[CO-1065] Bad interaction between Javascript used for EDS and COmanage Created: 29/Apr/15 Updated: 07/Nov/15 Resolved: 07/Nov/15 Status: Project: Component/s: Affects Version/s: Fix Version/s: Resolved COmanage Registry COmanage Registry 0.9.3 (Essential Enneagon Plus Plus Plus) Type: Reporter: Resolution: Labels: Remaining Estimate: Time Spent: Original Estimate: Bug Scott Koranda Fixed None Not Specified Issue Links: Duplicate duplicates COmanage Registry 1.0.0 (Polished Polygon) Priority: Assignee: Votes: Minor Scott Koranda 0 Not Specified Not Specified CO-776 intrusive Javascript Resolved Description The Shibboleth Embedded Discovery Service (EDS) plugin requires using the Javascript that is part of the EDS. A bad interaction between the EDS Javascript and Javascript included with COmanage is causing the EDS to not function correctly. Specifically after typing in the text box to find an IdP one should be able to just hit enter/return to select the IdP and complete the discovery process, but that is not working. Comments Comment by Scott Koranda [ 29/Apr/15 ] Arlen and Scott sat down and looked at this in detail. The best fix for now is to only include the noty Javascript and some of the common COmanage Javascript code when the user is authenticated and not include it otherwise, which solves this problem since the plugin view is rendered before the user authenticates. We edited the default.ctp template in View/Layouts to accomplish this. Comment by Scott Koranda [ 29/Apr/15 ] Fixed in ccf205346a178a1fce200270c6a424bce26a5237 Comment by Scott Koranda [ 05/May/15 ] The fix causes a problem when displaying invitations to anonymous users because the necessary Javascript is not included to properly render some things on the invitation view(s). Comment by Arlen Johnson [ 13/May/15 ] Fixed as of commit 51c7a27 https://github.com/Internet2/comanageregistry/commit/51c7a27676a6b59b0baab0a47766d8f1a149dd8f Comment by Scott Koranda [ 07/Nov/15 ] Reopened for 1.0.0-rc3 because the EDS is no longer a plugin and how it is processed has changed, which caused this fix to no longer work. The problem is that the index.ctp file for the EDS in View/Pages/eds/ now includes print $this->Html->css('eds-idpselect', array('inline' => false)); to load the EDS specific css. But the main layout file View/Layouts/default.ctp included due to this fix <?php if($this->here != '/registry/pages/eds/index'): // Don't load the following scripts when loading the Shib EDS. ?> <!-- noty scripts --> <?php print $this->Html->script('jquery/noty/jquery.noty.js'); print $this->Html->script('jquery/noty/layouts/topCenter.js'); print $this->Html->script('jquery/noty/themes/comanage.js'); ?> <!-- Include external files and scripts --> <?php print $this->fetch('meta'); print $this->fetch('css'); print $this->fetch('script'); ?> <!-- COmanage JavaScript library and onload scripts --> <?php print $this->Html->script('comanage.js'); print $this->element('javascript'); ?> <?php endif // !eds ?> so the fetch of css is ineffective. Comment by Scott Koranda [ 07/Nov/15 ] Fixed in a5afcca1222017584b9f15f47641cc4317b70302 Comment by Scott Koranda [ 07/Nov/15 ] Fixed in a5afcca1222017584b9f15f47641cc4317b70302 Generated at Wed Feb 10 04:53:09 UTC 2016 using JIRA 6.4.11#64026sha1:78f6ec473a3f058bd5d6c30e9319c7ab376bdb9c.