ISO / IEC JTC1/SC25 WG1 N786 WG1 (Tokyo-2, Bertsch) 3 Date: May 25, 1998 ISO / IEC JTC1 SC25 WG1 Interconnection of Information Technology Equipment Home Electronic System Title: Comparison of CAB, CAL, CEN and BACnet Binary Output Objects Source: Canada Project: Working Group 1 Requested Action: To be used in developing building automation standards Update documents N664 Rev B and N616 Obsolete: None Reason: Recommendation for Working Group Thread: 2 (Objects and Messages for HES Building Control Systems) 5 (HES Applications Model and Services) 8 (Terminology) Distribution: All Working Group 1 members COMPARISON OF CAB, CAL, CEN and BACnet BINARY OUTPUT OBJECTS Introduction Over the last several years, discussions within WG1 have revolved around several Home and Building Automation systems. It is a monumental task indeed to produce a worldwide standard with such a diverse range of needs and various market forces. WG1 has recognized this through the development of interim steps (stepping stones) such as the UI, technical reports and comparison reports; a number of which passed majority agreement. This document provides another stepping stone, which may be a very useful end-goal on its own. “Thread 2” (Objects and Messages for HES Building Control Systems) discussions have typically revolved around listing the objects and methods of various systems and proposing them. Although this does move us forward, perhaps another important task should be done. If we look at just one object, even a simple object such as a Binary Output object, there is a tremendous variation on various systems’ specifications. Perhaps, even more important, the methods to compare them are very difficult. Each uses its own terminology, and sometimes contradict other systems’ terminology. In some cases information is missing, or unclear. There are cases where references must be made in many places in the documents to reveal certain information. At lot of progress around the world was made with the OSI model for layer communications systems. The model is basically a specification on how to specify using common terms and references. Similiarly, there seems to be a need to do the same for the Home and Building Automation Systems. Therefore, we propose that standard terminology and requirements be established for HBES systems. The Home and Building Automation systems that follow the rules would then meet the “HBES Terminology Standard”. For example, CAL, CAB, BACnet, CEN or any other system would produce their standards as they have in the past, but in order to meet the international “HBES Terminology Standard”, must include a section that is written as defined as in HBES standard. It would not dictate the details of the standard, but how it is to be presented. -1- This accomplishes a number of things: 1) Users of the systems would have a common format to help them decide on which system to use. 2) Developers of each system would have a good opportunity to see the differences of the various other systems, and potentially move toward the “better system” or incorporate the benefits of other systems (without the common standard; there would too much exploratory work to investigate). 3) WG1 would be able to more readily more toward a common HBES system by having the proponents described in common terminology; it is an appropriate stepping stone to full standardization. 4) The deliverables are clear and obtainable for WG1 to achieve. 5) In the process of converting to the common terminology the systems may discover mistakes or areas needing clarifications and therefore improve their own specifications. 6) A higher profile, and potentially more participation, is given to WG1 by providing much needed information to the industry. 7) Clarifies what each system means by certain terms, as example, “binary output object” is a simple object in CAL without timers, whereas CAB includes timers. 8) Any new system being designed in the future can more readily build upon the success and failures of systems in the past, without having to learn all the details and particulars of each system'’ terminology. It helps to stop the divergent directions of new systems. 