View Minutes - Township of Mahwah

MARCH 14, 2012
The meeting of the Environmental Commission was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by
Richard Wolf, Chairman. The Opening Statement was made. Roll call was taken.
George Esty
Karin LaGreca
Carol Phiefer
Richard Seibert
Richard Wolf
Jane DeWan (secretary)
Gregg Sgambati
Daniel Weixeldorfer
Also present
William Laforet, Mayor
The Minutes of the meeting held on February 22, 2012 were discussed. Richard Wolf
wants to review further and suggest a change. Approval of the minutes was deferred until
the next meeting.
In regard to the tree removal on the Cantow property, we have not yet received any
direction from the Court. Andy Fede, Township attorney, has contacted the Court for
direction. We have a copy of his letter dated March 9, 2012
We will hold off writing any letter about tree cutting/erosion concerns until we find out
what the Judge wants. We have not yet received any comments from Professor
George Esty made comments on the existing tree ordinance. He feels several changes
should be made, specifically on tree size.
George and Mayor Laforet spoke about the need for a shade tree commission. George
feels Mahwah would benefit from continuing membership in the Shade Tree Federation.
Carol Phiefer reported on research she conducted which includes tree ordinances from
other towns and more up-to-date tree guidelines.
The main points which need to be updated in the existing tree ordinance are: definition
of a tree, replacement cost per tree, size of replacement trees and recommended street
trees and replacement trees.
Rich Wolf asked George Esty and Carol Phiefer to review the tree ordinance and
documents which Carol researched and make recommendations to the Environmental
The Mayor is in favor of this ongoing project.
Mayor Laforet also stated that he is very pleased with the work the Ramapo College
students are doing with their research and assessment of the Crossroads property. The
project is a benefit to them and to the town.
Mayor Laforet also congratulated Carol Phiefer in advance for a well-deserved award and
recognition from the Township Council for her many contributions to the Environmental
Commission over the years. Carol will receive a Mayor’s Proclamation at the Council
meeting on March 15th. All Commission members were pleased about Carol’s award.
Mayor Laforet left the meeting at 8 p.m.
Rich Wolf reported that an environmental resource report is being done by Maser
Consulting. There will be a joint meting with the Planning Board, possibly on March 26,
but that date is not confirmed. Discussion of the master plan is already on the agenda for
the Planning Board Meeting of March 26.
We received a letter from the Township Engineer and an amended tree preservation
application for 6 Duncan Court. Due to addition of a dead tree to the removal list, we
note that there will be thirty-six trees removed and nine replacement trees. Approved.
After discussion, the expenditure of annual dues of $95.00 was approved. Five people
can be members. The five selected are: George Esty, Carol Phiefer, Richard Seibert,
Dan Weixeldorfer and Richard Wolf.
The following Tenant Applications were reviewed and approved by the Environmental
 RG Group, 305 Island Road – retail change of ownership
 Product Source International Datacomm, LLC, 330 Franklin Turnpike –
telecommunications distribution
 Micro Logic Corp., 31 Industrial Avenue – machine shop
This application was approved with an additional comment “request statement that
materials disposed of are not flammable or toxic”.
 Blueberry, 115 Franklin Turnpike – frozen yogurt, juice, bubble tea
 W.B. Cury Discount Stores, Inc., 30 Industrial Avenue – sporting goods/on line
Site Plan Review Update Crossroads Developers, Dkt. 535P
Rich Wolf reported that Dan Weixeldorfer has continued to ask questions at the Planning
Board hearings concerning items listed in our letter.
We do not know if they have discussed a rain water recapture system.
Rich Wolf asked if anyone has any further questions or comments to add to our October
Karin LaGreca expects that a meeting will be set up in the near future for the
Environmental Commission to meet with the environmental assessment class to hear how
the project is going.
Mater Plan
Will be discussed at the Planning Board meeting on March 26, 2012.
Tree removal issue – status
Reviewed correspondence on this matter.
Letters from Arthur Chagaris, Esq. representing the Cantows.
Letter dated 2/16/12 stated that he is their attorney.
Letter dated 2/28/12 concerning the pending decision of the Grand Jury
Invitation from Bergen County Environmental Council concerning the annual meeting
which will be held on Monday, April 30, 2012 at 7 p.m.
RSVP by 4/16/12.
Rich Wolf and Karin LaGreca will attend the ANJEC workshop/training class on March
24, 2012 called fundamentals for effective environmental commissions. J. DeWan will
arrange for the payment of the registrations fees. ($35.00 each)
Copies of miscellaneous correspondences were forwarded to us from the Township Clerk
 Reliance Environmental, Inc. dated 3/8/12 concerning underground storage tank
removed at Pilot site.
 CH2MHill, dated 3/8/12 concerning permit application submitted by Tennessee
Gas Pipeline.
Karin LaGreca told about a conference being held tomorrow at Ramapo
College dealing with remediation needed along the pipeline.
We received a letter dated 3/8/12 from resident Sid Goodman concerning clean indoor air
for the Crossroads development. He has also submitted his written testimony to Todd
Sherer, Planning Board Chairman.
The clean indoor air issue would only be discussed if the retail space is approved. It is
too early to question at this time.
We received an email dated 3/14/12 through George Esty. It was from Susan Stedtler
and it listed information from notes taken on 3/12/12 during a conversation with Susan
Lockwood of DEP. Concerns centered on paving of the property sealing off possible
contaminated soil; storm water run off and identification of wetlands.
Our question is “is there any DEP sign off on soil tests” when properties are listed as
active remediation sites?
J. DeWan will copy Carol’s tree information for George. Dick Seibert also requested a
copy. Karin wants a copy of the Stedtler email. A copy will also be sent to Dan.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 p.m. The next meeting of the Environmental
Commission will be held on Wednesday, March 28, 2012 at 7:30 p.m. at the Municipal
Building, 475 Corporate Drive. Mahwah, N.J.
J. DeWan