Page 1 Earthly Millennium Energy and Interstellar Shuttle Propulsion Potentials of Liquid Space Optics J. H. Bloomer., DISCRAFT Corp., 1990 SE 157th Dr., Portland, OR 97233, USA Ph. (503)251-6914 ; FAX, (503)252-2383 Copyright 1993 by IECEC: ACS/AIAA/AIChE/ANS/ASME/IEEE/SAE The present concept is that of solar/stellar-orbiting, energy-gathering-and-continuous-pinpointredistributing, self-formed, liquid, laser-optical systems for both millennium-level, power-from-space facilities and energy supply to 1g-accelerating/decelerating, interplanetary/interstellar luxury spaceships cruising at up to 25% light-speed. It recently was termed “Theoretical and visionary” by the present Review Committee of the IECEC. The U.S. Air Force in 1965 in imposing a “secrecy order” on same (patent application thereof) said it was “found to contain subject matter the unauthorized disclosure of which might be detrimental to the national security” (later removed at the respective requests of a U.S. Senator and the SBA). A few years later the U.S. Patent Office declared it was “obvious”. So take your pick. But if I’m right in this our individual and collective search for a tool, whereby space exploration can be made to pay for itself as-you-go by selling to the public a tangible commodity, is at an end. Let alone a tool for the actual exploration/exploitation. Vast self-orbiting solar energy handling satellites (SEHS) were enabled and innovated by the present writer as a result of his ’64 invention of liquid space optics (LSO) or more specifically capillary epihydrostatic optics (Bloomer, 1965, ’65-’66). The following is a very brief summary of a whole new proposed technology for space exploration and exploitation based on LSO and SEHS. LSO technology is expected to drive down by orders of magnitude the cost of space launch and propulsion operations in general. SEHS bootstrap themselves exponentially into orbit mostly under their own collected (converted, LSO-laserbeamed solar energy). LSO-based SEHS, once in place in orbit, readily should pay for themselves (and as well for most other future space activities) while retiring all conventional energy sources from service in favor of ecologically clean, free solar energy beamed down from orbit (Bloomer, 1966, 1991). SEHS require mostly simple and common raw materials found in profusion all over the solar system. Consequently since solar energy is effectively unlimited, as much free solar energy as is desired theoretically can be delivered self-paid. Energy quantity desired evidently is going to be proportional to (worldwide consensus of) quality of life desired, since (Erb, 1992) “The utilization of energy is a surrogate for economic productivity and quality of life.” Ecological restoration and cessation of ecological pressure evidently requires three elements: (1) enormous energy resources for worldwide ecological clean-up and repair, (2) replacement of present energy-gathering systems with one that is safe, non-polluting, and makes no demands on the natural habitat, (3) elevation of worldwide living standards to the highest conceivable levels, since (O’Neill, 1992) ecological pressure of populations is inversely proportional to Page 2 personal wealth. LSO-based SEHS, therefore, evidently singlehandedly and permanently would solve most known ecological problems while –of much more individual significance of course- serving in principle actually to precipitate the Biblical “millennium” (Revelation). Other SEHS would dispatch (converted, LSO-laserbeamed) energy to space exploration/exploitation/user projects all about the solar system and beyond. I published the SEHS concept of “power from space” originally in ’66 in connection with a pioneering plan to use it to send a flyby ship to Alpha Centauri at 25% the speed of light (Bloomer, 1966). Below I extend these notions to propose a manned roundtrip such expedition also at c/4 to the same destination. LSO Foundations LSO foundations are in the variational treatment on energy considerations by Ta Li (Li, 1960), while actual derivation (unpublished) therefrom of the fundamental LSO formula is available from this author (Bloomer, 1967). The latter results in (See Fig. 1) the error expression, 10 3 D 1 ng 0 C , 2 where: C= liquid vapor lv , and = imposed deviation in cm., measured normal to axis, from (zero-g) spherical figure, caused by an axial load, ng0; n = axial load in sea-level gravities; g0 = sea-level gravity, cm/sec2; D = diameter of liquidoptic, cm; = focal ratio of given optic; liquid = density of optical liquid gm/cm3 ; vapor = density of optical liquid’s vapor, gm/cm3; lv = surface tension of optical liquid, dyne/cm. For example, application of above equation indicates diffraction-limited operation of a one-mile-diameter liquid optic requires that no greater (axial – deemed worst case) acceleration than 7.16 × 10-15 sea-level earth gravities operate. If unprotected-liquid-mirror axis is aimed at the sun (worst-case), then solar electromagnetic radiation pressure results in an acceleration of 9.7 × 10 -11 sea-level earth gravities – obviously highly significant and necessitating shielding. Liquid-optic mirror variable-focus feature, on the other hand, is actually enabled by variable-geometry nearby masses, which impose time-varying and space-varying gravitational loads on the optic such as to (1) render it continuously diffraction-limited, and (2) vary its focus in real-time under astronaut or ground control. Latter feature permits a Laserpowered, Remote Electricrocket Motor (LREM) aboard an associated interplanetary or interstellar spacecraft, to operate continuously at the LSO-macrolaser focus in acceleration and deceleration maneuvers. Capillary surface of all reflective liquid space optics at this juncture, seems best implemented with (liquidmetal) gallium “plating” on a Dow-Corning silicone DC-200 liquid plastic substrate while refractive optics appear best surfaced with just the DC-200. (Liquid) “galliumized DC-200,” used for the astronomical- Page 3 precision (correct overall to green-light /4) beam-tightener telescope primary, is therefore comparable in elements to the total system’s low-precision, much larger (solid) aluminized-mylar solar collector mirror (highly reflective, gallium is a member of the aluminum family). Fig. 1. Error In a Liquid Space Optic Due to a Finite Axial Load ng0 (By permission of the American Astronautical Society, Bloomer, 1965) C R3 F D N = CHARACTERISTIC = /lv = RADIUS OF MIRROR = D × (2.107)0.983 = FOCAL LENGTH = R3/2 = APERTURE = F/D = LOAD IN g0’S 10 D 1 = (c,R3,N,D) = ERROR = 1 + 2 Ng 0 C 2 3 R3 1 2 Ng0 LSO “Seed” Solar Energy Handling Satellite “Seed” SEHS, 4.4 miles in diameter, 1.6 × 106 lb, may be bootstrapped or exponentiated from much smaller beginnings, or assembled in LEO from 24 “Saturn V”-type rocket loads (24L of 200,000 lb each). It consists of 0.0007-inch-thick aluminized mylar (plastic) solar-collecting mirror, laser, laser-pumping mechanism and optical secondary, all at the collector focus, on the one hand, and the variable-focus, gravitationally-figured primary mirror, riding freely in a concentric cavity of the collector (in an independent orbit), on the other. Using collected solar energy, first task of the “seed SEHS” would be to propel itself to GEO. There, to “bootstrap” itself, SSTO Single-Stage-To-Orbit (-and- return) ferry shuttles, taking power from SEHS’ earth-directed laserbeam, would be propelled straight up to circumferentially augment the collector mirror, primary and secondary. Each SSTO is planned as a 100T gwt., 50%-payload-fraction, 50ft-diameter, double-convex disc with combination of airscrew/rocket propulsion systems in base. Page 4 Fig. 2. Multi-Orbit Solar or Stellar At the extreme left of Figure 2 Macrolaser is the great solar 10,300-mile- Remote Driving Laserpowered Electricrocket Motor with diameter collector mirror. It Associated Spaceship (Acceleration or focuses solar energy onto the Deceleration) semi-silvered collar-like pumping mechanism. Energy trapped by multiple reflections in collar is transferred to the transparent, cylindrical hollow cavity. laser Rod is maintained concentric with collar by strut-supports. The laser cavity is filled with a gas which absorbs the reflected solar energy and “lases”, i.e., transmits a coherent beam normal to the rod’s end-surfaces. The end-mirror nearest the great solar mirror is partially silvered, so that a portion of the coherent energy in the rod continuously escapes. The “escaping” beam is diverged by “secondary” lens. The latter is rigidly mounted to laser-rod and “pump”, by strut-supports. The diverged coherent beam illuminates the large (172-mile-diameter) liquid-surface primary mirror. High-precision primary is bordered by a rigid plastic-foam boundary-ring. Laser energy, focused by reflection from primary, passes