The Measures for Promoting and Establishing the

Best Practices of Sustainable Energy in JAPAN
Submitted to the Ministerial Consultations
of the 9th Special Session of the Governing Council / Global Ministerial Environment
CATEGORY: A. Improving policies and management in the energy sector
C. Promoting renewable sources of energy
D. Promoting energy efficiency on either the supply or demand sides
The Government of Japan* has been introducing policies, including the
followings, aimed at promoting sustainable energy.
*Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry; Ministry of the Agriculture,
Forestry and Fisheries; Ministry of the Environment; Ministry of Land
Infrastructure and Transport; and Agency for Natural Resources and Energy.
① Efforts toward developing energy technology
As Japan relies on most of primary energy from foreign countries, energy
security is an important issue. For energy security, Japan has been developing the
renewable energy technology, the energy efficiency technology and so on. To develop
these kinds of energy technologies, Japan takes a realistic approach for solving the
problems of energy, economy and environment at the same time, when considering both
short- and middle- term aspects as well as long-term aspects. Through this approach,
Japan promotes effective energy measures that will contribute to pursuing
environmental and economic issues simultaneously.
<<Technological development program for practical application of PV system>>
Technological development program for practical application of PV system,
which started in 2005, aims at drastic reduction in the level of electricity generating
cost of PV. (Currently JPY 49/kwh to household electricity cost level (JPY23/kwh) in
2010.) Promotion of PV systems contributes to achieving Kyoto Protocol target.
<<Development of environment-friendly coal technology and its application>>
Model Demonstration Project for Fluid Bed Advanced Cement Kiln Clinkering
System is a project that promotes development and diffusion of Clean Coal Technology
(CCT) and was started in 2005.
Key Objectives are to contribute to ensuring stable energy provision and to
help resolve global environmental issues by promoting development and diffusion of
CCT at home and abroad, as well as further contribute to the application of cleaner and
efficient coal technology in Asia. It also aims to promote diffusion of CCT, decrease of
environmental impact by reducing air pollutants such as NOx and SOx, as well as to
promote energy saving by reducing inefficient use of coal in China. The demonstration
program has been implemented in Shandong, China since 2005.
② Top Runner Program
Top Runner Program (Japan’s Approach to Energy Efficiency and Conservation
Measures) is one way of setting target standard values for the energy consumption
efficiency of equipment, and is based on the concept that “manufacturers produce
products that are better than products in the same group that are currently sold on the
market.” In Japan, target standard values for energy consumption efficiency of
equipment have been set since 1998 using this method. As of 2003, the Top runner
standards have been established for 18 items, including, for example, passenger
vehicles, air conditioners and electric refrigerators / freezers.
As an effect of the Top runner program, some manufactures demonstrated their
willingness by announcing a plan to achieve the target standard by 2005 for all
categories. The actual rated internal volume of an electric refrigerator/ freezer has been
increasing every year. However, the annual power consumption per liter has been
decreasing since 1996 when the Top Runner Program was discussed, and the annual
power consumption per appliance has declined significantly.
③ Biomass Town
Japan has a national strategy for the promotion of biomass utilization called
“Biomass Nippon Strategy” which was adopted by the Cabinet in December 2002. The
strategy establishes action plans to implement the utilization of waste biomass, unused
biomass and energy plants for energy resources and materials aimed at prevention of
global warming and creation of a recycling-oriented society. Biomass Town(local
municipalities that have a system utilizing biomass as local energy or materials)are
developed in these action plans. Relevant ministries* have cooperated in this strategy.
*Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries; Cabinet Office; Ministry of
Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology; Ministry of Internal
Affairs and Communications; Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry;
Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport; and Ministry of the
④ Field demonstration of biofuels (3% ethanol in a typical gasoline) at local area
Relevant ministries*, local authorities and private sector cooperate to
implement field demonstrations of biofuels at some regions to promote the utilization of
biofuels based on the Kyoto Protocol target and Biomass Nippon Strategy.
*Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries; Cabinet Office; Ministry of
Economy, Trade and Industry; and Ministry of the Environment.