MINUTES OF DEVELOPMENT CONTROL COMMITTEE MEETING - 27TH SEPTEMBER 2010 Present: Councillor Mrs Fowler (in the Chair) Councillors Brown Doherty Mrs Haynes Coleman Haskett Stansfield In attendance: Mrs K Galloway, Mr G Johnston and Mr M Shaw, Places Directorate Mrs K McDonnell and Mrs C White, Resources Directorate 1. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST There were no declarations of interest on this occasion. 2. MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 6th SEPTEMBER 2010 Resolved: That the minutes of the meeting held on 6th September 2010, be signed by the Chairman as a correct record. 3. PLANNING/ENFORCEMENT APPEALS LODGED AND DETERMINED Resolved: To note the Planning/Enforcement Appeals lodged and determined. Background papers: (1) Letter from the Planning Inspectorate dated 1st September 2010 (2) Letter from the Planning Inspectorate dated 25th August 2010 (3) Letter from the Planning Inspectorate dated 5th August 2010 4. PLANNING ENFORCEMENT UPDATE REPORT Resolved: To note the report and approve the actions of the Assistant Director of Enforcement and Quality Standards. 5. HIGHFIELD HUMANITIES COLLEGE, HIGHFIELD ROAD - APPLICATION 10/0855 The Committee considered application 10/0855 for the erection of a new three storey school with associated vehicular accesses from Lindale Gardens and pedestrian accesses from Highfield Road and Lindale Gardens, car parking, games areas, playing fields and boundary treatment, incidental temporary classroom accommodation and site access, at Highfield Humanities College, Highfield Road. MINUTES OF DEVELOPMENT CONTROL COMMITTEE MEETING - 27TH SEPTEMBER 2010 Mr Turpin, the applicant, answered questions from the Committee. The Committee raised concerns about the movement of vehicles from the school site onto Lindale Gardens, and possible congestion caused by residents parking opposite the access/egress. Mr Turpin explained that traffic movement from service vehicles would visit outside school run hours, that a traffic management plan, and construction management plan, were in place, and that Lindale Gardens was already a bus route and used to large vehicle movements. Resolved: That the application be approved, subject to the conditions, and for the reasons, set out in the appendix to the minutes. Background papers: Applications, plans and replies to consultations upon the applications. 6. ST MARYS CATHOLIC COLLEGE, ST WALBURGAS ROAD - APPLICATION 10/0856 The Committee considered application 10/0856 for the erection of single storey, two storey, three storey and four storey buildings to form a primary and secondary school development and new faith building following part demolition of the existing school buildings with associated site works, vehicular and pedestrian accesses from St Walburgas Road and Rodwell Walk, car parking, sports facilities, boundary treatment and erection of 11.75 metres high wind turbine. Incidental temporary classroom accommodation and construction works access, at St Mary’s Catholic College, St Walburgas Road. Ms Leigh-Baker addressed the Committee and spoke against the application. The Committee asked Ms Leigh-Baker if she had investigated the process for having the building listed. Ms Leigh-Baker stated that she had been in consultation with the Civic Trust and the Council’s Built Heritage Manager. The Committee directed a question to the applicant’s architect about the retention of historical artefacts. The architect advised that some artefacts such as some glazing and a fireplace would be retained, however the scheme would not support the retention of further artefacts. Mr Chadwick addressed the Committee and spoke against the application. The Committee asked Mr Chadwick if he had directed his concerns to the applicant. Mr Chadwick stated he had listed his concerns in a letter to the Planning Department. The Head of Development Management directed the Committee to the conditions listed in the planning report, and condition 7 which detailed a construction management plan. Mr Turpin addressed the Committee and spoke in support of the application. In specific response to Mr Chadwick’s concerns he advised Committee that the construction MINUTES OF DEVELOPMENT CONTROL COMMITTEE MEETING - 27TH SEPTEMBER 2010 compound had been moved to the opposite side of the hospital away from patients’ rooms and the company had undertaken to glaze there with obscured glass. Mr Leyland addressed the Committee and spoke in support of the application. The Head of Development Management reported that further responses to consultations had been received since the circulation of the update report. He advised that the Head of Transportation had stated there were no concerns over the use of the access off Rodwell Walk. The Head of Environmental Protection had also reported no concerns, although had suggested further conditions regarding the use of the Multi Use Games Area. These included specifications for the lighting columns, hours of use and the installation of an acoustic sound barrier. The Committee asked if there had been an ecological survey. The Head of Development Management explained an initial report had been undertaken and, following advice from Lancashire County Council’s Ecologist, additional reports had been submitted. All these reports had been agreed and accepted by Lancashire’s Ecologist. Resolved: That the application be approved, subject to the conditions, and for the reasons, set out in the appendix to the minutes. Background papers: Applications, plans and replies to consultations upon the applications. 