9) It improves the specifications for gateways and communications across different systems. In section #1 below, the various systems are listed in tables with their existing Binary Output Object (or equivalent) specifications. The original terminology will be listed. Where possible the tables have been expanded to include additional relevant information. Section #2 defines the specifications for complying to the “HBES Terminology Standard”. Section #3 includes example tables that would meet the “HBES Terminology Standard” for the Binary Output Object for BACnet, CAB, CAL and CEN. Section #4 summarizes the recommendations. -2- SECTION 1 – ORIGINAL SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS BACNet Original Specification Binary Output Object Type Property Identifier Property Datatype Conformance Code Object_Identifier Object_Name Object_Type Present_Value Description Device_Type Status_Flag Event_State Reliability Out_Of_service Polarity Inactive_Text Active_Text Change_Of_State_Time Change_Of_State_Count Time_Of_State_Count_Reset Elapsed_Active_Time Time_Of_Active_Time_Reset Minimum_Off_Time Minimum_On_Time Priority_Array Relinquish_Default Time_Delay Notification_Class Feedback_Value Event_Enable Acked_Transitions Notify_Type BACnetObjectIdentifier CharacterString BACnetObjectType BACnetBinaryPV CharacterString CharacterString BACnetStatusFlags BACnetEventState BACnetReliability BOOLEAN BACnetPolarity CharacterString CharacterString BACnetDateTime Unsigned BACnetDateTime Unsigned32 BACnetDateTime Unsigned32 Unsigned32 BACnetPriorityArray BACnetBinaryPV Unsigned Unsigned BACnetBinaryPV BACnetEventTransitionBits BACnetEventTransitionBits BACnetNotifyType Read Read Read Read/Write Optional Optional Read Read Optional Read Read Optional1 Optional1 Optional2 Optional2 Optional2 Optional3 Optional3 Optional Optional Read Read Optional4 Optional4 Optional4 Optional4 Optional4 Optional4 -3- CAB Original Specification Digital-Output Property Descriptor CAB Data Type Response Values Read/Write pv-discrete state alarm-state alarm-category contact-condition condition-to-alarm operating-mode digital-feedback pv-on-text pv-off-text schedule runtime-enable runtime-value runtime-time runtime-date runtime-limit runtime-alarm-cat runtime-reset cos-count-enable cos-count cos-count-limit cos-count-window cos-count-alarm-cat point-text-1 point-text-2 point-alarm-text-1 point-alarm-text-2 point-mask CAB-String-10 CAB-State CAB-Event-Type CAB-Alarm-Category CAB-Contact-Condition CAB-Condition-To-Alarm CAB-Operating-Mode CAB-On-Off CAB-String-10 CAB-String-10 CAB-String-12 CAB-State INTEGER(0..65535) CAB-Time CAB-Date INTEGER(0..65535) CAB-Alarm-Category INTEGER(0..65535) CAB-State INTEGER(0..65535) INTEGER(0..65535) INTEGER(0..65535) CAB-Alarm-Category CAB-String-40 CAB-String-40 CAB-String-80 CAB-String-80 Printable Text Enable/Disable Event Type 1,2,3,4,11,15 Critical/Cautionary/Maintenance On/Off On/Off/Not-equal-To-Feedback Auto/Manual On/Off Printable Text Printable Text Printable Text Enabled/Disabled Hours Time Date Maximum Accumulated Value Critical/Cautionary/Maintenance Reset Accumulated Value Enabled/Disabled Accumulated Count Maximum Accumulated Count Count Critical/Cautionary/Maintenance Printable Text Printable Text Printable Text Printable Text Read/Write Read/Write Read -4- Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read Read Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write CAL Original Specification Binary Switch Instance Variables Name Category Type Mandatory current_position default_position function_of_position persistence reporting_condition dest_address previous_value report_header Read/Write Read Read Read Read/Write Read/Write Read Read/Write boolean boolean data(8) boolean data data(2-16) Mandatory Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional data -5- CEN Original Specification Binary Output FLN Property Identifier Property Datatype Read/Write Property Kind Object_Id_Number Object_Type Object_Name Present_Value Status Statetext Priority Description Commanded_Value Total_Runtime Intervall_Runtime Intervall_Runtime_Limit Maintenance/Out_Of_Service_Fla g Event_Disabled Alarm_Disabled Acknowledged_States Alarm_Acknowledge Default Polarity Minimum_Off_Time Minimum_On_Time Time_Delay 24 bits 8 bits Character String 8 bits 8 bits 8 bits 8 bits Character String 8 bits 32 bits 32 bits 32 bits 8 bits Read Read Read Read/Write Read Read Read/Write Read Read Read Read/Write Read/Write Read Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional 8 bits 8 bits 8 bits 8 bits 8 bits 8 bits 32 bits 32 bits 32 bits Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read Read Read Read Read Read Optional Optional Optional Optional Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering -6- COMMENTS ON ORIGINAL SPECIFICATIONS Some example issues with the existing terminology of the systems include: 1. The BACnet spec includes specific enumerated data types in the data type columns, instead of only showing the basic data types and “normalizing” (data type only, not dependant on specific usage). It would be useful to know what range of values can be expected, without getting complicated by the specifics of the particular data member. For example, in BACnet, “Event_State” and “Reliability” are the same data type and same limits (65535), but are listed differently in the tables as “BACnetEventState” and “BACnetReliability”. It would be useful to know that they are the same without further investigations. A similar situation occurs for CAB. 2. The CAB spec does not include “Mandatory” descriptions for the data members. In the main document (section 6.0) there is a mention that “mandatory” is described in the Appendix E. However, Appendix E does not include such references. 