevated atmospheric CO2. Rhizosphere soil was sampled in monocultures of Lolium perenne and Trifolium repens at two different nitrogen fertilization levels (140 kg N ha-1 a-1 and 560 kg N ha-1 a-1) and under two pCO2 atmospheres (360 ppm and 600 ppm) at the Swiss FACE (Free Air Carbon dioxide Enrichment) site. Directly extracted soil DNA was analyzed by RFLP-PCR by using degenerated primers for the narG gene encoding the active site of the membrane-bound nitrate-reductase. The corresponding enzyme activity of the nitrate reductase was determined colorimetrically after 24 hours of anaerobic incubation. The narG RFLP-fingerprints showed that only season and pH of the sampled site affected the composition of the nitrate-reducing community. In contrast, the nitrate reductase activity decreased significantly with carbon dioxide enrichment most probably due to limited nitrate availability. The second experiment investigated microbial succession in a glacier foreland of the Central Alps, which has evolved - with accelerating rate - over the last 150 years due to rising temperatures. Rhizospheric soil of Poa alpina was sampled in five replicates along a gradient from 25 to 130 years of soil formation in August during the flowering stage and in September 2004 after the first snowfalls. The community structure showed only a small shift over the 100 years of soil formation and the two sampling dates. However, analysis of clone libraries of the early and late succession pointed to a decrease in diversity with increasing succession age. We assume that in the early succession, the selective pressure on the nitrate reducers was relatively lower compared to the late stage; hence a higher diversity could persist in this sparse environment. The activity of the nitrate-reducing community, conversely, proved to increase significantly with age and no major differences were observed between the two sampling dates. Higher carbon and nitrate availability in the late succession probably enhanced the anaerobe respiration of nitrate to nitrite. In summary, we observed sensitive responses of the nitrate reductase activity to elevated atmospheric CO2 and to successional age. The most significant effect proved to be Corg and NO3-. In contrast, the community structure of the nitrate-reducing microorganisms was quite stable under elevated atmospheric CO2 and changed only slightly across the glacier foreland mainly due to pH. These results document that different mechanisms are responsible for the regulation of community structure and the corresponding enzyme activity. Etienne Yergeau, G.A. Kowalchuk (Netherlands Institute of Ecology (NIOOKNAW), Heteren) Global warming effects on the size, diversity and function of soil-borne microbial communities in Antarctic ecosystems Many factors are unfavorable for terrestrial life in harsh Antarctic regions, including low thermal capacity of the substratum, frequent freeze-thaw and wet-dry cycles, low and transient precipitation, low humidity, rapid drainage, and limited organic nutrients. However, several studies have reported that certain microorganisms can thrive even in these kinds of environments, and microbial processes are the key drivers of soil-borne nutrient cycles in Antarctic environments. In order to describe such microbial communities, we sampled vegetated and bare sites along a south polar latitudinal gradient ranging from the Falkland Islands (51°S) to the base of the Antarctic peninsula (72°S). We coupled molecular (DGGE, real-time PCR) and traditional microbiological (CFU counts using a range of incubation temperatures and media) methods with soil analyses. We report data concerning community structure and abundance of nematodes, bacteria and fungi, and analyze these data with respect to different environmental parameters. Bacterial populations were closely linked to the presence of plant cover and to temperature parameters, probably caused by the sheltering effect of plants. Fungal populations were influenced by the species composition of the overlying plant community and were less connected to temperature, showing a possible dependence on the type of organic input available. Nematode community structure was affected by both the presence of plant cover and by the sampling location, although nematode abundance did not show any significant trends. Results are discussed with respect to possible effects of global warming on soil-borne microbial community structure and function in Antarctic environments. Jo Staley (The University of Reading, UK) Impacts of climate change on plant-mediated interactions between foliar and root-feeding insects Summer rainfall in south-east UK is predicted to decrease by 20 to 50% by 2080, and the occurrence of severe droughts is likely to increase, under current climate change scenarios. Drought can affect the performance and abundance of plants and their associated invertebrates, yet research into climate change impacts has focussed mainly on changes in temperature and carbon dioxide concentration. Here, impacts of summer drought on the abundance of root and foliar phytophages, and the interactions between them, were investigated. One group of foliar phytophages (leaf miners) was found to be variable in their response to drought, though the abundance of the dominant species (Stephensia brunnichella) was reduced by 54% under a summer drought treatment, while its rate of parasitism was increased by 58%. Larvae of the most common root chewing species, Agriotes lineatus, were also less abundant under drought. Agriotes larvae reduced the abundance, pupal weight and parasitism of S. brunnichella larvae feeding on a mutual host plant. This interaction was disrupted by a severe drought treatment, though not by moderate drought. In contrast, Agriotes larvae increased the pupal weight of a second leaf miner species (Chromatomyia syngenesiae), and the interaction was stronger under drought. Root feeders can either increase foliar phytophage performance (potentially through an increase in plant nutritional quality), or reduce