HP - Vocab List #7 Lists 14-17 Completion Complete each

HP - Vocab List #7 Lists 14-17
Complete each statement.
1 The fancy name for “Survival of the Fittest”
2 The body system that breakdown food into small
molecules that our body needs.
3 The body system that collects and disposes of
carbon dioxide
9 A autosomal recessive disease that causes
patients to lack pigment in their eyes, skin, or hair
due to the absence a protein.
10 The body system that distributes O2 and CO2 all
throughout the body.
11 Another name for diploid cell
12 The random change of a population over time.
13 Genes on autosomes
14 The body system that delivers nutrients to the
blood stream
15 A autosomal recessive disease in which lipids
accumulate in brain due to the absence of a
protein that normally break-down the lipids.
4 What is the name of the body system above?
5 A dominant autosomal disease which causes
mental degredation and ultimately leads to
uncontrollable movements of the body.
6 A autosomal recessive disease that causes people
to build thick mucus in the lungs due to the
absence of a protein that normally breaks-down
the mucus.
7 Two causes of Genetic Drift
8 Molecules used by our nerve cells to
communicate with neighboring nerve cells
25 The ability of an individual to survive and
26 A autosomal recessive disease that result in the
accumulation of phenylalanine due to the absence
of a protein which ultimately leads to mental
27 Genes on the X chromosomes
28 Our body’s communication system
29 The change of the population over time
30 Molecules that signal the cell to start and stop
chemical reactions.
16 What is the name of the body system above?
17 Proteins used by our defense system to label
pathogens for destruction.
31 Y shaped proteins used to label pathogens for
32 The collection of all the genes in a population.
33 Genes on the Y chromosomes
18 Small molecules in food needed by our cells to
stay aive.
19 The fancy word that means “Creation of new
20 The cells that make up our Immune System and
produce antibodies
21 The cells in your body that destroy pathogens
22 Can cause new species to form
23 The two causes of Evolution.
24 The system that collects and delivers oxygen gas
to our blood stream.
34 The body’s transportation system.
35 What is the name of the body system above?
41 What type of Speciation is this?
“The Bobo Population becomes a different
species while living with the non Bobo Gorillas”
42 Population reduction due to disasters
36 What is the name of the body system above?
43 Chromosomes that are the same size and shape.
37 Colonization of a new habitat by a few
38 The name of our body’s “checks and balance”
39 The body system reponsible for destroying
pathogens inside your body.
44 What is the name of the body system above?
45 The body systerm that is composed of glands that
produce hormones.
46 The fancy name for germs (bacteria and viruses)
47 What type of Speciation is this?
“The Bobo population became a different species
because they where force to live away from the
non-bobo population “
48 The fancy name for nerve cell
49 What is the name of the body system above?
50 Our body’s defense system.
HP - Vocab List #7 Lists 14-17
Answer Section
1 ANS: Natural Selection
2 ANS: Digestive System
3 ANS: Respiratory System
4 ANS: Respiratory System
5 ANS: Huntington Disease
6 ANS: Cystic Fibrosis
7 ANS: Bottleneck Effect and Founder Effect
8 ANS: Neurotransmitter
9 ANS: Albinism
10 ANS: Circulatory System
11 ANS: Somatic Cell
12 ANS: Genetic Drift
13 ANS: Autosomal Genes
14 ANS: Digestive System
15 ANS: Tay-Sachs
16 ANS: Immune System
17 ANS: Antibodies
18 ANS: Nutrients
19 ANS: Speciation
20 ANS: White Blood Cells
21 ANS: White Blood Cells
22 ANS:
1. Geographic Isolation
2. Reproductive Isolation
23 ANS: Natural Selection, Genetic Drift
24 ANS: Respiratory System
25 ANS: Fitness
27 ANS: X-linked genes
28 ANS: Nervous System
29 ANS: Evolution
30 ANS: Hormones
31 ANS: Antibodies
32 ANS: Gene Pool
33 ANS: Y-linked Genes
34 ANS: Circulatory System
35 ANS: Endocrine System
36 ANS: Digestive System
37 ANS: Founder Effect
38 ANS: Feed Back Loops
39 ANS: Immune system
40 ANS: Karyotype
41 ANS: Sympatric Speciation
42 ANS: Bottleneck Effect
43 ANS: Homologous Chromosomes
44 ANS: Circulatory System
45 ANS: Endocrine System
46 ANS: Pathogens
47 ANS: Allopatric Speciation
48 ANS: Neuron
49 ANS: Nervous System
50 ANS: Immune System