Vocabulary Lesson #6

9 Intensified
Name: ____________________________
Lesson 6: ant, anti; anthrop, anthropo; aster, astr; gram, graph; onym, onomato
Exercise I. Vocabulary
Using a dictionary, write the part of speech, the etymology, the definition, and any forms of the
word (i.e. noun, verb, adjective, adverb).
EXAMPLE: democracy, noun, [Gk, demos, people + kratia, rule] government by the people
democrat (noun), democratic (adj.), democratically (adv.)
1. antithesis
2. antagonism
3. anthropology
4. misanthropic
5. catastrophe
6. astronomy
7. graphic
8. epigram
9. anonymous
10. onomatopoeia
Exercise II. Greek Roots
For each Greek root in column I, write the letter of its correct meaning from column II.
___ 1.
___ 2.
___ 3.
___ 4.
___ 5.
ant, anti
anthrop, anthropo
aster, astr
gram, graph
onym, onomato
name, word
writing, drawing
Exercise III. Words Out of Context
In each of the following groups, select the item that best expresses the meaning of the numbered
word at the left.
1. antithesis
a. agreement b. idea
c. bad feeling d. opposite
2. misanthropic
a. unwise
b. hateful
c. lonely
3. catastrophic
a. harmful
b. sorrowful c. disastrous d. incredible
4. graphic
a. vivid
b. vague
c. colorful
d. powerful
5. anonymous
a. unclear
b. private
c. unknown
d. secret
d. argumentative
Exercise IV. Completing Sentences
Complete each of the following sentences by selecting the most appropriate word from the group
of words preceding the sentences. Make whatever adjustments are necessary to fit the words into
the sentences properly.
1. By studying the cultures of primitive peoples, ________________________ helps us to have
a better understanding of our own culture.
2. Notice the ____________________ in these lines by the poet John Dryden: “The double,
double, double beat/Of the thundering drum.”
3. “The more things a man is ashamed of, the more respectable he is” is one of George Bernard
Shaw’s ____________________.
4. Many residents and homeowners were justifiably _____________________ toward the
baseball stadium proposal, for they felt it would create excessive traffic problems in the
surrounding neighborhood.
5. Few characters in literature are more_____________________ that Ebenezer Scrooge, who
cares for nothing but money.
Exercise V. Synonyms and Antonyms
Classify each of the following pairs of words as “S” for synonyms and “A” for antonyms.
1. antagonism - consensus
2. misanthropy - altruism
3. astronomical - reasonable
4. graphic - picturesque
5. anonymous - identifiable
6. catastrophic - tragic
Exercise VI. Word Roundup
1. Newscasters often incorrectly refer to human lives lost in plane crashes or in natural disasters
as tragedies when they are actually catastrophes. Explain the difference between a tragedy
and a catastrophe, and give an example of each.
2. Define the following terms: philanthropist, altruist, benefactor. Give an example of three
historical persons, public figures, or organizations to which these terms would apply.
3. Define each of the following words using the Greek roots you have learned in this lesson.
Include part of speech (noun, verb, adjective, adverb) before each definition.
a. antidote
b. antipathy
c. anthropoid
d. anthropomorphic
e. astrology
f. acronym
g. polygraph
h. anagram
Exercise VII. Framing Sentences
Write the following sentences on a separate sheet of paper.
Use each of the following words in an illustrative, original sentence.
1. antagonism (n.)
2. antithesis (n.)
3. anthropology (n.)
4. misanthropic (adj.)
5. catastrophe (n.)
6. astronomy (n.)
7. graphic (adj.)
8. epigram (n.)
9. anonymous (adj.)
10. onomatopoeia (n.)
Exercise VII. Enriching the Lesson: Words from Mythology and History
Define each of the following words, and then explain the person, character, or place from which
the word is derived.
1. aeolian harp
2. cynosure
3. laconic
4. mnemonic
5. platonic
6. sapphic
7. Socratic