it (possibly due to an induced defence response in the foliage). This study provides examples of each, and it is proposed that the effect of drought on these indirect interactions may depend on the mechanisms by which these two phytophagous groups are interacting. Climate change may therefore have idiosyncratic effects of plant mediated interactions between insect herbivores. A clear understanding of the plant traits that determine the frequency with which these different mechanisms occur may aid the prediction of climate change impacts. Lisa Cole (Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, Banchory, Kincardine, Scotland) Global change impacts on enchytraeid worms Enchytraeids (Oligochaeta) are a keystone group of soil invertebrates found in ecosystems that represent important stores of terrestrial carbon, notably moorland, boreal forest and tundra. They are not a diverse group, communities are often dominated by a single species, Cognettia sphagnetorum, and therefore, they are expected to be less resistant and resilient to global change impacts such as warming, atmospheric N deposition and elevated concentrations of atmospheric carbon dioxide. Soil warming studies in UK moorland have shown that the response of enchytraeids to warming is species specific, with communities dominated by enchytraeids of the genus Cognettia increasing in size with soil temperature, so long as soil moisture does not become limiting. In contrast, after 4 years of warming arctic tundra soil by 1ºC (Svalbard, Norway), communities dominated by enchytraeids of the genus Henlea showed no change in their abundance. Further, there was an increase in the abundance of enchytraeids, albeit non-significantly, under enhanced atmospheric N deposition in montane moss heath (Grampian Mountains, UK) after 7 years. Conversely, enchytraeid populations in a raised bog (Cumbria, UK) declined markedly after two years exposure to an almost doubled concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide. Whilst these findings were found to correlate with changes in plant litter quality or biomass, they were also found to be strongly influenced by corresponding changes in other biotic (competition from macrofauna such as earthworms and tipulid larvae) and abiotic factors (soil moisture). Clearly, enchytraeids can be sensitive to global change phenomena and it is known that changes in the size of enchytraeid communities can impact strongly upon C cycling in these systems through their influence on the release of dissolved organic carbon in the soil solution. Therefore, the response of this group of soil biota to global change might result in a significant biotic feedback to climate change. Thomas Bolger (Dept of Zoology, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland) Relationship between earthworm diversity and ecosystem function – Need for studies and experimental design. The need to examine the relationships between ecosystem function and species richness specifically for soil fauna is discussed using data from field studies of invasive species and relationships between above and below ground richness. A series of studies are described which overcome the problems with the designs used commonly in those studies. Soil fauna and microflora are an ideal model system for such studies because they are critical in the decomposition process, and the number of species present in most soils appears to be far greater than the number of functions which they serve, i.e. functional redundancy is expected to be widespread. The experiments described show a lack of redundancy among the functional groups of earthworms occurring in temperate grassland soils. They illustrate the advantages of the Simplex experimental design and emphasise the requirement that studies be carried out under a variety of environmental conditions in order to address the issues of insurance value among apparently redundant groups. Sebastien Barot (Laboratoire d'Écologie des Sols Tropicaux, Bondy, France) Earthworm effects on plant communities: insights from field studies, microcosm experiments and modelling Recycling of mineral nutrients incorporated in plant biomass is a key ecosystem process. Soil ecosystem engineers are known to accelerate mineralization of soil organic matter and are often supposed to be beneficial for plant growth. This has been shown in short-term microcosm experiments. It is legitimate to ask whether these increases in plant growth are due to sudden and brief pulses of mineralization or whether these increases are long-lasting and still apply to ecosystems at equilibrium. This issue was tackled using a system of differential equations involving trophic effects on nutrient cycling due to the assimilation of nutrients by the considered decomposers, and indirect effects through their ecosystem engineering activities. It was shown that both these effects are positive for plant primary production if and only if they recycle nutrients efficiently, i.e. allowing a small fraction of the recycled nutrients to be leached out of the ecosystem. Together with former results on herbivory our results suggest that: (i) At equilibrium, the effect of any actor of an ecosystem on primary production depends on its recycling efficiency not on its capacity to recycle nutrients quickly. (ii) This applies either when this actor recycles nutrients feeding on a compartment of the ecosystem or when this actor is involved in nutrient cycling through its ecosystem engineering activities. (iii) The efficiency of a recycling pathway influences all compartments of the ecosystem. This shows that a decomposer can increase its own biomass by ecosystem engineering activities leading to the mineralization of nutrients it cannot assimilate if the created recycling loop is efficient. This also suggests an explanation for the evolution in earthworms of particular ecosystem engineering activities leading for example to the control of parasite nematodes or the production of plant growth hormones. Increasing plant growth would be a way for