SPACETIME DIAGRAMS One approach to understanding relativity is to represent events on a diagram which shows the coordinates in two frames of reference which are in motion relative to each other. To construct such a diagram, start with a few basic ideas: Relativistic effects are not obvious at speeds much less than c, so represent all velocities as β = v/c. All observers agree on the speed of light, so the speed of light should be a line with slope=1 in both coordinate systems. An object at rest in a frame moving at velocity v with respect to the “rest frame” will follow a path with slope β = v/c in the “rest frame”. These are sufficient to begin constructing the diagram. In black are the “rest frame” coordinates and the light path with slope 1. To construct the axes for the moving frame, the x axis is the path for an object at rest in the moving frame, so it will have slope β on the diagram. To get the time axis, use the fact that the light path must still have slope =1 in the moving frame, so it must be “centered” in the red axes, at equal angles from the time and x axes. This in turn implies that the time axis will be tilted in from the stationary time axis by the same angle that the x tilted up from the stationary x axis. The next step is to calibrate the moving frame axes. Where to place the marks for 1 meter of length and 1 light meter of time? Consider two events located at (x1,t1) and (x2,t2) in the stationary frame. Define the interval between them as ((x2-x1)2 – (t2-t1)2)1/2 = (Δx2 –Δt2)1/2. This is analogous to the Euclidean distance between 2 points, but with the minus sign in front of the time difference. Let’s see how this quantity looks in the moving frame. For this, we cannot simply use the time dilation and Lorentz contractions because simultaneous events in one frame are not simultaneous in another. As an example, consider observing the simultaneous explosions two stars going nova. In one frame, the two stars are at rest and we only have a time difference to measure. In a frame moving at β with respect to this one, the two explosions are at different times as well as distances, so we have a length difference and a time difference to consider. Not only that, because of the nonsimultaneity, the locations are measured at different times and we must resort to the full Lorentz transformation to calculate the interval in the moving frame. The Lorentz transformation, using γ = 1/√(1-β2) and β = v/c, is xmov = γ(x - βct) ctmov = γ(ct – βx) So, in the moving frame, Δxmov = x2mov – x1mov = γ(x1 – βct1) - γ(x2– βct2) = γ( [x1-x2]– β[ct1 – ct2]) = γ(Δx - βΔct) The Δt calculation is exactly the same with the x’s and t’s reversed, which gives Δtmov = γ(Δct - βΔx) Putting these together gives: (Δxmov2 – Δctmov2) = [γ2(Δx - βΔct)2 – γ2(Δct - βΔx)2] = γ[(Δx2 -2 Δx βΔct + β2Δct2) - (Δct2 -2 Δct βΔx + β2Δx2 )] = γ[(Δx2 + β2Δct2) - (Δct2 + β2Δx2 )] = γ[Δx2 (1- β2) - Δct2 (1- β2)] So (Δxmov2 – Δctmov2) = Δx2 –Δct2 What we have found is an invariant. The interval defined as Δx2 –Δct2 is the same in all frames of reference! The same will be true of Δct2 –Δx2. If we take Δx as the difference between x and the origin and Δct as the difference from the origin to ct, then the equation for a hyperbola passing through the point x=0, ct = ct will be Δct2 –Δx2 = ct2. For points on the x axis, we similarly get Δx2 –Δct2 = x2. We can use this to calibrate our moving axes by drawing hyperbolae through the marks ct=1,2,3, etc. and placing marks ctmov = 1,2,3, etc on the tilted axes where the hyperbolae cross them. The grid lines in the moving frame are then drawn in parallel to the axes: USING THE DIAGRAM TO ANSWER QUESTIONS. Twin Paradox: Two identical twins start at a common place and time, at the origin of coordinates. One of the two then leaves on a trip at 0.6c, travels out for 20 light meters and then returns at -0.6c. During the trip, the moving twin sends signals to the other twin each light meter by light beam. These will be shown as lines on the diagram. First, set up the diagram with the two sets of axes. Include the return trip with the opposite slope. Draw in the time lines for the traveling twin, shown in red on the right. Notice the gap in the middle during acceleration. This is what fixes the difference in ages of the twins; the one who accelerated is the younger one. Velocity is relative, acceleration is not. What we have shown here is the timing from the moving twin’s point of view. For the 20 time intervals measured by the moving twin, the other twin measures about 24 intervals (of 0.2 light meters). Let’s draw another diagram assuming the moving twin sends a light pulse back to the other twin each 0.4 light meters. Drawing these in black gives the diagram at right. In this depiction, the age difference is seen as due to the extreme slowing of the moving twin’s clock on the outward journey. The more frequent signals on the return are nowhere near enough to compensate, so the age difference is locked in. The same difference in time intervals is shown here. Docking the Long Ships An illustration of the Fitzgerald contraction, with a more modern bent, is docking a 500 meter long space ship in a 300 meter long repair dock. The ship is to fit entirely within the dock. What speed must the ship be moving, relative to the dock, for this to work? Ignore the small detail of not being able to stop in the repair dock and still fit. As an example, the figure below shows a 3 meter stick in a moving frame. In the stationary frame, the stick appears 2.5 meters long as shown by the yellow dots where the stick crosses the stationary axis in the diagram on the right. The slope of the moving frame axes can be read from the stationary frame axes. The slope of the t=0 axis of the moving frame is 1.1 light seconds per second or, (1.1/2)c = 0.55c which is the velocity of the moving frame. As a check, Δxstat = √(1-β2) Δxmov = √(1-0.552) 3m = 2.505, not bad! On the next page is a blank Minkowski diagram with the stationary axes and hyperbolae on which to draw your moving frame axes and find the velocity of the moving frame.