3. At first glance, the CAL spec seems to include single bit data for some of its data members. However, only upon further examination is it clarified that “boolean” (e.g. “current_position”) is represented by using “00 Hex” and “01 Hex” 8-bit bytes. 4. The CAL spec for “function_of_position” indicates “data(8)” which one would assume to allow any valid data, but upon further examination is actually intended to be a character string. 5. Each system deals with dates, times and character strings differently, including the “Year 2000” issue. Again, this is not initially apparent. 6. The BACnet spec is inconsistent in its use of the data type; sometimes they are “normalized” (such as “Unsigned32”) and other times they are not “normalized” (such as “BACnetObjectEventState”). The enumeration of even simple functions such as “binary” are not common through the systems, and therefore, perhaps we also should include the actual enumerated actual values (for binary?). For example, the CEN spec allows a third value, “invalid” while the others do not. To further complicate matters, CAB uses “2” for false, while the others use “0” for false. -7- SECTION 2 – HBES SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS Our proposal is to insert into section 6 of document N664 Rev B the following text (or into a new document) -------------------To be classified as an “HBES terminology standard”, the system must include the following table for each object: HBES-Object Identifier: Object) HBES-Data Member Identifier (Identifier given to the HBES-Data Member Data Type HBES-Data HBES-Data Member Member Read/Write Mandatory Type HBES DEFINITIONS HBES-Object Identifier Identifier or name given to the object HBES-Data-Member Identifier Identifier or name given to the data members within the object HBES-Data Member Data Type Only HBES standardized terms for the type of data for each data member should be used. The data type defines: a) size of the data member (maximum size expected; e.g. “Unsigned-8” is 8 bits) b) whether the size is fixed or variable (e.g. “Unsigned-8” is fixed, while “UnsignedInteger” is variable length) c) basic structure utilized (e.g. “Bit-Array(8)” infers that individual bits contain -8- information, while “Unsigned-8” does not). The standardized allowed “HBES-Data-Member Data Types” are: Bit This is to be used for data members restricted to only two choices and intended to be carried in one bit of data. Bit-Array(length) This is to be used for data members containing a number of binary selections that are grouped together or where there is meaning attached to individual bits within the array. Appropriate usage includes “Status” for CEN Binary Object and “Status_Flags” for BACnet Binary Output Object. The length must be either a range of values or more than one. Unsigned-8 Used for 8-bit information (00 Hex to FF Hex), where the individual bits do not have meaning, but the overall value does have meaning. This is to be used for 8-bit data which is not specified in any other type definition. Signed-8 Used for 8 bit information (00 Hex to FF Hex), where the individual bits do not have meaning, but the overall value does have meaning and is to be used only if the numbers represented are in the range of –128 to 127. Byte-Array(length) This is to be used for items containing a number of bytes that are grouped together and are not specified in any other type definition. The length must be either a range of values more than one. Character-String(length)[Variant Z] This is to be used for items containing a number of bytes that are grouped together in which the bytes are intended to be limited to printable ASCII values. This variant contains the string of printable ASCII characters with no leading or trailing reference bytes. The length can be single values or a range of values. This variant is used for the CAB and CAL systems. -9- Character-String[Variant #] This is to be used for items containing a number of bytes that are grouped together in which the bytes are intended to be limited to printable ASCII values. This variant includes the first byte as the length of the string. This variant is used