7. ORCHARD LODGE NURSING HOME - APPLICATION 10/0880 The Committee considered application 10/0880 for the erection of two storey and part single/part two storey rear extensions to form additional bedrooms, laundry room and staff room, and formation of mobility ramp to the rear, at Orchard Lodge Nursing Home, 601-603 Lytham Road. The Senior Democratic Services Adviser informed Committee that Mr Howarth, the registered public speaker, was unable to address Committee as he had broken his glasses in a car accident on the way to the meeting. She circulated a written copy of the objector’s speech to Committee and advised that the objector was present to take any questions arising from his statement. The Head of Development Management advised the Committee amendments to the plans had been negotiated to reduce the impact of the development on residential amenity. He requested that the Committee defer and delegate the decision to officers pending the receipt of the negotiated amended plans. The Committee expressed some concern over the arrangements for parking indicated on the submitted plans and requested that the officers resolved these issues with the agent. Resolved: That the application be deferred to a future meeting to allow for the receipt of amended plans. MINUTES OF DEVELOPMENT CONTROL COMMITTEE MEETING - 27TH SEPTEMBER 2010 Background papers: Applications, plans and replies to consultations upon the applications. 8. BLACKPOOL TOWER, BANK HEY STREET - APPLICATION 10/0998 The Committee considered application 10/0988 for the external alterations including the installation of entrance ramps to Bank Hey Street and Promenade elevations, installation of an air handling unit and associated structures to Heywood Street elevation, at Blackpool Tower, Bank Hey Street. Mr Hawkins addressed the Committee and spoke in support of the application. Resolved: That the application be approved, subject to the conditions, and for the reasons, set out in the appendix to the minutes. Background papers: Applications, plans and replies to consultations upon the applications. 9. BLACKPOOL TOWER, BANK HEY STREET - APPLICATION 10/0999 The Committee asked if the fish in the aquarium would be housed at the SeaLife Centre. Mr Hawkins, the applicant, stated that the majority of the fish would be rehoused at the Blackpool SeaLife Centre, however the larger fish needed larger tanks and could not be accommodated, so would be transferred to the SeaLife Centre in Brighton. The Head of Development Management advised the Committee of a response received from English Heritage. He reported that English Heritage had no objections to the submitted plans. Resolved: (1) To agree, in principle, to application 10/0999 for the installation of entrance ramps to the Bank Hey elevation, installation of air handling unit and associated structures to Heywood Street and internal alterations, including the removal of the aquarium, Jurassic walk and 3D cinema, to improve circulation and to form new dungeon attraction and installation of new themed signage on the Bank Hey Street elevation, at Blackpool Tower, Bank Hey Street; and (2) To authorise the Head of Development Management to issue the decision once the application has been determined by the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government. Reasons for the Decision, Subject to the Above: The application has been considered in relation to Policy LQ9, RR1, RR7, SR5, SR8 and AS1 of the Blackpool Local Plan 20012016 and it is considered that these proposals would not be harmful to the character and integrity of the Listed Building and would aid future restoration projects at Blackpool Tower. the proposal is therefore in accordance with those policies and there are no other material considerations that weigh sufficiently against the proposal such as to warrant refusal. MINUTES OF DEVELOPMENT CONTROL COMMITTEE MEETING - 27TH SEPTEMBER 2010 10. PROMENADE WEST OF TRAM TRACKS BETWEEN BANKS STREET AND TALBOT SQUARE - APPLICATION 10/1044 The Committee considered application 10/1044 for the relocation of six Grade II listed shelters from the Promenade between South and Central Piers to the west of the Metropole Hotel, at the Promenade West of the tram tracks between Banks Street and Talbot Square. Resolved: That the application be approved, subject to the conditions, and for the reasons, set out in the appendix to the minutes. Background papers: Applications, plans and replies to consultations upon the applications. 11. PROMENADE WEST OF THE TRAM TRACKS BETWEEN BANKS STREET AND TALBOT SQUARE - APPLICATION 10/1045 Resolved: (1) To agree, in principle, to application 10/1045 for relocation of six Grade II listed shelters removed from the Promenade between South and Central Piers to the west of the Metropole Hotel (Application for Listed Building Consent), at the Promenade west of the tram tracks between Banks Street and Talbot Square; and (2) To authorise the Head of Development Management to issue the decision once the application has been determined by the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government. Reasons for the Decision, Subject to the Above: The application has been considered in relation to Policies BH3, LQ2, LQ7, LQ9, LQ10 and AS1 of the Blackpool Local Plan 2001-2016 and is in accordance with those policies and there are no other material considerations that weigh sufficiently against the proposal such as to warrant refusal. Chairman (The meeting ended at 5:50 pm) Any queries regarding these minutes, please contact: Katharine McDonnell, Democratic Services Senior Adviser Tel: (01253) 477153 E-mail: katharine.mcdonnell@blackpool.gov.uk