earthworms to increase indirectly their own biomass through a better conservation of nutrients inside the ecosystem. Klaus Birkhofer (Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany. Animal Ecology Group, Prof. S. Scheu) Organic Farming: Consequences for Generalist Predator Communities Since 1985 the agricultural area under organic management practices increased steadily to approximately 6.3 million hectare in Europe (2003, 1). Avoidance of pesticides and management techniques such as no-till and mechanical weed control influence the plant and animal community. The DOC trial (Therwil, Switzerland) carried out by the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture and the Swiss Federal Research Station for Agroecology & Agriculture compares different farming systems since 1978. The wheat plots studied in this survey were under organic, respectively conventional management for 27 years and truly reflect long-term effects of different farming systems. Organic and conventional plots had four replicates, which were sampled in May 2005 using fenced pitfalls (1.8 m²) and D-Vac suction sampling (0.7 m²). Ground beetles, cursorial and web building spiders were significantly more abundant in organic plots. The number of species was also higher for ground dwelling spiders and carabids in these plots. Cursorial spiders such as Pardosa and Pachygnatha species preferred the organic fields, whereas some web builders (Meioneta rurestris, Lepthyphantes tenuis) were more characteristic for conventional plots. Three carabid species showed distinctive preferences for the conventional plots (Clivinia fossor, Demtrias atricapilus and Brachinus explodens), whereas the collembola-feeding species Loricera pillicornis and omnivorous species (Amara sp.) were more abundant in organic fields. These findings show the beneficial long-term effect of organic farming on functional diversity, promoting the role of generalist predators as biocontrol agents. Kerstin Endlweber (Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany Animal Ecology Group, Prof. S. Scheu) Getting rid of mycorrhiza – how to establish experiments on mycorrhiza – decomposer interactions Many studies focus on the interdependency between plant nutrition and mycorrhiza – decomposer interaction. To investigate this interaction, mycorrhiza free treatments are often compared to re-inoculated treatments. But common methods to achieve mycorrhiza free soil affect nutrient availability and microbial activity in soil. Thus, the interaction between plants and mycorrhiza and plant nutrition might be influenced by mycorrhizal elimination. We investigated the applicability of soil heating (60, 80, 100 and 120°C), autoclaving and chloroform fumigation on elimination of mycorrhiza. Furthermore we determined the impact of the tested methods on mobilisation of ammonium, nitrate and phosphorus as well as on microbial activity. Heating at 60°C and chloroform fumigation reduced mycorrhizal inoculation rate to less than 1%, whereas all other treatments decreased the inoculation rate to less than 0.2%. All six methods affected plant growth and nutrient content. This was in part due to a high mobilisation of ammonium and nitrate in particular in autoclaved soil and soil heated at 100 and 120°C. But the observed changes in plant growth and nutrition might also depend on changes in microbial activity by the soil treatments. Although heating soil at 60°C increased plant growth and shoot nutrient content, it caused the least side effects on nutrient mobilisation and microbial activity compared to control. Questions raised by policy makers and end users Soils and the biodiversity they support are threatened by climate change and other drivers such as land use change. In addition to the direct effects of climate change on the soil, below-ground processes also provide feedback linkages to drivers of climate change. Such feedback interactions make the predictions of climate change impacts difficult. Consequently, knowledge of the responses of soil biodiversity to changing climate, and the likely implications for carbon sequestration and greenhouse gas emissions is essential. The importance of soil biodiversity is acknowledged in international treaties (UNCBD, UNFCCC, UNCCD), by international organisations (OECD, FAO, UNEP, CGIAR) and by national governments. It has been recommended (OECD meeting Zürich 2001; FAO conference Rome 2003; ARF workshop Rothamsted 2005) that Agri-Biodiversity Indicators should be developed to allow monitoring of soil biodiversity, the functions it performs, and their resistance and resilience in response to environmental change. The workshop discussed the findings of an integrated national survey of soils and their biota carried out in Great Britain. Helaina Black (Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, The Lancaster Environment Centre, UK) Assessing soil biodiversity on a national scale An assessment of the biodiversity of soils across Great Britain was described. This was the first integrated survey of soil biota and chemical properties at a national scale. A total of 1052 soil samples were collected across Great Britain and analysed for a range of soil microbial and invertebrate characteristics resulting in the production of a series of robust datasets. A principal objective was to use these datasets to investigate relationships between soil biota and environmental factors such as geographical location, vegetation. land use, land cover, soil type and pollutant levels as first stages in characterising the inherent biodiversity of British soils and investigating the potential of soil biodiversity as indicators of soil health at a regional or national scale. Preliminary results for culturable heterotrophic, invertebrate taxa, Acari, Collembola and Oribatid mites were presented to illustrate the nature of the data collected and the patterns of soil biodiversity in relation to large-scale regional, vegetation and soil characteristics across the British countryside (see J. Env. Man. 67: 255-266).