for the CEN protocol. Maximum length of string is 254. Character-String[Variant Diff] This is to be used for items containing a number of bytes that are grouped together in which the bytes are intended to be limited to printable ASCII values. This variant allows a number of different ASCII formats to be used. This variant is used for the BACnet protocol. Unsigned-16 2 bytes, 16 bits, 0 to 65535 Signed-16 2 bytes, 16 bits, -32768 to 32767 Unsigned-24 3 bytes, 24 bits, 0 to 16,777,215 Unsigned-32 4 bytes, 32 bits, 0 to 4,294,967,296 Signed-32 4 bytes, 32 bits, -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647 Unsigned-Integer 1 and up(L) bytes, 0 to (2(8*L)-1) Signed-Integer 1 and up(L) bytes, -2(8*L-1) to (2(8*L-1)-1) -10- Time[Variant 3I] Three unsigned integers are used to hold the time value; the hour (first integer), the minute (second integer) and the second (third integer). This variant is used in the CAB system. Time[Variant 3C] Three character pairs are used to hold the time value; the hour (first character pair), the minute (second character pair) and the second (third character pair). “Don’t care” fields are done through the use of non-ASCII characteristics in its place (in order from last to first). This variant is used in the CAL system. Time[Variant 4I] Four unsigned integers are used to hold the time value; the hour (first integer), the minute (second integer), the second (third integer) and the hundredths of second (four integer). “Don’t care” fields are done through the use of FF Hex. This variant is used in the BACnet system. Date[Variant 3I] Three unsigned integers are used to hold the data value; day of month (first integer), month (second integer) and year (third integer from 1980). This variant is used in the CAB protocol. Date[Variant 3C] Three character pairs are used to hold the data value; year (first character pair), month (second character pair) and day of month (third character pair). “Don’t care” fields are done through the use of non-ASCII characteristics in its place (in order from last to first). This variant is used in the CAL protocol. Date[Variant 4I] Four unsigned integers are used to hold the data value; year (first integer from 1900), month (second integer), day of month (third integer) and day of week (fourth integer). “Don’t care” fields are done through the use of FF Hex. This variant is used in the BACnet protocol. HBES-Data Member Read/Write Type Read and/or Write capacity for data member There are three options allowed: -11- Read-only – information can be read only. It is also used for engineering information (such as “Polarity” in CEN), and for data that cannot be directly written to but might change due to other circumstances (such as “Acked-Transistions” in BACnet) Read/Write – information can be read from or written to over the network Write-only – information such as passwords that can only be written to HBES-Data Member Mandatory Whether the data member is mandatory or not There are three options allowed: Mandatory – object must contain the data member Optional – object may contain the data member Engineering – data members of object which are not handled during normal operation, but only during commissioning and maintenance (such as “Polarity” in CEN) We also propose that all of the above defined terms be inserted into the Terminology document (N616). -12- SECTION 3 – HBES EXAMPLES [In the document N664B it may or may not be appropriate to also include the following examples.] Using the Binary Output Object (or nearest equivalent) for BACnet, CAB, CAL and CEN, the appropriate tables are written. Although the tables are intended to follow the specifications of the various systems, they may contain errors, and should only be taken as examples. This is because the appropriate committees have not reviewed this document, that misinterpretations may have occurred, or plan errors may have been incorporated. It is suggested that each committee review the appropriate tables and respond with corrections. -13- BACnet in HBES Terminology HBES-Object Identifier: Binary Output Object Type HBES-Data Member Identifier HBES-Data Member Data Type Object_Identifier Object_Name Object_Type Present_Value Description Device_Type Status_Flag Event_State Reliability Out_Of_service Polarity Inactive_Text Active_Text Change_Of_State_Time Change_Of_State_Count Time_Of_State_Count_Reset Elapsed_Active_Time Time_Of_Active_Time_Rese t Minimum_Off_Time Minimum_On_Time Priority_Array Relinquish_Default Time_Delay Notification_Class Feedback_Value Event_Enable Acked_Transistions Notify_Type Unsigned-32 CharacterString[Variant Diff] Unsigned-16 Unsigned-8 CharacterString[Variant Diff] CharacterString[Variant