Breaches of the Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct for 3rd Sector Voices
The guiding principles of 3rd Sector participation in Derby City Partnership are
those laid down by the Nolan Report into standards in public duties. These can be
summarized as:
Acting only in terms of the public interest, not in order to gain financial or other
benefits for self, family or friends
Not be placed under any financial or other obligation to outside individuals or
organisations that might seek to influence the performance of official duties.
Make decisions on merit and the basis of evidence.
Be accountable for decisions and actions to the public and submit to whatever
scrutiny is appropriate.
Be as open as possible about all decisions and actions. Give reasons for
decisions and restrict information only when the wider public interest clearly
Declare any private interests relating to public duties and take steps to resolve
any conflicts arising in a way that protects the public interest.
Promote and support these principles by leadership and example.
Organizational values
All 3rd Sector representatives participating in Derby City Partnership undertake to abide
by the fundamental values that underpin all the activity of Derby CVS. These are:
Everything 3rd Sector representatives within Derby City Partnership do will be able to
stand the test of scrutiny by the public, the media, regulators, members, stakeholders,
funders and the courts.
Integrity and honesty
These will be the hallmarks of all conduct when dealing with colleagues within Derby
City Partnership and equally when dealing with individuals and institutions outside it.
3rd Sector representatives strive to maintain an atmosphere of openness throughout
DCP to promote confidence of the public, stakeholders, staff, regulators and other
bodies, through regular reporting on its activities.
Additionally, members must agree to the following points:
Law, mission, policies
 Not to break the law or go against regulations in any aspect of their participation
in DCP.
 To support the mission of DCP and consider themselves its guardian.
 To abide by organizational policies.
Conflicts of interest
 To always strive to act in the best interests of the 3rd Sector.
 To declare any conflict of interest, or any circumstance that might be viewed by
others as a conflict of interest, as soon as it arises.
 Respect the judgment of the Voices Group or any relevant committee and do as
it requires regarding potential conflicts of interest.
Person to person
 Not to break the law, go against regulations or act in disregard of organisational
policies in any relationships with fellow representatives, staff, volunteers, service
recipients, commissioning bodies or anyone else a representative may come into
contact with in their role.
 To establish respectful and courteous relationships with all contacts within the
role of representative.
Protecting the Sector’s reputation
 When asked for an opinion feel free to provide your own organisational view, but
make it clear that you can seek a view from the wider sector, but this can not be
done immediately.
 When speaking as a representative of the 3rd Sector, any comments will reflect
current 3rd Sector policy even when these do not agree with personal views.
 When speaking as a private citizen to strive to uphold the reputation of the 3rd
Sector and those who work in it.
 To respect organisational, and individual confidentiality.
 To take an active interest in the 3rd Sector’s public image, noting news articles,
books, television programmers and the like about the3rd Sector or about
important issues for the 3rd Sector.
Personal gain
 Not actively seek to gain personally, materially or financially from the role of
representative, nor to permit others to do so as a result of the representatives
actions or negligence.
 To document expenses and seek reimbursement according to procedure.
 Not to accept substantial gifts without prior consent of the Development Group.
In meetings of 3rd Sector Participation
 To embody the principles of leadership in all actions and live up to the trust
placed in representatives by the 3rd Sector.
 To abide by governance procedures and practices.
 To strive to attend all relevant committee meetings
 To study the agenda and other information sent out in good time prior to any
meeting and be prepared to debate and vote on agenda items during the
 To acknowledge and conduct the meeting through the chair.
 To engage in debate and voting in meetings according to procedure, maintaining
a respectful attitude toward the opinions of others while making one’s own voice
 Following a full and frank discussion accept a majority vote on an issue as
decisive and final.
 To maintain confidentiality about what goes on in the meeting
 To read all relevant information, before the meeting; such as minutes of the
previous meetings.
Enhancing governance
 To participate in induction, training and development activities for
 To continually seek ways to improve governance practice.
 To strive to identify good candidates for involvement and support the
appointment of new representatives on the basis of merit.
Breaches of the Code of Conduct
 All representatives must understand that substantial breach of any part of this
code may result in their removal from their role in representing the 3rd Sector.
 Should any representative resign from any committee, they will inform the Chair
in advance in writing, stating their reasons for resigning.
 This policy shall be reviewed at least annually and rests with the 3rd Sector