through the empty interior of collar and emerges in the form of focused high-energy coherent beam. The beam supplies energy at or near its focus to disc-like craft (Fig. 3) which might carry a protected payload. Fig. 3. Laserpowered Remote Electricrocket 5 Motor (LREM) Driving Shrouded Freighter or Spaceship Payload 3 4 1 Interplanetary and Interstellar LREM Spaceships 7 6 7 2 Note in Fig. 3, (1) is payload (stoppable or unstoppable); (2) is Laserpowered Remote Electricrocket Motor-Disc (Frozen Hydrogen); (3) is insulator “spike-bed” to fix separation between disc and electrode mesh; (4) is electrode mesh; (5) is envelope of exhaust plume; (6) is direction of impinging laser beam from distant SEHS; (7) is direction of rocket exhaust. Page 5 “Stopping” Payloads – then Astronauts – in Stellar Orbit Strategy is to “bootstrap” SEHS (augment with SSTO freighters) at an exponential rate with material extracted from earth and/or planets, to a final 10,300-mile (overall, collector-diameter-size) system (comparable to the diameter of the earth), one with diffraction-limited, variable-focus, 172-milediameter, liquid, optical primary (mirror), This entire unit would then propel itself to solar orbit at ¼th Astronomical Unit, permitting the dispatching in turn at c/4 of a succession of spaceships. Some tens or hundreds of such “flyby braking systems with associated Centauri-stoppable payload” (Fig’s 2,3,4) would be launched, each planned to “stop” its associated 140,000-lb “machinery/tools/hardware freighter” payload in Alpha Centauri (chosen sun) System orbit (by focusing A.C. stellar radiation backwards on the ship’s rocket power converters during flyby). Final such payload would consist just of the twenty astronauts themselves plus their living quarters grossing another 140,000 lb. Figure 4 illustrates a stoppable ship (payload) with associated flyby SEHS (in this case “Stellar Energy Handling Spaceship”) in a braking approach to the target star, where (1) is target star, (2) and (3) are hypothetical planets, (4) is the primary LSO mirror of the flyby braking system, (5) is the diverged laser beam illuminating the primary mirror, (6) is the laser/diverging lens assembly, (7) is the envelope of focused stellar energy, (8) is the giant collector mirror, (9) is the central perforation in the collector mirror, (10) is hypothetical interplanetary space of target star; (11) is envelope of laser beam focused by primary mirror; (12) is braking rocket exhaust envelope; (13) is braking rocket; (14) is 140,000-lb stoppable payload shroud; (15) and (16) are hypothetical stopped payload-shrouds, already orbiting target star, (17) is direction of motion of the flyby braking systems. Fig. 4. Stoppable Passenger or Freighter Spaceship in 2 1 Braking Approach to Target Star 10 16 17 7 4 5 6 3 8 9 5 12 11 13 15 5 14 Page 6 Assembling SEHS in Stellar Orbit, then Earth Return Astronauts’ first task in stellar orbit would be to assemble the respective 140,000-lb payloads into the local SEHS (Stellar Energy Handling Satellite) factory required to build SEHS of sufficient size to return them at c/4 to earth. Upon completion, astronauts would use the local, variable-focus, steerable, SEHS beam to drive (supply energy to) local exploratory vehicles, for exhaustive investigation of the Alpha Centauri (3 star) System. Return would then be implemented by augmenting the earth-going ship with sufficient (20× extra) expellant to permit both “starting” at c/4 from A.C., and then “stopping” their living module in earth orbit via beamed energy from the permanent solar-orbiting SEHS already available (no flyby braking system required). Overall efficiency of interplanetary/interstellar SEHS-associated propulsion system is estimated about 1%. Continuous power required to propel to ¼th lightspeed a stellar flyby system capable of “stopping” an associated 140,000-lb payload package is estimated 5 × 1015 watts (=5000 terawatts; for perspective, note the entire present power production of the globe may be some 10 terawatts). Using an aluminized mylar solar collector mirror at 0.0007 in. thickness (Schjeldahl, 1965) with average density estimated 2.0, and presuming the associated Laser-Inverted Telescope apparatus is ¼th the weight of the collector, then the total SEHS in ¼th A.U. solar orbit needed to propel an entire flyby SEHS (Stellar Energy Handling Spaceship) to Alpha Centauri, by the same token will weigh about 6.7 × 109 metric tons, and will be some 10,300 miles in (collector) diameter overall. Each flyby SEHS to Centauri is of course sent only for the purpose of braking its associated 140,000-lb spacecraft to “stop” the latter in Centauri orbit. Liquid-optic orbital primary mirror associated with the above collector system, it is estimated should be built about 172 miles in diameter. If diffraction-limited (in visible light), such a “beam-tightener” mirror system, used in reverse as an astronomical telescope, will give a resolution of about 5 ft. at Alpha Centauri distance (4.3 lightyears). Let’s say, astronomical studies in advance, using the 172-mi.