Diff] Bit-Array(4) Unsigned-16 Unsigned-16 Unsigned-8 Unsigned-8 CharacterString[Variant Diff] CharacterString[Variant Diff] Date[Variant 4I], Time[Variant 4I] Unsigned-Integer Date[Variant 4I], Time[Variant 4I] Unsigned-32 Date[Variant4I], Time[Variant 4I] Read-only Read-only Read-only Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read-only Read-only Read/Write Read-only Read-only Read/Write Read/Write Read-only Read/Write Read-only Read/Write Read-only Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Optional Optional Mandatory Mandatory Optional Mandatory Mandatory Optional1 Optional1 Optional2 Optional2 Optional2 Optional3 Optional3 Unsigned-32 Unsigned-32 Read/Write Read/Write Read-only Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read-only Read/Write Read-only Read/Write Optional Optional Mandatory Mandatory Optional4 Optional4 Optional4 Optional4 Optional4 Optional4 Unsigned-8 Unsigned-Integer Unsigned-Integer Unsigned-8 Bit-Array(3) Bit-Array(3) Unsigned-8 -14- HBES-Data HBES-Data Member Member Read/Write Mandatory Type CAB in HBES Terminology HBES-Object Identifier: HBES-Data Member Identifier pv-discrete State alarm-state alarm-category contact-condition Condition-to-alarm Operating-mode digital-feedback pv-on-text pv-off-text Schedule runtime-enable runtime-value runtime-time runtime-date runtime-limit runtime-alarm-cat runtime-reset cos-count-enable cos-count cos-count-limit cos-count-window cos-count-alarm-cat point-text-1 point-text-2 point-alarm-text-1 point-alarm-text-2 point-mask Digital-Output HBES-Data Member Data Type Character-String(0-10)[Variant Z] Unsigned-8 Unsigned-8 Unsigned-8 Unsigned-8 Unsigned-8 Unsigned-8 Unsigned-8 Character-String(0-10)[Variant Z] Character-String(0-10)[Variant Z] Character-String(0-12)[Variant Z] Unsigned-8 Unsigned-16 Time[Variant 3I] Date[Variant 3I] Unsigned-16 Unsigned-8 Unsigned-16 Unsigned-8 Unsigned-16 Unsigned-16 Unsigned-16 Unsigned-8 Character-String(0-40)[Variant Z] Character-String(0-40)[Variant Z] Character-String(0-80)[Variant Z] Character-String(0-80)[Variant Z] Bit-Array(16) -15- HBES-Data Member Read/Write Type HBES-Data Member Mandatory Read/Write Read/Write Read-only Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read-only Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read-only Read-only Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read-only Engineering CAL in HBES Terminology HBES-Object Identifier: HBES-Data Member Identifier current_position default_position function_of_position persistence reporting_condition dest_address previous_value report_header Binary Switch HBES-Data Member Data Type Unsigned-8 Unsigned-8 Character-String(8)[Variant Z] Unsigned-8 Byte-Array() Byte-Array(2-16) Unsigned-8 Byte-Array() -16- HBES-Data Member Read/Write Type HBES-Data Member Mandatory Read/Write Read-only Read-only Read-only Read/Write Read/Write Read-only Read/Write Mandatory Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional CEN in HBES Terminology HBES-Object Identifier: HBES-Data Member Identifier Object_Id_Number Object_Type Object_Name Present_Value Status Statetext Priority Description Commanded_Value Total_Runtime Intervall_Runtime Intervall_Runtime_Limit Maintenance/Out_Of_Service _Flag Event_Disabled Alarm_Disabled Acknowledged_States Alarm_Acknowledge Default Polarity Minimum_Off_Time Minimum_On_Time Time_Delay Binary Output FLN HBES-Data Member Data Type HBES-Data Member Read/Write Type HBES-Data Member Mandatory Unsigned-24 Unsigned-8 Character-String[Variant #] Unsigned-8 Bit-Array(8) Unsigned-8 Unsigned-8 Character-String[Variant #] Unsigned-8 Unsigned-32 Unsigned-32 Unsigned-32 Unsigned-8 Read-only Read-only Read-only Read/Write Read-only Read-only Read/Write Read-only Read-only Read-only Read/Write Read/Write Read-only Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Unsigned-8 Unsigned-8 Unsigned-8 Unsigned-8 Unsigned-8 Unsigned-8 Unsigned-32 Unsigned-32 Unsigned-32 Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read-only Read-only Read-only Read-only Read-only Read-only Optional Optional Optional Optional Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering -17- SECTION 4 – RECOMMENDATIONS In summary, we recommend that document N664 Rev B (or new document) and Terminology (N616) documents be updated to include the above tables. Also, it is recommended that the various committees be tasked to check and accurately update the example tables submitted in this document. Further improvements on the wording throughout this document would also be useful. Author information: Ludo Bertsch Horizon Technologies Inc. 1552 Fort St. Victoria, B.C. Canada V8S 5J2 Tel: +1 250 592-0487, Fax: +1 250 592-1366 Email: -18-