Name - DB Crest

Wave Properties
The wave characteristics you will observe at this time are common to all waves. There
are not separate characteristics for sound waves, light waves, water waves or any other
kind of waves. In general, all waves follow the same rules. Because this is so, you can
investigate waves in a coiled spring to learn about waves in general.
During this investigation you will observe and record your observation of some basic
wave characteristics.
Coil spring
Record your observations in the spaces provided in the Data and Observation section of
this lab.
A. Transverses and Longitudinal Waves:
1. Have your lab partner hold one end of the spring and stretch it along a smooth
floor until it is about 5m long. Send a single pulse along its length (Note: several
pulses together will form a transverse wave train).
2. Reach a short distance down the spring’s length and gather the coils toward you
and then quickly release them. The pulse that travels along the spring is a
longitudinal pulse.
B. The Speed of All Wave of the same kind in a given medium:
1. Generate a transverse pulse in the coil. Measure the time it takes the pulse to
travel down the medium. Calculate the speed of the pulse in the medium.
Generate a second pulse which is larger than the first pulse. Measure its time to
travel down the medium. Calculate the speed of the larger pulse. Compare the
speeds of the pulses. Groups of pulses form waves. Shake the spring back and
forth to generate waves of different amplitudes and frequencies. Compare the
speeds of waves.
C. Wavelength and Frequency:
1. Shake the spring back and forth rapidly to generate a wave train in the spring.
The wavelength of that wave in the spring is the distance from crest to crest. The
frequency of the wave is the same as the frequency at which you shake the spring.
a. Shake the spring at a constant rate but slowly and then at a constant rate
but quickly. Observe the wavelengths of both waves.
D. The Interference of Waves:
1. Have your partner grasp one end of the spring while you grasp the other end.
Practice sending pulses toward each other at the same time. Once practiced:
a. Each of you send a single pulse of the same size down the spring on the
same side of the spring. Observe what happens when the two pulses travel
through each other.
b. Each of you send a single pulse of different sizes down the spring on the
same side of the spring. Observe what happens when the two pulses travel
through each other.
c. Each of you send a single pulse of the same size down the spring on the
opposite sides of the spring. Observe what happens when the two pulses
travel through each other.
d. Each of you send a single pulse of different sizes down the spring on the
opposite sides of the spring. Observe what happens when the two pulses
travel through each other.
E. Reflected Waves
1. Have your partner hold one end of the spring very firmly. Send a transverse pulse
to the rigid end and observe the phase of the reflected pulse.
2. Now tie a long piece of string to the spring. Have your partner hold the string
while you send a pulse towards the end supported by the string. (The string
represents a less rigid medium than the initial wave in the spring). Observe the
phase of the reflected pulse.
F. Wave Transfer from One Medium to Another:
1. Connect the spring to a slinky (two different mediums). With your partner
stretch the spring and slinky. Send a wave train down the spring. Observe their
behavior at the boundary between the two springs. The wavelength in each
medium and the frequency in each medium.
2. Connect the spring to a slinky (two different mediums). With your partner
stretch the spring and slinky. Have your partner send a pulse down the slinky.
Observe their behavior at the boundary between the two springs. Observe how
the reflected and transmitted wave changes as it passes from one medium into the
Data and Observations:
A. Transverse and Longitudinal Waves
1. Compare the direction of particle motion to the direction of wave travel in a
transverse wave.
2. Compare the direction of particle motion to the direction of wave motion in a
longitudinal wave.
B. The Speed of All Wave of the same kind in a given medium:
3. Describe the speeds of pulses of different amplitudes in a given medium.
4. Compare the speeds of waves of different frequencies in a given medium.
C. Wavelength and Frequency:
5. Compare the wavelengths of waves with higher frequencies with the wavelengths
of wavelengths of waves with lower frequencies.
D. The Interference of Waves:
6. Describe the magnitude of amplitude when two pulses in phase meet in the spring.
7. Describe what happens when two pulses of equal amplitude and 180o out of phase
meet in the spring.
8. What happens if the two pulses are in phase?
9. Describe the pulses after the pass through each other.
10. Draw the superposition of waves A & B as they pass through each other.
E. Reflected Waves
12. How does reflection of a wave from a rigid barrier affect its phase?
13. Reflection of a pulse from a less rigid medium has what affect on its phase?
F. Wave Transferal from One Medium to Another:
14. Describe what happens to a wave when it reaches the boundary between the two
15. From your observation of one medium change. What do you think might happen
to the speed of a wave when it enters a new medium?
16. What happens to the wavelength of a wave when it enters a new medium?
17. What happens to its frequency?
For questions 1-4, sketch the results of wave A and B
a) When they meet.
b) When the pass