
Strengths and Limitations of Theories
Strengths and Limitations of Theories
Everyday, people try to have a more comprehension concerning behaviors and
individual’s attitudes. Realization of the appropriate techniques aids in discovering the solutions
to the problems that a lot hypothesize. Psychodynamic philosophies analyze the physiological
factors that interact and provide a way to the appearance of intellectual process. The experience
of human behavior is affected by the unseen and seen factors. Psychodynamic philosophies
connect the space involving personality and the impact that involves personalities.
Furthermore with the use of psychodynamic theories Freud, Klein, Levy, and Meehan
were able to hold up hypothesis, and to come up with a successful plan for a wider knowledge of
how individuals share with each other inter-relationally, also learning about how people grow
and develop character. With the theories of Freud Sigmund Freud was able to gain followers and
those who disagree with his belief. In reality, Freud began the psychodynamic theories but not all
are solid fact some of these theories have restrictions, Based on how it is executed and on how
investigative theories work an important part in defining personalities. Significant weight
revolves around psychodynamics, the bond between woman and child, aware and unaware,
inward, and outward essentials can establish proof.
Psychodynamic Theories and Personalities
Psychodynamic points out to an extensive set of theories that put stress on the dominant
influence effect motivators and pressures, also the significance of factors that improve and help
in the formation of character. In the beginning of change, theories pay attention on the power of
unknown motivators and pressures, although they undergo a lot of analysis and changes. Plenty
of new psychodynamic theory focuses on known experience and its part in the unknown
experiences that unfold the part that social factors play in progress (Depression Guide, 2010).
Psychoanalytic approaches "take as axiomatic the significance of contradictory decisions in the
mind unaware processes; and compromises between opposing psychological decisions that could
be dealt with involuntarily; justification and fooling yourself; the effect of what was and the
now; the enduring effects of interpersonal patterns laid down in childhood the long term
significance of relational basis as a child ; and the part of sexual and forceful longing in aware
and unaware influencing thought, feeling, and character" (Westen, 1990, p. 21). Freud had a
belief that knowledge, which is unknowingly, comes up in alertness by slips. The slip comes up
in attentiveness by unintentionally calling a person, another person’s name, mockery,
misunderstanding or joking. The slips that may occur in human behavior or consciousness are
intolerable thoughts or point of view, which are withdrawn from human awareness. Personal
conflicts may cause instances of unease to an Individual. Freud can see it; worry comes up when
the ego cannot compensate for the needs of the id and the superego. The id needs satisfaction of
its impulses, and the superego demands maintenance of its moral norms. Freud Says, the delight,
in plenty of instances would overcome the moral basis of a personal. The id is unaware and
moves accordingly with the pleasure principle, the need to achieve pleasure and avoid pain.
Psychodynamic Theories Influence Interpersonal Relationships
Psychodynamic theories also affect interpersonal relationships. These relationships are
considered to be the foundation of personality. Interpersonal relationships are important in all
psychodynamic theories giving significance to early memories. These interpersonal experiences
are absorbed and facilitate to shape an individuals behavior and so having an effect on future
behavior. Klein believed that the most significant of interpersonal relationships is that between
woman and baby (Feist & Feist, 2009). Levy and Meehan (2009) shows how personal item
significance can be of use to form an understanding yourself against others. Significance can also
change how relational knowledge is seen. The view of each incident can be different from time
to time as connection development happens, and new ideas and outlook change outcome (Levy
& Meehan, 2009). In life, interpersonal relationships have a great significance in character and
Plenty psychodynamic theories look upon enhancement of behavior, Which a person’s
behavior is resolute by inner experiences and factors that go against the basics and go unseen., It
means that the mind is unaware that it has a great effect on character progress .The learning of
Psychodynamic psychology has shown a basis of charter growth and how it is changed
involuntarily, as a child, and shared factors. Looking into Freud’s theory of character growth, he
sees that behavior changes in stages as a child. Freud sees that a young person’s character is
changes by meeting the expectations from the id, ego, and superego. Same to Freud’s theory of
personality development, Melanie Klein recommends that character can be changed through a
woman and baby relationship. In fundamental nature, the affairs in which a person foundation
with others also takes part in shaping character growth. It is the outside effects, which aid and
mold a persons thinking to others inside the atmosphere that come from inner influences.
Feist, J., & Feist, G. (2009). Theories of personality (7th ed.). New York: McGraw Hill
Depression Guide (2010).Jump into a new. Retrieved from
Meehan, K., & Levy, K. (2009). Psychodynamic Theories of Relationships. Retrieved from
Westen, D. (1990). Psychoanalytical approaches to personality. New York, NY: Guilford.