-diameter-primary, diffraction-limited solarorbiting telescope, indicate astronauts can build from local materials a return (accelerator) Stellar Collector System to handle a 20 × 140,000-lb-payload (combined payload) rocketship at c/4 from Alpha Centauri. Note that (Bloomer, 1966), ratio of c/4 laser-supplied rocketship expellant weight to payload weight, is about 20-to-1. So twenty squared times the normal 140,000-lb-payload return spacecraft will be needed, to carry both “starting” and “stopping” expellant. Then, presuming an Alpha Centauri target star comparable to our own sun, required diameter of the A.C.orbiting accelerator’s collector system to return the 20 astronauts to earth would be about 376 miles. Total roundtrip mission duration should be about 40 years or less. Page 7 Fig. 5. Earth Return Stellar Energy Handling Spaceship in Acceleration Phase. Alpha Centauri Orbiting SEHS Factory Next question is, presuming adequate quantity and quality of raw materials exist in A.C. stellar system (as obtainable from local planets, asteroids, moons, etc.), what factories do we need to send along with the astronauts, so that they can manufacture their own return accelerator? Best no doubt would be to send along a considerable quantity, say, of pure gallium, plus all manner of instruments, tools and hardware, and some non-self-contained, laser-supplied, space shuttle ships, presuming that they can rely on the A.C. stellar system for, in particular, raw materials for plastics (as well as of course energy for propulsion). If the latter is the case, it might be necessary to “stop” only a few tens or hundreds of 140,000-lb payloads in A.C.-orbit, for astronaut use there (Otherwise we would have to send a maximum of 6.5 × 106 self-stoppable ships at 108 tons each). Once they have completed and checked out (by their return!), an A.C.-orbiting, 376-mile-diametercollector “accelerator/decelerator” system, we have in place an interstellar shuttle system, one operating repeatedly between our Solar System and the Alpha Centauri Stellar System. Page 8 Provision of local planetary (Solar System) one-gravity acceleration-deceleration propulsion systems, as well as millennium-style free energy on earth from (earth or solar) orbit, are of course merely early development stages of such an advanced Newtonian interstellar shuttle system as that described above. References Bloomer, J.H., in Space Electronics Symposium; Editor, C.M. Wong; AAS Science and Technology Series; Printed and Distributed by Western Periodicals Co., No. Hollywood, CA., 1965, Vol. 6; pp. IV-37. Bloomer, J.H., “Liquid Space Optic Optics,” Journal of the Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers, 1965-66, Vol. 4 – No. 2, pp. 65-70. Bloomer, J.H., In Proceedings of 17th International Astronautical Federation Congress, 1966, IAF, 3-5 Rue Mario-Nikis, 75015 Paris, France. Bloomer, J.H., Physical Chemistry and Geometrical Optics, 1967, unpublished. Bloomer, J.H., In America at the Threshold – America’s Space Exploration Initiative Outreach; Editor, Thomas P. Stafford; “Space Self-fabrication of Very Large Diffraction-Limited Liquid Optics”; Published by U.S. Govt. Printing Ofc., Washington, D.C. 20402, 1991. Erb, R. Bryan In Proceedings of 43rd IAF Congress, Paper No. IAF-92-0595, 1992, International Astronautical Federation, 3-5 Rue Mario-Nikis, 75015 Paris, France. Li, Ta, Hydrostatics in Various Gravitational Fields, General Dynamics Astronautics Division, Space Physics Group, Applied Research Report; San Diego, CA.; 1960. O’Neill, Gerard K. In Trilogy Jan./Feb. 1992, pp. 48-54; published by Space Studies Institute, Box 82, Princeton, N.J. 08542. Schjeldahl, G.T. Co., Echo II Satelloon – World’s Largest Spacecraft, Brochure, Northfield, Minn,; circa 1965.